Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1670 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Mingzhe shrank his neck and said: "With so many masters, it is impossible for us to enter quietly. It seems that there will definitely be a fight."

Ye Linglong looked at Yueqiu with sharp eyes. Yueqiu seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and her expression suddenly became panicked, but the panic she showed reassured Ye Linglong.

If Yueqiu is really a spy, her acting skills are too poor to win people's trust.

But Ye Linglong was so thoughtful and asked, "If I'm not wrong, you've never gone in, right?"

Yueqiu's expression suddenly changed, knowing that his lie had been exposed, and said: "Yes, I have indeed never been in."

"Then how did you know what was going on inside?"

"Aguru told me."

It turned out that Aguru was Yueqiu's fiancé and the prince of a neighboring tribe. Yueqiu felt something was wrong with the factory, so he told Aguru, and Aguru volunteered to investigate.

In the end, Aguru succeeded, but in the end he escaped with serious injuries. After telling Yueqiu about the situation inside, he passed out and has not woken up yet.

Ye Linglong concluded that Yueqiu did not lie, because she had no need to lie at all. After hearing this, instead of getting angry, she vowed to Yueqiu: "Don't worry, after the things here are done, I guarantee that your fiancé will wake up." .”

"Really?" Yueqiu looked surprised.

"Of course it's true. I, Miss Linglong, never tell lies!" Ye Linglong promised.

Ji Wufeng knew what Ye Linglong was up to. If they solved the matter here and rescued Agulu, they would have formed a deep friendship with Yueqiu and another tribe, and they would be able to offer some reasonable benefits. The request was simply impossible to refuse.

After a simple deployment, it was finally decided that the people from the Xuanzi group would deal with the heavily armed

Guards, with their strength, can be said to be effortless.

The remaining people were led by Li Tianqi, specializing in attacking and killing the lurking masters. As for the two kingly warriors, even if they could not be killed with the strength of everyone, there would be no accidents.

Ji Wufeng and Ye Linglong followed Guan Yao directly into the base.

The Xuanzi Group's operation began. Their personal strength was at least at the master level. Their bodies rushed over like lightning. Before the guards knew what was going on, their necks were wiped off and blood spurted out.

But this aroused the vigilance of the masters lurking in the dark, and the alarm sounded immediately. However, the Xuanzi group moved very quickly. As soon as they reacted, half of the people had already been killed.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but marvel. The strength of the masters may not be very high in his opinion, but these people's actual combat experience is very tyrannical. The cooperation between them during the battle has reached an extreme level, and they can kill people invisible.

If there were no super-powerful masters, this group of people would simply be an unstoppable group of tigers and wolves. The dragon group is so powerful that it is definitely not just a false name, but a real achievement.

The lurking masters were dispatched, and two kingly warriors also appeared. They were led by Xiao Feng and Li Tianqi. Although their strength had not reached the kingly realm, they were just a hair away.

A tiger cannot hold off a pack of wolves, and with the cooperation of the rest of the people, it is enough to stop them.

Ji Wufeng led Ye Linglong and Guan Yao and quickly rushed into the base. They wanted to quickly solve the problems inside and control the situation before the opponent touched a large number of undead warriors.

Once a large number of undead warriors are dispatched, the problem may not be too big, but if they are dealt with, it will definitely cause a powerful force.

The huge destructive power may even destroy the entire base, which is not what Ji Wufeng wants to see.

When he entered the door, he found that even the two gatekeepers were innate masters. They were really luxurious. Ji Wufeng didn't need to take action. The long sword in Shangguan Yao's hand had already been unsheathed, and the two heads had already rolled down at his feet.

With one punch, he exploded the large iron door that was half a meter thick in front of him, and saw a large space behind him. Countless people in white coats were busy inside, and tens of thousands of people were placed around them. There was a blue liquid in the large glass container, and bodies were soaked in the liquid. Their skin color was pale, and the cold evil aura could be felt through the glass.

Ji Wufeng felt like his scalp was numb. So many undead warriors had been cultivated here. If they were all released, wouldn't it cause chaos in the world?

Ye Linglong said: "Everyone split up!"

She must now quickly control the switch that activates these undead warriors, and Ji Wufeng's task is even heavier. There are two royal warriors guarding the outside, and the guards inside will only be stronger, and they are already coming.

A large number of masters rushed in, the worst of them were innate masters, more than half of the masters, Shangguan Yao drew his sword and rushed forward without hesitation.

With one slash of the sword, an innate master and a master master were in direct hatred. Shangguan Yao's strength was already at the peak of the master's level, and she could step into the realm of kingship at any time. With her current strength, there would be no problem in a short time. .??.

Suddenly, a violent coercion descended from the sky and pressed directly on Shangguan Yao. This was the pressure of a kingly warrior, and it was the pinnacle of kings. He could kill Shangguan Yao with one move. Ji Wufeng sneered and punched out.


After the violent collision, the figure of the visitor emerged. What surprised Ji Wufeng was that the visitor turned out to be an acquaintance of his.

"What a genius, but

In just a short period of time, you can actually grow to this extent. "The visitor couldn't help but sigh.

"Is it you?" Ji Wufeng said angrily.

The person who came was wearing gray clothes and had gray hair. He turned out to be Gu Mingxiu, who was in charge of guarding the gate when Ji Wufeng broke into the Shura battlefield.

Although Gu Mingxiu wanted to kill him at that time, Ji Wufeng was not disgusted with him. After all, the relationship was hostile.

But Ji Wufeng didn't expect that Gu Mingxiu would appear here. This was an evil base that was so dehumanized that it used living people for experiments. Not only did Gu Mingxiu not stop it, but he also helped the evildoer, which made Ji Wufeng seriously doubt his conscience and ethical bottom line.

"Are you surprised?"

Gu Mingxiu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm surprised too. I also didn't expect that we would meet one day."

"There are many unexpected things, but I didn't expect that you, an old guy, don't want to be shameless. Now you don't even want humanity." Ji Wufeng snorted coldly.

The last time Gu Mingxiu attacked him was just shameless, but this time he appeared here, didn't he lose his humanity?

"If you dared to say this to me half a year ago, I would definitely kill you, but now I have nothing to say. You can take action. It's true that a thousand years of cultivation is not as good as becoming a demon overnight." Gu Mingxiu With sharp eyes and no explanation, he asked Ji Wufeng to take action immediately.

At the same time, Gu Mingxiu's body was filled with a terrifying aura. Could it be that he had completely lost his humanity and was about to enter the true path of evil?

Before Ji Wufeng could answer, Gu Mingxiu had already taken action, slapping his palm horizontally, and the terrifying palm force tore the void apart.

With a cold look on his face, Ji Wufeng jumped up, leaving a faint afterimage, quickly avoiding the terrifying palm force, and shouted: "Old man, you are so vicious, be careful not to have any descendants in the future!"

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