"You are so presumptuous, do you really think no one dares to mess with you?" Long Fei, who had the hottest temper, said angrily.

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "If you dare, just take action. You won't be able to defeat me by barking here."

Everyone's noses were almost twisted with anger, and a young man said angrily: "Did you just say that as long as I defeat you, I can become the leader of the second group of the dragon group?"

"Yes, since I, Ji Wufeng, can convince my superiors to let me be the leader of the second team of the Dragon Group, I will naturally have the ability to make others the leader!" Ji Wufeng said loudly.

"Okay, today I will teach you a lesson and let you see how high the sky is and how high it is!"

The young man jumped out, pointed at Ji Wufeng and shouted arrogantly.

Ji Wufeng glanced at the young man, shook his head and said: "No, you are too weak. A guy like you is not worthy of being my opponent. Why bother to show up and embarrass yourself?"

But the more Ji Wufeng said this, the more humiliated he became to everyone, and everyone became angrier. The young man suddenly punched him and said angrily: "I'll beat you like a dog today, let's see how arrogant you can be." !”

The energy in his fists surged wildly. This young man was undoubtedly a master. If he pulled it out, he could stir up the storm.

"Hey, come here!"

Ji Wufeng took a step back, jumped away, and assumed a fighting posture. It was Bruce Lee's classic posture. It was originally a very handsome posture, but when it came to Ji Wufeng, it looked funny no matter how you looked at it.

Everyone in the dragon team is a master, but you act like a monkey, which is even more humiliating?

"go to hell!"

The young man let out a violent roar, and the energy in his fists increased sharply. It was like a crazy beast coming towards him, and the entire base was shaking slightly.


The fist struck Ji Wufeng's fist, and the ground shook. Ji Wufeng's body suddenly retreated, and the young man's offensive was overwhelming.


The whole audience burst into applause. Although this young man was strong, he was only at an average level among the dragon group. He could defeat Ji Wufeng with one punch. In their eyes, this bastard was not that great.

"It seems that you are just wasting your fame. Let's see how I teach you a lesson today!"

Ji Wufeng was knocked back with one punch. The young man's fighting spirit doubled, and he punched out again!


Ji Wufeng was repelled again, and the audience shouted again!

boom! boom! boom!

After several consecutive punches, Ji Wufeng was knocked back. Although he was not injured, in the eyes of everyone, he could barely hold on.

"This kid is dying, beat him to death!"

"Damn, I thought he was so powerful, but it turns out to be Silver Gun Wax Head!"

"Kill him. He's a loser. He's so arrogant and wants to be the leader of the dragon team. Damn!"

Everyone was shouting, but they forgot about Ji Wufeng's reputation. They forgot that Ji Wufeng was one of the three most famous youths along with Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin, because in their opinion, he was not very strong at all if he could be easily defeated by this young man. .

Ji Wufeng's reputation was simply a boast, and his real level was unworthy.

But although the spectators didn't know it clearly, the young man knew it very well in his heart. Each punch he punched was stronger than the last. The last punch even came with all his strength, but he still

He couldn't hurt a single hair of Ji Wufeng. No matter how powerful his punch was, it would feel like he hit a ball of cotton.

After several consecutive punches, his attacks were almost exhausted. He immediately understood that Ji Wufeng had real material and was just playing tricks on him.

Just as he was about to explain the situation, he heard someone shout loudly: "Punch him again and knock him to the ground. If you dare to act recklessly in the dragon group, you are seeking death!"

The young man immediately swallowed the words he was about to say back into his stomach. Yes, this is the Dragon Group. How can anyone be allowed to be arrogant and unbridled here?


The young man's fist came out again, but this time he had already used all his strength. His strength was almost exhausted. He was breathing heavily, but Ji Wufeng was still fine.

We all get along together all day long, and when we see the young man like this, we know that he is dying now.

However, no one reacted. In their opinion, although Ji Wufeng was not defeated by the young man, he was only a little better than that young man. It was nothing special. Besides, he had received so many punches that he might not be able to withstand it anymore. Okay, if another person comes up at this moment, he will definitely be knocked down casually.

"Watch me teach you a lesson!"

Someone had been ready to make a move. Seeing that the young man was already dying, someone jumped out and launched a violent attack on Ji Wufeng.

It was still the same as before, every blow could knock Ji Wufeng back, and Ji Wufeng could barely block it. As long as he added a little more force, he would definitely be able to knock him down, but Ji Wufeng would not fall.

In this way, several people were hit one after another, everyone tried their best, and were almost dead from exhaustion. Ji Wufeng was also losing ground, but only by a small margin.

Seeing a few more people eager to come forward, the people in the Xuanzi group had complicated expressions on their faces. They had all seen Ji Wufeng take action, and they all knew that Ji Wufeng was simply playing tricks on others.

This kid is really bad, full of black water, you are awesome, why are you trying to trick others?

Someone wanted to remind everyone aloud, but Long Wei didn't say anything, and everyone couldn't find a reason to speak.

Several people couldn't do anything to Ji Wufeng, and they began to whisper in their hearts, what on earth is going on with this kid? It was obvious that he was already on the verge of death, so why didn't he fall down? Is he a roly-poly?

Since the people who can join the dragon group are naturally not simple characters, they were blinded by anger before, but now, how can they still not see that something is wrong? This guy is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Everyone became even more angry, but no one played again, knowing that even if the fight continued, the result would probably be the same.

However, Ji Wufeng's goal has not been achieved yet, how could he let them go like this? I haven't bullied you yet?

"Why is there no one? Come here, I haven't had a good time yet." Ji Wufeng said.

Everyone remained silent, muttering in their hearts, are you still coming? If you come again, I won't beat you bastard to death, but I will be exhausted, so I won't fall for your deception.

Seeing that no one was willing to fuck him, Ji Wufeng became even more arrogant and said, "You are all so barking. I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you are all a loser!"

Everyone's eyes widened in anger, Ji Wufeng said: "What are you staring at? Did I say something wrong? You just said that I am not qualified to be the team leader, why don't you fart now?" "You are so presumptuous. , do you really think no one dares to mess with you?" Long Fei, who had the hottest temper, said angrily.

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "If you dare, just take action. You won't be able to defeat me by barking here."

Everyone's noses were almost twisted with anger, and a young man said angrily: "Did you just say that as long as I defeat you, I can become the leader of the second group of the dragon group?"

"Yes, since I, Ji Wufeng, can convince my superiors to let me be the leader of the second team of the Dragon Group, I will naturally have the ability to make others the leader!" Ji Wufeng said loudly.

"Okay, today I will teach you a lesson and let you see how high the sky is and how high it is!"

The young man jumped out, pointed at Ji Wufeng and shouted arrogantly.

Ji Wufeng glanced at the young man, shook his head and said: "No, you are too weak. A guy like you is not worthy of being my opponent. Why bother to show up and embarrass yourself?"

But the more Ji Wufeng said this, the more humiliated he became to everyone, and everyone became angrier. The young man suddenly punched him and said angrily: "I'll beat you like a dog today, let's see how arrogant you can be." !”

The energy in his fists surged wildly. This young man was undoubtedly a master. If he pulled it out, he could stir up the storm.

"Hey, come here!"

Ji Wufeng took a step back, jumped away, and assumed a fighting posture. It was Bruce Lee's classic posture. It was originally a very handsome posture, but when it came to Ji Wufeng, it looked funny no matter how you looked at it.

Everyone in the dragon team is a master, but you act like a monkey, which is even more humiliating?

"go to hell!"

The young man let out a violent roar, and the energy in his fists increased sharply. It was like a crazy beast coming towards him, and the entire base was shaking slightly.


The fist struck Ji Wufeng's fist, and the ground shook. Ji Wufeng's body suddenly retreated, and the young man's offensive was overwhelming.


The whole audience burst into applause. Although this young man was strong, he was only at an average level among the dragon group. He could defeat Ji Wufeng with one punch. In their eyes, this bastard was not that great.

"It seems that you are just wasting your fame. Let's see how I teach you a lesson today!"

Ji Wufeng was knocked back with one punch. The young man's fighting spirit doubled, and he punched out again!


Ji Wufeng was repelled again, and the audience shouted again!

boom! boom! boom!

After several consecutive punches, Ji Wufeng was knocked back. Although he was not injured, in the eyes of everyone, he could barely hold on.

"This kid is dying, beat him to death!"

"Damn, I thought he was so powerful, but it turns out to be Silver Gun Wax Head!"

"Kill him. He's a loser. He's so arrogant and wants to be the leader of the dragon team. Damn!"

Everyone was shouting, but they forgot about Ji Wufeng's reputation. They forgot that Ji Wufeng was one of the three most famous youths along with Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin, because in their opinion, he was not very strong at all if he could be easily defeated by this young man. .

Ji Wufeng's reputation was simply a boast, and his real level was unworthy.

But although the spectators didn't know it clearly, the young man knew it very well in his heart. Each punch he punched was stronger than the last. The last punch even came with all his strength, but he still

He couldn't hurt a single hair of Ji Wufeng. No matter how powerful his punch was, it would feel like he hit a ball of cotton.

After several consecutive punches, his attacks were almost exhausted. He immediately understood that Ji Wufeng had real material and was just playing tricks on him.

Just as he was about to explain the situation, he heard someone shout loudly: "Punch him again and knock him to the ground. If you dare to act recklessly in the dragon group, you are seeking death!"

The young man immediately swallowed the words he was about to say back into his stomach. Yes, this is the Dragon Group. How can anyone be allowed to be arrogant and unbridled here?


The young man's fist came out again, but this time he had already used all his strength. His strength was almost exhausted. He was breathing heavily, but Ji Wufeng was still fine.

We all get along together all day long, and when we see the young man like this, we know that he is dying now.

However, no one reacted. In their opinion, although Ji Wufeng was not defeated by the young man, he was only a little better than that young man. It was nothing special. Besides, he had received so many punches that he might not be able to withstand it anymore. Okay, if another person comes up at this moment, he will definitely be knocked down casually.

"Watch me teach you a lesson!"

Someone had been ready to make a move. Seeing that the young man was already dying, someone jumped out and launched a violent attack on Ji Wufeng.

It was still the same as before, every blow could knock Ji Wufeng back, and Ji Wufeng could barely block it. As long as he added a little more force, he would definitely be able to knock him down, but Ji Wufeng would not fall.

In this way, several people were hit one after another, everyone tried their best, and were almost dead from exhaustion. Ji Wufeng was also losing ground, but only by a small margin.

Seeing a few more people eager to come forward, the people in the Xuanzi group had complicated expressions on their faces. They had all seen Ji Wufeng take action, and they all knew that Ji Wufeng was simply playing tricks on others.

This kid is really bad, full of black water, you are awesome, why are you trying to trick others?

Someone wanted to remind everyone aloud, but Long Wei didn't say anything, and everyone couldn't find a reason to speak.

Several people couldn't do anything to Ji Wufeng, and they began to whisper in their hearts, what on earth is going on with this kid? It was obvious that he was already on the verge of death, so why didn't he fall down? Is he a roly-poly?

Since the people who can join the dragon group are naturally not simple characters, they were blinded by anger before, but now, how can they still not see that something is wrong? This guy is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Everyone became even more angry, but no one played again, knowing that even if the fight continued, the result would probably be the same.

However, Ji Wufeng's goal has not been achieved yet, how could he let them go like this? I haven't bullied you yet?

"Why is there no one? Come here, I haven't had a good time yet." Ji Wufeng said.

Everyone remained silent, muttering in their hearts, are you still coming? If you come again, I won't beat you bastard to death, but I will be exhausted, so I won't fall for your deception.

Seeing that no one was willing to fuck him, Ji Wufeng became even more arrogant and said, "You are all so barking. I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you are all a loser!"

Everyone's eyes widened in anger, Ji Wufeng said: "What are you staring at? Did I say something wrong? You just said that I am not qualified to be the team leader, why don't you fart now?"

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