Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1432: Does being ugly make you better than me?

Although the undead warriors are still moving there, most of them have been torn apart by Ji Wufeng and have no attack power. He said angrily: "Daughter-in-law, do you know each other? Damn it, I have long been unhappy with this pretty boy. He said, before you Have you ever had sex?"


Shangguan Yao didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. He snorted coldly and raised his sword energy to the sky!


The sword blades all pierced the young master's body, but when Shangguan Yao drew the sword, not a drop of blood flowed out, and the pierced wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhuang Zhiling and Guan Yao both had shocked faces and said, "Lu Zixuan, you actually turned yourself into an immortal warrior?"

Lu Zixuan said with a ferocious smile: "Is this so surprising? With my powerful strength and immortal body, I am like a god in front of mortals."

"Hmph, people are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts, so go to hell!"

Shangguan Yao snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand was like lightning, heading towards Lu Zixuan. Lu Zixuan had a sneer on his face and did not move at all, letting the sword in Shangguan Yao's hand pierce his body.

Lu Zixuan grabbed Shangguan Yao's sword blade with one hand, and grabbed Shangguan Yao's throat with his other pale palm.

Zhuang Zhiling's body rose up, her long sword flashed with sword light, and it struck Lu Zixuan's head in the air.

Lu Zixuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he gave up grabbing Shangguan Yao's throat. His arms shook, and Shangguan Yao and Zhuang Zhiling immediately flew out.

"This is impossible. Even if you become an immortal warrior, you will definitely die." Shangguan Yao said with shock on his face.

Their swords were all covered with the medicine developed by Ye Linglong to kill immortal warriors. Why couldn't they kill Lu Zixuan?

Lu Zixuan's face was full of ferocity, and he said ferociously: "I just said that I have an immortal body, and your medicine is useless. But now I am willing to give you a chance. As long as you follow me, I can spare you a life." Life!"

"Huh, you're just wishful thinking!" Zhuang Zhiling snorted coldly.

"Since you don't understand current affairs, then go to hell!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes were full of fierceness, and he opened his big hands to grab the two of them, and saw traces of black energy emanating from his palms.

The boundless ferocious aura pressed against the two of them. Their swords could not hurt Lu Zixuan, and they were completely powerless to resist at this time.

Seeing that Lu Zixuan's palm was about to catch the two of them, suddenly a foot wearing flip-flops kicked hard, hitting Lu Zixuan in the face.

Lu Zixuan was immediately kicked to the ground, and just as he was about to get up, Ji Wufeng stomped on his face again, and cursed angrily: "Damn it, you are really not a good bird, no, all the pretty boys They are not good birds!"


Lu Zixuan was furious and wanted to get up from the ground, but Ji Wufeng kicked him down again and pushed him to the ground.

"Didn't you see that my wife is still pregnant? You are still violent with her. You are really unqualified!"

boom! boom! boom!

Lu Zixuan wanted to get up several times, but every time he wanted to get up, Ji Wufeng's big slippers stomped off, and with a bang, his handsome face fell to the ground again.

Ji Wufeng didn't know how many times he stamped his feet. He was probably tired. He stood aside and panted heavily, saying, "Sir, your head is really hard. It can't be crushed even if you step on it like this."

He knew very well how powerful his kicks just now were. Even an iron plate would be crushed into mud by him. Lu Zixuan's head was not exploded by the steps. Is his head harder than steel?

And Lu Zixuan finally got up from the ground, only to see that half of his cheek had become bloody and bloody due to the continuous violent impact on the ground. You could see the white bones, and because of Lu Zixuan's anger, The other cheek began to twist ferociously, looking very scary, really like a ghost zombie.

"What the hell, you still dare to look at me? Do you think that because you are uglier than me, you are better than me?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly opened his mouth wide and said blankly: "Okay, I admit that you are better than me. You have such a good face, you are so crazy. You don't even have any scars. What kind of skin care products do you use? Imported?"

I saw that half of Lu Zixuan's cheek, which had become pulpy, had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, without leaving even the slightest scar.

"But don't blame me for not reminding you. Although the imported products have remarkable effects, most of them use hormones, which are used by vice presidents. Even if you look so handsome now, you might have turned into a silver gun wax head, and you can't stand it. used"

Ji Wufeng turned around and took Zhuang Zhiling's hand to follow Guan Yao, and said, "Daughter-in-law, it's getting late. Let's go home first, so as not to disturb others' rest."

You can't be beaten to death, and you can't be trampled to pieces. Why don't you hit me with a hammer? Get out!


Lu Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then he let out a harsh and strange laugh, and said with great emotion: "Ji Wufeng, maybe I didn't expect you to have this day, it's too late to leave now, I've been waiting for this day for a long time! "

In fact, when he saw Ji Wufeng just now, Lu Zixuan was really scared to death. Did he think he wouldn't be eaten alive by Ji Wufeng this time?

But what he didn't expect in the end was that not only the medicine developed by Ye Linglong didn't work on him, but Ji Wufeng couldn't kill him either.

Why did he become an undead warrior? He became like this because he hoped to kill Ji Wufeng one day and vent the boundless resentment in his heart.

Ji Wufeng couldn't kill him, but he could kill Ji Wufeng. This was a great opportunity to take revenge. How could he just miss it?

The figure flashed in front of him, and Lu Zixuan had already blocked the path of Ji Wufeng and others, with a ferocious murderous intent on his face.

Ji Wufeng shrank his neck and said: "Your grandfather, what are you going to do? I'm warning you, I'm good friends with many Taoist priests. You damn thing, run away quickly, or when they come, you will be wiped out in ashes and never be reincarnated. Bar."

Being blocked by Lu Zixuan, both Zhuang Zhiling and Guan Yao felt a strong sense of crisis. Lu Zixuan could not be killed at all. It would be harder for them to leave today than to reach the sky.

At this time, Lu Zixuan also realized that something was wrong with Ji Wufeng, as if he didn't know him at all, and said in a deep voice: "Ji Wufeng, I don't care what tricks you have, you must die today!"

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying and sinister aura rose up, and traces of black energy emerged from Lu Zixuan's white palms, grabbing at Ji Wufeng.

"Ha ha……"

A voice full of excitement sounded, and a young man in white appeared, holding a unconscious girl in his arms.

Lu Zixuan turned his head and looked, with a cold light in his scarlet eyes, and said: "Yu Longfei, I have handed over the person to you. If you don't go back and recover, what are you doing here?" Although the undead warrior is still moving there. , but most of them have been torn to pieces by Ji Wufeng, and they have no offensive power. He said angrily: "Daughter-in-law, do you know each other? Damn it, I have long been unhappy with this pretty boy, and asked, have you had an affair before? "


Shangguan Yao didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. He snorted coldly and raised his sword energy to the sky!


The sword blades all pierced the young master's body, but when Shangguan Yao drew the sword, not a drop of blood flowed out, and the pierced wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhuang Zhiling and Guan Yao both had shocked faces and said, "Lu Zixuan, you actually turned yourself into an immortal warrior?"

Lu Zixuan said with a ferocious smile: "Is this so surprising? With my powerful strength and immortal body, I am like a god in front of mortals."

"Hmph, people are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts, so go to hell!"

Shangguan Yao snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand was like lightning, heading towards Lu Zixuan. Lu Zixuan had a sneer on his face and did not move at all, letting the sword in Shangguan Yao's hand pierce his body.

Lu Zixuan grabbed Shangguan Yao's sword blade with one hand, and grabbed Shangguan Yao's throat with his other pale palm.

Zhuang Zhiling's body rose up, her long sword flashed with sword light, and it struck Lu Zixuan's head in the air.

Lu Zixuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he gave up grabbing Shangguan Yao's throat. His arms shook, and Shangguan Yao and Zhuang Zhiling immediately flew out.

"This is impossible. Even if you become an immortal warrior, you will definitely die." Shangguan Yao said with shock on his face.

Their swords were all covered with the medicine developed by Ye Linglong to kill immortal warriors. Why couldn't they kill Lu Zixuan?

Lu Zixuan's face was full of ferocity, and he said ferociously: "I just said that I have an immortal body, and your medicine is useless. But now I am willing to give you a chance. As long as you follow me, I can spare you a life." Life!"

"Huh, you're just wishful thinking!" Zhuang Zhiling snorted coldly.

"Since you don't understand current affairs, then go to hell!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes were full of fierceness, and he opened his big hands to grab the two of them, and saw traces of black energy emanating from his palms.

The boundless ferocious aura pressed against the two of them. Their swords could not hurt Lu Zixuan, and they were completely powerless to resist at this time.

Seeing that Lu Zixuan's palm was about to catch the two of them, suddenly a foot wearing flip-flops kicked hard, hitting Lu Zixuan in the face.

Lu Zixuan was immediately kicked to the ground, and just as he was about to get up, Ji Wufeng stomped on his face again, and cursed angrily: "Damn it, you are really not a good bird, no, all the pretty boys They are not good birds!"


Lu Zixuan was furious and wanted to get up from the ground, but Ji Wufeng kicked him down again and pushed him to the ground.

"Didn't you see that my wife is still pregnant? You are still violent with her. You are really unqualified!"

boom! boom! boom!

Lu Zixuan wanted to get up several times, but every time he wanted to get up, Ji Wufeng's big slippers stomped off, and with a bang, his handsome face fell to the ground again.

Ji Wufeng didn't know how many times he stamped his feet. He was probably tired. He stood aside and panted heavily, saying, "Sir, your head is really hard. It can't be crushed even if you step on it like this."

He knew very well how powerful his kicks just now were. Even an iron plate would be crushed into mud by him. Lu Zixuan's head was not exploded by the steps. Is his head harder than steel?

And Lu Zixuan finally got up from the ground, only to see that half of his cheek had become bloody and bloody due to the continuous violent impact on the ground. You could see the white bones, and because of Lu Zixuan's anger, The other cheek began to twist ferociously, looking very scary, really like a ghost zombie.

"What the hell, you still dare to look at me? Do you think that because you are uglier than me, you are better than me?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly opened his mouth wide and said blankly: "Okay, I admit that you are better than me. You have such a good face, you are so crazy. You don't even have any scars. What kind of skin care products do you use? Imported?"

I saw that half of Lu Zixuan's cheek, which had become pulpy, had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, without leaving even the slightest scar.

"But don't blame me for not reminding you. Although the imported products have remarkable effects, most of them use hormones, which are used by vice presidents. Even if you look so handsome now, you might have turned into a silver gun wax head, and you can't stand it. used"

Ji Wufeng turned around and took Zhuang Zhiling's hand to follow Guan Yao, and said, "Daughter-in-law, it's getting late. Let's go home first, so as not to disturb others' rest."

You can't be beaten to death, and you can't be trampled to pieces. Why don't you hit me with a hammer? Get out!


Lu Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then he let out a harsh and weird laugh, and said with great emotion: "Ji Wufeng, maybe I didn't expect you to have this day, it's too late to leave now, I've been waiting for this day for a long time! "

In fact, when he saw Ji Wufeng just now, Lu Zixuan was really scared to death. Did he think he wouldn't be eaten alive by Ji Wufeng this time?

But what he didn't expect in the end was that not only the medicine developed by Ye Linglong didn't work on him, but Ji Wufeng couldn't kill him either.

Why did he become an undead warrior? He became like this because he hoped to kill Ji Wufeng one day and vent the boundless resentment in his heart.

Ji Wufeng couldn't kill him, but he could kill Ji Wufeng. This was a great opportunity to take revenge. How could he just miss it?

The figure flashed in front of him, and Lu Zixuan had already blocked the path of Ji Wufeng and others, with a ferocious murderous intent on his face.

Ji Wufeng shrank his neck and said: "Your grandfather, what are you going to do? I'm warning you, I'm good friends with many Taoist priests. You damn thing, run away quickly, or when they come, you will be wiped out in ashes and never be reincarnated. Bar."

Being blocked by Lu Zixuan, both Zhuang Zhiling and Guan Yao felt a strong sense of crisis. Lu Zixuan could not be killed at all. It would be harder for them to leave today than to reach the sky.

At this time, Lu Zixuan also realized that something was wrong with Ji Wufeng, as if he didn't know him at all, and said in a deep voice: "Ji Wufeng, I don't care what tricks you have, you must die today!"

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying and sinister aura rose up, and traces of black energy emerged from Lu Zixuan's white palms, grabbing at Ji Wufeng.

"Ha ha……"

A voice full of excitement sounded, and a young man in white appeared, holding a unconscious girl in his arms.

Lu Zixuan turned his head and looked, with a cold light in his scarlet eyes, and said: "Yu Longfei, I have handed over the person to you. If you don't go back and recover, what are you doing here again?"

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