Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1431 We have to ask the zombie Taoist priest to take action

But a figure flashed in front of him, the gunshot didn't go off, and a hand that was still holding the gun fell down.

" hand!"

Zhou Hu covered his wrist with blood spurting out and collapsed on the ground. He let out a scream as if he was killing a pig. He looked at Shangguan Yao who was full of murderous intent in front of him and said in a trembling voice, "Is it you?"

"I'm not in a hurry to kill him this time. You'd better hurry up. If it's too late, I'm afraid I won't be able to help but chop off his head with another sword!" Shangguan Yao said coldly.

Ji Wufeng walked over with a smile, knelt down and said, "Hello, we meet again. What a fate!"

Zhou Hu wants to vomit blood, who the hell is destined to be with you?

"No matter who you are? I guarantee that you will be worse than death today." Zhou Hu said with a face full of resentment.

"How come there are always so many idiots like you? How can they be so pretentious even though they are already on the verge of death?" Ji Wufeng shook his head speechlessly.


A splash of blood spattered, and Zhou Hu's other palm also broke away from his wrist, and there was another scream like a slaughtering pig.

Shangguan Yao said coldly: "With both hands and feet, plus your third leg, you originally had five chances, but now you only have three."

Zhou Hu's face was filled with panic. He finally understood the current situation. No matter what would happen in the future, his life was now in the hands of others. If he was killed, what would happen next?

"Tell me, is Zhou Biao trading with someone?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Zhou Hu nodded hurriedly, Ji Wufeng patted his cheek and said with a smile: "This is a good boy. Who is this person who is dealing with Zhou Biao?"

"I do not know who he is……"

As soon as the sword in Shangguan Yao's hand moved, Zhou Hu hurriedly shouted: "I really don't know this. I only know that his surname is Lu. We all call him Young Master. Everything we do is his order, and he will ask him regularly." People come over and assign different tasks to us. Once the tasks are completed, what do we want?

There is nothing wrong with it, but if the task is not completed, the end will be very miserable. "

"You really don't know who he is?" Ji Wufeng asked, squinting his eyes.

"I really don't know, today is the first time we see him."

After Zhou Hu finished speaking, he said: "Actually, we were all forced by him, and it has nothing to do with us."

Ji Wufeng nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, you are very sensible, so I decided not to kill you and let you go!"

"Are you serious?" Zhou Hu looked unconvinced.

"Of course it's true!" Ji Wufeng replied with absolute certainty.

"Thank you for not killing me...ah!"

Zhou Hu didn't expect that Ji Wufeng would let him go so easily, and he was immediately overjoyed. Just as he was about to say thank you, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his thigh, and his third leg detached from his body.

" said that Fang would let me go..." Zhou Hu said, almost fainting from the pain.

"That's right, I said let you go, but she didn't agree."

Ji Wufeng pointed at Shangguan Yao and said with an innocent face: "I just told you that you would suffer a bloody disaster today, but you just didn't believe it, alas..."

Poof, poof!

Another cold light flashed through, and Zhou Hu's legs were separated from his body. This time he did not scream because he had already passed out from the pain.

With all his limbs gone, he became a human stick. Even if he was not killed, Zhou Hu would not be able to survive.

At the same time, a gloomy young man was sitting there on the boat. Zhou Biao knelt on the ground tremblingly. Hearing the screams from the shore, the young man smiled solemnly and said: "It seems that your mission has not been completed cleanly. !”


Biao's face suddenly turned pale, and he hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Master, my little one has indeed been in some trouble recently, but please don't worry, Master, I will handle it carefully and never leave any hidden dangers!"

Although it was his first time seeing him, Zhou Biao could not conceal his fear in his heart, as if the young man in front of him was a god of death and his life and death were completely under his control.

The young man squinted his eyes and said: "Your task completion rate is pretty good, which shows that you are somewhat capable and qualified to be my dog!"

When Zhou Biao heard these humiliating words, he was overjoyed and said: "Thank you, Master, for your appreciation. I, Zhou Biao, will definitely work hard for Master in the future!"

So what if I become a dog? The dogs of rich people have more status than those of poor people, so Zhou Biao is willing to be this dog.

At this time, someone suddenly said in a strange and sarcastic tone: "Your uncle, the world is really full of wonders. There are some people who are good people, but they just like to be dogs."

A young man wearing flip-flops and big pants came out, looked at Zhou Biao and said with disdain: "Fortunately, I don't have a son like you, otherwise I would be so angry that I would jump out of the coffin."

Suddenly a stranger appeared, and several men in black jumped out and surrounded Ji Wufeng. Zhou Biao was shocked and said, "It's actually you?"

Wasn't he tied up and locked up by Zhou Hu? How could you still come here?

But the person who was most surprised was not him. The young master actually stared at Ji Wufeng and said with horror on his face: "Why is it you?"

Ji Wufeng looked at the expression on the young master's face strangely and said, "You pretty boy, do I know you? Looking at me with this expression, have I stolen your favor before?"

The young man in black who had been standing next to the young master changed his expression and shouted sternly: "Kill him!"

The men in black who surrounded Ji Wufeng immediately emitted a terrifying aura full of blood. They stretched out their terrifying white palms and grabbed Ji Wufeng, causing waves of piercing sounds.

"What the hell?" Ji Wufeng frowned, obviously not liking the aura of the man in black.

The man in black moved very quickly, but Ji Wufeng moved even faster. Before they could touch him, he had already reached out and grabbed the arm of a man in black, and pulled hard, and the whole arm of the man in black was torn off. Come down.

But Ji Wufeng didn't see the blood-soaked scene. The man in black's wound was completely white, without a drop of blood flowing out. There was no expression of pain on the man in black's face. Instead, he continued roaring. He pounced on Ji Wufeng.

"Your grandfather is so cruel, isn't he a human being?"

Ji Wufeng screamed and slapped him hard. The head of the man in black was slapped and fell to the ground. But the scary thing was that the man in black still didn't shed a drop of blood. His headless body He pounced on Ji Wufeng even more crazily.

"Oh my god, I encountered a ghost, help me..." Ji Wufeng's ghostly cry and wolf howl sounded on the boat.

Zhang Long and others arrived and saw only the stumps of the human body scattered all over the ground. But what almost frightened Zhang Long was that those severed arms and short legs were still moving, and a body without a head was still moving. He was rushing towards Ji Wufeng.

Oh my god, you can’t be beaten to death like this. Is this really a ghost?

Ji Wufeng kicked the headless body to the ground and cursed: "Your grandfather, is it a zombie? Then we need to ask the zombie Taoist priest to intervene.

"It's an immortal warrior!"

Zhuang Zhiling and Guan Yao's expressions changed. They naturally recognized what these men in black were. When they saw the face of the young master standing in front of them, their expressions became more concentrated and they said, "Is it you?"

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