Gu Mingxiu is definitely a powerful man who has achieved great success, and he has been famous for many years. His control of power and use of combat skills are definitely not comparable to that of young powerful men. Ji Wufeng does not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Although Gu Mingxiu tried not to pay attention to what Ji Wufeng said, he was still angered by the words of cutting off his descendants.

He has been obsessed with martial arts all his life and has never married or had children. Now that he is at this age, there is no hope. Ji Wufeng's words are tantamount to poking at his sore spot.

"Boy, you are a bitch, I will kill you today!" Gu Mingxiu's eyes were cold, and murderous intent spread out of his body.

Ji Wufeng punched out with a backhand, hitting Gu Mingxiu's palm. A dazzling light burst out, like the blazing sun in the sky, and suddenly there was a strong wind and flying dust. ??

Not far away, Ye Linglong shouted angrily: "If you want to fight, get away. If you destroy this place, I will skin you!"

Ji Wufeng knew that Ye Linglong wanted to take over this place. If the two of them took action without any scruples, the place would definitely be destroyed. He patted his butt and shouted arrogantly to Gu Mingxiu: "Old man, if you have the guts, come with me. I will crush you to death with one finger!"

After saying that, he rushed out in a hurry. Gu Mingxiu stomped his feet angrily behind him. He knew clearly what Ji Wufeng was planning, but he couldn't care so much in his anger. He chased after him as fast as lightning with a stomp of his feet. Go forward.

Ji Wufeng tried his best to stay away from the base, or even the entire city. He didn't want to harm the people in the city, so he ran into the desert with his last breath before stopping.

Gu Mingxiu chased after him and said in a deep voice: "Ji Wufeng, last time I let you off the hook out of morality, but this time you are doomed."

Ji Wufeng said disdainfully: "Stop boasting and want to kill me. Do your old arms and legs still have the strength?"

The incarnation of Wuji! "

Gu Mingxiu suddenly roared, his face suddenly turned ferocious, his long hair was flying wildly, and shadows burst out from his body. In just a moment, four Gu Mingxiu appeared in front of Ji Wufeng, standing next to him. The four sides surrounded him in the center.

Ji Wufeng had a certain understanding of the Gu family's Xuan Gong, and knew that there was a move called incarnation, but the fact that he had four clones at the same time showed that Gu Mingxiu's Xuan Gong had entered the state of transformation.

Ji Wufeng had to be on guard with all his strength and activated the Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique. Golden light spread all over his body. His eyes shot out two golden lights. He looked coldly at the four figures, quickly judged whether it was true or false, and directly attacked Gu Mingxiu's true body. And go.

Gu Mingxiu didn't expect that Ji Wufeng could see his true body at a glance, and his face was suddenly shocked. He might not know the mystery of the power of chaos. It can contain all the power in the world. Naturally, he is very sensitive to power. The power of the clone is definitely not as good as The true body, of course, is the strongest one.

"You don't have to hide anymore. You are still hiding your head and tail at your age. Are you a turtle?" Ji Wufeng yelled.

Gu Mingxiu sneered and didn't answer, the phantom disappeared instantly, and with mysterious footwork, he rushed towards Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning, leaving an afterimage.

Ji Wufeng stepped on the sky step, speed against speed, fighting with Gu Mingxiu, and collided with each other. A blazing golden light and scarlet blood light intertwined. In the flash of light, the two of them turned into two virtual rays. The shadows flashed like lightning.

Gu Mingxiu was shocked and said: "You have arrived.

The pinnacle of kingly power? "

In the past, when Ji Wufeng broke into the Shura battlefield, he was only at the peak of his master's level, and he was already shocked. However, Gu Mingxiu made him reach the peak of the king's way at this time. Such a terrifying cultivation speed was really terrifying.

Ji Wufeng sneered and said: "Old man, not only have I reached the pinnacle of the kingly realm, but I have also stepped into the threshold of the holy realm. Are you envious? But it's useless even if you are envious. People like you are morally bankrupt. It’s impossible for humans to come this far.”

Although he had killed two strong men at the half-step holy realm, Ji Wufeng did not dare to be careless at all. Gu Mingxiu's Xuan Gong had been practiced to the transformation realm, and his combat power was definitely not comparable to that of the same level.

"Then let me see how much arrogance you have!"

Gu Mingxiu snorted coldly and flew towards him. Ji Wufeng was not to be outdone. The brilliance from the true energy of the two of them kept flashing. The electric light and stone fire were moving, and a series of blazing divine lights were inspired by his moves. The sky above the desert was huge. The sound of bombardment was continuous.

"Suffer death!"

"Take your life!"

The two of them clashed like lightning for hundreds of times and then roared loudly at the same time. They both used their strongest strength to blast towards each other. From the beginning, they were just testing carefully, and they were the ones who were truly the best with all their strength. hit!


Accompanied by the loud noise that shook the sky, monstrous air waves swept away in all directions. The sand in the desert went up against the sky, flew into the air, and then exploded, turning into dust and smoke all over the sky.

Violent power surged in all directions, almost overturning the entire desert. A thick liquid seeped out from the ground. It was unknown whether it had penetrated an oil well or an underground river.

"You are not yet twenty years old, and you have already entered the ranks of top masters. In time, you will definitely be Tianyang's eternal enemy. I'm sorry, although killing the genius will harm Tianhe, I have to do it."

Gu Mingxiu sighed again, his body rose into the sky, and then he rushed towards Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning, with a torrential evil energy erupting from his palms.

Ji Wufeng stood still and waited for Gu Mingxiu to rush forward before quickly retreating. After avoiding the sharp palm attacks, he jumped into the sky, and his height even exceeded Gu Mingxiu's.

Ji Wufeng punched out, and the fiery fist energy turned into a swimming dragon, which kept flying and dancing in the air. The fist light shot towards Gu Mingxiu, but Gu Mingxiu's movements were as fast as lightning. He quickly rushed forward to avoid Launch this round of violent attacks.

However, suddenly, light flashed under Ji Wufeng's feet, and his body actually moved sideways, rushing forward like a laser.

It is said that a powerful warrior can fly into the sky and escape from the earth. It is not a lie. After absolute control of power, he can completely control the air and fly. How high and far he can fly depends entirely on his strength.

At this time, Ji Wufeng was surrounded by golden light, turning into a golden edge and rushing into the sky. He was above Gu Mingxiu. He was condescending, as if Gu Mingxiu was standing on the ground and he was flying into the sky.

Ji Wufeng looked down at Gu Mingxiu below, raised his fist and struck down at Gu Mingxiu. The bright light was like divine punishment, tearing the void apart, and surging and terrifying energy fluctuations rolled down.

Gu Mingxiu shouted violently and plummeted to the ground. At the same time, he used his palms to blast into the air with the power of Kuangba. Gu Mingxiu is definitely a powerful man who has achieved great success, and he has been famous for many years. His control of power and use of combat skills are definitely not comparable to that of young powerful men. Ji Wufeng does not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Although Gu Mingxiu tried not to pay attention to what Ji Wufeng said, he was still angered by the words of cutting off his descendants.

He has been obsessed with martial arts all his life and has never married or had children. Now that he is at this age, there is no hope. Ji Wufeng's words are tantamount to poking at his sore spot.

"Boy, you are a bitch, I will kill you today!" Gu Mingxiu's eyes were cold, and murderous intent spread out of his body.

Ji Wufeng punched out with a backhand, hitting Gu Mingxiu's palm. A dazzling light burst out, like the blazing sun in the sky, and suddenly there was a strong wind and flying dust. .??.

Not far away, Ye Linglong shouted angrily: "If you want to fight, get away. If you destroy this place, I will skin you!"

Ji Wufeng knew that Ye Linglong wanted to take over this place. If the two of them took action without any scruples, the place would definitely be destroyed. He patted his butt and shouted arrogantly to Gu Mingxiu: "Old man, if you have the guts, come with me. I will crush you to death with one finger!"

After saying that, he rushed out in a hurry. Gu Mingxiu stomped his feet angrily behind him. He knew clearly what Ji Wufeng was planning, but he couldn't care so much in his anger. He chased after him as fast as lightning with a stomp of his feet. Go forward.

Ji Wufeng tried his best to stay away from the base, or even the entire city. He didn't want to harm the people in the city, so he ran into the desert with his last breath before stopping.

Gu Mingxiu chased after him and said in a deep voice: "Ji Wufeng, last time I let you off the hook out of morality, but this time you are doomed."

Ji Wufeng said disdainfully: "Stop boasting and want to kill me. Do your old arms and legs still have the strength?"

The incarnation of Wuji! "

Gu Mingxiu suddenly roared, his face suddenly turned ferocious, his long hair was flying wildly, and shadows burst out from his body. In just a moment, four Gu Mingxiu appeared in front of Ji Wufeng, standing next to him. The four sides surrounded him in the center.

Ji Wufeng had a certain understanding of the Gu family's Xuan Gong, and knew that there was a move called incarnation, but the fact that he had four clones at the same time showed that Gu Mingxiu's Xuan Gong had entered the state of transformation.

Ji Wufeng had to be on guard with all his strength and activated the Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique. Golden light spread all over his body. His eyes shot out two golden lights. He looked coldly at the four figures, quickly judged whether it was true or false, and directly attacked Gu Mingxiu's true body. And go.

Gu Mingxiu didn't expect that Ji Wufeng could see his true body at a glance, and his face was suddenly shocked. He might not know the mystery of the power of chaos. It can contain all the power in the world. Naturally, he is very sensitive to power. The power of the clone is definitely not as good as The true body, of course, is the strongest one.

"You don't have to hide anymore. You are still hiding your head and tail at your age. Are you a turtle?" Ji Wufeng yelled.

Gu Mingxiu sneered and didn't answer, the phantom disappeared instantly, and with mysterious footwork, he rushed towards Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning, leaving an afterimage.

Ji Wufeng stepped on the sky step, speed against speed, fighting with Gu Mingxiu, and collided with each other. A blazing golden light and scarlet blood light intertwined. In the flash of light, the two of them turned into two virtual rays. The shadows flashed like lightning.

Gu Mingxiu was shocked and said: "You have arrived.

The pinnacle of kingly power? "

In the past, when Ji Wufeng broke into the Shura battlefield, he was only at the peak of his master's level, and he was already shocked. However, Gu Mingxiu made him reach the peak of the king's way at this time. Such a terrifying cultivation speed was really terrifying.

Ji Wufeng sneered and said: "Old man, not only have I reached the pinnacle of the kingly realm, but I have also stepped into the threshold of the holy realm. Are you envious? But it's useless even if you are envious. People like you are morally bankrupt. It’s impossible for humans to come this far.”

Although he had killed two strong men at the half-step holy realm, Ji Wufeng did not dare to be careless at all. Gu Mingxiu's Xuan Gong had been practiced to the transformation realm, and his combat power was definitely not comparable to that of the same level.

"Then let me see how much arrogance you have!"

Gu Mingxiu snorted coldly and flew towards him. Ji Wufeng was not to be outdone. The brilliance from the true energy of the two of them kept flashing. The electric light and stone fire were moving, and a series of blazing divine lights were inspired by his moves. The sky above the desert was huge. The sound of bombardment was continuous.

"Suffer death!"

"Take your life!"

The two of them clashed like lightning for hundreds of times and then roared loudly at the same time. They both used their strongest strength to blast towards each other. From the beginning, they were just testing carefully, and they were the ones who were truly the best with all their strength. hit!


Accompanied by the loud noise that shook the sky, monstrous air waves swept away in all directions. The sand in the desert went up against the sky, flew into the air, and then exploded, turning into dust and smoke all over the sky.

Violent power surged in all directions, almost overturning the entire desert. A thick liquid seeped out from the ground. It was unknown whether it had penetrated an oil well or an underground river.

"You are not yet twenty years old, and you have already entered the ranks of top masters. In time, you will definitely be Tianyang's eternal enemy. I'm sorry, although killing the genius will harm Tianhe, I have to do it."

Gu Mingxiu sighed again, his body rose into the sky, and then he rushed towards Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning, with a torrential evil energy erupting from his palms.

Ji Wufeng stood still and waited for Gu Mingxiu to rush forward before quickly retreating. After avoiding the sharp palm attacks, he jumped into the sky, and his height even exceeded Gu Mingxiu's.

Ji Wufeng punched out, and the fiery fist energy turned into a swimming dragon, which kept flying and dancing in the air. The fist light shot towards Gu Mingxiu, but Gu Mingxiu's movements were as fast as lightning. He quickly rushed forward to avoid Launch this round of violent attacks.

However, suddenly, light flashed under Ji Wufeng's feet, and his body actually moved sideways, rushing forward like a laser.

It is said that a powerful warrior can fly into the sky and escape from the earth. It is not a lie. After absolute control of power, he can completely control the air and fly. How high and far he can fly depends entirely on his strength.

At this time, Ji Wufeng was surrounded by golden light, turning into a golden edge and rushing into the sky. He was above Gu Mingxiu. He was condescending, as if Gu Mingxiu was standing on the ground and he was flying into the sky.

Ji Wufeng looked down at Gu Mingxiu below, raised his fist and struck down at Gu Mingxiu. The bright light was like divine punishment, tearing the void apart, and surging and terrifying energy fluctuations rolled down.

Gu Mingxiu shouted violently and plummeted to the ground. At the same time, he used his palms to blast into the air with the power of Kuangba.

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