Several cars drove directly to the pier. A dozen tall and strong men got out of the cars. Each of them had a look of evil on their faces and drove the children out of the car. The oldest among these children was seven or eight years old. , the youngest is estimated to be only three or four years old.

The little face that was originally full of childishness was now full of fear, and tears kept falling, but they covered their mouths tightly for fear of making a cry.

"These beasts, they all deserve to die!" Zhuang Zhiling said angrily.

"Hehehe... we do deserve to die, but it's a pity that you don't have the chance to see it."

Ferocious laughter sounded from behind them, and a dozen big men appeared behind them without knowing when, with guns in their hands.

The strong man headed by Zhang Longchong said angrily: "Zhou Hu, you are so heinous that you will definitely die a good death!"

"Hmph, Zhang Long, you're on the verge of death and you're still trying to be a hero? Then I'll be merciful and help you!" Zhou Hu had a ferocious look on his face and pointed his gun directly at Zhang Long's head.

"Stop it!"

A gloomy voice came from the grove, and a middle-aged man with a fierce face came out. Zhou Hu said: "Brother, you are really clever, they are really here!"

"Zhou Biao!" Zhang Long stared at the visitor with a look of resentment.

Zhou Biao looked at Zhang Long, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and sneered: "Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being. If you don't skin and cramp yourself one by one, how can you stand up to Zhou Bao?"

"Zhou Biao, you will be punished by God!"

"Even if I am punished by God, you won't have the chance to see it. Lock them all up first, and then deal with them properly after meeting with the young master!"

"Everyone follow me!"

Zhou Hu held a gun and stared at Zhuang Zhiling and Guan Yao with lustful expressions on their faces. This was the first time he had seen such a beautiful woman.

Under Zhou Hu's hostage, Ji Wufeng and the others had no choice but to follow him into the warehouse at the dock. Once the warehouse door was closed, no one would know that there was anyone inside.

Zhang Long found that there were still a dozen people in the warehouse, all of them had evil looks on their faces and guns in their hands.

"Keep an eye on them. If they dare to play tricks, kill them. But these two women have to be kept, you know?" Zhou Hu ordered.

"Brother Tiger, don't worry, they will definitely not be able to escape." The dozen or so villains said with ferocious smiles on their faces.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said to Zhou Hu: "Let me remind you, I am actually a fortune teller. I can see that you will suffer a bloody disaster tonight."

"I don't know if I have suffered a bloody disaster for the time being, but I am sure that you have run out of energy tonight!"

After Zhou Hu left, the dozen villains found ropes and tied up the four people.

Zhang Long said with a look of despair: "It's my fault for causing you to suffer. I just didn't expect Zhou Biao to be so insidious. He had set a trap a long time ago."

As a law enforcement officer, it was his responsibility to fight crime. It was his dereliction of duty to involve Ji Wufeng.

Now in his opinion, there may be no chance of escaping today.

"I don't think you're hurting us."

Ji Wufeng chuckled, and when he exerted force with his arms, the rope that tied him was broken by the shock, and then cursed: "This broken rope can't even tie a chicken, but you used it to tie me up, you really don't treat me like a dish." ah."

Seeing that the rope was easily broken by Ji Wufeng, a big man's expression changed drastically.

, shouted: "What did you do..."


A cold light flashed through, and the big man couldn't say anything else, because his head had rolled to the ground, and blood spurted out from his neck like a fountain...

It's Shangguan Yao. She has already controlled the murderous intention in her heart.

Zhang Long was also shocked. Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "Uncle policeman, does this count as self-defense?"


Zhang Long was stunned. Although it didn't look like them, they were pointed at guns by a dozen vicious men. The killing was indeed self-defense.

"Forget it, consider it self-defense!"

The remaining big men were all stunned. They didn't see how the woman broke the rope, let alone how she took action. Their companion's head fell to the ground.

Just a moment ago, they thought that this woman looked like a fairy, but at this moment, they thought that this woman was like a ghost crawling out of hell. It made people's hair stand on end and their spines trembled!

"Kill her, kill this bitch quickly..." one of the murderers screamed.

But before he could finish his words, his head had already rolled to the ground. Shangguan Yao raised the sword in his hand and said sternly: "You all must die!"

Puff puff……

There was a flash of cold light, and Zhang Long was shocked.

Just a moment ago, the room was full of people, but in an instant, only four people were left, as well as blood and corpses all over the floor.

Zhang Long's whole body felt cold. This woman was so scary. Is she a human or a ghost? Those were all armed with guns, how did she kill them so easily?

Ji Wufeng said with some dissatisfaction: "I said that even if you kill them, don't kill them all. You should leave some alive to lead the way for us."

"Sorry, this is my habit. I will definitely pay attention next time." Shangguan Yao said calmly.

Is she used to it? And next time?

Zhang Long almost fainted. Who are these three people? Do they often kill people like this? Are they murderers?

Seeing Zhang Long, he was almost scared to death. Ji Wufeng stepped forward and said, "Old Zhang, why are you looking like this? What the hell?"

Shangguan Yao said coldly: "I know what you are thinking? But these people are heinous. The crimes they have committed are not excessive even if they are cut into pieces with a thousand knives."

Zhang Long said solemnly: "But now is a legal society. If they commit a crime, they can only be punished by law!"

Shangguan Yao was silent for a while. Although she didn't agree with Zhang Long's statement, she had no words to refute.

Everyone was killed. Ji Wufeng opened the door of the warehouse. After walking out, he found that the children in the cars were gone. Only Zhou Hu and a few people were guarding the dock.

A freighter stopped at the dock, and there was talk on it. It was obviously Zhou Biao trading with the people who came to meet him.


Zhou Hu felt his cheeks heat up and reached out to touch it. It was hot and sticky. When he turned around, he saw that the head of the guy next to him was missing. The blood on his neck spurted all over his body.

Puff puff……

A ghost-like figure shuttled in front of his eyes, like ghosts dancing there. Zhou Hu's men fell to the ground one by one. If he looked carefully, their heads had been chopped off, and their blood was flowing crazily. spray.

Looking at the heads rolling down at his feet on the ground, Zhou Hu was dumbfounded. He raised his gun and was about to shoot! Several cars drove directly to the pier. A dozen tall and strong men got out of the cars. Each of them had a look of evil on their faces and drove the children out of the car. The oldest among these children was seven or eight years old. , the youngest is estimated to be only three or four years old.

The little face that was originally full of childishness was now full of fear, and tears kept falling, but they covered their mouths tightly for fear of making a cry.

"These beasts, they all deserve to die!" Zhuang Zhiling said angrily.

"Hehehe... we do deserve to die, but it's a pity that you don't have the chance to see it."

Ferocious laughter sounded from behind them, and a dozen big men appeared behind them without knowing when, with guns in their hands.

The strong man headed by Zhang Longchong said angrily: "Zhou Hu, you are so heinous that you will definitely die a good death!"

"Hmph, Zhang Long, you're on the verge of death and you're still trying to be a hero? Then I'll be merciful and help you!" Zhou Hu had a ferocious look on his face and pointed his gun directly at Zhang Long's head.

"Stop it!"

A gloomy voice came from the grove, and a middle-aged man with a fierce face came out. Zhou Hu said: "Brother, you are really clever, they are really here!"

"Zhou Biao!" Zhang Long stared at the visitor with a look of resentment.

Zhou Biao looked at Zhang Long, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and sneered: "Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being. If you don't skin and cramp yourself one by one, how can you stand up to Zhou Bao?"

"Zhou Biao, you will be punished by God!"

"Even if I am punished by God, you won't have the chance to see it. Lock them all up first, and then deal with them properly after meeting with the young master!"

"Everyone follow me!"

Zhou Hu held a gun and stared at Zhuang Zhiling and Guan Yao with lustful expressions on their faces. This was the first time he had seen such a beautiful woman.

Under Zhou Hu's hostage, Ji Wufeng and the others had no choice but to follow him into the warehouse at the dock. Once the warehouse door was closed, no one would know that there was anyone inside.

Zhang Long found that there were still a dozen people in the warehouse, all of them had evil looks on their faces and guns in their hands.

"Keep an eye on them. If they dare to play tricks, kill them. But these two women have to be kept, you know?" Zhou Hu ordered.

"Brother Tiger, don't worry, they will definitely not be able to escape." The dozen or so villains said with ferocious smiles on their faces.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said to Zhou Hu: "Let me remind you, I am actually a fortune teller. I can see that you will suffer a bloody disaster tonight."

"I don't know if I have suffered a bloody disaster for the time being, but I am sure that you have run out of energy tonight!"

After Zhou Hu left, the dozen villains found ropes and tied up the four people.

Zhang Long said with a look of despair: "It's my fault for causing you to suffer. I just didn't expect Zhou Biao to be so insidious. He had set a trap a long time ago."

As a law enforcement officer, it was his responsibility to fight crime. It was his dereliction of duty to involve Ji Wufeng.

Now in his opinion, there may be no chance of escaping today.

"I don't think you're hurting us."

Ji Wufeng chuckled, and when he exerted force with his arms, the rope that tied him was broken by the shock, and then cursed: "This broken rope can't even tie a chicken, but you used it to tie me up, you really don't treat me like a dish." ah."

Seeing that the rope was easily broken by Ji Wufeng, a big man's expression changed drastically.

, shouted: "What did you do..."


A cold light flashed through, and the big man couldn't say anything else, because his head had rolled to the ground, and blood spurted out from his neck like a fountain...

It's Shangguan Yao. She has already controlled the murderous intention in her heart.

Zhang Long was also shocked. Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "Uncle policeman, does this count as self-defense?"


Zhang Long was stunned. Although it didn't look like them, they were pointed at guns by a dozen vicious men. The killing was indeed self-defense.

"Forget it, consider it self-defense!"

The remaining big men were all stunned. They didn't see how the woman broke the rope, let alone how she took action. Their companion's head fell to the ground.

Just a moment ago, they thought that this woman looked like a fairy, but at this moment, they thought that this woman was like a ghost crawling out of hell. It made people's hair stand on end and their spines trembled!

"Kill her, kill this bitch quickly..." one of the murderers screamed.

But before he could finish his words, his head had already rolled to the ground. Shangguan Yao raised the sword in his hand and said sternly: "You all must die!"

Puff puff……

There was a flash of cold light, and Zhang Long was shocked.

Just a moment ago, the room was full of people, but in an instant, only four people were left, as well as blood and corpses all over the floor.

Zhang Long's whole body felt cold. This woman was so scary. Is she a human or a ghost? Those were all armed with guns, how did she kill them so easily?

Ji Wufeng said with some dissatisfaction: "I said that even if you kill them, don't kill them all. You should leave some alive to lead the way for us."

"Sorry, this is my habit. I will definitely pay attention next time." Shangguan Yao said calmly.

Is she used to it? And next time?

Zhang Long almost fainted. Who are these three people? Do they often kill people like this? Are they murderers?

Seeing Zhang Long, he was almost scared to death. Ji Wufeng stepped forward and said, "Old Zhang, why are you looking like this? What the hell?"

Shangguan Yao said coldly: "I know what you are thinking? But these people are heinous. The crimes they have committed are not excessive even if they are cut into pieces with a thousand knives."

Zhang Long said solemnly: "But now is a legal society. If they commit a crime, they can only be punished by law!"

Shangguan Yao was silent for a while. Although she didn't agree with Zhang Long's statement, she had no words to refute.

Everyone was killed. Ji Wufeng opened the door of the warehouse. After walking out, he found that the children in the cars were gone. Only Zhou Hu and a few people were guarding the dock.

A freighter stopped at the dock, and there was talk on it. It was obviously Zhou Biao trading with the people who came to meet him.


Zhou Hu felt his cheeks heat up and reached out to touch it. It was hot and sticky. When he turned around, he saw that the head of the guy next to him was missing. The blood on his neck spurted all over his body.

Puff puff……

A ghost-like figure shuttled in front of his eyes, like ghosts dancing there. Zhou Hu's men fell to the ground one by one. If he looked carefully, their heads had been chopped off, and their blood was flowing crazily. spray.

Looking at the heads rolling down at his feet on the ground, Zhou Hu was dumbfounded. He raised his gun and was about to shoot!

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