The Jackson brothers looked at the scene in front of them stupidly. That was the strongest disciple of the Holy Court, their unbeatable enemy, and now they were being beaten like dead dogs.

"Despicable alien, you will never be redeemed until death!"

Lucas had never been so humiliated before. He was so ashamed and angry that he roared: "Guardian of angels!"

The four wings on his back suddenly disappeared, turning into golden light that enveloped Lucas's body. Ji Wufeng's pupils suddenly dilated, his heart jumped, and he felt a destructive aura.

"Ji Wufeng, your death has come!"

The golden light emitted from Lucas's body was like a destructive light, which instantly covered his whole body. Ji Wufeng could only resist with all his strength to block the fatal damage, but suddenly two terrible forces attacked together. Once he could withstand it, Even if you don't die, you will be miserable.

It's Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang. They have long believed that Ji Wufeng is not so easy to kill. What they are waiting for is this moment of fatal blow. Now Ji Wufeng is trying his best to resist Lucas's angel protection, which is definitely the best way to kill him. opportunity.

This scene happened so fast. The Jackson brothers and sisters were completely attracted by the battle between the two. They did not expect that the two of them would make a sneak attack. By the time they reacted, it was too late.


The two men's attacks hit Ji Wufeng's body mercilessly, and without any defense, Ji Wufeng spurted blood from his mouth and his body flew away.

The two of them were determined to kill Ji Wufeng, so they attacked fiercely, and Ji Wufeng was seriously injured!

Ji Wufeng spat out blood and fell to the ground, shouting angrily: "You two despicable people!"

Qianye Yu shook his head and said: "We are in a confrontational situation until death. No matter what means we use, there is no despicable thing."

Ji Wufeng said angrily: "Hmph, the descendant of the Holy Land actually relies on sneak attacks to defeat his enemies. Aren't you afraid that the news will spread and make the world laugh?"

Qianye Yu shook his head again and said: "As long as you die, who will know that we killed you in a sneak attack? As for your two so-called allies, who will believe their words?"

Yes, the method they used to kill Ji Wufeng today was indeed disgraceful, but who would have known? Even if the Jackson brothers and sisters spread the word everywhere, with the reputation of the Dark Holy See, no one would believe it?

Because they are the mortal enemies of the Holy Court, no matter what he says, it is just slandering the Holy Court and has no credibility.

Ji Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang again, but Gu Tianyang said with a cold face: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, you have already lost!"

He and Gu Tianyang were mortal enemies, and sooner or later there would be a life-and-death battle. However, this battle had already ended before it even started.

Yes, Gu Tianyang won disgracefully and used a sneak attack, but what he said was right. The winner was the king and the loser was the enemy. Ji Wufeng would never have a chance again, so anything was enough.

The Jackson brothers rushed over angrily and cursed angrily: "Despicable and shameless!"

Qianye Yu said disdainfully: "For one's own life-and-death enemy, do you still need to care about how dishonorable the methods are?"

Indeed, when facing an enemy of life and death, any method is normal. As long as it can kill the opponent, it is a good method!

Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang are sworn enemies, and they have the same undying hatred as Sakura Temple. Now it is meaningless to say that the means are not honorable.

"Hmph, don't you think of killing Ji Wufeng today?"

Brother Jackson

The younger sister stood in front of Ji Wufeng. Yes, it was a do-or-die situation now. They couldn't understand the meaning of death and coldness. If Ji Wufeng was killed, Qianye Yu and others would never let them go. .

"Just because you two losers want to stop us, you are using your arms as a chariot." Qianye Yu snorted coldly.

"You can try it!"

The fact that the Jackson brothers did not take a step back was not because they would never leave Ji Wufeng, but if Ji Wufeng made any mistake, they would also be in danger. If Ji Wufeng died, they would immediately become the target of being surrounded and killed. They are keeping the rules and keeping the rules, and at the same time they are saving their own lives.

"Do you think this can save his life? That's too naive!" Qianye Yu said ruthlessly.

The Jackson brothers and sisters were not as strong as them and others, so they couldn't stop them at all. It was really difficult to save Ji Wufeng.

"Then you come!" Catherine said coldly.

"Get away!"

Qianye Yu was angry, and with a wave of his hand, a fierce attack followed, slashing horizontally at Catherine who was blocking him.

A black light flashed on Catherine's body, blocking the blow. Qianye Yu sneered: "The Dark Holy See has not been destroyed by the Holy Court for so many years. If I kill two of its most outstanding descendants today, the Holy Court will definitely owe me It’s a big favor.”

Qianye Yu has already made murderous intentions. He will kill Ji Wufeng today. Anyone who stops him will die!

Gu Tianyang also looked at Jackson and said calmly: "Don't force me, Qianye Yu is right, anyone who dares to stop me today will die!"

Ji Wufeng had been seriously injured. If he missed such a great opportunity, he might never have another chance. Gu Tianyang also had murderous intentions.

Jackson said firmly: "Huh, I said, if you want to kill him, you have to get through me first!"

Today, the brother and sister were determined to save Ji Wufeng's life, and at the same time they also wanted to save their own lives.

At this time, Ji Wufeng struggled to stand up from the ground and said, "Good brothers show their loyalty, so I will leave first. If anything happens to you, I will definitely avenge you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng waved his hand, holding Guiwei in his hand, slashed at Lucas with a knife, unfolded his Sky Step, stepped into the air, and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was stunned. No one thought that Ji Wufeng would run away at this time.

After the Jackson brothers reacted, they almost jumped up. You bastard, we are trying our best to protect you here, but you are such a bastard that you actually ran away on your own. It is so unloyal.

Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang also changed their expressions. Today's opportunity is too rare. If you miss today and want to kill Ji Wufeng, it may be difficult to reach the sky.

We can't let Ji Wufeng escape, we must kill him today!


Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang rose up almost at the same time and chased in the direction of Ji Wufeng. They wanted to kill him at all costs today.

Catherine gritted her teeth and said solemnly: "Humph, I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

The two siblings jumped up at the same time, blocking Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang, and at the same time bought time for Ji Wufeng to escape.

Qianye Yu said coldly: "Do you know what you are doing now?"

Jackson also said coldly: "Of course I know."

"You are looking for death!" Qianye Yu shouted with murderous intent. The Jackson brothers looked at the scene in front of them stupidly. That was the strongest disciple of the Holy Court, their unbeatable enemy, and now they were being beaten like dead dogs.

"Despicable alien, you will never be redeemed until death!"

Lucas had never been so humiliated before. He was so ashamed and angry that he roared: "Guardian of angels!"

The four wings on his back suddenly disappeared, turning into golden light that enveloped Lucas's body. Ji Wufeng's pupils suddenly dilated, his heart jumped, and he felt a destructive aura.

"Ji Wufeng, your death has come!"

The golden light emitted from Lucas's body was like a destructive light, which instantly covered his whole body. Ji Wufeng could only resist with all his strength to block the fatal damage, but suddenly two terrible forces attacked together. Once he could withstand it, Even if you don't die, you will be miserable.

It's Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang. They have long believed that Ji Wufeng is not so easy to kill. What they are waiting for is this moment of fatal blow. Now Ji Wufeng is trying his best to resist Lucas's angel protection, which is definitely the best way to kill him. opportunity.

This scene happened so fast. The Jackson brothers and sisters were completely attracted by the battle between the two. They did not expect that the two of them would make a sneak attack. By the time they reacted, it was too late.


The two men's attacks hit Ji Wufeng's body mercilessly, and without any defense, Ji Wufeng spurted blood from his mouth and his body flew away.

The two of them were determined to kill Ji Wufeng, so they attacked fiercely, and Ji Wufeng was seriously injured!

Ji Wufeng spat out blood and fell to the ground, shouting angrily: "You two despicable people!"

Qianye Yu shook his head and said: "We are in a confrontational situation until death. No matter what means we use, there is no despicable thing."

Ji Wufeng said angrily: "Hmph, the descendant of the Holy Land actually relies on sneak attacks to defeat his enemies. Aren't you afraid that the news will spread and make the world laugh?"

Qianye Yu shook his head again and said: "As long as you die, who will know that we killed you in a sneak attack? As for your two so-called allies, who will believe their words?"

Yes, the method they used to kill Ji Wufeng today was indeed disgraceful, but who would have known? Even if the Jackson brothers and sisters spread the word everywhere, with the reputation of the Dark Holy See, no one would believe it?

Because they are the mortal enemies of the Holy Court, no matter what he says, it is just slandering the Holy Court and has no credibility.

Ji Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang again, but Gu Tianyang said with a cold face: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, you have already lost!"

He and Gu Tianyang were mortal enemies, and sooner or later there would be a life-and-death battle. However, this battle had already ended before it even started.

Yes, Gu Tianyang won disgracefully and used a sneak attack, but what he said was right. The winner was the king and the loser was the enemy. Ji Wufeng would never have a chance again, so anything was enough.

The Jackson brothers rushed over angrily and cursed angrily: "Despicable and shameless!"

Qianye Yu said disdainfully: "For one's own life-and-death enemy, do you still need to care about how dishonorable the methods are?"

Indeed, when facing an enemy of life and death, any method is normal. As long as it can kill the opponent, it is a good method!

Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang are sworn enemies, and they have the same undying hatred as Sakura Temple. Now it is meaningless to say that the means are not honorable.

"Hmph, don't you think of killing Ji Wufeng today?"

Brother Jackson

The younger sister stood in front of Ji Wufeng. Yes, it was a do-or-die situation now. They couldn't understand the meaning of death and coldness. If Ji Wufeng was killed, Qianye Yu and others would never let them go. .

"Just because you two losers want to stop us, you are using your arms as a chariot." Qianye Yu snorted coldly.

"You can try it!"

The fact that the Jackson brothers did not take a step back was not because they would never leave Ji Wufeng, but if Ji Wufeng made any mistake, they would also be in danger. If Ji Wufeng died, they would immediately become the target of being surrounded and killed. They are keeping the rules and keeping the rules, and at the same time they are saving their own lives.

"Do you think this can save his life? That's too naive!" Qianye Yu said ruthlessly.

The Jackson brothers and sisters were not as strong as them and others, so they couldn't stop them at all. It was really difficult to save Ji Wufeng.

"Then you come!" Catherine said coldly.

"Get away!"

Qianye Yu was angry, and with a wave of his hand, a fierce attack followed, slashing horizontally at Catherine who was blocking him.

A black light flashed on Catherine's body, blocking the blow. Qianye Yu sneered: "The Dark Holy See has not been destroyed by the Holy Court for so many years. If I kill two of its most outstanding descendants today, the Holy Court will definitely owe me It’s a big favor.”

Qianye Yu has already made murderous intentions. He will kill Ji Wufeng today. Anyone who stops him will die!

Gu Tianyang also looked at Jackson and said calmly: "Don't force me, Qianye Yu is right, anyone who dares to stop me today will die!"

Ji Wufeng had been seriously injured. If he missed such a great opportunity, he might never have another chance. Gu Tianyang also had murderous intentions.

Jackson said firmly: "Huh, I said, if you want to kill him, you have to get through me first!"

Today, the brother and sister were determined to save Ji Wufeng's life, and at the same time they also wanted to save their own lives.

At this time, Ji Wufeng struggled to stand up from the ground and said, "Good brothers show their loyalty, so I will leave first. If anything happens to you, I will definitely avenge you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng waved his hand, holding Guiwei in his hand, slashed at Lucas with a knife, unfolded his Sky Step, stepped into the air, and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was stunned. No one thought that Ji Wufeng would run away at this time.

After the Jackson brothers reacted, they almost jumped up. You bastard, we are trying our best to protect you here, but you are such a bastard that you actually ran away on your own. It is so unloyal.

Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang also changed their expressions. Today's opportunity is too rare. If you miss today and want to kill Ji Wufeng, it may be difficult to reach the sky.

We can't let Ji Wufeng escape, we must kill him today!


Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang rose up almost at the same time and chased in the direction of Ji Wufeng. They wanted to kill him at all costs today.

Catherine gritted her teeth and said solemnly: "Humph, I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

The two siblings jumped up at the same time, blocking Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang, and at the same time bought time for Ji Wufeng to escape.

Qianye Yu said coldly: "Do you know what you are doing now?"

Jackson also said coldly: "Of course I know."

"You are looking for death!" Qianye Yu shouted with murderous intent.

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