Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1679 Shocking the Heavenly Being

Ye Linglong and others took control of the experimental base, released all the surviving experimental products, and mobilized a large amount of funds to compensate the civilians who died.

Under the intimidation of the Xuanzi Group and the Dragon Group, all the idlers in the Yueqiu tribe were driven out of the territory, leaving only the citizens of Yueqiu and some regular mercenaries.

The small Yueqiu tribe in the midst of the war immediately became peaceful and peaceful. At the same time, Yueqiu's fiancé Agulu's injury healed with Ye Linglong's help. This made Ye Linglong become a great benefactor to the two tribes, and they forged a friendship. An extremely deep friendship.

After the incident at the experimental base, the old chief of Yueqiu felt ashamed and decided to retire. Yueqiu succeeded him and became the female chief of Yueqiu. As Aguru's fiancée, Aguru's status in the tribe also increased. The old chief put down his With the power in his hands, he left everything to Aguru.

Ye Linglong sensed that an opportunity had come, found the two of them, and said, "I wonder how you two feel about the current situation of your respective tribes?"

Aguru is a burly young man who looks honest and honest, but there is shrewdness between his eyebrows. He said: "The situation in front of us is what we all want to see, but there are also hidden dangers."

"You might as well talk about it."

Aguru sighed and said: "I think Miss Linglong knows very well that the culprit in the experimental base has caused great harm to Yueqiu. If you can help me eradicate the culprit, of course everyone will be happy, but as far as I know, the people in this experimental base There are shadows of the four major tribes behind it, and there may be collusion of interests behind it. Now that we have driven away the interest partners of the four major tribes, I will have to bear the wrath of the four major tribes before long."

How could Ye Linglong not know this? Gu Tianyang and Aqina were in cahoots with each other. If Gu Tianyang established a test base in the eastern region without Aqina driving the waves behind him, she wouldn't believe it even to death.

But Ye Linglong wanted this kind of effect. If he didn't bring out the four major tribes, how could he let the two of them

Are you willing to cooperate with yourself?

"This is indeed a problem, but what if I can help you avoid the attacks of the four major tribes?" Ye Linglong said.

Aguru was stunned and said with a wry smile: "This is impossible. The rule of the four major tribes in the eastern region has long been entrenched, and their power is so huge that it is impossible to resist. Why do you resist?"

"It seems that Prince Aguru has no confidence in me."

Ye Linglong looked at Yueqiu and said with a smile, "But I believe Chief Yueqiu wouldn't think so."

Of course Yueqiu would not think so. She had witnessed with her own eyes the terrifying fighting power of the Xuanzi Group, the Dragon Group and others, and she had also seen the power of Ji Wufeng and Gu Mingxiu that was beyond ordinary people and almost as powerful as gods.

"Miss Linglong, are you really willing to help us fight against the four major tribes?" Yueqiu said with a look of surprise.

Ordinary people may not know it, but those in power know very well that the four major tribes are squeezing them. Each tribe produces a large amount of gems and energy and oil every year. This is an astonishing wealth, but they have no control over it. They can only hand it over to the four major tribes in exchange for some meager benefits.

The leaders of every tribe are dissatisfied. Why do you take most of such a huge wealth while we only take a fraction? However, they dared not speak out because they did not have the strength to withstand the anger of the four major tribes.

In the eastern region, the four major tribes are the absolute masters and have absolute control.

"I am willing, but I have conditions." Ye Linglong said.

Yueqiu had absolute confidence in Ye Linglong and said, "Miss Linglong, please tell me

. "

"I want your jade and energy." Ye Linglong said.

Yueqiu's expression suddenly changed. She didn't expect Ye Linglong to have the same thoughts as the four major tribes. Wasn't this just driving away a wolf and bringing in a tiger?

Ye Linglong smiled and said: "Of course, I will not be as unkind as the four major tribes. I am willing to pay three times higher than the four major tribes for the purchase."

Yueqiu was stunned, three times the price? This is a good thing, an offer that cannot be refused.

"Not only that, I don't want all of your production. I only need half of your production. You can freely use the remaining half. Of course, if you can't digest it yourself, you can also give it to me. How about it?"

After listening to these words, Yueqiu was completely moved. Compared with the four major tribes, such conditions are too generous.

Seeing that Yue Qiu was moved, Ye Linglong offered another more generous benefit condition, saying: "Moreover, we will indeed establish a development base and base in the eastern region. You can let the tribesmen work, I will pay the salary, and you two will Each tribe will also receive certain shares and receive a large amount of dividends every year."

Not only Yueqiu, but also Aguru is ready to make a move, because if what Ye Linglong said comes true, the two tribes will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes. .??.??

The threat of the four major tribes was lifted, huge wealth was returned to their hands, and their people were properly settled. At this time, not only did they not want to resist, but they also felt that this was a big pie falling from the sky.

In contrast, the conditions offered by Ye Linglong were simply not on the same level as those of the four major tribes. They simply gave up most of their benefits, but Ye Linglong was thinking about the long term.

She wants something

The various tribes in the eastern region feel that they are under her protection, and at the same time their mutual interests are consistent. In this way, she can fully control the entire eastern region. At least there will be no fierce resistance, but love between you and me. willing to cooperate permanently.

"But Miss Linglong, are you really sure you can deal with the four major tribes?" Aguru asked.

After all, he had not seen Ye Linglong's power with his own eyes, and he also had a deep-rooted fear of the four major tribes.

Ye Linglong said: "You don't have to believe it for now. After I solve the four major tribes, it won't be too late for our cooperation to start again. And before that, all my actions have nothing to do with you. Even if we fail, it will never be the same." You won’t be implicated.”

In this way, Yueqiu and Aguru are completely relieved. If you succeed, we will have meat to eat. If you fail, it has nothing to do with us. What happened before will remain the same in the future.

Ye Linglong's conditions are too generous, but this can achieve excessive results. Countries in the eastern region are afraid of the four major tribes. If she shows stronger power than the four major tribes, it will only make the various tribes in the eastern region more powerful. of fear.

First come the carrot, then the stick, make them afraid at first, and then give them generous conditions. With both kindness and power, Ye Linglong will completely eliminate their dissatisfaction.

After seeing off Yueqiu and Aguru, Ye Linglong called over a middle-aged man in a white coat. His name was Yu Guoliang. He was the person in charge of the previous experimental base, and was now completely under Ye Linglong's control.

Yu Guoliang was already in awe of the power of Ye Linglong and others before, and when Ye Linglong showed such terrifying and superb methods in scientific research, he was even more shocked.

Warriors worship the strongest, and this is also true in the field of scientific research. Yu Guoliang now worships Ye Linglong like a god.

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