Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1429 Destruction of Humanity

In Linhai City, in the vast sea, a girl sat quietly on the beach, muttering to herself: "Where are you?"

From beginning to end, she didn't understand why two people who had never met had an inexplicable and inseparable affection for each other.

The feeling is very mysterious, like the lovers from the past life are reunited in this life.

This idea is very absurd, but what about her feelings for Ji Wufeng?

Although she was deliberately keeping a distance, it was only because of the hostile relationship between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang. Without this relationship, Gu Mingyue would definitely follow Ji Wufeng.

It's like, if a person has her own final destination, then her final destination is by Ji Wufeng's side.

Thinking of Ji Wufeng being seriously injured, holding Tiexin and leaving alone with Zhuang Zhiling, she felt like a knife.

Tears flowed down, and she still remembered the meeting between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang in Yuzhou.

"Don't come over here. If you hurt my Brother Da again, I will kill you!" .??.

This is what she said after punching Ji Wufeng. Now that she thinks about it, these words were too cruel. She will never forget Ji Wufeng's pale cheek, which was bloodless and full of pain.

"Even if I have to find the ends of the earth, I will still find you!"

Gu Mingyue searched all the way along Linhai City and stayed awake for several days. When she arrived at a small town, she finally couldn't hold on any longer.

But when she was about to enter the town to rest, a strange laugh sounded from behind her: "Hello, Miss Mingyue!"

Gu Mingyue turned around and saw Lu Zixuan staring at her with a ferocious expression. She knew Lu Zixuan, and she said with a serious expression: "Lu Zixuan? What are you going to do?"

Lu Zixuan's face was ferocious and his eyes were scarlet, which made Gu Mingyue a little scared.

"Miss Mingyue, don't be nervous. I don't dare to hurt you. I just ask you to go to a place with me."

"Hmph, if you dare to touch me, my elder brother will definitely not let you go!" Gu Mingyue felt the danger and said angrily.

"Then he must know about this." Lu Zixuan said with a smile.

Gu Mingyue's expression changed, and her body suddenly rose up, ready to escape.

Lu Zixuan's body rose into the air, he opened his white palms to grab Gu Mingyue, and said with a ferocious smile: "Miss Mingyue, please follow me obediently!"

The required young children were finally gathered, and Zhou Biao let out a sigh of relief. He knew that if it was not completed, the end would be extremely miserable.

The young man in black appeared again, smiling with satisfaction: "Zhou Biao, you did a good job, the young master is very satisfied!"

Zhou Biao hurriedly said: "When doing things for the young master, you should do your best!"

Although he knew that if he failed to complete the task, the consequences would be very miserable, but he also understood that once the task was completed, the rewards would be extremely generous. The reason why the Zhou family was able to run rampant in the town was because whenever the young master had a task assigned to him, he would do it on time. finished.

"You are very lucky today. The young master happens to be working nearby. You may be able to meet the young master."

When Zhou Biao heard this, he was very excited and said: "The young master is here too? Can I really meet him?"

"Danran, you have good abilities, and the young master happens to be nearby, I can help you introduce him!" said the young man in black.

"I will definitely live up to your support, my lord!" Zhang Long looked ecstatic.

Being able to contact the young master means that he Zhou Biao

Being able to enter the core of the young master's power, although he has never met the young master, he is very aware of the young master's energy. As long as he is reused, the Zhou family may no longer have to stay in this remote small town.

"Get ready. You take this batch of goods and rush to the dock tonight. The young master will be there by then!"

Zhou Biao was so excited that he immediately called Zhou Hu and said, "Zhou Hu, are those young children ready?"

"Brother, don't worry. We have already prepared it. I guarantee there will be no problem!" Zhou Hu said.

"Just remember, there must be no mistakes this time. The young master is here too. We may have a chance to meet him this time!" Zhou Biao said.

Zhou Hu's eyes suddenly lit up and he said excitedly: "The young master is here too?"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, we must seize it, but you also need to know one thing, that is, if something goes wrong, the young master will never let us go!"

"I understand, brother."

Zhou Biao's face darkened and he said, "Have you released the news I asked you to release?"

"It's been done. Are you sure they will show up?" Zhou Hu asked.

At the police station, Zhang Long looked up and saw Ji Wufeng, and said in shock: "Is it you?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Uncle policeman, I'm here to report the crime. I know where those children have gone."

"What? You know?" Zhang Long suddenly jumped up from his chair.

"That's right, those children were arrested by the Zhou family. You'd better make arrangements to arrest them quickly," Ji Wufeng said.

The matter was of great importance, so Zhang Long immediately made arrangements and prepared for action.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Uncle policeman, not only can we eradicate the Zhou family this time, but we may also be able to catch a big fish. When the time comes, you will make the most of your contribution and get promoted and make a fortune. Don't forget to treat me to a drink."

Zhang Long shook his head and said: "I don't care about the credit, I just want to eradicate the Zhou family bullies and seek justice for the victims in the town!"

The fact that the Zhou family can even do such inhumane things shows that they have completely lost their humanity. If they are allowed to continue to do evil, the lives of the people in the town will become increasingly miserable.

"I promise, the Zhou family will be destroyed tonight, but I have a request."

"any request?"

"It's us acting together."


Zhang Long agreed after thinking about it carefully. The Zhou family was too powerful, and the police force in the station was simply not enough. He had seen Ji Wufeng reach out, and he would definitely be able to help a lot.

At midnight, several vans drove out of the town, and the faint cries of children could be heard: "I want to go home, I want my mother, woo woo..."

As night fell and I couldn't see my fingers, five vans drove out of the town. The cry of a child came from the car: "Mom, I want my mother..."

"Shut up, you little brat, if you keep screaming, I'll cut out your tongue!"

There was a burst of curses, and the crying on the car stopped immediately. They were obviously frightened. Several figures followed the car closely under the cover of night. Zhuang Zhiling said angrily: "These beasts really have no humanity at all. "

She was already kind-hearted and now she is pregnant with a child, and her maternal instincts are even more rampant. It is hard to imagine what has been done to the helpless children in the car.

"Honey, don't worry, when you catch those bastards, you can just give them a good beating." Ji Wufeng said with a smile. In Linhai City, in the vast sea, a girl sat quietly on the beach, muttering to herself: "Where are you?"

From beginning to end, she didn't understand why two people who had never met had an inexplicable and inseparable affection for each other.

The feeling is very mysterious, like the lovers from the past life are reunited in this life.

This idea is very absurd, but what about her feelings for Ji Wufeng?

Although she was deliberately keeping a distance, it was only because of the hostile relationship between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang. Without this relationship, Gu Mingyue would definitely follow Ji Wufeng.

It's like, if a person has her own final destination, then her final destination is by Ji Wufeng's side.

Thinking of Ji Wufeng being seriously injured, holding Tiexin and leaving alone with Zhuang Zhiling, she felt like a knife.

Tears flowed down, and she still remembered the meeting between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang in Yuzhou.

"Don't come over here. If you hurt my Brother Da again, I will kill you!" .??.

This is what she said after punching Ji Wufeng. Now that she thinks about it, these words were too cruel. She will never forget Ji Wufeng's pale cheek, which was bloodless and full of pain.

"Even if I have to find the ends of the earth, I will still find you!"

Gu Mingyue searched all the way along Linhai City and stayed awake for several days. When she arrived at a small town, she finally couldn't hold on any longer.

But when she was about to enter the town to rest, a strange laugh sounded from behind her: "Hello, Miss Mingyue!"

Gu Mingyue turned around and saw Lu Zixuan staring at her with a ferocious expression. She knew Lu Zixuan, and she said with a serious expression: "Lu Zixuan? What are you going to do?"

Lu Zixuan's face was ferocious and his eyes were scarlet, which made Gu Mingyue a little scared.

"Miss Mingyue, don't be nervous. I don't dare to hurt you. I just ask you to go to a place with me."

"Hmph, if you dare to touch me, my elder brother will definitely not let you go!" Gu Mingyue felt the danger and said angrily.

"Then he must know about this." Lu Zixuan said with a smile.

Gu Mingyue's expression changed, and her body suddenly rose up, ready to escape.

Lu Zixuan's body rose into the air, he opened his white palms to grab Gu Mingyue, and said with a ferocious smile: "Miss Mingyue, please follow me obediently!"

The required young children were finally gathered, and Zhou Biao let out a sigh of relief. He knew that if it was not completed, the end would be extremely miserable.

The young man in black appeared again, smiling with satisfaction: "Zhou Biao, you did a good job, the young master is very satisfied!"

Zhou Biao hurriedly said: "When doing things for the young master, you should do your best!"

Although he knew that if he failed to complete the task, the consequences would be very miserable, but he also understood that once the task was completed, the rewards would be extremely generous. The reason why the Zhou family was able to run rampant in the town was because whenever the young master had a task assigned to him, he would do it on time. finished.

"You are very lucky today. The young master happens to be working nearby. You may be able to meet the young master."

When Zhou Biao heard this, he was very excited and said: "The young master is here too? Can I really meet him?"

"Danran, you have good abilities, and the young master happens to be nearby, I can help you introduce him!" said the young man in black.

"I will definitely live up to your support, my lord!" Zhang Long looked ecstatic.

Being able to contact the young master means that he Zhou Biao

Being able to enter the core of the young master's power, although he has never met the young master, he is very aware of the young master's energy. As long as he is reused, the Zhou family may no longer have to stay in this remote small town.

"Get ready. You take this batch of goods and rush to the dock tonight. The young master will be there by then!"

Zhou Biao was so excited that he immediately called Zhou Hu and said, "Zhou Hu, are those young children ready?"

"Brother, don't worry. We have already prepared it. I guarantee there will be no problem!" Zhou Hu said.

"Just remember, there must be no mistakes this time. The young master is here too. We may have a chance to meet him this time!" Zhou Biao said.

Zhou Hu's eyes suddenly lit up and he said excitedly: "The young master is here too?"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, we must seize it, but you also need to know one thing, that is, if something goes wrong, the young master will never let us go!"

"I understand, brother."

Zhou Biao's face darkened and he said, "Have you released the news I asked you to release?"

"It's been done. Are you sure they will show up?" Zhou Hu asked.

At the police station, Zhang Long looked up and saw Ji Wufeng, and said in shock: "Is it you?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Uncle policeman, I'm here to report the crime. I know where those children have gone."

"What? You know?" Zhang Long suddenly jumped up from his chair.

"That's right, those children were arrested by the Zhou family. You'd better make arrangements to arrest them quickly," Ji Wufeng said.

The matter was of great importance, so Zhang Long immediately made arrangements and prepared for action.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Uncle policeman, not only can we eradicate the Zhou family this time, but we may also be able to catch a big fish. When the time comes, you will make the most of your contribution and get promoted and make a fortune. Don't forget to treat me to a drink."

Zhang Long shook his head and said: "I don't care about the credit, I just want to eradicate the Zhou family bullies and seek justice for the victims in the town!"

The fact that the Zhou family can even do such inhumane things shows that they have completely lost their humanity. If they are allowed to continue to do evil, the lives of the people in the town will become increasingly miserable.

"I promise, the Zhou family will be destroyed tonight, but I have a request."

"any request?"

"It's us acting together."


Zhang Long agreed after thinking about it carefully. The Zhou family was too powerful, and the police force in the station was simply not enough. He had seen Ji Wufeng reach out, and he would definitely be able to help a lot.

At midnight, several vans drove out of the town, and the faint cries of children could be heard: "I want to go home, I want my mother, woo woo..."

As night fell and I couldn't see my fingers, five vans drove out of the town. The cry of a child came from the car: "Mom, I want my mother..."

"Shut up, you little brat, if you keep screaming, I'll cut out your tongue!"

There was a burst of curses, and the crying on the car stopped immediately. They were obviously frightened. Several figures followed the car closely under the cover of night. Zhuang Zhiling said angrily: "These beasts really have no humanity at all. "

She was already kind-hearted and now she is pregnant with a child, and her maternal instincts are even more rampant. It is hard to imagine what has been done to the helpless children in the car.

"Honey, don't worry, when you catch those bastards, you can just give them a good beating." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

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