If Ji Wufeng hadn't admitted it himself, no one would have associated this handsome guy with the notorious thief.

Ji Wufeng just smiled, waved to the audience, and then left the field. No one could react yet. Even the host was stunned and forgot to say hello to Ji Wufeng.

Even though it was just a glimpse, the impression Ji Wufeng left on everyone was deep in their bones. At that moment, they forgot who Ji Wufeng was, and all they could see was a handsome boy with a sunny smile on his face.

Although Ji Wufeng knew that he was a super handsome guy, he still didn't understand why Peng Cheng did this. Didn't he know that he had always been very low-key?

"Brother Peng, what kind of wishful thinking are you planning?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Peng Cheng watched the reactions of those in the audience, with an unfathomable light in his eyes, and said, "Hey, you'll find out in the evening."

The movie started to be officially screened, and the first person to appear was Shi Qianying, dressed in white, like a fairy on earth.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to enjoy the movie, a person from the seat next to him suddenly squeezed over and smiled at Peng Cheng: "Director Peng, do you mind changing seats with me?"

This is a young man, not old, with a handsome appearance, but a pair of sneaky eyes, and he doesn't look like a good person no matter how he looks at it.

This was a stranger Ji Wufeng had never seen before. When he saw the young man, his eyes narrowed. He felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity from this boy. This kind of familiarity had only occurred to one person before, and that was Ji Qingchen. !

"Who are you?" Peng Cheng asked.

"Easy to say, I'm Nie Rufeng!"

Hearing this name, Ji Wufeng almost jumped up. This kid was actually called Nie Rufeng. So what was his relationship with him?

Before Peng Cheng could answer, Nie Rufeng shamelessly squeezed over and sat next to Ji Wufeng.

As soon as he sat down, he held Ji Wufeng's hands and said with excitement: "Brother, I've just met you. You don't know. Since I learned about you, I think about you during the day and at night. I think about you so much that I feel so excited. Knowing that I can finally meet you today, I am so excited that I haven’t slept for several days. I can’t wait to meet you in my dreams..."

Ji Wufeng originally had an evil fire in his heart, but now that this bastard was holding his hand and speaking disgusting words, he almost spit it out and wished he could kick him to death.

But in this situation, he could only endure it, gritted his teeth and said: "Let go!"

"Why did you let go? It took a lot of effort for me to hold your hand. Look at your hands, they are white, tender and smooth, and they feel so tactile... ah..."

Nie Rufeng suddenly flew up from his seat, and then landed on the ground and threw a hungry dog ​​into the ground. The expressions of the people around him were stunned at first, and then they burst into laughter.

"Who the hell is attacking me? Stand up for me. This young master is..."

Nie Rufeng was jumping to his feet and cursing when he suddenly saw Ji Wufeng's cold eyes. He trembled all over and hurriedly ran back to his seat. He said with a smile: "It turns out it was eldest brother who kicked me. They say that beating is kissing and scolding is love. Brother, Are you satisfied with the kick? If you are not satisfied with the kick yet, why don't you kick me again?"

Ji Wufeng almost went crazy. He had seen many shameless people, but this was the first time he had seen such a mean person.

"Get out of my way, if you dare again

Come within three meters of me..." Ji Wufeng made a beheading motion on his neck with his palm.

"Three meters?"

Nie Rufeng measured it with his hand, then said with a big smile: "This should be enough for three meters, right?"

Ji Wufeng said with a black line on his face: "Explain why you are here. If you don't tell me, get out of here right away!"

If it were another person who was so mean, he would be castrated even if he was not killed. However, facing this Nie Rufeng, even though his heart was full of anger, he could not really be cruel.

Is this blood connection? They are obviously strangers, but there is an inseparable bond between them.

"No, brother."

Nie Rufeng said hurriedly: "I found you with great difficulty. It's rare for us brothers to meet again, so we have to catch up on the past."

"Sorry, I don't want to reminisce with you." Ji Wufeng said coldly.

Afraid of being unable to control his emotions, Ji Wufeng stood up and left.

Although Ji Wufeng was in a bad mood, the box office of his new movie was a big hit, and it exceeded 100 million on the first day. Such figures can only be achieved by very few big productions in Hollywood. Tianfeng Pictures' first shot was It's too loud.

Of course, the box office on the first day is basically due to the appeal of the stars. When the box office on the second day shows the true quality of a movie, the box office will normally decline slightly.

Unexpectedly, the box office on the second day actually exceeded the box office on the first day. This phenomenon is very strange.

Usually on the first day, most of the audience goes to the cinema because of the celebrities. After watching it, some people will definitely feel disappointed. They more or less think that the quality of the movie does not meet their expectations, so some people start to complain, causing those People who originally wanted to go to the cinema to watch it lost interest and simply waited online to watch it for free. Why spend that wasted money to go to the cinema to watch a bad movie?

However, after this movie was released, it made almost every audience shine. Both the cast and the acting skills are almost impeccable. What is even more rare is that the quality of the movie itself is also very outstanding.

The film received unanimous praise, and many people went to the cinema because of its reputation.

The box office was a hit, and some of the main creative staff, including Peng Cheng, were so happy that they could not keep their mouth shut. For those in their industry, the prerequisite for both fame and fortune is to have a high-quality work.

The entire Tianfeng was in a state of jubilation, but Ji Wufeng was the only one who couldn't be happy at all.

He could regard Ji Qingchen as his sister, but he could not regard Nie Rufeng as his brother. There were many helpless factors when he married Xia Mingxue when he was young.

What about Nie Rufeng’s mother?

That was Ji Hongtu's naked betrayal of Qin Yi. How did he accept this brother?

On the tall building far away from Tianfeng, Chu Tianshu said calmly: "You are too hasty."

Nie Rufeng said with a wry smile: "But this day will come sooner or later. It's time for him to know the truth."

"The Nie family is too brave. Are you sure he will accept it?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"It doesn't matter whether he accepts it or not. What matters is that since the blood of the Nie family flows in his body, he is destined to take on the responsibility of the Nie family's descendants!" Nie Rufeng's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"No one can force him!" Chu Tianshu's eyes also condensed. If Ji Wufeng hadn't admitted it himself, no one would have associated this handsome guy with the notorious thief.

Ji Wufeng just smiled, waved to the audience, and then left the field. No one could react yet. Even the host was stunned and forgot to say hello to Ji Wufeng.

Even though it was just a glimpse, the impression Ji Wufeng left on everyone was deep in their bones. At that moment, they forgot who Ji Wufeng was, and all they could see was a handsome boy with a sunny smile on his face.

Although Ji Wufeng knew that he was a super handsome guy, he still didn't understand why Peng Cheng did this. Didn't he know that he had always been very low-key?

"Brother Peng, what kind of wishful thinking are you planning?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Peng Cheng watched the reactions of those in the audience, with an unfathomable light in his eyes, and said, "Hey, you'll find out in the evening."

The movie started to be officially screened, and the first person to appear was Shi Qianying, dressed in white, like a fairy on earth.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to enjoy the movie, a person from the seat next to him suddenly squeezed over and smiled at Peng Cheng: "Director Peng, do you mind changing seats with me?"

This is a young man, not old, with a handsome appearance, but a pair of sneaky eyes, and he doesn't look like a good person no matter how he looks at it.

This was a stranger Ji Wufeng had never seen before. When he saw the young man, his eyes narrowed. He felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity from this boy. This sense of familiarity had only occurred to one person before, and that was Ji Qingchen. !

"Who are you?" Peng Cheng asked.

"Easy to say, I'm Nie Rufeng!"

Hearing this name, Ji Wufeng almost jumped up. This kid was actually called Nie Rufeng. So what was his relationship with him?

Before Peng Cheng could answer, Nie Rufeng shamelessly squeezed over and sat next to Ji Wufeng.

As soon as he sat down, he held Ji Wufeng's hands and said with excitement: "Brother, I've just met you. You don't know. Since I learned about you, I think about you during the day and at night. I think about you so much that I feel so excited. Knowing that I can finally meet you today, I am so excited that I haven’t slept for several days. I can’t wait to meet you in my dreams..."

Ji Wufeng originally had an evil fire in his heart, but now that this bastard was holding his hand and speaking disgusting words, he almost spit it out and wished he could kick him to death.

But in this situation, he could only endure it, gritted his teeth and said: "Let go!"

"Why did you let go? It took a lot of effort for me to hold your hand. Look at your hands, they are white, tender and smooth, and they feel so tactile... ah..."

Nie Rufeng suddenly flew up from his seat, and then landed on the ground and threw a hungry dog ​​into the poop. The expressions of the people around him were stunned at first, and then they burst into laughter.

"Who the hell is attacking me? Stand up for me. This young master is..."

Nie Rufeng was jumping to his feet and cursing, when he suddenly saw Ji Wufeng's cold eyes, he trembled all over, hurriedly ran back to his seat, and said with a smile: "It turns out it was eldest brother who kicked me. They say that beating is kissing and scolding is love, eldest brother, Are you satisfied with the kick? If you are not satisfied with the kick yet, why don't you kick me again?"

Ji Wufeng almost went crazy. He had seen many shameless people, but this was the first time he had seen such a mean person.

"Get out of my way, if you dare again

Come within three meters of me..." Ji Wufeng made a beheading motion on his neck with his palm.

"Three meters?"

Nie Rufeng measured it with his hand, then said with a big smile: "This should be enough for three meters, right?"

Ji Wufeng said with a black line on his face: "Explain why you are here. If you don't tell me, get out of here right away!"

If it were another person who was so mean, he would be castrated even if he was not killed. However, facing this Nie Rufeng, even though his heart was full of anger, he could not really be cruel.

Is this blood connection? They are obviously strangers, but there is an inseparable bond between them.

"No, brother."

Nie Rufeng said hurriedly: "I found you with great difficulty. It's rare for us brothers to meet again, so we have to catch up on the past."

"Sorry, I don't want to reminisce with you." Ji Wufeng said coldly.

Afraid of being unable to control his emotions, Ji Wufeng stood up and left.

Although Ji Wufeng was in a bad mood, the box office of his new movie was a big hit, and it exceeded 100 million on the first day. Such figures can only be achieved by very few big productions in Hollywood. Tianfeng Pictures' first shot was It's too loud.

Of course, the box office on the first day is basically due to the appeal of the stars. When the box office on the second day shows the true quality of a movie, the box office will normally decline slightly.

Unexpectedly, the box office on the second day actually exceeded the box office on the first day. This phenomenon is very strange.

Usually on the first day, most of the audience goes to the cinema because of the celebrities. After watching it, some people will definitely feel disappointed. They more or less think that the quality of the movie does not meet their expectations, so some people start to complain, causing those People who originally wanted to go to the cinema to watch it lost interest and simply waited online to watch it for free. Why spend that wasted money to go to the cinema to watch a bad movie?

However, after this movie was released, it made almost every audience shine. Both the cast and the acting skills are almost impeccable. What is even more rare is that the quality of the movie itself is also very outstanding.

The film received unanimous praise, and many people went to the cinema because of its reputation.

The box office was a hit, and some of the main creative staff, including Peng Cheng, were so happy that they could not keep their mouth shut. For those in their industry, the prerequisite for both fame and fortune is to have a high-quality work.

The entire Tianfeng was in a state of jubilation, but Ji Wufeng was the only one who couldn't be happy at all.

He could regard Ji Qingchen as his sister, but he could not regard Nie Rufeng as his brother. There were many helpless factors when he married Xia Mingxue when he was young.

What about Nie Rufeng’s mother?

That was Ji Hongtu's naked betrayal of Qin Yi. How did he accept this brother?

On the tall building far away from Tianfeng, Chu Tianshu said calmly: "You are too hasty."

Nie Rufeng said with a wry smile: "But this day will come sooner or later. It's time for him to know the truth."

"The Nie family is too brave. Are you sure he will accept it?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"It doesn't matter whether he accepts it or not. What matters is that since the blood of the Nie family flows in his body, he is destined to take on the responsibility of the Nie family's descendants!" Nie Rufeng's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"No one can force him!" Chu Tianshu's eyes also condensed.

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