"But..." Ji Wufeng clenched his fists.

"You should hate the consequences of letting him go. Neither you nor I can afford it!" Ye Linglong said coldly.

Ji Wufeng really couldn't do it, but he had to take action. He said to Long Wei with a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry!"

Long Wei couldn't hear his words at all, he roared, his body rose up, and he rushed towards Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng jumped up high, and the tyrannical power surged towards Long Wei. Long Wei did not dodge at all, and the overwhelming power hit him directly.


With a loud noise that shook the sky, Long Wei was suddenly blasted to the ground. The ground collapsed, and Long Wei's body was deeply trapped in it.

Although Zhao Jiaolong and his group were not in the laboratory at the time, they did not go far. Instead, they evacuated the nearby people and waited around. The purpose was to deal with this emergency situation and make such a big noise. Came over immediately.

When they saw the tyrannical Long Wei, everyone was stunned. Nie Hu murmured: "Damn it, why did the old dragon become so strong all of a sudden?" ??

The terrifying power of Long Wei frightened them. They thought it was not as good as Long Wei before, but the difference was actually not too far. He had the power to fight, but now if they were to face Long Wei, they had no hope.

"There seems to be something wrong with Old Long. Damn it, why does he seem to be crazy?"

"Damn it, something is really wrong. Isn't Old Long going crazy like that little white mouse?"

"It's over now!"

Everyone was shocked, and the expected consequences happened after all.

Ye Linglong said coldly: "What are you all still doing? Take action quickly. Once he escapes, none of us can afford the consequences."

Everyone looked embarrassed. After all, they were their brothers. How could they take action? Judging from the situation in front of him, Long Wei is fighting for his life. Do you want them to kill him?

However, they all knew that if Long Wei really ran away in this state, it would be equivalent to letting go of an out-of-control murderer. If any trouble was caused, they would not be able to feel at ease for the rest of their lives.

"Old Long, brothers, I'm sorry!"

Now in this situation, you have to take action even if you don't want to, and they have actually discussed it in advance. No matter who it is, once they take action, others must kill them without leaving any consequences.

Although a group of people fighting alone is not as good as Long Wei, but everyone working together also puts huge pressure on Long Wei.



Suddenly the sky was filled with dust and flying sand and rocks. Fortunately, the laboratory was built in a sparsely populated and desolate land, and the nearby people had been evacuated in advance, otherwise it would have been frightening.

Everyone's attacks hit Long Wei one after another, but Long Wei's body strengthened by drugs was too strong, and such a strong force could not effectively shake him.

Of course, this was the reason why everyone held back. They were unwilling to really kill Long Wei. Otherwise, if everyone tried their best, Long Wei would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

Seeing that he was unable to attack for a long time, Ye Linglong said: "You can't hold back anymore. When your skills are almost exhausted, it will be difficult to capture him again."

That's right, although everyone is not trying their best, they are constantly consuming. Looking at Longwei again, it is like a perpetual motion machine. It doesn't know how tired it is. If time goes on, problems will really arise.

Ji Wufeng hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's take action!"

No one wanted to, but there was nothing they could do. They all felt at ease and said, "Old Long, brothers, I'm sorry."

No longer holding back, everyone tried their best. No matter how hard it was to resist Long Wei, he let out a crazy roar and was shot down from the air. A big crater was made on the ground, and his body was tilted upwards, but he recovered in the blink of an eye.

This self-healing ability far exceeds those of the undead warriors I have seen before. The current dragon power is equivalent to the undead warriors that have been strengthened countless times before.

Long Wei roared and his body rose up from the ground. Ji Wufeng gritted his teeth and violently waved his palms to strike downwards. A huge fist shadow appeared in the air and struck Long Wei fiercely.


Long Wei, who had just jumped up, was blasted to the ground again. There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled. Long Wei was hit hard to the ground, and a huge pit appeared, with cracks spreading around.

Long Wei in the deep pit finally experienced a brief moment of silence. His body was shattered by Ji Wufeng's punch just now. If it were before, Ji Wufeng's punch would have been enough to kill him.

Long Wei's injury is still recovering, but because the injury is too serious, it will take time to recover, and this is the best time to kill him.

"Take action!" Ye Linglong shouted loudly.

Ji Wufeng looked sad and said: "It's a helpless move, I hope brothers don't blame me!"

Clenching his teeth, Ji Wufeng punched again. There was nothing I could do. The worst result finally occurred. He had to kill Long Wei.

But at this moment, a terrible aura suddenly came over all over the sky. This aura was extremely violent, with a strong smell of blood, and it came in an instant.

Ji Wufeng saw it, and a large number of men in black rushed over, at least nearly a hundred of them. Ji Wufeng recognized this group of people, they were the undead warriors mentioned before.

However, this group of undead warriors did not attack Ji Wufeng. Instead, they divided into two groups and rushed towards Zhao Jiaolong's group and Ye Linglong.

There were too many undead warriors, and Zhao Jiaolong and others would not have any problems. However, Ye Linglong and Lili were only two people, but they had to face dozens of undead warriors, and the situation was suddenly full of danger.

"Damn it!"

Ji Wufeng was furious, and the attack in his hand changed direction and bombarded the group of undead warriors surrounding Ye Linglong.


At least a dozen undead warriors were bombarded into powder by Ji Wufeng's punch, but the remaining ones still pounced on Ye Linglong fearlessly, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to take action again.

Zhao Jiaolong and others have enough experience in dealing with undead warriors. They have Ye Linglong's secret weapon in their hands, and their combat power has increased rapidly recently. They are all trying to kill these undead warriors as quickly as possible.

Nearly a hundred undead warriors came in force and were killed in less than a few minutes, posing no threat.

Lili suddenly pointed not far away and shouted in horror: "Long Wei is missing!"

Ji Wufeng turned around, his face suddenly turned livid, and Long Wei, who was still recovering in the pit just now, disappeared.

"Find me immediately!" Ji Wufeng roared loudly.

The current Long Wei may not pose a threat to him, but that is because he has the ability to protect himself, but how many good players like him are there? If Zhao Jiaolong and the others meet, they will inevitably die!

This means that Long Wei ran away, which means they let go of a murderous maniac with unparalleled strength! "But..." Ji Wufeng clenched his fists.

"You should hate the consequences of letting him go. Neither you nor I can afford it!" Ye Linglong said coldly.

Ji Wufeng really couldn't do it, but he had to take action. He said to Long Wei with a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry!"

Long Wei couldn't hear his words at all, he roared, his body rose up, and he rushed towards Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng jumped up high, and the tyrannical power surged towards Long Wei. Long Wei did not dodge at all, and the overwhelming power hit him directly.


With a loud noise that shook the sky, Long Wei was suddenly blasted to the ground. The ground collapsed, and Long Wei's body was deeply trapped in it.

Although Zhao Jiaolong and his group were not in the laboratory at the time, they did not go far. Instead, they evacuated the nearby people and waited around. The purpose was to deal with this emergency situation and make such a big noise. Came over immediately.

When they saw the tyrannical Long Wei, everyone was stunned. Nie Hu murmured: "Damn it, why did the old dragon become so strong all of a sudden?"

The terrifying power of Long Wei frightened them. They thought it was not as good as Long Wei before, but the difference was actually not too far. He had the power to fight, but now if they were to face Long Wei, they had no hope.

"There seems to be something wrong with Old Long. Damn it, why does he seem to be crazy?"

"Damn it, something is really wrong. Isn't Old Long going crazy like that little white mouse?"

"It's over now!"

Everyone was shocked, and the expected consequences happened after all.

Ye Linglong said coldly: "What are you all still doing? Take action quickly. Once he escapes, none of us can afford the consequences."

Everyone looked embarrassed. After all, they were their brothers. How could they take action? Judging from the situation in front of him, Long Wei is fighting for his life. Do you want them to kill him?

However, they all knew that if Long Wei really ran away in this state, it would be equivalent to letting go of an out-of-control murderer. If any trouble was caused, they would not be able to feel at ease for the rest of their lives.

"Old Long, brothers, I'm sorry!"

Now in this situation, you have to take action even if you don't want to, and they have actually discussed it in advance. No matter who it is, once they take action, others must kill them without leaving any consequences.

Although a group of people fighting alone is not as good as Long Wei, but everyone working together also puts huge pressure on Long Wei.



Suddenly the sky was filled with dust and flying sand and rocks. Fortunately, the laboratory was built in a sparsely populated and desolate land, and the nearby people had been evacuated in advance, otherwise it would have been frightening.

Everyone's attacks hit Long Wei one after another, but Long Wei's body strengthened by drugs was too strong, and such a strong force could not effectively shake him.

Of course, this was the reason why everyone held back. They were unwilling to really kill Long Wei. Otherwise, if everyone tried their best, Long Wei would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

Seeing that he was unable to attack for a long time, Ye Linglong said: "You can't hold back anymore. When your skills are almost exhausted, it will be difficult to capture him again."

That's right, although everyone is not trying their best, they are constantly consuming. Looking at Longwei again, it is like a perpetual motion machine. It doesn't know how tired it is. If time goes on, problems will really arise.

Ji Wufeng hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's take action!"

No one wanted to, but there was nothing they could do. They all felt at ease and said, "Old Long, brothers, I'm sorry."

No longer holding back, everyone tried their best. No matter how hard it was to resist Long Wei, he let out a crazy roar and was shot down from the air. A big crater was made on the ground, and his body was tilted upwards, but he recovered in the blink of an eye.

This self-healing ability far exceeds those of the undead warriors I have seen before. The current dragon power is equivalent to the undead warriors that have been strengthened countless times before.

Long Wei roared and his body rose up from the ground. Ji Wufeng gritted his teeth and violently waved his palms to strike downwards. A huge fist shadow appeared in the air and struck Long Wei fiercely.


Long Wei, who had just jumped up, was blasted to the ground again. There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled. Long Wei was hit hard to the ground, and a huge pit appeared, with cracks spreading around.

Long Wei in the deep pit finally experienced a brief moment of silence. His body was shattered by Ji Wufeng's punch just now. If it were before, Ji Wufeng's punch would have been enough to kill him.

Long Wei's injury is still recovering, but because the injury is too serious, it will take time to recover, and this is the best time to kill him.

"Take action!" Ye Linglong shouted loudly.

Ji Wufeng looked sad and said: "It's a helpless move, I hope brothers don't blame me!"

Clenching his teeth, Ji Wufeng punched again. There was nothing I could do. The worst result finally occurred. He had to kill Long Wei.

But at this moment, a terrible aura suddenly came over all over the sky. This aura was extremely violent, with a strong smell of blood, and it came in an instant.

Ji Wufeng saw it, and a large number of men in black rushed over, at least nearly a hundred of them. Ji Wufeng recognized this group of people, they were the undead warriors mentioned before.

However, this group of undead warriors did not attack Ji Wufeng. Instead, they divided into two groups and rushed towards Zhao Jiaolong's group and Ye Linglong.

There were too many undead warriors, and Zhao Jiaolong and others would not have any problems. However, Ye Linglong and Lili were only two people, but they had to face dozens of undead warriors, and the situation was suddenly full of danger.

"Damn it!"

Ji Wufeng was furious, and the attack in his hand changed direction and bombarded the group of undead warriors surrounding Ye Linglong.


At least a dozen undead warriors were bombarded into powder by Ji Wufeng's punch, but the remaining ones still pounced on Ye Linglong fearlessly, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to take action again.

Zhao Jiaolong and others have enough experience in dealing with undead warriors. They have Ye Linglong's secret weapon in their hands, and their combat power has increased rapidly recently. They are all trying to kill these undead warriors as quickly as possible.

Nearly a hundred undead warriors came in force and were killed in less than a few minutes, posing no threat.

Lili suddenly pointed not far away and shouted in horror: "Long Wei is missing!"

Ji Wufeng turned around, his face suddenly turned livid, and Long Wei, who was still recovering in the pit just now, disappeared.

"Find me immediately!" Ji Wufeng roared loudly.

The current Long Wei may not pose a threat to him, but that is because he has the ability to protect himself, but how many good players like him are there? If Zhao Jiaolong and the others meet, they will inevitably die!

This means that Long Wei ran away, which means they let go of a murderous maniac with unparalleled strength!

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