Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1560 The strong are respected

"Humph, you let such a person become the team leader!" A voice full of contempt sounded.

Ji Wufeng turned his head to look, and immediately couldn't help but sigh that the Creator's miraculous methods could create such a strange race of people.

This person is the only woman among the three team leaders, but this woman is so unlike a woman. Have you ever seen a woman with a strong back and a body like an iron tower?

Although Liu Qingqing had this kind of physique before, she is still pretty, otherwise she wouldn't be called King Kong Lolita.

The woman in front of her was not only not delicate at all, but also very rough. Fortunately, she didn't have a beard. If she had a beard, some people would say that she would be blind because she was a woman.

This woman's name is Tyrannosaurus, she is the leader of the yellow group, and Ji Wufeng knows her.

"Your name is Tyrannosaurus, right? Are you saying that someone like me is not qualified to be the leader of the Dragon Team?"

Ji Wufeng stared at the Tyrannosaurus with a smile, and glanced up and down her body. He really wanted to take off her clothes. The bulge was a symbol of women or breast muscles, but he guessed that it was more than 90% the latter.

When Ji Wufeng stared at his chest unscrupulously, Tyrannosaurus suddenly became angry and said angrily: "It's not that you are not qualified, but you are not worthy to follow me!"

"If I don't deserve it, then who does? Do you deserve it?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled, turned his head to look at the others, and finally settled on a burly man and a short, lean man, and said, "Or are you two a good match?"

These two people were none other than Long Fei and Black Eagle, the leaders of the Tiandi Group 2, and Tyrannosaurus Rex, all three of them were Gu Tianyang's right-hand men.

At first glance, Long Fei knew that he was the kind of person who was outspoken. He glared at Ji Wufeng and said nothing, while Black Eagle became much more sinister and said with a smile: "Tyrannosaurus is just talking casually. After all, this is an order from above. We as It is the duty of a soldier to obey the orders of his superiors."

"Yes, because this is an order from above, you can only obey it. If there is no order from above, do you think I am not worthy of this position?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Long Fei couldn't bear it anymore and said in a deep voice: "Who do you think you are? If it weren't for the orders from above, do you think you are really worthy of being the leader of the second group of the Dragon Group?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused a response: "That's right, if it weren't for the order from your superiors, would you be worthy of being the team leader?"

"Hmph, you are a shameless villain, what qualifications do you have?"

"There's no way, there's no way, my background is tough. I heard that I have recognized many godfathers and grandfathers."

"So that's it, hahaha..."


The harsh and harsh words became more and more outrageous, which shocked Ji Wufeng and caused everyone to burst into laughter.

This is a naked humiliation. Ji Wufeng is the leader of the second team of the Dragon Team. No matter how unwilling they are, they can't change anything, but they can take the opportunity to humiliate him, which will make you unable to step down and lose face.

Their ultimate goal was to attack Ji Wufeng and prove that he, the leader of the second team of the Dragon Team, had no value at all and was not worthy of comparison with the real leader of the Dragon Team.

But Ji Wufeng was not angry at all after hearing this. Instead, he smiled and said: "I also think that I am not qualified to be the leader of the second group of this dragon group. I can't help it. After all, this is an order from above. I want to resist. I can't resist. Why don't we do this? Let's have a fight.

Arena! "

Fight in a ring?

Everyone was stunned, and Tyrannosaurus asked: "What do you want to do?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Although this is the intention of the superiors, I also know the rules in our army. The strong are respected. If I can't convince the crowd, I won't be able to lead you to carry out the mission. Naturally, I am really not worthy of being this team leader. , so, let’s have an arena, and any of you can challenge me. As long as you beat me, I will immediately resign and the person who beats me will be the team leader. What do you think? ?”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. What on earth did he want to do? Since this is the intention of the superiors, then absolutely no one dares to disobey, so why would Ji Wufeng bother to do this? Isn't this deliberately causing trouble for yourself?

And those who had seen Ji Wufeng's methods couldn't help but take a step back. Your uncle, want to fight with you in the ring? It would be better to just stick my face out and let you slap your mouth.

Not only them, but others also didn't dare to act rashly even if they didn't know Ji Wufeng's power. How could someone who could force Gu Tianyang to such a point be easy to mess with?

Fighting in the ring with this bastard is simply asking for humiliation.

Seeing that no one dared to respond, Ji Wufeng said with a sneer: "None of you dare to come up? Then why were you so arrogant just now? Once you show your seriousness, you will all turn into cowards?"

He glanced at Tyrannosaurus, Long Fei and Black Eagle, squinting his eyes and said: "What I despise the most is the kind of mad dog that only barks, but never makes a sound when it comes to serious actions. Such people are simply trash. Apart from mocking others, I don’t even dare to challenge!”

As soon as these words came out, all the people who had been squeezing against Ji Wufeng became angry. They jumped on their feet and yelled, "You are too arrogant. Do you think I really don't dare to deal with you?"

"Damn it, you're too presumptuous. Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"I'm so crazy. Stop pulling me. I can't bear it anymore!"

There was a lot of yelling, but no one dared to stand up.

Ji Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang and shook his head and smiled: "I was originally full of expectations for the Dragon Team, but now I am only disappointed. I did not expect that the Dragon Team only has this kind of trash who has the courage to bark but has no courage to take action."

This is a thrill!

Ji Wufeng just wants to provoke the generals. He knows that most of the people in the Dragon Group look down on him and want to suppress him, so just do what they want and give them a chance to suppress him openly.

But this requires them to have the ability. If they don't have the ability to suppress themselves, they will have no choice but to be suppressed by Ji Wufeng. Today will be the day when Ji Wufeng establishes his power in the Dragon Team!

The word "waste" is too harsh, and it makes everyone angry when they hear it.

Gu Tianyang knew Ji Wufeng's intention and said with a smile: "Since we have joined the Dragon Group, then we are all brothers and sisters. Why should we take this seriously?"

"You are right, there is no need to take it too seriously, but I also feel that I am not qualified to be the leader of this dragon group, so it is best to step aside and make way for someone else. After all, we are all brothers and sisters. Even if I give it to them, there is no advantage for outsiders. .”

Ji Wufeng had an arrogant look on his face and his eyes were filled with contempt as he scanned everyone present.

Anyone who can enter the dragon group must be an outstanding person. How can they still hold back their anger when they are looked at with such contemptuous eyes? In an instant, everyone is furious. "Humph, you let such a person become the team leader!" A voice full of contempt sounded.

Ji Wufeng turned his head to look, and immediately couldn't help but sigh that the Creator's miraculous methods could create such a strange race of people.

This person is the only woman among the three team leaders, but this woman is so unlike a woman. Have you ever seen a woman with a strong back and a body like an iron tower?

Although Liu Qingqing had this kind of physique before, she is still pretty, otherwise she wouldn't be called King Kong Lolita.

The woman in front of her was not only not delicate at all, but also very rough. Fortunately, she didn't have a beard. If she had a beard, some people would say that she would be blind because she was a woman.

This woman's name is Tyrannosaurus, she is the leader of the yellow group, and Ji Wufeng knows her.

"Your name is Tyrannosaurus, right? Are you saying that someone like me is not qualified to be the leader of the Dragon Team?"

Ji Wufeng stared at the Tyrannosaurus with a smile, and glanced up and down her body. He really wanted to take off her clothes. The bulge was a symbol of women or breast muscles, but he guessed that it was more than 90% the latter. .??.

When Ji Wufeng stared at his chest unscrupulously, Tyrannosaurus suddenly became angry and said angrily: "It's not that you are not qualified, but you are not worthy to follow me!"

"If I don't deserve it, then who does? Do you deserve it?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled, turned his head to look at the others, and finally settled on a burly man and a short, lean man, and said, "Or are you two a good match?"

These two people were none other than Long Fei and Black Eagle, the leaders of the Tiandi Group 2, and Tyrannosaurus Rex, all three of them were Gu Tianyang's right-hand men.

At first glance, Long Fei knew that he was the kind of person who was outspoken. He glared at Ji Wufeng and said nothing, while Black Eagle became much more sinister and said with a smile: "Tyrannosaurus is just talking casually. After all, this is an order from above. We as It is the duty of a soldier to obey the orders of his superiors."

"Yes, because this is an order from above, you can only obey it. If there is no order from above, do you think I am not worthy of this position?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Long Fei couldn't bear it anymore and said in a deep voice: "Who do you think you are? If it weren't for the orders from above, do you think you are really worthy of being the leader of the second group of the Dragon Group?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused a response: "That's right, if it weren't for the order from your superiors, would you be worthy of being the team leader?"

"Hmph, you are a shameless villain, what qualifications do you have?"

"There's no way, there's no way, my background is tough. I heard that I have recognized many godfathers and grandfathers."

"So that's it, hahaha..."


The harsh and harsh words became more and more outrageous, which shocked Ji Wufeng and caused everyone to burst into laughter.

This is a naked humiliation. Ji Wufeng is the leader of the second team of the Dragon Team. No matter how unwilling they are, they can't change anything, but they can take the opportunity to humiliate him, which will make you unable to step down and lose face.

Their ultimate goal was to attack Ji Wufeng and prove that he, the leader of the second team of the Dragon Team, had no value at all and was not worthy of comparison with the real leader of the Dragon Team.

But Ji Wufeng was not angry at all after hearing this. Instead, he smiled and said: "I also think that I am not qualified to be the leader of the second group of this dragon group. I can't help it. After all, this is an order from above. I want to resist. I can't resist. Why don't we do this? Let's have a fight.

Arena! "

Fight in a ring?

Everyone was stunned, and Tyrannosaurus asked: "What do you want to do?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Although this is the intention of the superiors, I also know the rules in our army. The strong are respected. If I can't convince the crowd, I won't be able to lead you to carry out the mission. Naturally, I am really not worthy of being this team leader. , so, let’s have an arena, and any of you can challenge me. As long as you beat me, I will immediately resign and the person who beats me will be the team leader. What do you think? ?”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. What on earth did he want to do? Since this is the intention of the superiors, then absolutely no one dares to disobey, so why would Ji Wufeng bother to do this? Isn't this deliberately causing trouble for yourself?

And those who had seen Ji Wufeng's methods couldn't help but take a step back. Your uncle, want to fight with you in the ring? It would be better to just stick my face out and let you slap your mouth.

Not only them, but others also didn't dare to act rashly even if they didn't know Ji Wufeng's power. How could someone who could force Gu Tianyang to such a point be easy to mess with?

Fighting in the ring with this bastard is simply asking for humiliation.

Seeing that no one dared to respond, Ji Wufeng said with a sneer: "None of you dare to come up? Then why were you so arrogant just now? Once you show your seriousness, you will all turn into cowards?"

He glanced at Tyrannosaurus, Long Fei and Black Eagle, squinting his eyes and said: "What I despise the most is the kind of mad dog that only barks, but never makes a sound when it comes to serious actions. Such people are simply trash. Apart from mocking others, I don’t even dare to challenge!”

As soon as these words came out, all the people who had been squeezing against Ji Wufeng became angry. They jumped on their feet and yelled, "You are too arrogant. Do you think I really don't dare to deal with you?"

"Damn it, you're too presumptuous. Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"I'm so crazy. Stop pulling me. I can't bear it anymore!"

There was a lot of yelling, but no one dared to stand up.

Ji Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang and shook his head and smiled: "I was originally full of expectations for the Dragon Team, but now I am only disappointed. I did not expect that the Dragon Team only has this kind of trash who has the courage to bark but has no courage to take action."

This is a thrill!

Ji Wufeng just wants to provoke the generals. He knows that most of the people in the Dragon Group look down on him and want to suppress him, so just do what they want and give them a chance to suppress him openly.

But this requires them to have the ability. If they don't have the ability to suppress themselves, they will have no choice but to be suppressed by Ji Wufeng. Today will be the day when Ji Wufeng establishes his power in the Dragon Team!

The word "waste" is too harsh, and it makes everyone angry when they hear it.

Gu Tianyang knew Ji Wufeng's intention and said with a smile: "Since we have joined the Dragon Group, then we are all brothers and sisters. Why should we take this seriously?"

"You are right, there is no need to take it too seriously, but I also feel that I am not qualified to be the leader of this dragon group, so it is best to step aside and make way for someone else. After all, we are all brothers and sisters. Even if I give it to them, there is no advantage for outsiders. .”

Ji Wufeng had an arrogant look on his face and his eyes were filled with contempt as he scanned everyone present.

Anyone who can enter the dragon group must be an outstanding person. How can they still hold back their anger when they are looked at with such contemptuous eyes? In an instant, everyone is furious.

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