"Yes, no one can force the blood of the Nie family, but he cannot escape the fate of the Nie family's descendants!" Nie Rufeng said.

Chu Tianshu looked up to the sky and sighed: "Is there really no room for turning around?"

While the popularity of Tianfeng Pictures' new movie continues to rise, another piece of news has exploded on the Internet.

Peng Cheng held his cell phone and said excitedly: "Look, look, it's already working."

Everyone turned their heads to their mobile phones and saw a very eye-catching photo on the news. The young man in the photo was wearing a crisp black suit, a white shirt, and his messy but elegant hair was as sharp as a knife. With delicate cheeks and a faint sunny smile, this young man is simply stunningly handsome!

The content of this news is very concise. Apart from the photo, there is only one sentence: Was he made by God himself?

Although the news content is very concise, the comments below are explosive.

"Who is he? He is so handsome. I really want to chase him!"

"Damn it, isn't this kid that scumbag Ji Wufeng? I didn't expect that he looks like a human!"

"The bastard upstairs, do you dare to call him a scumbag? Do you dare to tell me your home address? Believe it or not, I will bring someone to hack you to death!"

"He's so handsome. This is the man in my heart. I must fall in love with him!"

"You big-headed guy, do you know how many women this guy has? He's a super scumbag!"

"I don't care. He's so handsome. Even if he has a hundred women, I'm willing to do it!"

Looking at those comments, Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded. He rarely read news online, but this time he was shocked. He didn't expect that he just posted a photo and it caused such a big reaction.

He knew he was incredibly handsome, but the reaction was a bit too much. The number of comments skyrocketed and soon exceeded tens of thousands.

"I said Brother Peng, what are you doing? Now let me tell you

My wife has become a celebrity, how can I go out on the streets in the future? "Ji Wufeng said very unhappy.

Peng Cheng said, "If you want to go to the streets, go to the streets. Anyway, once you take off your suit, no one will be able to recognize you."

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a dark look on his face. Would it be different if I changed my clothes? Women, please stop being so vain. My inner beauty is more precious than my appearance.

The reason why Ji Wufeng suddenly attracted so much attention is first of all because he took advantage of Tianfeng Pictures' new movie, and secondly because who doesn't know that his fight with Gu Tianyang has been in full swing recently? It has long been famous.

"What do you want to do?" Ji Wufeng asked helplessly.

Peng Cheng smiled mysteriously and said, "Do you know what an idol is?"

"Aren't they just pretty boys and girls?" Ji Wufeng said disdainfully. For those idol stars, he thought they were just good-looking.

"I want to make you an idol star, and also the emperor superstar among idol stars!" Peng Cheng said with excitement on his face.

"Better say goodbye. Being an idol is very annoying. What if a girl follows me down the street and screams at the top of her lungs that she wants to be my girlfriend?" Ji Wufeng shook his head vigorously. road.

"If you can really do that, my goal will be halfway accomplished." Peng Cheng said.

"Okay, okay, don't beat around the bush, just tell me what you want to do?" Ji Wufeng said with a headache.

Peng Cheng said: "Do you understand the principle of public opinion? I just want to make you a super idol and gather thousands of fans for you. If you have the support of these fans, will you still be afraid of someone slandering you?"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. This was true.

People nowadays worship celebrities blindly and fanatically, regardless of who they are in reality. Even if they are a piece of shit in reality, as long as they are handsome enough and good-looking, countless people will worship them.

Fans are not only fanatical, but also extremely tolerant and generous. A while ago, a celebrity cheated on her, took photos of her life...etc. A lot of negative news came out, and people were almost dying of anger, but their fans But there she was shouting crazily: My baby, you must be strong, our family will always support you!

Ji Wufeng touched his nose. Yes, I am so handsome and handsome. I can obviously rely on my reputation to make a living, so why not take advantage of him?

Ji Wufeng was very passive every time in front of these public opinions. Peng Cheng reminded him that he could completely turn his passivity into initiative.

"But I can't act and I don't know how to sing. How can I become an idol?" Ji Wufeng said.

"What are you afraid of? Haven't you seen the son of the richest man Wang? He doesn't know anything, but he has countless fans? And you are much richer than him." Peng Cheng said.

Ji Wufeng thought about it, he was rich and so handsome, how could no one admire him?

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. I don't have time to play with them anyway," Ji Wufeng said.

"Then just wait, I promise to make you a national idol!" Peng Cheng said proudly.

What is the most important procedure for an idol? Of course, it is packaged. Peng Cheng's previous entertainment company has packaged many idol stars before. It can be said that it is professional. There is no need to worry about Ji Wufeng's image. As for the negative news, as long as it is carefully handled, everyone's It was enough to look away.

The popularity of Tianfeng Pictures' new movie has staggered the industry. In just a few days, it has grossed hundreds of millions at the box office. Even film and television

Peng Cheng, who has extremely rich operational experience, also lamented that he made a mistake in prediction and underestimated the results of this movie!

But then the weekend came, and there was a box office frenzy. The reputation of the movie quality and the urban youth elements made those workers who were under great pressure at work have a strong interest. When the weekend came, they took their girlfriends with them. Entered the cinema.

The beautiful romantic love story and various refreshing plots in the movie made passionate young men and women obsessed with it. It is said that the business in the hotel near the cinema was extremely hot that night.

At the same time, the movie also entered international cinemas. At first, many foreign audiences came to the cinema for the international superstar Alina, but soon they were conquered by the charm of the movie itself, leading to more People are willing to pay money to watch.

In an instant, the entire film industry went crazy, and the entire China went crazy. A pure domestic film could achieve such brilliant results. This was something that no one thought at first, even those who had never watched movies. They can't help but want to go into the cinema to watch it. They also want to know what kind of magic this movie has that can make so many people obsessed with it.

The movie was a huge success, Tianfeng Pictures was an instant hit, and Peng Cheng used Ji Wufeng's identity as the boss of Tianfeng Pictures to successfully bring him into the entertainment industry, and reported it extensively in entertainment news headlines.

Of course, all the reports were positive news about him, and some trolls were found to make complimentary comments below the news. In just a few days, Ji Wufeng had already gathered a lot of popularity.

There's no way around it. He's so handsome and so rich. It's so easy to become famous.

But soon, news about Gu Tianyang gradually emerged, and his calm and regal temperament made countless people crazy. When his photos appeared on the Internet, it immediately caused a stir A cry, my male god!

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