"Are you ready?" Ye Linglong asked.

"Everything is ready." Yu Guoliang said excitedly.

"That's good."

There was a cold light in Ye Linglong's eyes, and she said: "Four major tribes? You have existed for too long, and you have blocked my steps, Ye Linglong."

Yu Guoliang was shocked. He heard that Ye Linglong actually wanted to destroy the four major tribes. Since he came to the eastern region, Yu Guoliang certainly knew how powerful the four major tribes were.

Moreover, he knew even more clearly that Ye Linglong was fully capable of saying such words.

Ye Linglong must absolutely control the eastern region, because the energy reserves in the eastern region are so amazing. Jade mines are nothing but wealth, and energy is the real treasure. In today's era, whoever can control energy will be the overlord and have world hegemony. .??.

Whether it is the Holy Court, the Sakura Temple, or the Nine-Headed Insect, their purpose is by no means limited to the so-called military struggle, especially the Nine-Headed Insect, which is simply a wolf's ambition. If Ye Linglong's prediction is correct, in the end, There will be a war.

With today's technological development, war no longer consumes people, but energy. Ye Linglong wants to build a huge energy empire in the eastern region.

With the help of Jiang Ruoshui, Ji Wufeng built the business empire of Tianfeng Group. If Tianfeng Group also became an energy overlord, it is not difficult to imagine how much capital Ji Wufeng would have.

Ye Linglong is not a pure warrior. She is very aware of the terrifying combat power of warriors, but she also knows that the power that technology can bring cannot be ignored. Take Gu Mingxiu as an example, he has the combat power of a strong man in the holy realm. Isn’t it the power generated by technology?

What Ye Linglong wants is this extremely powerful technological power!

The reason why the four major tribes have been able to compete for hegemony in the eastern region for many years relies on their powerful armed forces. Not only that, but also through years of cooperation with Western countries, in order to deepen their dominance and deterrence over the Eastern region, even with the help of advanced technology from Western countries, they have Possessed nuclear weapons.

This is the biggest capital of the four major tribes that govern the entire eastern region. As for the powerful warriors, there are not many. The four major tribes combined cannot gather ten royal warriors. As for the strong ones at the holy level, there is not one.

This is the reason why Ye Linglong boasted that he would conquer the four major tribes in Haikou alone. It would not be that easy if there were strong men in the holy realm.

But even so, the martial arts masters under the four major tribes are like crucian carp crossing the river. With only the people of the Xuanzi Group and the Dragon Group, even if they are unstoppable, it will be very difficult to achieve this goal. Even if they are If you actively stretch your neck out for them to chop, you can tire them to death.

Therefore, Ye Linglong did not simply rely on the second team of warriors of the Xuanzi Group and the Dragon Group, but on a large number of undead warriors in the laboratory within the Yueqiu Tribe.

Why Yu Guoliang was so shocked by Ye Linglong was because Ye Linglong actually injected new drugs into all the undead warriors. The group of undead warriors underwent amazing changes in an instant, and the fierce aura on their bodies almost disappeared. If you don't deliberately identify them, they are just like normal people.

And the undead warriors didn't just have these changes, their power also increased wildly.

And through repeated tests, these immortal battles

When warriors are extremely weak after exhaustion, they do not necessarily have to absorb the body functions of living people to supplement them. As long as they are given a large amount of nutrient solution, they can fully recover.

In addition, these undead warriors retain all the previous characteristics, including super terrifying self-healing abilities, and if allowed by the controller, they can also absorb the life functions of living people to replenish themselves.

These have always been problems that the entire experimental base has been trying to solve. Unexpectedly, they were solved easily by Ye Linglong. How could Yu Guoliang not admire them?

Ye Linglong's biggest asset is this group of undead warriors. Once a large number of strengthened undead warriors are deployed, it will only take an instant to destroy the four major tribes.

Leaving aside the other three major tribes of the four major tribes, Ye Linglong is planning to attack Aqina's family first. Who asked him to collude with Gu Tianyang to deal with Ji Wufeng?

Of course, Ye Linglong is not a murderer. He only needs to kill important and core figures. As for the old, weak, women and children, he will not move.

The person in charge of the Xuanzi Group's investigation of the Aqina family came back and said, "Miss Linglong, Aqina has returned to the tribe."

Ye Linglong raised her eyebrows and said, "It seems that Gu Tianyang has already noticed it, otherwise Aqina would not be back at this time, but it's okay to come back."

Yes, Archina is now hanging out with Harris and others, and the Expedition International he controls is booming, but he is asked by Gu Tianyang to return to the eastern region immediately.

Gu Tianyang's vigilance was indeed very strong. When he was sure that he had fallen into a trap and learned that Ye Linglong had also come to the Eastern Region, he felt that something was wrong. It was not only Ye Linglong who was eyeing the Eastern Region. Gu Tianyang has long wanted to make plans for the resources here.

However, he was restrained by Hua Jing's affairs and had not yet freed up his hands to take action.

Archina's participation in the Expedition International brought huge wealth and connections to the tribe. He can be said to be a great contributor to the entire tribe. Originally, Archina was not outstanding among the younger generation, but now he makes the elders look up to him with admiration. , some people even began to propose that Aqina be the best candidate to succeed the chief.

Because each of the six parties in the International Expedition has a strong influence in the world. If Aqina can maintain this long-term friendship with them, maybe the entire tribe will be able to gain the same influence in the world. Once its strength increases greatly, , maybe he can defeat the other three major tribes of the four major tribes in one fell swoop and become the only king in the eastern region.

Who doesn’t want to dominate one family and trample others under their feet? The same is true for the four major tribes. However, the strength of the four major tribes is almost the same, and no one can do anything about the other. That is why the current situation is divided into four parts of the world.

Aqina rushed back to the tribe in a hurry. He did not expect that Ji Wufeng would come to the eastern region this time. If he could keep Ji Wufeng in the eastern region permanently, it would be a great achievement. The other families were all different from Ji Wufeng. If Aqina succeeds in his revenge, it will be a huge favor.

At that time, there will be enough chips for them to take action to support themselves in completely controlling the tribe and kill the other three families in one fell swoop.

As soon as he returned to the tribe, Aqina ordered a meeting to be held immediately. After all the leaders of the tribe arrived, of course there were many people who didn't like Aqina. They snorted coldly: "Aqina, what's the matter? Just say it quickly." "Are you ready?" Ye Linglong asked.

"Everything is ready." Yu Guoliang said excitedly.

"That's good."

There was a cold light in Ye Linglong's eyes, and she said: "Four major tribes? You have existed for too long, and you have blocked my steps, Ye Linglong."

Yu Guoliang was shocked. He heard that Ye Linglong actually wanted to destroy the four major tribes. Since he came to the eastern region, Yu Guoliang certainly knew how powerful the four major tribes were.

Moreover, he knew even more clearly that Ye Linglong was fully capable of saying such words.

Ye Linglong must absolutely control the eastern region, because the energy reserves in the eastern region are so amazing. Jade mines are nothing but wealth, and energy is the real treasure. In today's era, whoever can control energy will be the overlord and have world hegemony.

Whether it is the Holy Court, the Sakura Temple, or the Nine-Headed Insect, their purpose is by no means limited to the so-called military struggle, especially the Nine-Headed Insect, which is simply a wolf's ambition. If Ye Linglong's prediction is correct, in the end, There will be a war.

With today's technological development, war no longer consumes people, but energy. Ye Linglong wants to build a huge energy empire in the eastern region.

With the help of Jiang Ruoshui, Ji Wufeng built the business empire of Tianfeng Group. If Tianfeng Group also became an energy overlord, it is not difficult to imagine how much capital Ji Wufeng would have.

Ye Linglong is not a pure warrior. She is very aware of the terrifying combat power of warriors, but she also knows that the power that technology can bring cannot be ignored. Take Gu Mingxiu as an example, he has the combat power of a strong man in the holy realm. Isn’t it the power generated by technology?

What Ye Linglong wants is this extremely powerful technological power!

The reason why the four major tribes have been able to compete for hegemony in the eastern region for many years relies on their powerful armed forces. Not only that, but also through years of cooperation with Western countries, in order to deepen their dominance and deterrence over the Eastern region, even with the help of advanced technology from Western countries, they have Possessed nuclear weapons.

This is the biggest capital of the four major tribes that govern the entire eastern region. As for the powerful warriors, there are not many. The four major tribes combined cannot gather ten royal warriors. As for the strong ones at the holy level, there is not one.

This is the reason why Ye Linglong boasted that he would conquer the four major tribes in Haikou alone. It would not be that easy if there were strong men in the holy realm.

But even so, the martial arts masters under the four major tribes are like crucian carp crossing the river. With only the people of the Xuanzi Group and the Dragon Group, even if they are unstoppable, it will be very difficult to achieve this goal. Even if they are If you actively stretch your neck out for them to chop, you can tire them to death.

Therefore, Ye Linglong did not simply rely on the second team of warriors of the Xuanzi Group and the Dragon Group, but on a large number of undead warriors in the laboratory within the Yueqiu Tribe.

Why Yu Guoliang was so shocked by Ye Linglong was because Ye Linglong actually injected new drugs into all the undead warriors. The group of undead warriors underwent amazing changes in an instant, and the fierce aura on their bodies almost disappeared. If you don't deliberately identify them, they are just like normal people.

And the undead warriors didn't just have these changes, their power also increased wildly.

And through repeated tests, these immortal battles

When warriors are extremely weak after exhaustion, they do not necessarily have to absorb the body functions of living people to supplement them. As long as they are given a large amount of nutrient solution, they can fully recover.

In addition, these undead warriors retain all the previous characteristics, including super terrifying self-healing abilities, and if allowed by the controller, they can also absorb the life functions of living people to replenish themselves.

These have always been problems that the entire experimental base has been trying to solve. Unexpectedly, they were solved easily by Ye Linglong. How could Yu Guoliang not admire them?

Ye Linglong's biggest asset is this group of undead warriors. Once a large number of strengthened undead warriors are deployed, it will only take an instant to destroy the four major tribes.

Leaving aside the other three major tribes of the four major tribes, Ye Linglong is planning to attack Aqina's family first. Who asked him to collude with Gu Tianyang to deal with Ji Wufeng?

Of course, Ye Linglong is not a murderer. He only needs to kill important and core figures. As for the old, weak, women and children, he will not move.

The person in charge of the Xuanzi Group's investigation of the Aqina family came back and said, "Miss Linglong, Aqina has returned to the tribe."

Ye Linglong raised her eyebrows and said, "It seems that Gu Tianyang has already noticed it, otherwise Aqina would not be back at this time, but it's okay to come back."

Yes, Archina is now hanging out with Harris and others, and the Expedition International he controls is booming, but he is asked by Gu Tianyang to return to the eastern region immediately.

Gu Tianyang's vigilance was indeed very strong. When he was sure that he had fallen into a trap and learned that Ye Linglong had also come to the Eastern Region, he felt that something was wrong. It was not only Ye Linglong who was eyeing the Eastern Region. Gu Tianyang has long wanted to make plans for the resources here.

However, he was restrained by Hua Jing's affairs and had not yet freed up his hands to take action.

Archina's participation in the Expedition International brought huge wealth and connections to the tribe. He can be said to be a great contributor to the entire tribe. Originally, Archina was not outstanding among the younger generation, but now he makes the elders look up to him with admiration. , some people even began to propose that Aqina be the best candidate to succeed the chief.

Because each of the six parties in the International Expedition has a strong influence in the world. If Aqina can maintain this long-term friendship with them, maybe the entire tribe will be able to gain the same influence in the world. Once its strength increases greatly, , maybe he can defeat the other three major tribes of the four major tribes in one fell swoop and become the only king in the eastern region.

Who doesn’t want to dominate one family and trample others under their feet? The same is true for the four major tribes. However, the strength of the four major tribes is almost the same, and no one can do anything about the other. That is why the current situation is divided into four parts of the world.

Aqina rushed back to the tribe in a hurry. He did not expect that Ji Wufeng would come to the eastern region this time. If he could keep Ji Wufeng in the eastern region permanently, it would be a great achievement. The other families were all different from Ji Wufeng. If Aqina succeeds in his revenge, it will be a huge favor.

At that time, there will be enough chips for them to take action to support themselves in completely controlling the tribe and kill the other three families in one fell swoop.

As soon as he returned to the tribe, Aqina ordered a meeting to be held immediately. After all the leaders of the tribe arrived, of course there were many people who didn't like Aqina. They snorted coldly: "Aqina, what's the matter? Just say it quickly.”

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