But Ji Hongtu simply turned a blind eye and continued: "Just tell me, after the child is born, call me grandpa, call you grandma, and let's make the child happy together, and have a good time..."

Qingyue was so angry that she was trembling all over. She called you grandpa, called me grandma, and even entertained the children together... Am I your wife?

"Ji Hongtu, I want to kill you..."

Qingyue finally couldn't help but explode. She no longer had the majesty and holiness of a generation of Holy Lords in her body. She was simply a crazy female beast.

The violent aura on his body exploded, and a fierce attack hit Ji Hongtu. Ji Hongtu immediately jumped away to avoid the attack. Sure enough, it was the father and son. They had the same incoherent and mean looks when fighting.

Ji Hongtu shouted while jumping: "Xiao Yueyue, this can't work, you act like a shrew, how can you take care of your grandson in the future? Nowadays, preschool education pays attention to self-cultivation. If your grandson becomes violent, How can I find a grandson-in-law for me then?"

"You say I'm a shrew?" Qingyue's face turned red with anger.

Ji Hongtu said: "This is just an analogy. Do you know what an analogy is? Women must not be violent or aggressive, otherwise they will not be able to get married in the future. Take you as an example. Who else but me would dare to want you?"

"Ji Hongtu, I'll kill you!"

Qingyue almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Decades of old and new grudges were added together. At this time, she felt that even if she ate Ji Hongtu alive, she would not be able to understand her hatred.

Seeing that Qingyue was really trying her best, Ji Hongtu shouted: "You old woman, you're done, aren't you? Let me tell you, don't think that I'm really afraid of you. I just don't hit women. I'm really afraid that I'll make you anxious. I I’m not so polite to you anymore… I’m afraid you’re actually serious!”

In Qingyue's rage, she struck out with almost all her strength. Her movements were extremely fast, and she was at Ji Hongtu's side in a flash, punching Ji Hongtu's eye socket.

Ji Hongtu is a strong person in the Saint Realm, and Qingyue is also a strong person in the Saint Realm. This punch is no joke. Ji Hongtu's eyes were immediately hit with stars, and his eye frames turned into panda eyes.

"You old woman, don't think I can't beat you. I just don't want to hurt innocent people... Ouch!"

Just as Ji Hongtu was mid-sentence, Qingyue punched his other eye socket with another punch. This time, it was considered symmetrical. The two panda eyes were very well-proportioned.

"I'll fight with you." Ji Hongtu became angry and rushed over with a single step, and a battle broke out between the strong men in the Holy Realm.

A series of fierce collisions shook the earth. Qingyue struck hard, but there was no murderous intention in her heart. Ji Hongtu felt guilty. Even for his grandson, he did not strike hard and was beaten by Qingyue in a few blows. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Ji Hongtu felt that there was no way to continue like this, so he fought hard to receive a punch in the face, bullied himself in front of Qingyue, and hugged her.

Qingyue was immediately shocked, and said sternly in shame and anger: "Let go."

"I won't let him go. If you let me go, hit me. Am I that stupid?" Ji Hongtu shouted.

Qingyue tried her best to break away, but Ji Hongtu's hug was so tight that she couldn't break away no matter what. She said angrily: "Ji Hongtu, I will really kill you!"

How could she bear the thought that her majestic Holy Lord was actually being hugged by a man? Her attacks became even more fierce, but she was held by Ji Hongtu, so there was no trace of her attacks.

He was scratching and scratching Ji Hongtu with a very elegant demeanor, really like a shrew fighting.

Ji Hongtu received a few punches, which was fine, but Qingyue's scratches made his face and neck full of blood stains. He thought that Ji Hongtu's reputation for fame would be wiped out if it was spread like this by a woman. destroy.

In anger, he directly threw Qingyue to the ground, and pressed Qingyue's hands with his two arms.

Qingyue was dumbfounded and her mind went blank. She was actually being pressed by a man. She felt like she was going crazy.

But at this moment, someone came over, it was Wuchen. She had not gone far just now. The noise of the two people fighting was too loud, which attracted her back again. She happened to see such a scene in front of her, and she was instantly confused. The always majestic Master was actually being suppressed by a man.

The appearance of Wuchen made Ji Hongtu and Qingyue look astonished, especially Qingyue. She wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl in when her disciples saw her in this embarrassment!

"Master...Master, I didn't disturb you, did I?" Wuchen stammered.

No matter how thick-skinned Ji Hongtu was, he could no longer suppress Qingyue in front of Wuchen. He immediately got up from the ground in a hurry and smiled sarcastically at Wuchen: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I told you just now Master is competing in martial arts, it’s just a little fierce!”

Wuchen almost squirted out, are you competing in martial arts? Who can hold each other together while competing in martial arts? Although my education is not high, you can't fool me like this!


Qingyue silently got up from the ground, turned around and left.

She really didn't dare to say another word, because she was afraid that the bastard would say something outrageous again.

Qingyue said she was leaving, but Wuchen didn't dare to ask even if there were a hundred questions in his mind. Just as he was about to leave, Ji Hongtu called from behind: "Good daughter-in-law, you must take good care of your baby. If you can give us If a talented child is born in the Ji family, you will be the great hero of our Ji family!"

Wuchen almost collapsed on the ground, gnashing his teeth and yelling a series of curses in his heart...

Qingyue paused in her steps and said, "Go to the hospital and take the child away!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly became furious and howled: "Qingyue, if you really dare to mess around, believe it or not, I will actually go to the Jialuo Temple this time to take you home!"


This time Wuchen couldn't control it and fell to the ground. Damn it, what kind of monsters are these two? Are they monsters?

Seeing Wuchen fall, Ji Hongtu grinned in distress and said: "Daughter-in-law, please be gentle. If my eldest grandson falls, how can I be worthy of the ancestors of the Ji family!"

Wuchen climbed up from the ground, pulled up her legs and ran away. She could no longer face Ji Hongtu. She was afraid that she would not be able to help but beat him. Of course, if she could beat him, she would have beaten him long ago. .

Wuchen ran away. Ji Hongtu looked at Qingyue, his expression instantly became serious, and said: "Qingyue, I was the one who was sorry for you back then. As long as you keep the bloodline of my Ji family, I, Ji Hongtu, would rather be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. Come and let go of the hatred in your heart!”

He knew very well that if Qingyue was determined to abort the child in Wuchen's belly, no one could stop him. He couldn't really go to Jialuo Temple again, could he? But Ji Hongtu simply turned a blind eye and continued: "Just tell me, after the child is born, call me grandpa, call you grandma, and let's make the child happy together, and have a good time..."

Qingyue was so angry that she was trembling all over. She called you grandpa, called me grandma, and even entertained the children together... Am I your wife?

"Ji Hongtu, I want to kill you..."

Qingyue finally couldn't help but explode. She no longer had the majesty and holiness of a generation of Holy Lords in her body. She was simply a crazy female beast.

The violent aura on his body exploded, and a fierce attack hit Ji Hongtu. Ji Hongtu immediately jumped away to avoid the attack. Sure enough, it was the father and son. They had the same incoherent and mean looks when fighting.

Ji Hongtu shouted while jumping: "Xiao Yueyue, this can't work, you act like a shrew, how can you take care of your grandson in the future? Nowadays, preschool education pays attention to self-cultivation. If your grandson becomes violent, How can I find a grandson-in-law for me then?"

"You say I'm a shrew?" Qingyue's face turned red with anger.

Ji Hongtu said: "This is just an analogy. Do you know what an analogy is? Women must not be violent or aggressive, otherwise they will not be able to get married in the future. Take you as an example. Who else but me would dare to want you?"

"Ji Hongtu, I'll kill you!"

Qingyue almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Decades of old and new grudges were added together. At this time, she felt that even if she ate Ji Hongtu alive, she would not be able to understand her hatred.

Seeing that Qingyue was really trying her best, Ji Hongtu shouted: "You old woman, you're done, aren't you? Let me tell you, don't think that I'm really afraid of you. I just don't hit women. I'm really afraid that I'll make you anxious. I I’m not so polite to you anymore… I’m afraid you’re actually serious!”

In Qingyue's rage, she struck out with almost all her strength. Her movements were extremely fast, and she was at Ji Hongtu's side in a flash, punching Ji Hongtu's eye socket.

Ji Hongtu is a strong person in the Saint Realm, and Qingyue is also a strong person in the Saint Realm. This punch is no joke. Ji Hongtu's eyes were immediately hit with stars, and his eye frames turned into panda eyes.

"You old woman, don't think I can't beat you. I just don't want to hurt innocent people... Ouch!"

Just as Ji Hongtu was mid-sentence, Qingyue punched his other eye socket with another punch. This time, it was considered symmetrical. The two panda eyes were very well-proportioned.

"I'll fight with you." Ji Hongtu became angry and rushed over with a single step, and a battle broke out between the strong men in the Holy Realm.

A series of fierce collisions shook the earth. Qingyue struck hard, but there was no murderous intention in her heart. Ji Hongtu felt guilty. Even for his grandson, he did not strike hard and was beaten by Qingyue in a few blows. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Ji Hongtu felt that there was no way to continue like this, so he fought hard to receive a punch in the face, bullied himself in front of Qingyue, and hugged her.

Qingyue was immediately shocked, and said sternly in shame and anger: "Let go."

"I won't let him go. If you let me go, hit me. Am I that stupid?" Ji Hongtu shouted.

Qingyue tried her best to break away, but Ji Hongtu's hug was so tight that she couldn't break away no matter what. She said angrily: "Ji Hongtu, I will really kill you!"

How could she bear the thought that her majestic Holy Lord was actually being hugged by a man? Her attacks became even more fierce, but she was held by Ji Hongtu, so there was no trace of her attacks.

He was scratching and scratching Ji Hongtu with a very elegant demeanor, really like a shrew fighting.

Ji Hongtu received a few punches, which was fine, but Qingyue's scratches made his face and neck full of blood stains. He thought that Ji Hongtu's reputation for fame would be wiped out if it was spread like this by a woman. destroy.

In anger, he directly threw Qingyue to the ground, and pressed Qingyue's hands with his two arms.

Qingyue was dumbfounded and her mind went blank. She was actually being pressed by a man. She felt like she was going crazy.

But at this moment, someone came over, it was Wuchen. She had not gone far just now. The noise between the two fighting was too loud, which attracted her back again. She happened to see such a scene from the front, and she was instantly confused. The always majestic Master was actually being suppressed by a man.

The appearance of Wuchen made Ji Hongtu and Qingyue look stunned, especially Qingyue. When her disciples saw her in this embarrassment, she wished she could find a hole in the ground to crawl in!

"Master...Master, I didn't disturb you, did I?" Wuchen stammered.

No matter how thick-skinned Ji Hongtu was, he could no longer suppress Qingyue in front of Wuchen. He immediately got up from the ground in a hurry and smiled sarcastically at Wuchen: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I told you just now Master is competing in martial arts, it’s just a little intense!”

Wuchen almost squirted out, are you competing in martial arts? Who can hold each other together while competing in martial arts? Although my education is not high, you can't fool me like this!


Qingyue silently got up from the ground, turned around and left.

She really didn't dare to say another word, because she was afraid that the bastard would say something outrageous again.

Qingyue said she was leaving, but Wuchen didn't dare to ask even if there were a hundred questions in his mind. Just as he was about to leave, Ji Hongtu called from behind: "Good daughter-in-law, you must take good care of your baby. If you can give us If a talented child is born in the Ji family, you will be the great hero of our Ji family!"

Wuchen almost collapsed on the ground, gnashing his teeth and yelling a series of curses in his heart...

Qingyue paused in her steps and said, "Go to the hospital and take the child away!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly became furious and howled: "Qingyue, if you really dare to mess around, believe it or not, I will actually go to the Jialuo Temple this time to take you home!"


This time Wuchen couldn't control it and fell to the ground. Damn it, what kind of monsters are these two? Are they monsters?

Seeing Wuchen fall, Ji Hongtu grinned in distress and said: "Daughter-in-law, please be gentle. If my eldest grandson falls, how can I be worthy of the ancestors of the Ji family!"

Wuchen climbed up from the ground, pulled up her legs and ran away. She could no longer face Ji Hongtu. She was afraid that she would not be able to help but beat him. Of course, if she could beat him, she would have beaten him long ago. .

Wuchen ran away. Ji Hongtu looked at Qingyue, his expression instantly became serious, and said: "Qingyue, I was the one who was sorry for you back then. As long as you keep the bloodline of my Ji family, I, Ji Hongtu, would rather be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. Come and let go of the hatred in your heart!”

He knew very well that if Qingyue was determined to abort the child in Wuchen's belly, no one could stop him. He couldn't really go to Jialuo Temple again, could he?

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