Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1599 She is the daughter-in-law of my Ji family

Wuchen was shocked. He turned around and saw that it was the middle-aged man who had helped before. He was tall and handsome, and he looked very similar to that bastard Ji Wufeng. Even the evil smile on his face was almost exactly the same. .

"Senior, I don't know what you are talking about." Wuchen was in a bad mood, but he did not dare to get angry at this person. This was a strong man in the Holy Realm.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, as long as my grandson knows." The middle-aged man stared at her belly with glaring eyes, as if he wanted to reach out and touch it.

Wuchen's eyes immediately turned black with anger, and he said angrily: "Senior, I don't know you, please leave."

The middle-aged man said: "Don't be angry. You are my grandson's mother. Isn't it okay for a grandpa to come and take a look at you?"

"Senior, if you continue to be so rude, I will really get angry." Wuchen stamped his feet and said, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat him, he would have to go up and slap this old shameless big mouth, which is too immoral. .

Seeing that Wuchen was really angry, the middle-aged man said quickly: "Okay, okay, okay, don't get angry, it won't be good if you have fetal force."

Wuchen finally understood how shamelessness came about. It turned out that it was all inherited in genes. He no longer had a good look on his face and said: "If you are okay, I will leave first." .??.

"Don't leave in a hurry, let me chat with my grandson for a while." The middle-aged man stared at Wuchen's belly with a look of reluctance.

Wuchen wanted to leave immediately, he was really an old bastard, and Ji Wufeng was also a big bastard, it was inherited in the family.

Wuchen was shocked when he thought about the issue of inheritance. Will the child in his belly also be a little bastard by then? Now that there was an old bastard, a big bastard, and a little bastard, there were three bastards in the family. Wuchen almost fainted.

"I don't know what the senior is talking about. If the senior wants to harm me, then please take action." Wuchen was really angry, with a violent aura coming from his body.


br\u003e Seeing that Wuchen was getting angry, the middle-aged man shook his head and sighed: "Girl, I know some things may be unfair to you, but this is the world of mortals. There is nothing you can do if you can't help yourself. You are the mother of the child. , you have the right to decide his fate."

"You don't have to say anything anymore. He should never have been born, and there is no need to be born." Wuchen's attitude was very determined. She had no intention of killing her child's chance of survival, but how should she accept such a fate?

Once the child is born, her life may be rewritten, and everything she has now will be taken away.

She was very unwilling. She had Ji Wufeng in her heart, and she didn't want to wipe out the flesh and blood in her belly, but what she wanted more in her heart was to transcend the world of mortals and stand at the pinnacle of martial arts.

This is the belief she made the moment she walked into the Jialuo Temple. No one can change it, not even Ji Wufeng, nor the child in her belly.

Therefore, this child must not be kept!

The middle-aged man said helplessly: "It's fate, what can you change?"

"The belief in my heart is unshakable. If senior doesn't take action, then I will leave."

Wuchen's attitude was decisive, she turned around and strode away. No one could stop her from her determination and the path she chose to take.

She admitted that Ji Wufeng had a great influence on her, but she regarded it as a kind of tempering for her. Although it was unforgettable, if she could truly forget it and transcend the shackles in her heart, that would be the moment she reached the pinnacle of martial arts.

The middle-aged man did not stop him because he knew that he could not forcefully leave Wu Chen behind. Instead, he looked gloomy and suddenly stamped his feet and cursed loudly: "Damn it, you damn boy is so useless, my son is Gone

, you don’t know anything yet, you’re such a heartless thing, huh, who touched my grandson, Ji Hongtu? Not even his own mother, not my grandson? impossible! "

He didn't want to use force against Wuchen, but he didn't allow Wuchen to do anything to the child in his belly. If Wuchen really did anything, he would tie her up and raise her until the child was born.

"Hmph, Ji Hongtu, if you say you are heartless, is there anyone in the world who can compare to you?" A voice full of resentment sounded from behind.

The middle-aged man turned around and smiled awkwardly: "Xiao Yueyue, it's been such a long time since I saw you. You are still so beautiful. Did you miss me when you came to see me?"

If Ji Wufeng were here, even if his face was covered, he would be able to guess that this was his biological father. This shamelessness was definitely inherited in his bones!

I saw a middle-aged woman appearing behind him, with peerless beauty, ethereal and majestic in her holiness.


Qingyue acted mercilessly, waving her slender hand, but she launched an attack as sharp as a knife, attacking Ji Hongtu.

Ji Hongtu twisted his waist and dodged away, and said pitifully: "Xiao Yueyue, I haven't seen you for many years, and you hit me when we meet. It really makes me sad."

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, but you are still as shameless and nasty as ever!" Qingyue said unceremoniously, but she did not take action again. With their cultivation level at their level, there was no point in being a gentle professor.

"Men are not bad, but women don't love them." Ji Hongtu said with a smile.

"Ji Hongtu, don't blame me for not warning you, Wuchen is my disciple, no one can force her to do anything!" Qingyue's tone was cold, and the aura on her body was even more sharp.

Ji Hongtu smiled and said: "Of course, she is my Ji Hongtu's daughter-in-law, and she is pregnant with the flesh and blood of my Ji family. Who dares to force her to

, that is simply too much to live with, I have to skin his dog alive! "

Qingyue ignored Ji Hongtu's playful smile and said in a deep voice: "If she really doesn't want this child, then this child will never be born!"

When Ji Hongtu heard this, he jumped up and shouted, as if he had stepped on his tail, "What did you say? You don't want this child? Impossible!"

If it was Wuchen alone, he would not pose a threat at all, but if Qingyue also intervened, then the child might not be saved. How could Ji Hongtu not be impatient?

"I'm just here to inform you not to have any illusions. I'm not asking for your opinion. It doesn't matter whether you agree or not. You can only choose the Wuchen road by yourself." Qingyue's tone was calm, but But full of domineering power that cannot be rejected.

"She is the daughter-in-law of my Ji family. No matter what path she takes, my grandson must be born!"

The Ji family itself is sparsely populated, and Ji Wufeng has finally begun to spread its branches. It must not be wiped out.

What's more, the child has true phoenix blood and is destined to be gifted. Coupled with the monster-like Tianqi, he also hopes that these two brothers can revitalize the Ji family and honor the ancestors. Now Qingyue actually wants to kill one of them, isn't it? Do you want Ji Hongtu’s life?

"I have already said that no one can force her to do anything." Qingyue's aura became sharper.

Ji Hongtu was also angry, but he didn't dare to get angry. He could only smile shamelessly and said: "I said, can we not hold grudges? It was indeed my fault back then. I shouldn't have robbed you and walked away. You It's natural to hate me, but we can't hurt the next generation because of our grudges."

"you shut up!"

It was okay not to mention this at first, but when Qingyue was mentioned, she suddenly exploded, murderous intent burst out of her body, and she was about to fight Ji Hongtu.

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