At this time, Qianye Yu came over and said with a smile: "Why are you two so determined? Brother Ji can't separate himself, but he can prioritize."

What he meant was that Ji Wufeng could fight one person and then fight another.

Yun Shang turned around and asked, "Who goes first?"

This question immediately stopped Qianye Yu, who should go first? The issue of order is also important. Wuchen is the saint of Jialuo Temple, and Yunshang is the number one person in Yun Palace. No matter who comes first, the latter will feel that he has taken a step back.

With their arrogance, it is impossible for them to allow themselves to give in to others!

Wuchen said lightly, "In this case, there is nothing more to say, let's fight, he will be the winner!"

Everyone was suddenly shocked. Is Wuchen inviting a fight to Yunshang? The winner will be used to decide who challenges Ji Wufeng first.

Ji Wufeng's face was filled with astonishment. What did Wuchen mean by inviting Yunshang to a fight so simply?

You must know that their identities represent the two Holy Lands respectively. If the two of them fight, it will not be as simple as a simple fight. It is very likely that the two Holy Lands will be involved, and the consequences will be disastrous!

Qianye Yu also came over and said: "If you two want to hone your skills in a battle, why do you need Brother Ji? Why don't you accompany me and ask for advice?"

These words immediately made everyone, including Ji Wufeng, confused. In terms of hostility, the relationship between him and Ji Wufeng definitely exceeded everyone. It didn't matter that he was not fanning the flames, but instead stepped forward to help Ji Wufeng.

Could it be that he really had no intention of becoming an enemy of Ji Wufeng?

But this thought only passed by for a moment, because it was simply a joke. If he really had no intention of becoming an enemy of Ji Wufeng, why would he be standing here today?

Wu Chen and Yun Shang did not fight in the end, but sooner or later the two would have a battle, and it was inevitable. But everyone could also see that the reason why the two were hostile to each other was not entirely because of their identities.

But because

At that time, there were too few heroic women of the same generation. Both of them were the most outstanding disciples in the Holy Land. But if their identities were put aside, who was the best of the same generation?

The two of them undoubtedly regard each other as their strongest opponent. Rather than competing for Ji Wufeng, the material to hone themselves, it is better to say that they regard each other as the best whetstone!

It's just that it's not the right time to fight at this moment.

"I will let you know what failure is!" Yun Shang said domineeringly.

Wuchen also showed his sharpness and said: "I will also give this sentence to you."

We were fighting each other, but no one was convinced. Tian Wuxin yelled at Ji Wufeng from the side: "My wife wants to fight with your wife. If we bump into each other, I will feel bad. Why don't we have a fight first?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. He used to think that this bastard was very arrogant, but today he realized that he was even more shameless. But spring has passed long ago, why is he in heat?

But before Ji Wufeng could respond, Yun Shang had already yelled angrily: "Shut up!"

Wuchen was also furious and said: "Who is his wife!"

Tian Wuxin's legs were trembling as he was stared at with anger in their eyes. He was really afraid that the two tigresses would become anxious and join forces to beat him up.

This kind of scene naturally requires wine, but there is no scene of drinking and talking as mentioned before. Although everyone is drinking, the atmosphere at the scene is extremely depressing.

Why did Harris invite everyone? Is it really just for the creation of the Expedition International Executive Headquarters?

Of course it can't be this reason. Everyone present knows very well that this seems to be a duel. Before the duel begins, the players from both sides take a photo first, and then the game begins!

However, friendship does not come first in this game. This game is about superiority and inferiority, and more importantly, life and death!

At the same time, there is another obvious intention, which is to take this opportunity to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang will definitely fight to the end. Even though Qianye Yu is smiling, in fact, no one will believe that he will really are friendly to Ji Wufeng.

Just based on Ji Hongtu's feud with Sakura Temple, it's impossible for the two to become friends. Besides, isn't the goal of his coming to China to be Ji Wufeng?

Yun Shang is a martial arts fanatic. Although Ji Wufeng cannot feel her hostility, he is an opponent that she must defeat, and it is impossible for her to become friends.

Although Ji Wufeng couldn't guess what Wuchen was thinking, but thinking about what the two of them were doing, they should be towards him, right? At most, I just beat myself up to vent my anger when I'm bored.

There are also the Jackson brothers and sisters, who have made it clear that they are not easy to deal with Qianye Yu, and have already extended an olive branch to Ji Wufeng. They are allies who can achieve cooperation.

As for Kong Ming and others, they also have strong combat power, but Ji Wufeng concluded that apart from Wuchen, it is impossible for Jialuo Temple to send other people. As for Tiangong, several young strong men have appeared, and their strength is not inferior to Kong Ming and others.

Gu Tianyang has the Sakura Temple and the Heavenly Palace, and Ji Wufeng has the Jialuo Temple and the Dark Holy See. The difference in strength is not very big.

However, there is a variable in this, and that is Tian Wuxin!

It is really impossible to guess what this person is thinking. He is a genius, an absolute king of the younger generation, and his mind is unruly. What kind of path will he choose to take in the end?

It was difficult for Ji Wufeng to be hostile to him, but he also did not become a true friend with him. He had great plans and wanted to revitalize the Demon Sect, but once he took a wrong path, the two would become mortal enemies.

Ji Wufeng does not exclude people from the devil's way. Although people from the devil's sect can do whatever they want, as long as they have no evil thoughts, they can even

It is easier to get along with than righteous people who are dirty at heart.

Today was not the official duel. It was enough for everyone to meet each other, and they had already left early. Ji Wufeng was really afraid that Yun Shang and Wu Chen couldn't hold it in any longer, so they started fighting on the spot.

As soon as Ji Wufeng and others left, the atmosphere at the scene immediately changed. Gu Tianyang asked Qianye Yu, "What do you think?"

Qianye Yu chuckled and said: "It's very good, it's worth letting me take action!"

"He is my opponent. If you want to touch him, fight me first!" Yun Shang said coldly, then turned around and strode away.

Yun Shang left, but Yun Fan and others did not leave. Gu Tianyang said with a smile: "Miss Yun Shang still has a grudge!"

Everyone could see that although Yun Shang threatened to attack Ji Wufeng, she did not show any obvious hostility. If the critical moment came, if she was passive and passive, she might spoil the matter.

Yun Fan said coldly: "It doesn't matter, Ji Wufeng is the only one besides her who has obtained the Order of the Holy Son of Heavenly Palace. With her arrogance, she will never allow any opponent to fail at her feet."

Yun Shang is known as the number one person in the Heavenly Palace and thinks she is invincible in her generation. However, Ji Wufeng appears, whose strength is not inferior to hers. He also holds the Order of the Holy Son. Ji Wufeng has become a stumbling block in her heart to reach the peak of martial arts. She must overcome her. Its defeated.

It doesn't matter whether Yun Shang and them are of the same mind, as long as she is willing to take action against Ji Wufeng, it is enough.

Qianye Yu shook his head and said, "But this is not enough!"

At this moment, Qianye Yu's face no longer had that charming smile like the spring breeze, but was replaced by a cold and strange aura. The expressions of several young masters of the Yun family changed.

They were from the Yun family, and they all regarded themselves as geniuses. They didn't take anyone else seriously except Yun Shang, but the aura on Qianye Yu's body actually made them feel palpitations.

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