The person who came was none other than Yu Longfei. He looked at Ji Wufeng and chuckled: "Brother Lu, not only do you hate him, he is also my enemy, so I'm here to help you."

Lu Zixuan sneered: "If Ji Wufeng had killed me just now, I'm afraid you would have gone as far as you can now, right? Are you deliberately coming back to take advantage now?"

Yu Longfei smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Lu, why do you say that? We have a common enemy. Wouldn't it be nice to kill him and let everyone vent their hatred together?"

Indeed, he had been in the dark for a long time. If Ji Wufeng had killed Lu Zixuan just now, he would have been scared away long ago. But now that Ji Wufeng was clearly doomed, how could he let Lu Zixuan swallow this by himself? A huge achievement?


Zhuang Zhiling stared at the girl in Yu Longfei's hand, her face suddenly changed, murderous intent emerged from her body, the long sword in her hand pointed at Yu Longfei, and said angrily: "Let her go!"

The girl in Yu Longfei's hand turned out to be Gu Mingyue. She knew how important Gu Mingyue was to Ji Wufeng. If something really happened to Gu Mingyue, she didn't know what would happen to Ji Wufeng!

Ji Wufeng stared blankly at Gu Mingyue and said, "That's weird, who is this girl? Why does she feel so familiar to me? Could it be that I know her? But I can't remember her at all."

"Since you are here, let's kill him together." Lu Zixuan said unable to suppress the murderous intention in his body.

Yu Longfei shook his head slightly and said, "Do you think the young master would be happier if we brought him back alive?"

Lu Zixuan immediately raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Do you have the ability to bring him back alive?"

“It might not have been possible before, but it’s not necessarily possible now.”

Yu Longfei twisted Gu Mingyue in his hand and smiled sinisterly at Ji Wufeng: "Ji Wufeng, you'd better surrender now and follow us obediently, otherwise, I'm afraid her life will not be saved!"

Ji Wufeng's face was full of confusion. He looked at Gu Mingyue and kept trying to grab his head. He was a little at a loss and said: "It's so strange. Who is she? Why can't I remember, who? Who is she? …”

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, I'll help you think about it."

Yu Longfei smiled coldly and slapped Gu Mingyue on the back of the head. Gu Mingyue gradually opened her eyes, saw Zhuang Zhiling in front of her, and suddenly said in surprise: "Second Senior Sister!"

However, she soon realized the unfavorable situation in front of her and said angrily: "You bastard, let me go quickly, otherwise when my brother comes, you will all suffer!"


Yu Longfei suddenly slapped Gu Mingyue on the face, held her chin and pointed at Ji Wufeng: "I'm afraid that before Gu Tianyang comes, you will have turned into a corpse. Tell him, who is he?"


Gu Mingyue finally found Ji Wufeng, her body suddenly became stiff and her voice trembled.

She didn't understand why she called Ji Wufeng so intimately. It was obvious that the two of them had almost no relationship, but she seemed to have called him this name countless times.


When Ji Wufeng heard Gu Mingyue calling him, there was a trace of pain on his face, he shook his head crazily, hit his forehead with his fist, looked at Gu Mingyue and trembled: "Mingyue, you are Mingyue... "

In an instant, Ji Wufeng seemed to have suddenly become insane. His fists clenched tightly and kept spinning in place, as if he was in a mental state.

Like, he said: "Mingyue, Mingyue, why are you so stupid? It's not worth it. It's not worth it for me. You will die. Who will accompany me after you die? How should I repay this debt? For the rest of my life, Or three lives, three lives, life after life..."

Gu Mingyue looked at Ji Wufeng nervously and shouted: "Feng, I am Mingyue, I am Mingyue, I am right here..."


Ji Wufeng raised his head, looked at Gu Mingyue with confusion in his eyes, and then suddenly laughed and said: "Yes, you are Mingyue, you really are Mingyue, great, you are still alive, so great... "

"Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Mingyue finally realized that something was wrong with Ji Wufeng, and asked Zhuang Zhiling, "Second Senior Sister, why is he like this?"

Zhuang Zhiling said with a pale face: "Senior sister's death may have been a huge blow to him. Now he has forgotten everything and can't remember anything."

"What did you say?" Gu Mingyue's eyes widened.

Lu Zixuan and Yu Longfei also looked stunned. They also knew that something was wrong with Ji Wufeng, but they didn't expect that he had lost his memory. Is this plot too cliché and too bloody?

Shangguan Yao's expression changed, and he said to Gu Mingyue: "But it can be seen that although he does not remember everyone, he remembers you. You may be able to restore his memory!"

Tears immediately dripped down Gu Mingyue's cheeks. Why? Why is this happening? Even if you forget the whole world, you still remember me.

Who am I to you? And who are you to me?

But Gu Mingyue didn't want to know this at this time. She knew how wrong she was before, and she treated him so indifferently.

Now she is sure that Ji Wufeng is the most important person to her, even if the whole world combined is not as good as the one in case!

"Feng, I am Mingyue. Take a good look at me. I am really Mingyue. Wake up quickly!" Gu Mingyue cried.

"Of course I know you are Mingyue. Even if I forget this world, I will never forget you."

Ji Wufeng walked up to Yu Longfei, took Gu Mingyue's hand, turned around and left, saying: "Let's go, I have let you down for thousands of years, and now I want to take you around the entire world."

Until Ji Wufeng walked up to him, Yu Longfei had not yet reacted. Lu Zixuan shouted from the side: "Kill him quickly. Once he recovers his memory, we will both die!"

Endless murderous intent suddenly arose on the two of them, and violent attacks hit Ji Wufeng at the same time.


Ji Wufeng immediately flew out and hit the ground hard, with blood spilling from his mouth. After getting up, he said with a stern face: "Don't be afraid of Mingyue, no one can hurt you in this life."


Ji Wufeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and attacked Yu Longfei and Lu Zixuan, but they were knocked back again.


Gu Mingyue cried.

"Don't cry Mingyue, have you forgotten? Even if I don't pay attention to the five great immortals, what do they mean?"

Ji Wufeng got up from the ground and pounced on him again like a wild beast.

boom! boom! boom!

As if he didn't understand martial arts at all, Ji Wufeng pounced on him crazily, and was beaten to the ground again and again! The person who came was none other than Yu Longfei. He looked at Ji Wufeng and chuckled: "Brother Lu, not only do you hate him, he is also my enemy, so I'm here to help you."

Lu Zixuan sneered: "If Ji Wufeng had killed me just now, I'm afraid you would have gone as far as you can now, right? Are you deliberately coming back to take advantage now?"

Yu Longfei smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Lu, why do you say that? We have a common enemy. Wouldn't it be nice to kill him and let everyone vent their hatred together?"

Indeed, he had been in the dark for a long time. If Ji Wufeng had killed Lu Zixuan just now, he would have been scared away long ago. But now that Ji Wufeng was clearly doomed, how could he let Lu Zixuan swallow this by himself? A huge achievement?


Zhuang Zhiling stared at the girl in Yu Longfei's hand, her face suddenly changed, murderous intent emerged from her body, the long sword in her hand pointed at Yu Longfei, and said angrily: "Let her go!"

The girl in Yu Longfei's hand turned out to be Gu Mingyue. She knew how important Gu Mingyue was to Ji Wufeng. If something really happened to Gu Mingyue, she didn't know what would happen to Ji Wufeng!

Ji Wufeng stared blankly at Gu Mingyue and said, "That's weird, who is this girl? Why does she feel so familiar to me? Could it be that I know her? But I can't remember her at all."

"Since you are here, let's kill him together." Lu Zixuan said unable to suppress the murderous intention in his body.

Yu Longfei shook his head slightly and said, "Do you think the young master would be happier if we brought him back alive?"

Lu Zixuan immediately raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Do you have the ability to bring him back alive?"

“It might not have been possible before, but it’s not necessarily possible now.”

Yu Longfei twisted Gu Mingyue in his hand and smiled sinisterly at Ji Wufeng: "Ji Wufeng, you'd better surrender now and follow us obediently, otherwise, I'm afraid her life will not be saved!"

Ji Wufeng's face was full of confusion. He looked at Gu Mingyue and kept trying to grab his head. He was a little at a loss and said: "It's so strange. Who is she? Why can't I remember, who? Who is she? …”

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, I'll help you think about it."

Yu Longfei smiled coldly and slapped Gu Mingyue on the back of the head. Gu Mingyue gradually opened her eyes, saw Zhuang Zhiling in front of her, and suddenly said in surprise: "Second Senior Sister!"

However, she soon realized the unfavorable situation in front of her and said angrily: "You bastard, let me go quickly, otherwise when my brother comes, you will all suffer!"


Yu Longfei suddenly slapped Gu Mingyue on the face, held her chin and pointed at Ji Wufeng: "I'm afraid that before Gu Tianyang comes, you will have turned into a corpse. Tell him, who is he?"


Gu Mingyue finally found Ji Wufeng, her body suddenly became stiff and her voice trembled.

She didn't understand why she called Ji Wufeng so intimately. It was obvious that the two of them had almost no relationship, but she seemed to have called him this name countless times.


When Ji Wufeng heard Gu Mingyue calling him, there was a trace of pain on his face, he shook his head crazily, hit his forehead with his fist, looked at Gu Mingyue and trembled: "Mingyue, you are Mingyue... "

In an instant, Ji Wufeng seemed to have suddenly become insane. His fists clenched tightly and kept spinning in place, as if he was insane.

Like, he said: "Mingyue, Mingyue, why are you so stupid? It's not worth it. It's not worth it for me. You will die. Who will accompany me after you die? How should I repay this debt? For the rest of my life, Or three lives, three lives, life after life..."

Gu Mingyue looked at Ji Wufeng nervously and shouted: "Feng, I am Mingyue, I am Mingyue, I am right here..."


Ji Wufeng raised his head, looked at Gu Mingyue with confusion in his eyes, and then suddenly laughed and said: "Yes, you are Mingyue, you really are Mingyue, great, you are still alive, so great... "

"Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Mingyue finally realized that something was wrong with Ji Wufeng, and asked Zhuang Zhiling, "Second Senior Sister, why is he like this?"

Zhuang Zhiling said with a pale face: "Senior sister's death may have been a huge blow to him. Now he has forgotten everything and can't remember anything."

"What did you say?" Gu Mingyue's eyes widened.

Lu Zixuan and Yu Longfei also looked stunned. They also knew that something was wrong with Ji Wufeng, but they didn't expect that he had lost his memory. Is this plot too cliché and too bloody?

Shangguan Yao's expression changed, and he said to Gu Mingyue: "But it can be seen that although he does not remember everyone, he remembers you. You may be able to restore his memory!"

Tears immediately dripped down Gu Mingyue's cheeks. Why? Why is this happening? Even if you forget the whole world, you still remember me.

Who am I to you? And who are you to me?

But Gu Mingyue didn't want to know this at this time. She knew how wrong she was before, and she treated him so indifferently.

Now she is sure that Ji Wufeng is the most important person to her, even if the whole world combined is not as good as the one in case!

"Feng, I am Mingyue. Take a good look at me. I am really Mingyue. Wake up quickly!" Gu Mingyue cried.

"Of course I know you are Mingyue. Even if I forget this world, I will never forget you."

Ji Wufeng walked up to Yu Longfei, took Gu Mingyue's hand, turned around and left, saying: "Let's go, I have let you down for thousands of years, and now I want to take you around the entire world."

Until Ji Wufeng walked up to him, Yu Longfei had not yet reacted. Lu Zixuan shouted from the side: "Kill him quickly. Once he recovers his memory, we will both die!"

Endless murderous intent suddenly arose on the two of them, and violent attacks hit Ji Wufeng at the same time.


Ji Wufeng immediately flew out and hit the ground hard, with blood spilling from his mouth. After getting up, he said with a stern face: "Don't be afraid of Mingyue, no one can hurt you in this life."


Ji Wufeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and attacked Yu Longfei and Lu Zixuan, but they were knocked back again.


Gu Mingyue cried.

"Don't cry Mingyue, have you forgotten? Even if I don't pay attention to the five great immortals, what do they mean?"

Ji Wufeng got up from the ground and pounced on him again like a wild beast.

boom! boom! boom!

As if he didn't understand martial arts at all, Ji Wufeng pounced on him crazily, and was beaten to the ground again and again!

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