The chief of the Aqina tribe could see that this little girl was not simple, but the undead warriors that Aqina brought back gave him enough confidence. He laughed coldly: "Little girl, your tone is not small. Do you know Are the words you just said enough to make you die a hundred times?"

Ye Linglong had already guessed that the other party would not agree, and turned to look around. In order to deal with Ji Wufeng, the Aqina tribe had gathered all the armed forces of the tribe together. She sneered and said, "That's fine, all the armed forces are here." , just in time to catch them all in one fell swoop, giving you one last chance, whoever pledges allegiance to Longtang now will spare your life!"

The chief of the Aqina tribe was angry and shouted: "You are so bold, take her down for me!"

A kingly warrior opened his big hand and grabbed Ye Linglong. Archina shouted at the side: "Don't kill her, I haven't tasted her yet!"

The kingly warrior opened his hand and unleashed a powerful pressure. The kingly space clasped towards Ye Linglong. Everyone's faces were full of evil. She was just a girl with yellow hair. Wasn't the kingly warrior able to catch her?

Ye Linglong raised a contemptuous sneer at the corner of her mouth and punched the air.


The kingly space of that kingly warrior was shattered by Ye Linglong's understatement punch. His face changed instantly and he screamed: "Kingly warrior? This is impossible!"

The girl in front of me is probably underage, how could she also be a royal warrior?

However, Ye Linglong was not even interested in answering him. That punch shattered the royal space and did not stop there. Instead, it hit the royal warrior straight.


Ye Linglong stayed still, but the kingly warrior retreated violently, almost losing his balance. His palms kept shaking, and his face was full of panic. Compared with you, Ye Linglong, he is far behind in strength. .

When the Xiao family fought, Ye Linglong was able to compete with Wuchen, so there was no doubt about her strength.

When it comes to man-made strong men, Ye Linglong should be the first. Her power is not purely the power of a warrior, but comes from the results of research on undead warriors. However, this method of obtaining power is still inferior and cannot be used by warriors. To measure it, it also greatly limits Ye Linglong's room for progress. She may never have the chance to touch the holy realm in this life.

However, in the holy realm, among the royal warriors, except for those with special physiques, there may be no one who can compare with her.

Ye Linglong defeated a kingly warrior with one move. The chief of the Aqina tribe immediately felt that something was wrong and shouted sternly: "Catch her and give her to me together!"

Although there is only a little girl in front of her, this is too scary, and she actually dares to come alone, which is weird, so she must be controlled as soon as possible.

But Ye Linglong glanced coldly, pointed at a young man in the crowd and said to Archina: "Except for one or two, all other members of the Archina tribe at the scene, including chickens and dogs!"

Before he finished speaking, a large number of people rushed in. It turned out to be a group of pale and expressionless men in black. There were nearly a hundred people. When they entered, they started fighting with the large number of mercenaries guarding the door.

boom! boom! boom!

The gun's muzzle spurted flames, and bullets shot out like raindrops, hitting the men in black, but they didn't seem to feel anything at all. They grabbed a mercenary by the hand.

The steel gun he was struck by was directly crushed into scrap metal, and he slapped it out with his other hand.


The head was blown open by the shot, and the headless body slowly fell to the ground.

The group of mercenaries were dumbfounded for a moment. Oh my god, you can't be killed with a gun, but you can smash a person's head with a slap. Are these people devils?

These are the immortal warriors who have been transformed by Ye Linglong, but now their names have been changed by Ye Linglong. Since they are loyal to the Dragon Hall, they are called Dragon Fighters!

Of course, Ye Linglong is still a girl after all, so I thought of such a cartoon name.

A bloody massacre began. This group of dragon warriors were like a group of gods of death who only knew how to harvest life. Miserable howls were heard one after another. There were more and more corpses lying on the ground, and almost everyone was dead. .

The mercenaries were afraid. These people were basically demons and were immortal. They collapsed on the ground in fear and did not dare to shoot again.

The people of the Aqina tribe immediately panicked. What kind of monsters are these? How terrible!

At the same time, the battle in the conference room also started. The three kingly warriors took action together, and more than a dozen undead warriors were also dispatched. Archina did not say that he wanted to keep anyone alive, and shouted madly: "Kill me. She, kill this bitch!”

However, before the three kingly warriors could get close to Ye Linglong, they were stopped by a group of people. It was Xiao Feng and others who shouted: "Brothers, these are kingly warriors. You can't just train with such an incredible target." Such a waste!”

They came to the eastern region just for training, and these three royal warriors were the best training partners.

Coupled with the dragon warriors of the Xuanzi group, they are enough to stop the three kings.

As for the remaining undead warriors, Ye Linglong had a Dragon Warrior on his side, and they were more powerful in terms of combat power. The Dragon Warrior rushed in, and the defective ones were no match at all and were easily dealt with.

The dragon warriors began to massacre the members of the Aqina tribe. Ye Linglong did not feel pity. It was not that she was cruel, but since everyone gathered here, they must be planning to deal with Ji Wufeng. None of them were Innocent.

Almost instantly, except for the young man whom Aqina and Ye Linglong had just designated, all the members of the Aqina tribe turned into corpses.

At this time, the battle outside was coming to an end. More than half of the mercenaries and ordinary warriors were slaughtered by the dragon warriors. The remaining people collapsed on the ground in fear, and the dragon warriors also stopped killing.

Ye Linglong wants to control the eastern region, and keeping these people is still useful. As long as they are recruited, they will become Longtang people.

The three kingly warriors were entangled by the second team of the Dragon Team and the Xuanzi Team. They were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Seeing that the situation was over, they jumped up high and wanted to escape. Ye Linglong sneered and said: "I just want to leave now. , it’s too late!”

He chased after them with a quick stride and punched them. The three of them were knocked to the ground. Their faces were full of fear and they said: "Spare us a life, we are willing to be loyal."

Ye Linglong said coldly: "I am reluctant to kill you, because you will become the most powerful dragon fighter in the Dragon Hall!"

The three royal warriors are indeed very powerful, but they are not easy to control. Ye Linglong has made up his mind to completely turn them into dragon warriors and control them firmly. The chief of the Aqina tribe could see that this little girl was not simple, but the undead warriors that Aqina brought back gave him enough confidence. He laughed coldly: "Little girl, your tone is not small. Do you know Are the words you just said enough to make you die a hundred times?"

Ye Linglong had already guessed that the other party would not agree, and turned to look around. In order to deal with Ji Wufeng, the Aqina tribe had gathered all the armed forces of the tribe together. She sneered and said, "That's fine, all the armed forces are here." , just in time to catch them all in one fell swoop, giving you one last chance, whoever pledges allegiance to Longtang now will spare your life!"

The chief of the Aqina tribe was angry and shouted: "You are so bold, take her down for me!"

A kingly warrior opened his big hand and grabbed Ye Linglong. Archina shouted at the side: "Don't kill her, I haven't tasted her yet!"

The kingly warrior opened his hand and unleashed a powerful pressure. The kingly space clasped towards Ye Linglong. Everyone's faces were full of evil. She was just a girl with yellow hair. Wasn't the kingly warrior able to catch her?

Ye Linglong raised a contemptuous sneer at the corner of her mouth and punched the air.


The kingly space of that kingly warrior was shattered by Ye Linglong's understatement punch. His face changed instantly and he screamed: "Kingly warrior? This is impossible!"

The girl in front of me is probably underage, how could she also be a royal warrior?

However, Ye Linglong was not even interested in answering him. That punch shattered the royal space and did not stop there. Instead, it hit the royal warrior straight.


Ye Linglong stayed still, but the kingly warrior retreated violently, almost losing his balance. His palms kept shaking, and his face was full of panic. Compared with you, Ye Linglong, he is far behind in strength. .

When the Xiao family fought, Ye Linglong was able to compete with Wuchen, so there was no doubt about her strength.

When it comes to man-made strong men, Ye Linglong should be the first. Her power is not purely the power of a warrior, but comes from the results of research on undead warriors. However, this method of obtaining power is still inferior and cannot be used by warriors. To measure it, it also greatly limits Ye Linglong's room for progress. She may never have the chance to touch the holy realm in this life.

However, in the holy realm, among the royal warriors, except for those with special physiques, there may be no one who can compare with her.

Ye Linglong defeated a kingly warrior with one move. The chief of the Aqina tribe immediately felt that something was wrong and shouted sternly: "Catch her and give her to me together!"

Although there is only a little girl in front of her, this is too scary, and she actually dares to come alone, which is weird, so she must be controlled as soon as possible.

But Ye Linglong glanced coldly, pointed at a young man in the crowd and said to Archina: "Except for one or two, all other members of the Archina tribe at the scene, including chickens and dogs!"

Before he finished speaking, a large number of people rushed in. It turned out to be a group of pale and expressionless men in black. There were nearly a hundred people. When they entered, they started fighting with the large number of mercenaries guarding the door.

boom! boom! boom!

The gun's muzzle spurted flames, and bullets shot out like raindrops, hitting the men in black, but they didn't seem to feel anything at all. They grabbed a mercenary by the hand.

The steel gun he was struck by was directly crushed into scrap metal, and he slapped it out with his other hand.


The head was blown open by the shot, and the headless body slowly fell to the ground.

The group of mercenaries were dumbfounded for a moment. Oh my god, you can't be killed with a gun, but you can smash a person's head with a slap. Are these people devils?

These are the immortal warriors who have been transformed by Ye Linglong, but now their names have been changed by Ye Linglong. Since they are loyal to the Dragon Hall, they are called Dragon Fighters!

Of course, Ye Linglong is still a girl after all, so I thought of such a cartoon name.

A bloody massacre began. This group of dragon warriors were like a group of gods of death who only knew how to harvest life. Miserable howls were heard one after another. There were more and more corpses lying on the ground, and almost everyone was dead. .

The mercenaries were afraid. These people were basically demons and were immortal. They collapsed on the ground in fear and did not dare to shoot again.

The people of the Aqina tribe immediately panicked. What kind of monsters are these? How terrible!

At the same time, the battle in the conference room also started. The three kingly warriors took action together, and more than a dozen undead warriors were also dispatched. Archina did not say that he wanted to keep anyone alive, and shouted madly: "Kill me. She, kill this bitch!”

However, before the three kingly warriors could get close to Ye Linglong, they were stopped by a group of people. It was Xiao Feng and others who shouted: "Brothers, these are kingly warriors. Such an unreasonable training target cannot be treated like this." Such a waste!”

They came to the eastern region just for training, and these three royal warriors were the best training partners.

Coupled with the dragon warriors of the Xuanzi group, they are enough to stop the three kings.

As for the remaining undead warriors, Ye Linglong had a Dragon Warrior on his side, and they were more powerful in combat power. The Dragon Warrior rushed in, and the defective ones were no match at all and were easily dealt with.

The Dragon Warrior began to massacre the members of the Aqina tribe. Ye Linglong did not feel pity. It was not that she was cruel, but that since everyone gathered here, they must be planning to deal with Ji Wufeng. None of them were Innocent.

Almost instantly, except for the young man whom Aqina and Ye Linglong had just designated, all the members of the Aqina tribe turned into corpses.

At this time, the battle outside was coming to an end. More than half of the mercenaries and ordinary warriors were slaughtered by the dragon warriors. The remaining people collapsed on the ground in fear, and the dragon warriors also stopped killing.

Ye Linglong wants to control the eastern region, and keeping these people is still useful. As long as they are recruited, they will become Longtang people.

The three kingly warriors were entangled by the second team of the Dragon Team and the Xuanzi Team. They were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Seeing that the situation was over, they jumped up high and wanted to escape. Ye Linglong sneered and said: "I just want to leave now. , it’s too late!”

He chased after them with a quick stride and punched them. The three of them were knocked to the ground. Their faces were full of fear and they said: "Spare us a life, we are willing to be loyal."

Ye Linglong said coldly: "I am reluctant to kill you, because you will become the most powerful dragon fighter in the Dragon Hall!"

The three royal warriors are indeed very powerful, but they are not easy to control. Ye Linglong has made up his mind to completely turn them into dragon warriors and control them firmly.

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