Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1581 What do you think of me?

Several young people from the Yun family, as well as Qianye Yu's followers, Ji Wufeng, Nie Hu and others all changed their expressions. The fighting spirit released by these guys was so powerful that they blended together and suppressed them. In the hearts of everyone present, it was like a hundred thousand mountains hanging above their heads. Once crushed, they would be shattered to pieces in an instant!

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but almost cursed his mother, because he discovered that the cultivation levels of Tian Wuxin, Wuchen, and the Jackson brothers had also improved.

Your uncle, what is going on?

I just broke through, and before I had time to show off, I found out that everyone had broken through, which made him unable to play even if he wanted to.

With so many masters at the scene, Tian Wuxin, a militant, may have been overly excited, and the fighting spirit exuding from his body was getting higher and higher. As for the others, they all believed that they were invincible and refused to back down, and they were all stimulating their fighting spirit! ??


Some martial arts masters were okay, they just felt a lot of pressure and tried their best to resist. However, the few wealthy young men who followed Gu Tianyang were ordinary people and could not bear such pressure at all. They felt as if their bones were being squeezed. Pressed to pieces.

Some people soon couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed on the ground screaming.

Gu Tianyang frowned slightly and laughed softly: "Everyone, there are all guests coming in. If we are standing like this, the host may not be able to entertain us."

We can't continue like this, otherwise people will be killed. Those who can follow him into this place are all his right-hand men. If they die like this, the loss will be huge.

Harris on the side was already covered in cold sweat. These people ignored him no matter what, but now he was the host after all. If something really happened, he would not be able to explain to the officials.

Harris hurriedly said: "Yes, everyone is my distinguished guest. It's not good to stand. Everyone is sitting down. We are having a banquet. Let's serve wine and food. Hurry up!"

Qianye Yu was the most graceful. He first dissipated the fighting spirit from his body and said with a smile: "Yes, I

We are all guests, and we dare not let the host neglect us. "

"Your strength is pretty good. Let me keep it in mind for you. Sooner or later we will have a battle!"

Tian Wuxin stared at Qianye Yu and smiled. He was obviously not too cold towards Qianye Yu. At the same time, he also dissipated the fighting spirit from his body. He turned his head to Yun Shang and asked with a smile: "Little girl, you are very powerful. When?" If you have time, let’s have a fight?”

Although Tian Wuxin was inviting a fight, his eyes seemed a bit lewd. It looked like a big lecher was eyeing a pretty little girl.


Yun Shang snorted coldly, turned around and left. Tian Wuxin hurriedly chased after him, shouting: "Hey, don't leave yet. It's okay if we don't fight. Why don't we talk about life ideals, romance, and maybe talk about it?" Are you having feelings?"

Everyone in the audience was stunned. What did this bastard want to do? Do you want to go to Yunshang?

While everyone was in a daze, Ji Wufeng laughed slyly on the side. He was thinking that if he encouraged Tian Wuxin to really lure Yun Chang away, would that dead old ghost Yun Rong jump out of anger?

The number one master in the holy land of martial arts was actually lured away by a girl from the arch-enemy Demon Sect. Not only was Yun Rong going to jump, but the entire martial arts righteousness would be shocked, right?

Seeing Wuchen again, Ji Wufeng was inevitably a little excited. He thought he would never meet again in this life. Ji Wufeng's previous contact with Wuchen was purely for other purposes, but when something happened between the two that went beyond friendship, Ji Wufeng felt a little complicated and didn't know what to do. Faced.

But one thing he knew very well was that it was hard for him to let go of Wuchen. He might not have loved her before, but he could love her in the future. She was already his woman anyway.

"Why are you here too?" Ji Wufeng asked softly


"Beyond the world of mortals, transcend the mortal world and become a saint!"

Wuchen's tone was very calm, with a bland smile, but a very obvious sense of distance.

Ji Wufeng said with a cheeky smile: "I am Hongchen, come and transcend me!"

Wuchen nodded and said: "This is also my idea. There will eventually be a battle between you and me. Only by completing this battle can I take that step!"

Ji Wufeng found that Wuchen's attitude towards him was too cold. The intimacy in the past no longer existed, and there was a clear distance between him and him. Did Wuchen really come here just to retreat from the world of mortals and step into the holy realm?

Ji Wufeng felt a little angry. Damn it, you are already my woman, how can you be so transcendent from this mortal world? Just be obedient and give birth to my child.

He thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it with his mouth. Instead, he smiled and said, "We haven't seen each other for a long time. Can we find a place where they can have a nice chat?"

His inner plan is to find a place where no one can see him, hug her and kiss her wildly, and see what kind of saint you are. ??

"Okay, let's finish this battle as soon as possible!"

Wuchen nodded, and the tyrannical fighting spirit in his body suddenly burst out, and he forced himself towards Ji Wufeng, which immediately shocked Ji Wufeng. He could tell that Wuchen was not joking, but really wanted to fight him.

Your grandpa wants to rebel against you. He wants to beat me when he sees your husband being unsubmissive and serving me obediently. I must let you know how powerful the Ji family's family is today.

"He is my opponent!" A cold and arrogant voice came, followed by a sharp aura.

It was Yun Shang. I don't know when she came over. After glancing at Ji Wufeng, she looked directly at Wuchen with a compelling look.

Wuchen looked indifferent and said: "Whether he is your opponent or not has nothing to do with me. I will leave automatically after I finish the battle with him!"

"I said he was

My opponent, no one can fight him until I defeat him! "Yun Shang's tone was as calm as ever, but the aura on his body was more domineering.

At this time, Tian Wuxin ran over and yelled at Yun Shang: "Xiao Yishang, if anyone wants you, just give it to them. If you want to fight, I will fight with you. I can fight you how I want." You can also find a place where no one is around and we can chat and fight at the same time."

"you shut up!"

Yun Shang was angry. Although she was extremely beautiful, this was the first time she was chased because no one dared to chase her.

Who would marry such an outrageously strong wife? It's just a lack of self-confidence. If she is offended, wouldn't she be beaten every two days?

"Okay, okay, I'll just shut up. As long as you're not angry, I'll do whatever you want, but don't make yourself angry, otherwise I'll be very distressed." Tian Wuxin said with a grin.

Everyone's faces were full of black lines. Isn't this the young master of the Demon Sect's Tianluo Dao, who claims to become the unifying Great Demon King? Why has it become a soft bone now? And also facing his own mortal enemy.

Ji Wufeng was also thinking about it. The Demon Sect almost destroyed Tiangong several times. What did Tian Wuxin want to do? Are you really attracted to Yunshang, or are you deliberately trying to cause trouble for the Yun family?

If he really catches Yun Shang, everyone in the Yun family will definitely go crazy!

Wuchen said to Yunshang coldly: "I will not give him to you, I still need him to hone myself."

"You won't let me?" Yun Shang asked.

"No!" Wuchen said firmly.

Ji Wufeng cursed in his heart, "Damn it, what do you think I am?" Is it a good material for training yourself?

The two women immediately went toe-to-toe with each other, neither of them willing to give in. Their attitudes were extremely resolute. Both of them were geniuses and beauties of heaven. They had already decided that Ji Wufeng was the material for them to hone themselves. How could they give up so easily? others?

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