Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1681: Be loyal to Longtang and spare your life.

Only chiefs and chief heirs are eligible to hold tribal meetings. Aqina's move naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"I have something very important, and it's something that concerns the future of the entire tribe." Archina said arrogantly, not taking the elder who asked the question seriously at all.

"Asshole, do you have the right to make the decision on a major matter that affects the future of the entire tribe?" the elder said angrily.

Archina looked at the cousins ​​who were favored by the tribe and sneered: "If I am not qualified to make the decision, then how can they, these losers, make the decision?"


"Aqina, you are too arrogant!"

"Aqina, you are too arrogant."

Everyone yelled angrily, and some of the elders who had previously been optimistic about Archina also frowned slightly, just because Archina was too arrogant. How could an overly arrogant and domineering character be useful?

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. As long as you give me enough troops, I can make the tribe the only overlord in the eastern region!" Archina said directly.

After Aqina told what happened, everyone in the conference room became restless. Since his family participated in Expedition International, they would naturally be familiar with Ji Wufeng, and they were even more aware of Ji Wufeng's grudges with other families.

If Ji Wufeng can really be captured, it will indeed make the other tribes owe a big favor to the tribe. With their support, annihilating the other three major tribes will definitely not be empty talk.

In this way, Archina indeed has the arrogance to make the tribe the only overlord in the eastern region. If this does not qualify him to be arrogant, then who still has the qualifications?

"Call men immediately!" The tribe's chief quickly made a decision.

This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he must seize it. He simply cannot resist the temptation to make friends with several other superpowers and become the sole overlord of the eastern region.

The eastern region contains this amazing energy reserve, which is amazing wealth. Money can make all the difference. Therefore, the eastern region is also the region with the most mercenaries in the world, and there is no shortage of elites among them. There are even many retired military kings. If you are not strong enough to work here, others will look down on you.

Of course, in addition to those powerful mercenaries, there are also tyrannical warriors. Although there are not many, the entire Aqina tribe only recruited three royal warriors. After all, masters of this level no longer have much interest in money. .

However, the tribe still doesn't want to see Aqina become bigger, especially the other powerful contenders for the chieftainship. If Aqina is really allowed to get things done, then he will undoubtedly control the tribe, and they will have no choice but to step aside. The child stood.

"Chief, please be careful. Ji Wufeng is extremely powerful. We are not sure of victory." Someone advised.

Archina sneered disdainfully and said: "A bunch of losers, as timid as a mouse, what can you do?"

"Aqina, don't be too arrogant. If you want to die, no one will stop you, but you can't drag the entire tribe into the water." The man yelled angrily.

"You have no right to talk to me."

Archina directly ignored him, looked at the chief and said: "Chief, I have brought powerful help when I come back this time, and I will be absolutely foolproof."

Immediately, a dozen weirdos in black walked in, exuding a ghastly and terrifying evil spirit. It felt like the god of death was coming, and some timid people were so frightened that they trembled all over.

This turned out to be an immortal warrior. Although Gu Tianyang asked Archina to come back, he also understood that Archina's own tribe's power could not stop Ji Wufeng, so he asked him to bring back a dozen immortal warriors.

Of course, these immortal warriors may not be able to stop Ji Wufeng, but Gu Tianyang did not expect that Aqina could really take down Ji Wufeng, and it would only be enough to temporarily hinder his development in the eastern region.

A powerful aura rushed out. It was a kingly warrior supported by the tribe. He looked at the undead warrior in front of him with horror on his face.

The chief of the Archina tribe also heard about the undead warriors and felt the power of these monsters. He immediately made a decision and said: "Give me the order and fully cooperate with Archina to attack!"

In an instant, no one dared to refute anymore. The entire Aqina tribe took action, gathering all the powerful forces attached to the tribe, intending to kill Ji Wufeng in one fell swoop.

Aqi was extremely excited, as if he had seen Ji Wufeng die in his own hands, and then took control of the tribe and became the first giant in the eastern region, and then became a world giant.

All the forces of the tribe were gathered together without any secrets. They wanted to kill Ji Wufeng with one blow.

But at this moment, the boundless tyrannical aura suddenly surged towards the entire Aqina tribe from all directions. The three royal kings were suddenly frightened and shouted sharply: "Who is it!"

"Dragon Hall!" The voice that responded to them was a woman's voice, and it was very young. It should be said that it was a girl.

When forming a force overseas, the name Tianfeng Group should no longer be used. Ye Linglong chose the name Longtang, and Longtang will definitely become famous in the eastern region.

The visitor walked in, it was indeed a woman, and a girl, a very delicate and beautiful girl, like an elf in a cartoon.

Now that he knew that Ye Linglong had come to the eastern region, Gu Tianyang deliberately asked Aqina to delay, so he naturally gave Ye Linglong's information to Aqina. Aqina stood up and sneered: "It's really you little bitch. "

Ye Linglong's eyes immediately turned cold. Just by saying "little bitch" in Archina's mouth, she had already sentenced her to death. She originally wanted to keep him in control of Archina's tribe, but now it seems that there is no need. , nothing is more important than Miss Linglong venting her anger.

"Bitch, hand over Ji Wufeng and I will spare your life. I can't bear to kill a top-notch lolita like you. You are pure and cute. You are such a beauty."

Aqina stared at Ye Linglong's face with lewdness. He knew that Ji Wufeng was very powerful, and he also knew that Ye Linglong was not simple. But unfortunately, he had never seen Ji Wufeng and Ye Linglong take action. He thought that he had three kingly warriors around him. There is also a group of undead warriors, which is enough to run amok.

Aqina was already a dead person in Ye Linglong's eyes. Ye Linglong didn't bother to look at him at all. Instead, she looked directly at the chief of the Aqina tribe and said domineeringly: "Now I can give you a chance to be loyal to Longtang." , I can spare your life!"

It is not difficult to destroy the four major tribes, but the eastern region is too big. No matter how tyrannical Longtang is, it is impossible to control it in a short period of time. If it can directly control the four major tribes, it can save a long time. time. Only chiefs and chief heirs are eligible to hold tribal meetings. Aqina's move naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"I have something very important, and it's something that concerns the future of the entire tribe." Archina said arrogantly, not taking the elder who asked the question seriously at all.

"Asshole, do you have the right to make the decision on a major matter that affects the future of the entire tribe?" the elder said angrily.

Archina looked at the cousins ​​who were favored by the tribe and sneered: "If I am not qualified to make the decision, then how can they, these losers, make the decision?"


"Aqina, you are too arrogant!"

"Aqina, you are too arrogant."

Everyone yelled angrily, and some of the elders who had previously been optimistic about Archina also frowned slightly, just because Archina was too arrogant. How could an overly arrogant and domineering character be useful?

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. As long as you give me enough troops, I can make the tribe the only overlord in the eastern region!" Archina said directly.

After Aqina told what happened, everyone in the conference room became restless. Since his family participated in Expedition International, they would naturally be familiar with Ji Wufeng, and they were even more aware of Ji Wufeng's grudges with other families.

If Ji Wufeng can really be captured, it will indeed make the other tribes owe a big favor to the tribe. With their support, annihilating the other three major tribes will definitely not be empty talk.

In this way, Archina indeed has the arrogance to make the tribe the only overlord in the eastern region. If this does not qualify him to be arrogant, then who still has the qualifications?

"Call men immediately!" The tribe's chief quickly made a decision.

This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he must seize it. He simply cannot resist the temptation to make friends with several other superpowers and become the sole overlord of the eastern region.

The eastern region contains this amazing energy reserve, which is amazing wealth. Money can make all the difference. Therefore, the eastern region is also the region with the most mercenaries in the world, and there is no shortage of elites among them. There are even many retired military kings. If you are not strong enough to work here, others will look down on you.

Of course, in addition to those powerful mercenaries, there are also tyrannical warriors. Although there are not many, the entire Aqina tribe only recruited three royal warriors. After all, masters of this level no longer have much interest in money. .

However, the tribe still doesn't want to see Aqina become bigger, especially the other powerful contenders for the chieftainship. If Aqina is really allowed to get things done, then he will undoubtedly control the tribe, and they will have no choice but to step aside. The child stood.

"Chief, please be careful. Ji Wufeng is extremely powerful. We are not sure of victory." Someone advised.

Archina sneered disdainfully and said: "A bunch of losers, as timid as a mouse, what can you do?"

"Aqina, don't be too arrogant. If you want to die, no one will stop you, but you can't drag the entire tribe into the water." The man yelled angrily.

"You have no right to talk to me."

Archina directly ignored him, looked at the chief and said: "Chief, I have brought powerful help when I come back this time, and I will be absolutely foolproof."

Immediately, a dozen weirdos in black walked in, exuding a ghastly and terrifying evil spirit. It felt like the god of death was coming, and some timid people were so frightened that they trembled all over.

This turned out to be an immortal warrior. Although Gu Tianyang asked Archina to come back, he also understood that Archina's own tribe's power could not stop Ji Wufeng, so he asked him to bring back a dozen immortal warriors.

Of course, these immortal warriors may not be able to stop Ji Wufeng, but Gu Tianyang did not expect that Aqina could really take down Ji Wufeng, and it would only be enough to temporarily hinder his development in the eastern region.

A powerful aura rushed out. It was a kingly warrior supported by the tribe. He looked at the undead warrior in front of him with horror on his face.

The chief of the Archina tribe also heard about the undead warriors and felt the power of these monsters. He immediately made a decision and said: "Give me the order and fully cooperate with Archina to attack!"

In an instant, no one dared to refute anymore. The entire Aqina tribe took action, gathering all the powerful forces attached to the tribe, intending to kill Ji Wufeng in one fell swoop.

Aqi was extremely excited, as if he had seen Ji Wufeng die in his own hands, and then took control of the tribe and became the first giant in the eastern region, and then became a world giant.

All the forces of the tribe were gathered together without any secrets. They wanted to kill Ji Wufeng with one blow.

But at this moment, the boundless tyrannical aura suddenly surged towards the entire Aqina tribe from all directions. The three royal kings were suddenly frightened and shouted sharply: "Who is it!"

"Dragon Hall!" The voice that responded to them was a woman's voice, and it was very young. It should be said that it was a girl.

When forming a force overseas, the name Tianfeng Group should no longer be used. Ye Linglong chose the name Longtang, and Longtang will definitely become famous in the eastern region.

The visitor walked in, it was indeed a woman, and a girl, a very delicate and beautiful girl, like an elf in a cartoon.

Now that he knew that Ye Linglong had come to the eastern region, Gu Tianyang deliberately asked Aqina to delay, so he naturally gave Ye Linglong's information to Aqina. Aqina stood up and sneered: "It's really you little bitch. "

Ye Linglong's eyes immediately turned cold. Just by saying "little bitch" in Archina's mouth, she had already sentenced her to death. She originally wanted to keep him in control of Archina's tribe, but now it seems that there is no need. , nothing is more important than Miss Linglong venting her anger.

"Bitch, hand over Ji Wufeng and I will spare your life. I can't bear to kill a top-notch lolita like you. You are pure and cute. You are such a beauty."

Aqina stared at Ye Linglong's face with lewdness. He knew that Ji Wufeng was very powerful, and he also knew that Ye Linglong was not simple. But unfortunately, he had never seen Ji Wufeng and Ye Linglong take action. He thought that he had three kingly warriors around him. There is also a group of undead warriors, which is enough to run amok.

Aqina was already a dead person in Ye Linglong's eyes. Ye Linglong didn't bother to look at him at all. Instead, she looked directly at the chief of the Aqina tribe and said domineeringly: "Now I can give you a chance to be loyal to Longtang." , I can spare your life!"

It is not difficult to destroy the four major tribes, but the eastern region is too big. No matter how tyrannical Longtang is, it is impossible to control it in a short period of time. If it can directly control the four major tribes, it can save a long time. time.

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