As for the Nine-Headed Insect, it is too secretive, but I am afraid that the resistance from the Holy Court is even more serious, but the outside world does not know it.

At the same time, the Dark Holy See was not idle, and frequently harassed the Holy Court. During this period, there were several large-scale battles. However, both sides had been fighting for thousands of years. After the Dark Holy See got an advantage, they turned around and ran away, and the Holy Court even No shadow can be found.

Since no one from the Dark Holy See could be found, the Holy Court had nowhere to vent its anger, so it naturally took it out on the Nine-Headed Insect and the Sakura Temple.

As for the Sakura Temple, Qianye Yu's experience also made them very dissatisfied with the Nine-Headed Insect. However, Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang made a big fuss in Dongyang, causing them heavy losses.

But what's even more terrible is that Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang disappeared without a trace after that time, and there was no sign of leaving Dongyang. It was most likely that they were still hiding in Dongyang, ready to take action at any time.

The Sakura Temple was focused on guarding against Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang, so where could they find time to do anything else? What's more, there is already a sigh of relief in my heart, and with Qianye Yu's incident, even if the Nine-Headed Insect and the Nine-Headed Insect can continue to form an alliance, I am afraid they will never be as harmonious as before.

As for the Yun family, things were not going well either. The news about Yun Zhen finally came out. As expected, Yun Rong, together with the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court, dispatched a total of five Saint Realm experts to ambush Yun Zhen, preparing to kill the old guy in one go. Get rid of it.

But the holy master of the majestic holy land is by no means formidable. Yun Zhen swaggered into the heavenly palace, and a big battle broke out. One of the five powerful saints was directly killed by Yun Zhen, and one was defeated with a slap. The other three were also affected. suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Of course, Yun Zhen was also injured, but he was not left behind and was eventually allowed to run away.

Yun Rong couldn't sit still as soon as he ran away. This time he completely fell out with Yun Zhen, but he didn't kill him. The old guy would never let it go. He was probably hiding somewhere to recuperate, waiting for his injury to heal. Well, he will definitely come back and rush into the Heavenly Palace to take revenge.

Not only Yunzhen and Yunrong are the only ones in the Tiangong, but there are also several super strong men of their generation who cannot come out in seclusion on weekdays. During that shocking battle, those old guys were shocked out and questioned Yunrong. .

It can be said that Yun Rong is very uncomfortable now. A group of old people at home are not willing to let him go, and there is a Yun Zhen lurking outside. This is like putting him on the fire and almost scorching him.

So the current situation is that Tiangong, Holy Court and Sakura Temple are all in trouble and have no time to make trouble in China.

Only the Nine-Headed Insect hiding in the dark is still ready to move, but Chu Tianshu is in charge of Huajing, and Zou Yan and others are also dispatched. In addition, the major martial arts families in China have also received the news, and they are all nervous. Amid the vigilance, it is impossible to cause too much trouble with just one nine-headed insect.

This situation is very peaceful, and the time for the Chinese martial arts community to respite has been extended, but everyone knows that this time will never be too long.

Even though everything seems to be in chaos now, the martial arts tournament will still be held, and then this short period of peace will collapse in an instant.

Since the last conversation with Zou Yan, Zhao Jiaolong and others have made the decision that a real man should do something and not do something in his life. If he can become an unparalleled hero and leave his name in history, he will not come to this world in vain. Once this happens, there is no wrong for a dignified seven-foot body!

\u003e Everyone is practicing crazily and actively, working hard to improve their strength.

Ye Linglong's research has been going on for more than two months, and she finally made some progress. She excitedly informed Ji Wufeng and others. When everyone rushed to the laboratory, they only saw a row of small blue glass bottles in front of Ye Linglong. , some light blue translucent liquid inside.

The Sakura Temple is trying every possible means to get Ji Wufeng, and the Nine-Headed Insect is even trying to get Ji Tianqi. It can be seen that they believe that the blood of their father and son has extremely high research value. If Ye Linglong really produces results, it will be amazing.

"Miss Linglong, are you developing the kind of Great Return Pill that will turn you into a powerful Saint Realm overnight after you eat it?" Nie Hu asked excitedly.

This was originally just a joke. If this kind of medicine could really be developed, it would scare people to death. Everyone would stop practicing and just take medicine every day.

Unexpectedly, Ye Linglong said: "It's not as mysterious as you said, but it's not much different."

Everyone was stunned instantly, not much difference? What's the difference?

Could it be said that after eating it, even if you cannot become a strong person in the holy realm, you can still become a kingly warrior?

If I'm a good boy, then even if I can't scare people to death, I can still scare them silly, okay? If this kind of medicine really existed, wouldn't it be able to create unlimited warriors of royal power?

A warrior king cannot defeat a strong person in the holy realm, but one or two cannot. Let's go to ten or eight, or if we can't, we will go to eighty or hundreds of them. They can drown them even if they spit.

Ji Wufeng also widened his eyes and said, "Linglong, is she really that powerful?"

"I don't know the details yet, because it hasn't been tested on real people, so I asked you to test the medicine!" Ye Linglong said.

Everyone suddenly had a dark look on their faces. Why are you saying that you are so powerful when there is no experimental proof? They asked us to test the medicine. What if we died from it?

Ye Linglong stared at Zhao Jiaolong. Who said he was a big man with rough skin and thick flesh?

Stared by Ye Linglong's unscrupulous eyes, Zhao Jiaolong immediately trembled all over and said, "Why do we have to find someone to experiment? Can't we experiment on mice first?"

Ye Linglong looked at a glass box and saw a white mouse inside. She reached out and knocked on the glass. With a whoosh, the white mouse disappeared.

Suddenly, everyone's mouths grew big because the white mouse didn't disappear, but was running wildly in fright. It was just because the speed was too fast that everyone couldn't see the shadow of the white mouse.

Oh my god, this mouse is running too fast. If he were to let it out, wouldn’t it be a celestial rat?

The next scene made everyone gasp. The white mouse finally stopped running and stretched out its paws to grab the glass. There was only a crisp "click" sound, and the glass cover actually cracked.

It was absolutely tempered bulletproof glass. It couldn't even be broken by bullets, but it was cracked by a mouse's paw.

"LiLi, bring a new glass cover!" Ye Linglong shouted...

A pretty girl ran out with a new glass cover. When she saw Ji Wufeng, she immediately jumped over and stared at Ji Wufeng with bright eyes. She said: "Captain, you are finally here. You are so handsome." It's gone!" As for the Nine-Headed Insect, it is too secretive, but I am afraid that the resistance from the Holy Court is even more serious, but the outside world does not know it.

At the same time, the Dark Holy See was not idle, and frequently harassed the Holy Court. During this period, there were several large-scale battles. However, both sides had been fighting for thousands of years. After the Dark Holy See got an advantage, they turned around and ran away, and the Holy Court even No shadow can be found.

Since no one from the Dark Holy See could be found, the Holy Court had nowhere to vent its anger, so it naturally took it out on the Nine-Headed Insect and the Sakura Temple.

As for the Sakura Temple, Qianye Yu's experience also made them very dissatisfied with the Nine-Headed Insect. However, Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang made a big fuss in Dongyang, causing them heavy losses.

But what's even more terrible is that Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang disappeared without a trace after that time, and there was no sign of leaving Dongyang. It was most likely that they were still hiding in Dongyang, ready to take action at any time.

The Sakura Temple was focused on guarding against Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang, so where could they find time to do anything else? What's more, there is already a sigh of relief in my heart, and with Qianye Yu's incident, even if the Nine-Headed Insect and the Nine-Headed Insect can continue to form an alliance, I am afraid they will never be as harmonious as before.

As for the Yun family, things were not going well either. The news about Yun Zhen finally came out. As expected, Yun Rong, together with the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court, dispatched a total of five Saint Realm experts to ambush Yun Zhen, preparing to kill the old guy in one go. Get rid of it.

But the holy master of the majestic holy land is by no means formidable. Yun Zhen swaggered into the heavenly palace, and a big battle broke out. One of the five powerful saints was directly killed by Yun Zhen, and one was defeated with a slap. The other three were also affected. suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Of course, Yun Zhen was also injured, but he was not left behind and was eventually allowed to run away.

Yun Rong couldn't sit still as soon as he ran away. This time he completely fell out with Yun Zhen, but he didn't kill him. The old guy would never let it go. He was probably hiding somewhere to recuperate, waiting for his injury to heal. Well, he will definitely come back and rush into the Heavenly Palace to take revenge.

Not only Yunzhen and Yunrong are the only ones in the Tiangong, but there are also several super strong men of their generation who cannot come out in seclusion on weekdays. During that shocking battle, those old guys were shocked out and questioned Yunrong. .

It can be said that Yun Rong is very uncomfortable now. A group of old people at home are not willing to let him go, and there is a Yun Zhen lurking outside. This is like putting him on the fire and almost scorching him.

So the current situation is that Tiangong, Holy Court and Sakura Temple are all in trouble and have no time to make trouble in China.

Only the Nine-Headed Insect hiding in the dark is still ready to move, but Chu Tianshu is in charge of Huajing, and Zou Yan and others are also dispatched. In addition, the major martial arts families in China have also received the news, and they are all nervous. Amid the vigilance, it is impossible to cause too much trouble with just one nine-headed insect.

This situation is very peaceful, and the time for the Chinese martial arts community to respite has been extended, but everyone knows that this time will never be too long.

Even though everything seems to be in chaos now, the martial arts tournament will still be held, and then this short period of peace will collapse in an instant.

Since the last conversation with Zou Yan, Zhao Jiaolong and others have made the decision that a real man should do something and not do something in his life. If he can become an unparalleled hero and leave his name in history, he will not come to this world in vain. Once this happens, there is no wrong for a dignified seven-foot body!

\u003e Everyone is practicing crazily and actively, working hard to improve their strength.

Ye Linglong's research has been going on for more than two months, and she finally made some progress. She excitedly informed Ji Wufeng and others. When everyone rushed to the laboratory, they only saw a row of small blue glass bottles in front of Ye Linglong. , some light blue translucent liquid inside.

The Sakura Temple is trying every possible means to get Ji Wufeng, and the Nine-Headed Insect is even trying to get Ji Tianqi. It can be seen that they believe that the bloodline of their father and son has extremely high research value. If Ye Linglong really achieves the results of his research, it will be amazing.

"Miss Linglong, are you developing the kind of Great Return Pill that will turn you into a powerful Saint Realm overnight after you eat it?" Nie Hu asked excitedly.

This was originally just a joke. If this kind of medicine could really be developed, it would scare people to death. Everyone would stop practicing and just take medicine every day.

Unexpectedly, Ye Linglong said: "It's not as mysterious as you said, but it's not much different."

Everyone was stunned instantly, not much difference? What's the difference?

Could it be that after eating it, even if you can't become a strong person in the holy realm, you can still become a kingly warrior?

If I'm a good boy, then even if I can't scare people to death, I can still scare them silly, okay? If this kind of medicine really existed, wouldn't it be able to create unlimited warriors of royal power?

A warrior king can't defeat a strong person in the holy realm, but one or two won't do it. Let's go to ten or eight, or if we can't, we'll go up to eighty or hundreds of them. They can drown them even if they spit.

Ji Wufeng also widened his eyes and said, "Linglong, is she really that powerful?"

"I don't know the details yet, because it hasn't been tested on real people, so I asked you to test the medicine!" Ye Linglong said.

Everyone suddenly had a dark look on their faces. Why are you saying that you are so powerful when there is no experimental proof? They asked us to test the medicine. What if we died from it?

Ye Linglong stared at Zhao Jiaolong. Who said he was a big man with rough skin and thick flesh?

Stared by Ye Linglong's unscrupulous eyes, Zhao Jiaolong immediately trembled all over and said, "Why do we have to find someone to experiment? Can't we experiment on mice first?"

Ye Linglong looked at a glass box and saw a white mouse inside. She reached out and knocked on the glass. With a whoosh, the white mouse disappeared.

Suddenly, everyone's mouths grew big because the white mouse didn't disappear, but was running wildly in fright. It was just because the speed was too fast that everyone couldn't see the shadow of the white mouse.

Oh my god, this mouse is running too fast. If he were to let it out, wouldn’t it be a celestial rat?

The next scene made everyone gasp. The white mouse finally stopped running and stretched out its paws to grab the glass. There was only a crisp "click" sound, and the glass cover actually cracked.

It was absolutely tempered bulletproof glass. It couldn't even be broken by bullets, but it was cracked by a mouse's paw.

"LiLi, bring a new glass cover!" Ye Linglong shouted...

A pretty girl ran out with a new glass cover. When she saw Ji Wufeng, she immediately jumped over and stared at Ji Wufeng with bright eyes. She said: "Captain, you are finally here. You are so handsome." Got it!"

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