Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1655 It doesn’t taste good

Lili is Ye Linglong's assistant. He used to belong to Longya and is now a member of Dragon Group 2.

Regarding Ji Wufeng's legendary achievements, Lili listened to Ye Linglong's comments frequently, so he admired Ji Wufeng very much.

Not only her, but the entire members of the second group of the Dragon Group admire Ji Wufeng greatly, because the members of the second group all applied to join on their own, some of them are scientific researchers who follow Ye Linglong, and the rest are Ji Wufeng's admirers.

Everyone suddenly looked depressed. Ji Wufeng, a bastard, had good luck wherever he went. He was really hopeless. Even when he came to the laboratory, there were beautiful girls courting him.

Ji Wufeng patted Lili on the body and said, "Hurry up, if you wait until the little white mouse runs away, your boss won't be able to spare you!"

Because Ye Linglong's experiments are too secretive and important, outsiders cannot trust them, and Lili has often helped Ye Linglong before, and he is very skillful.

Seeing that Ye Linglong's face was a little ugly, Lili stuck out his tongue and hurriedly covered the glass cover that was about to break. If this little white mouse ran out of the laboratory, it might cause a big disaster. .

Just like those monsters in movies, aren't they all experimental subjects that escaped from the biochemical laboratory? If you can't watch this little guinea pig, maybe a real version of the monster movie will actually be staged by then.

Everyone was shocked by this little white mouse. It was obvious that Ye Linglong's research had indeed achieved a breakthrough. A little white mouse could be so terrifying. If it were used on living people, wouldn't it go straight to heaven?

But apart from Ye Linglong's excitement, Ji Wufeng found that she was also a little worried and asked, "Are there any side effects?"

Ye Linglong nodded and said, "Come and take a look. This white mouse is a white mouse specially used in laboratories. It has a very docile temperament, but now it appears to be very violent."

Everyone stared at the white mouse. Yes, the white mouse was not at all restless in the glass cover. It stretched out its little paws and scratched wildly. Its eyes were scarlet like blood. It looked very scary.


This docile little white mouse has obviously turned into a ferocious and violent little monster. If it were used on people, wouldn't it be possible for them to lose their minds, become cruel and murderous, or even fall into madness?

Everyone feels a chill in their hearts. Although breakthrough results have been achieved, they may not be truly put into use.

Ye Linglong thought for a while and then said: "But I may have found the reason."

Everyone's eyes lit up. If they found the cause, does that mean the side effects can be eliminated?

"This drug is so overbearing. After injection, it strengthened and transformed the mouse's body, giving it powerful strength. But at the same time, its brain was stimulated to a certain extent, which is why it became like this."

Whether it is humans or animals, all behaviors are controlled by the brain. Once there is a problem with the brain and it cannot issue correct instructions, the behavior will not be controlled and it will fall into madness.

"But he is just an ordinary white mouse. He is far less powerful than humans. His body's endurance is not comparable to that of humans. The same is true for his brain. A white mouse cannot bear the same impact, but this may not be the case for humans!"

Hearing what Ye Linglong said, everyone frowned again. Is Ye Linglong planning to conduct experiments on humans? They have seen the changes in the mice. If humans can't bear it, wouldn't they be just like the decimals and fall into madness?

This is a very dangerous and crazy idea.

"Actually, this matter is quite simple. Can't we just find someone who is so heinous and deserves to be killed by a thousand cuts to do the experiment?" Nie Hu said, and others immediately expressed the same idea.

If you can't do it with others, and you can't do it with your own people, then just do it

Find someone who has died a thousand times. If something happens, it doesn't matter. He has to die anyway. Just think of it as contributing to the great scientific research of mankind before dying.


Ye Linglong immediately refused and said: "You have also seen just now that a small white snake can have such great destructive power. If it is a person, it will definitely be more terrifying. If it is unable to control it and runs out, we all bear the responsibility. I can’t afford it.”

This is indeed a big hidden danger. The experimental effect is too strong. What if it runs out and causes trouble? If the superiors track down this and refuse to let him go, it may be a big trouble.

Every country is studying biochemical experiments, but no country has the courage to make it public. This is anti-social and anti-human behavior. Once the charges are confirmed, it will be an enemy of all mankind.

Ye Linglong once thought about doing the first experiment by herself, but this time she hesitated because the effect of the experiment was too strong. If something happened to her and she lost her mind, no one would be able to clean up the mess.

Therefore, nothing can happen to her!

Bringing Ji Wufeng here means letting Ji Wufeng make his own decision on how to proceed.

"Let me do it. Anyway, I'm the strongest, so if something happens it won't be a big problem." Zhao Jiaolong stood up and said.

"Why are you coming? I think I should come!" Yuan Dongdong rolled his eyes.

"You two, please stop fighting. I think it's up to me to do it," Nie Hu said.

"I think I'm the most suitable!"

"There's nothing to argue about. I have the highest skill, so I should do it!" Yue Kunpeng said.

"You have the highest skill? Do you want to compete with me?" Jin Yu said with wide eyes.

The laboratory suddenly became a mess, everyone was fighting

He was rushing to participate in the experiment, and his face was red. If he continued to argue like this, he would probably end up fighting.

Ji Wufeng knew that they were under his control, but he just didn't want others to be involved in the danger, especially Ji Wufeng, who brought up his whole family and was the backbone of their group, so nothing could happen to him.

Ji Wufeng took out a cigarette and lit it. After a moment of silence, Ji Wufeng said directly to Ye Linglong: "I'll do it."

Ye Linglong glanced at him without any surprise and said, "You have to think clearly. Once something happens, it may be beyond redemption."

"Let's get started." Ji Wufeng said directly.

Everyone who was still fighting was stunned. Yuan Dongdong moved the fastest and rushed over with a single stride. He grabbed a blue medicine bottle, crushed it, and poured the blue liquid inside into his mouth. Then he licked his lips and said: "It doesn't taste very good, it's a bit bitter, and the texture is very bad. If it is mass-produced in the future, I suggest adding some honey to it. After all, we have to take care of the public's taste."

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Yuan Dongdong to play such a trick. Ji Wufeng became anxious, rushed over and slapped him in the face with a big mouth, grabbed Yuan Dongdong's throat and shouted: "Are you crazy? Hurry up. Spit it out, spit it out for me, damn..."

"Ugh... vomit..."

Yuan Dongdong almost rolled his eyes. He was probably strangled to death by Ji Wufeng before the medicine took effect.

Just when everyone was extremely nervous, Ye Linglong said slowly: "It's useless to drink it directly. This is a serum medicine. It can only be effective when injected into the muscles. If you drink it like this, it will be excreted through the excretory system soon." .”


Yuan Dongdong almost cried. What the hell was this medicine? It didn't work even after drinking it. He was almost strangled to death by Ji Wufeng. It was all a waste of work.

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