Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1657 The terrifying dragon power


The suppressed roar in Long Wei's mouth finally turned into a roar, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Everyone, be careful!" Ye Linglong's expression suddenly changed.

Ji Wufeng also sensed that something was wrong, and rushed to Lili in a flash and took her into his arms.


The explosion sounded. The material of the laboratory was extremely strong, no worse than the Dragon Group's base. However, the ground and walls were still blasted with deep cracks. They shook for a while and were about to collapse.

As for the other equipment and materials in the laboratory, they were all turned into fly ash by the bombing, and nothing was left.

With Ye Linglong's strength, she would not be injured, but she was in a very embarrassed state. Lili was protected by Ji Wufeng and did not suffer any harm.

Looking at Long Wei again, the clothes on his body have been blown into powder, revealing his strong body. However, Ye Linglong and Lili are both doing biochemical experiments. There is not much difference between looking at a male's body and looking at a mouse's body. . ??

I saw that Long Wei's body was exuding endless terrifying aura, the aura was full of violence and ferocity, and his eyes were as scarlet as human blood, and he could even smell the smell of blood.

What he was worried about finally happened. The medicine had taken effect, but Long Wei still couldn't stop the side effects. Like the white mouse, he fell into out-of-control madness.

Long Wei seemed to have completely lost his mind. He was pulled by what he had left, and only had endless killing intent. He turned to look at Ji Wufeng and the others, his red eyes rolled, and with a terrifying roar, he opened his hand and grabbed them in the air. .

Lili was trembling a little. This crazy and violent aura gave her a kind of fear from deep inside.

Nowadays, Long Wei is considered to be a master of martial arts, and he is unconsciously out of control. He will not hold anything back when taking action. With his ferocious and violent aura, even Ye Linglong felt great pressure and said anxiously: "Hurry up and stop him! "

She could see that Long Wei really had lost his mind, and if he was not stopped, he would really kill someone.

If he were allowed to escape, he would probably turn into a murderous maniac, a master at the level of kingly master. He would strike without reservation in his madness. If he rushed into the ordinary crowd, he would be like a tiger rushing into the chicken coop. Kill as many as you want.

Seeing that Ye Linglong was about to receive this blow, Ji Wufeng slapped a palm with sharp eyes!


The palms of the two people touched each other, and the whole ground was shaking violently. The experiment was in danger of collapsing at any time. Long Wei took several steps back. Although Ji Wufeng did not step back, he was not feeling well. His palms trembled slightly and he was hurt. Terrible impact.

Ji Wufeng's face became solemn. Although Long Wei was only a master of kingly power, he was definitely no worse than himself in terms of strength. If it weren't for his status as a cultivator, he might not have been able to suppress him.

But even so, Ji Wufeng knew that it was impossible for him to subdue Long Wei easily, and immediately shouted to Ye Linglong: "Hurry up and take Lili away from here."

It seems that a big battle is inevitable. The entire laboratory will most likely collapse due to the two of them, and Lili will definitely be affected if he continues to stay here.

Ye Linglong pulled Lili away quickly without any hesitation.

"Long Wei, wake up!" Ji Wufeng shouted, hoping that Long Wei hadn't completely lost his mind yet and would be able to do it in time.

Wake up and turn around.

But Long Wei didn't seem to hear it at all. Instead, his mood became more violent and he rushed towards Ji Wufeng crazily. There were a series of violent collisions in the laboratory.

After Lili escaped from the laboratory, she felt the vibration on the ground beneath her feet. Ye Linglong suddenly said: "Quickly retreat!"

The two of them immediately retreated quickly, but their feet suddenly collapsed, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had occurred. There was ruins in front of them, and Ye Linglong's underground laboratory was completely declared scrapped.


A body like an iron detective rushed out from the ground, bursting with crazy and raging evil energy, like an out-of-control murderous god.

Then Ji Wufeng rushed out and shouted: "Long Wei, wake up!"

Long Wei's scarlet eyes, filled with evil light, let out a soul-stirring roar. The shrill voice was like a ghost crying in the depths of the Netherworld. It made people's scalp numb, and the blood-red eyes shot out two death-gray streaks. Li Mang, looking eerie.


Long Might moved, his body jumped into the sky, leaving a few afterimages in the air. His arms shook, and the terrifying energy was like the scythe of death, slashing towards Ji Wufeng. The void seemed to be broken, and the heaven and earth began to move. It shook violently.

Such a direct and violent attack could not be intercepted head-on. Ji Wufeng swung out a punch, and the force of his palm was like an overwhelming force, and it enveloped the dragon. The majestic power shattered the void, and the fist force formed an invisible force field, like a cage. Long Wei was trapped, and the pressure was as heavy as a ton of stone.


With a loud noise that shook the sky, Long Wei waved his arms, and his domineering energy shot wildly in all directions, disintegrating Ji Wufeng's fist strength.

A soul-stirring glare flashed through his scarlet eyes, and he let out a shrill roar. He waved his arms and rushed toward Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning.

Seeing the terrifying power of Long Wei, Ji Wufeng became more solemn and punched out again. The mighty power of the fist was overwhelming. At the same time, he ran the Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique, and rushed towards Long Wei with great true energy.


Long Wei actually resisted Ji Wufeng's attack, but at this time Long Wei was surprisingly strong. Ji Wufeng's attack hit him like a diamond, making a sharp collision sound, but it failed to hurt him. Every cent.

The bodies of the undead warriors encountered before were already extremely hard, and they also had terrifying self-healing abilities. The medicine Ye Linglong had developed now showed effects far beyond those of those undead warriors, and was naturally even more terrifying.

The current Long Wei can be regarded as an immortal warrior, but it is several times stronger than the previous immortal warrior.

Long Wei let out a sharp roar and waved his arms, scattering the violent force that Ji Wufeng was bombarding with one fell swoop.

Ji Wufeng's heart sank suddenly. In fact, he had some reservations about Long Wei, but this level of attack could not cause much damage to Long Wei. He was really too strong.

Ji Wufeng is now in a dilemma. If he wants to prevent the tragedy from happening, he can only do his best to stop it. But now Long Wei is in madness again and has completely lost control. If he wants to capture him without hurting him, is it possible? Possible things.

But if he were to attack Long Wei with a heavy blow that was very likely to kill him, how could Ji Wufeng be able to do it?

"You must kill him now, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" Ye Linglong saw Ji Wufeng's hesitation and reminded him loudly from the side. "Roar……"

The suppressed roar in Long Wei's mouth finally turned into a roar, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Everyone, be careful!" Ye Linglong's expression suddenly changed.

Ji Wufeng also sensed that something was wrong, and rushed to Lili in a flash and took her into his arms.


The explosion sounded. The material of the laboratory was extremely strong, no worse than the Dragon Group's base. However, the ground and walls were still blasted with deep cracks. They shook for a while and were about to collapse.

As for the other equipment and materials in the laboratory, they were all turned into fly ash by the bombing, and nothing was left.

With Ye Linglong's strength, she would not be injured, but she was in a very embarrassed state. Lili was protected by Ji Wufeng and did not suffer any harm.

Looking at Long Wei again, the clothes on his body have been blown into powder, revealing his strong body. However, Ye Linglong and Lili are both doing biochemical experiments. There is not much difference between looking at a male's body and looking at a mouse's body. .

I saw that Long Wei's body was exuding endless terrifying aura, the aura was full of violence and ferocity, and his eyes were as scarlet as human blood, and he could even smell the smell of blood.

What he was worried about finally happened. The medicine had taken effect, but Long Wei still couldn't stop the side effects. Like the white mouse, he fell into out-of-control madness.

Long Wei seemed to have completely lost his mind. He was pulled by what he had left, and only had endless killing intent. He turned to look at Ji Wufeng and the others, his red eyes rolled, and with a terrifying roar, he opened his hand and grabbed them in the air. .

Lili was trembling a little. This crazy and violent aura gave her a kind of fear from deep inside.

Nowadays, Long Wei is considered to be a master of martial arts, and he is unconsciously out of control. He will not hold anything back when taking action. With his ferocious and violent aura, even Ye Linglong felt great pressure and said anxiously: "Hurry up and stop him! "

She could see that Long Wei really had lost his mind, and if he was not stopped, he would really kill someone.

If he were allowed to escape, he would probably turn into a murderous maniac, a master at the level of kingly master. He would strike without reservation in his madness. If he rushed into the ordinary crowd, he would be like a tiger rushing into the chicken coop. Kill as many as you want.

Seeing that Ye Linglong was about to receive this blow, Ji Wufeng slapped a palm with sharp eyes!


The palms of the two people touched each other, and the whole ground was shaking violently. The experiment was in danger of collapsing at any time. Long Wei took several steps back. Although Ji Wufeng did not step back, he was not feeling well. His palms trembled slightly and he was hurt. Terrible impact.

Ji Wufeng's face became solemn. Although Long Wei was only a master of kingly power, he was definitely no worse than himself in terms of strength. If it weren't for his status as a cultivator, he might not have been able to suppress him.

But even so, Ji Wufeng knew that it was impossible for him to subdue Long Wei easily, and immediately shouted to Ye Linglong: "Hurry up and take Lili away from here."

It seems that a big battle is inevitable. The entire laboratory will most likely collapse due to the two of them, and Lili will definitely be affected if he continues to stay here.

Ye Linglong pulled Lili away quickly without any hesitation.

"Long Wei, wake up!" Ji Wufeng shouted, hoping that Long Wei hadn't completely lost his mind yet and would be able to do it in time.

Wake up and turn around.

But Long Wei didn't seem to hear it at all. Instead, his mood became more violent and he rushed towards Ji Wufeng crazily. There were a series of violent collisions in the laboratory.

After Lili escaped from the laboratory, she felt the vibration on the ground beneath her feet. Ye Linglong suddenly said: "Quickly retreat!"

The two of them immediately retreated quickly, but their feet suddenly collapsed, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had occurred. There was ruins in front of them, and Ye Linglong's underground laboratory was completely declared scrapped.


A body like an iron detective rushed out from the ground, bursting with crazy and raging evil energy, like an out-of-control murderous god.

Then Ji Wufeng rushed out and shouted: "Long Wei, wake up!"

Long Wei's scarlet eyes, filled with evil light, let out a soul-stirring roar. The shrill voice was like a ghost crying in the depths of the Netherworld. It made people's scalp numb, and the blood-red eyes shot out two death-gray streaks. Li Mang, looking eerie.


Long Might moved, his body jumped into the sky, leaving a few afterimages in the air. His arms shook, and the terrifying energy was like the scythe of death, slashing towards Ji Wufeng. The void seemed to be broken, and the heaven and earth began to move. It shook violently.

Such a direct and violent attack could not be intercepted head-on. Ji Wufeng swung out a punch, and the force of his palm was like an overwhelming force, and it enveloped the dragon. The majestic power shattered the void, and the fist force formed an invisible force field, like a cage. Long Wei was trapped, and the pressure was as heavy as a ton of stone.


With a loud noise that shook the sky, Long Wei waved his arms, and his domineering energy shot wildly in all directions, disintegrating Ji Wufeng's fist strength.

A soul-stirring glare flashed through his scarlet eyes, and he let out a shrill roar. He waved his arms and rushed toward Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning.

Seeing the terrifying power of Long Wei, Ji Wufeng became more solemn and punched out again. The mighty power of the fist was overwhelming. At the same time, he ran the Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique, and rushed towards Long Wei with great true energy.


Long Wei actually resisted Ji Wufeng's attack, but at this time Long Wei was surprisingly strong. Ji Wufeng's attack hit him like a diamond, making a sharp collision sound, but it failed to hurt him. Every cent.

The bodies of the undead warriors encountered before were already extremely hard, and they also had terrifying self-healing abilities. The medicine Ye Linglong had developed now showed effects far beyond those of those undead warriors, and was naturally even more terrifying.

The current Long Wei can be regarded as an immortal warrior, but it is several times stronger than the previous immortal warrior.

Long Wei let out a sharp roar and waved his arms, scattering the violent force that Ji Wufeng was bombarding with one fell swoop.

Ji Wufeng's heart sank suddenly. In fact, he had some reservations about Long Wei, but this level of attack could not cause much damage to Long Wei. He was really too strong.

Ji Wufeng is now in a dilemma. If he wants to prevent the tragedy from happening, he can only do his best to stop it. But now Long Wei is in madness again and has completely lost control. If he wants to capture him without hurting him, is it possible? Possible things.

But if he were to attack Long Wei with a heavy blow that was very likely to kill him, how could Ji Wufeng be able to do it?

"You must kill him now, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" Ye Linglong saw Ji Wufeng's hesitation and reminded him loudly from the side.

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