Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1592 No one can underestimate him

While Lucas was frightened, Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said with disdain on his face: "I get angry when I see you, a golden retriever!"

Before he finished speaking, the Hidden Dragon's Ascension Technique in his body was activated again, activating the power of chaos in his body. Several forces were intertwined and slanted out crazily towards Guiwei's blade, impacting the Archangel Sword.

This power is too powerful. If the Archangel Sword is in the hands of a strong person in the Holy Realm, it will be invincible in the world. But it is a pity that Lucas is not a strong person in the Holy Realm. The difference is too far.

The Archangel Sword retreated, and Lucas could no longer inspire more powerful power. The violent power swarmed in like a tide.

Just when Ji Wufeng used all his strength, a terrifying gravity field formed around him. At this time, Lucas was still inciting his little wings in the air. Ji Wufeng freed up a hand and blasted out with a violent fist.

Lucas was still using the Archangel Sword with all his strength and could not dodge at all. Ji Wufeng hit him on the head with an old punch. He flew out like a dead dog, and then his body hit the ground and sank in.

Qianye Yu and others present were all stunned. They naturally knew Lucas' strength, otherwise they would not form an alliance with him, but now they are unable to defeat Ji Wufeng, and it seems that this bastard has not used all his strength. He Is it really that strong already?

Jackson's eyes widened and he murmured to himself: "What a pervert!"

Catherine became even more excited, gritted her teeth and stared at Lucas: "Did this bastard finally end up like this?"

Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang instantly felt murderous intent in their hearts. They could not wait any longer. If Lucas was really killed, everything they had done before would be in vain!

At this level of cultivation, Ji Wufeng's old punch just now would not cause much damage to Lucas at all. He stood up from the ground, his long blond hair covered with mud, looking very embarrassed.

"Ji Wufeng, you have completely angered me. You will definitely die today!" Lucas suffered the biggest setback in his life. Ji Wufeng's punch was more painful than stabbing him.

"You're still bragging when you're about to die!" What Ji Wufeng hates is this kind of tough-talking pretentious person. Just looking at him makes him want to beat him!

"Despicable alien, accept the judgment of death!" Lucas shouted, wielding the Archangel Sword and slashing at Ji Wufeng.

The sword energy soared into the sky, the wind and clouds thundered, and Lucas was already going crazy!

"Golden Retriever, I will beat you to death today!" Gui Lai now had several forces flowing into his blade, so he was naturally not afraid of the Archangel Sword. Ji Wufeng twisted the sword and faced it.

boom! boom! boom!

The collision started violently again. Although Lucas was at a disadvantage before, no one dared to underestimate his power. Suddenly, the situation changed, the earth shook, and everything on the ground in the entire area was destroyed, turning into A piece of white land.

Although it was reaching a fever pitch, Ji Wufeng did not try his best. He knew that Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang were waiting for an opportunity to give him a fatal blow, an opportunity that would make it difficult for Ji Wufeng to fly.

Once the melee begins, Ji Wufeng and the Jackson brothers will most likely be defeated, but the chance of saving Ji Wufeng's life is still too small. In a fight of this level, even if the strength is on the front line, if you want to truly kill him, I'm afraid it won't be possible. There's too much chance.

Yes, Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang were waiting, and so was Ji Wufeng, but he couldn't afford to wait any longer. Lucas was not a weakling. If he continued like this, once his power was exhausted, things would be very serious. .

"Golden retriever, go to hell!"

Ji Wufeng couldn't wait any longer. The tyrannical power in his body suddenly burst out. Dragons roared in the Ghost Crying Blade for nine days. The monstrous power came out one after another. The ground exploded continuously, and everything was destroyed into sand and dust. Together, they form a huge sandstorm.

Lucas was unable to parry, the archangel sword became dim, and the sword edge trembled.


Ji Wufeng roared loudly, and Guiwei slashed out fiercely. The Archangel Sword could not block it, and was sent flying out, stuck in the sand.

Lucas' arm shook wildly, as if it was about to break. The Archangel Sword fell not far from him. The blade of the sword made a low buzzing sound, like bursts of whining, as if it had been greatly injured. children.


Ji Wufeng's body rose into the air and landed on the ground, stirring up a gust of sand in the calm sand. The terrifying force field had not disappeared yet. Lucas was still pressed firmly on the sand, watching Ji Wufeng slowly move toward He approaches.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Lucas looked at Ji Wufeng who was slowly approaching in panic. Without the Archangel Sword, Ji Wufeng could kill him with the Ghost Cry in his hand.

The strongest disciple of any holy land, anyone at a critical moment of life or death would have to face the trembling deep in his heart.

Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang's expressions were extremely ugly. Their original plan was to let Ji Wufeng and Lucas fight first, and after they both suffered losses, they would pick the ready-made peaches.

But they never expected that things would not go as they thought. Ji Wufeng defeated Lucas in an overwhelming manner without any major losses, and their plot failed.

"I still despised him after all." Qianye Yu's voice was very calm, but the coldness in his body was very permeable.

Gu Tianyang took a deep breath and said, "He is Ji Wufeng, no one can underestimate him."

"But he is going to die eventually!"

Ji Wufeng looked at Lucas on the ground and started to laugh. It was a sinister smile with evil intentions, which made other people present feel like there was a cold wind blowing behind their backs.

"What is he going to do?"

When Lucas saw that Ji Wufeng didn't kill him immediately, but showed a sly smile, it made him feel a chill in his heart. He felt that something very bad would happen next.

Ji Wufeng looked down at Lucas who was pressed to the ground and cursed: "Golden Retriever, didn't you say you want to judge me on behalf of God? Where is your bullshit God now?"

After saying that, he rushed over and sat on Lucas, raised his fists and beat him, and cursed: "I call you a fucking god, I call you a fucking judge, I call you a long Golden Retriever comes to show off..."

Although Lucas is not handsome, he is still a handsome guy. His face was bruised and swollen after being beaten several times, and his clothes were torn in tatters, leaving only rags hanging on his body, and his long golden hair. Whether Ji Wufeng did it intentionally or accidentally, most of it was torn off, exposing his scalp.

Lucas looks like a beggar now! While Lucas was frightened, Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said with disdain on his face: "I get angry when I see you, a golden retriever!"

Before he finished speaking, the Hidden Dragon's Ascension Technique in his body was activated again, activating the power of chaos in his body. Several forces were intertwined and slanted out crazily towards Guiwei's blade, impacting the Archangel Sword.

This power is too powerful. If the Archangel Sword is in the hands of a strong person in the Holy Realm, it will be invincible in the world. But it is a pity that Lucas is not a strong person in the Holy Realm. The difference is too far.

The Archangel Sword retreated, and Lucas could no longer inspire more powerful power. The violent power swarmed in like a tide.

Just when Ji Wufeng used all his strength, a terrifying gravity field formed around him. At this time, Lucas was still inciting his little wings in the air. Ji Wufeng freed up a hand and blasted out with a violent fist.

Lucas was still using the Archangel Sword with all his strength and could not dodge at all. Ji Wufeng hit him on the head with an old punch. He flew out like a dead dog, and then his body hit the ground and sank in.

Qianye Yu and others present were all stunned. They naturally knew Lucas' strength, otherwise they would not form an alliance with him, but now they are unable to defeat Ji Wufeng, and it seems that this bastard has not used all his strength. He Is it really that strong already?

Jackson's eyes widened and he murmured to himself: "What a pervert!"

Catherine became even more excited, gritted her teeth and stared at Lucas: "Did this bastard finally end up like this?"

Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang instantly felt murderous intent in their hearts. They could not wait any longer. If Lucas was really killed, everything they had done before would be in vain!

At this level of cultivation, Ji Wufeng's old punch just now would not cause much damage to Lucas at all. He stood up from the ground, his long blond hair covered with mud, looking very embarrassed.

"Ji Wufeng, you have completely angered me. You will definitely die today!" Lucas suffered the biggest setback in his life. Ji Wufeng's punch was more painful than stabbing him.

"You're still bragging when you're about to die!" What Ji Wufeng hates is this kind of tough-talking pretentious person. Just looking at him makes him want to beat him!

"Despicable alien, accept the judgment of death!" Lucas shouted, wielding the Archangel Sword and slashing at Ji Wufeng.

The sword energy soared into the sky, the wind and clouds thundered, and Lucas was already going crazy!

"Golden Retriever, I will beat you to death today!" Gui Lai now had several forces flowing into his blade, so he was naturally not afraid of the Archangel Sword. Ji Wufeng twisted the sword and faced it.

boom! boom! boom!

The collision started violently again. Although Lucas was at a disadvantage before, no one dared to underestimate his power. Suddenly, the situation changed, the earth shook, and everything on the ground in the entire area was destroyed, turning into A piece of white land.

Although it was reaching a fever pitch, Ji Wufeng did not try his best. He knew that Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang were waiting for an opportunity to give him a fatal blow, an opportunity that would make it difficult for Ji Wufeng to fly.

Once the melee begins, Ji Wufeng and the Jackson brothers will most likely be defeated, but the chance of saving Ji Wufeng's life is still too small. In a fight of this level, even if the strength is on the front line, if you want to truly kill him, I'm afraid it won't be possible. There's too much chance.

Yes, Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang are waiting, and so is Ji Wufeng, but he can't afford to wait any longer. Lucas is not a weakling. If he continues like this, once his power is exhausted, things will be very serious. .

"Golden retriever, go to hell!"

Ji Wufeng couldn't wait any longer, and the tyrannical power in his body suddenly burst out. Dragons roared for nine days in the Ghost Crying Blade, and the monstrous power came out one after another. The ground exploded continuously, and everything was destroyed into sand and dust. Together, they form a huge sandstorm.

Lucas was unable to parry, the archangel sword became dim, and the sword edge trembled.


Ji Wufeng roared loudly, and Guiwei slashed out fiercely. The Archangel Sword could not block it, and was sent flying out, stuck in the sand.

Lucas' arm shook wildly, as if it was about to break. The Archangel Sword fell not far from him. The blade of the sword made a low buzzing sound, like bursts of whining, as if it had been greatly injured. children.


Ji Wufeng's body rose into the air and landed on the ground, stirring up a gust of sand in the calm sand. The terrifying force field had not disappeared yet. Lucas was still pressed firmly on the sand, watching Ji Wufeng slowly move toward He approaches.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Lucas looked at Ji Wufeng who was slowly approaching in panic. Without the Archangel Sword, Ji Wufeng could kill him with the Ghost Cry in his hand.

The strongest disciple of any holy land, anyone at a critical moment of life or death would have to face the trembling deep in his heart.

Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang's expressions were extremely ugly. Their original plan was to let Ji Wufeng and Lucas fight first, and after they both lost, they would pick the peaches.

But they never expected that things would not go as they thought. Ji Wufeng defeated Lucas in an overwhelming manner without any major losses, and their plot failed.

"I still despised him after all." Qianye Yu's voice was very calm, but the coldness in his body was very permeable.

Gu Tianyang took a deep breath and said, "He is Ji Wufeng, no one can underestimate him."

"But he is going to die eventually!"

Ji Wufeng looked at Lucas on the ground and started to laugh. It was a sinister smile with evil intentions, which made other people present feel like there was a cold wind blowing behind their backs.

"What is he going to do?"

When Lucas saw that Ji Wufeng didn't kill him immediately, but showed a sly smile, it made him feel a chill in his heart. He felt that something very bad would happen next.

Ji Wufeng looked down at Lucas who was pressed to the ground and cursed: "Golden Retriever, didn't you say you want to judge me on behalf of God? Where is your bullshit God now?"

After saying that, he rushed over and sat on Lucas, raised his fists and beat him, and cursed: "I call you a fucking god, I call you a fucking judge, I call you a long Golden Retriever comes to show off..."

Although Lucas is not handsome, he is still a handsome guy. His face was bruised and swollen after being beaten several times, and his clothes were torn in tatters, leaving only rags hanging on his body, and his long golden hair. Whether Ji Wufeng did it intentionally or accidentally, most of it was torn off, exposing his scalp.

Lucas looks like a beggar now!

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