However, just when Qianye Yu was thinking about how to explain to the Sakura Temple, and Lucas was thinking about how to explain to the Western governments, he suddenly received a call from a mysterious person.

Longwei is in the Gu family!

The two people immediately reacted. Things in the eastern region were important, but Longwei was even more important. They must not relax because of this. As long as they had strong power, what could they lose that they couldn't get back?

So, the two of them immediately made a surprise visit to the Gu family!

Gu Tianyang, who was about to relax for a while, was so angry that he almost fainted on the ground. Damn it, do you really want to kill me?

Of course, Qianye Yu and Lucas couldn't beat Gu Tianyang with their methods, and they still couldn't find anyone. However, they were able to confirm once again that Long Wei was really in Gu Tianyang's hands, so the two of them walked forward and followed each other. Here we go again, looking at it I still plan to stay in Gujiang.

Gu Tianyang's plan failed again. These two sons of bitches kept staring like this, and it was impossible for the experiment to proceed normally!

Gu Tianyang was so angry that he wanted to kill someone, but he couldn't show it in front of these two bastards, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

Ye Linglong smiled and said: "Gu Tianyang, don't be anxious, the fun will come later, let's take our time!"

Then, she picked up the phone and dialed two numbers in succession. One was directly on Jiang Ruoshui's cell phone, and the other was a series of mysterious numbers.

The great changes in the eastern region shocked the world, because it was impossible to hide such a huge thing as the destruction of the four major tribes. Immediately, almost all the global forces couldn't sit still. Oh my god, there is energy everywhere there. , whoever can get it will have strong capital to dominate the world.

Soon, the world was in turmoil, and everyone's eyes were focused on the news in the eastern region. The name of Longtang began to spread.

, everyone is guessing what kind of force this Dragon Hall is, and how can it defeat the four major tribes that have been dominant for many years so quickly?

Of course, the background of Longtang cannot be concealed either. The person behind it is actually Ji Wufeng. This suddenly caused a stir. Civil forces all know that Tianfeng Group and Yuanzheng International are fighting an energy war, and Yuanzheng International’s reserves Basically from the eastern region.

Ji Wufeng controls the eastern region, which is equivalent to controlling the rear warehouse of Yuanzheng International. Now there is something good to see. Although Tianfeng Group, under the management of Jiang Ruoshui, has blocked the pressure of Yuanzheng International, it still wants to turn defeat into victory. Harder than reaching the sky.

But things are different now. The two of them are just like at war. Expeditionary International's logistics have been confiscated, and they can't even supply ammunition. How can they still fight?

The core members of Tianfeng Group admitted that after hearing the news, they were first shocked and then ecstatic. They seemed to have seen Tianfeng Group become the world's energy hegemon, and it was also an invincible hegemon.

"Announce it immediately and convene a core high-level meeting!" Jiang Ruoshui said with uncontrollable excitement.

Everyone knew that Jiang Ruoshui wanted to start a big fight and kill Yuanzheng International in one fell swoop. The steady old ghost frowned and said: "Mr. Jiang, are we a little hasty in taking action at this time? After all, there are so many places in the eastern region. The border has not stabilized, and if nothing unexpected happens, Western countries will definitely take action."

That's for sure. The warehouses are gone. Of course, the Western countries can't do it anymore. That's the capital of their strong power. They must get it back. Moreover, they will also use their usual methods to intervene in the East in the ridiculous capacity of the world's police. area, launched a devastating campaign against Longtang


Jiang Ruoshui said, "It's just because it hasn't stabilized yet that it's the best time for us to take action. If everything settles, it might not be that easy for us."

Everyone understood what she meant. The advantage at this time was with Tianfeng Group. Once they took action, they would get twice the result with half the effort. If there were changes in the eastern region and the advantage was gone, it would be too late to take action.

Jiang Ruoshui immediately convened a core meeting of Tianfeng Group's top management and issued orders one after another, which immediately set off a shocking frenzy in the energy world. His actions were accurate and ruthless. Expedition International lost the support of the eastern region and was unprepared. He was caught off guard and was suppressed by the entire Tianfeng Group in an instant.

Those dependents of Yuanzheng International, seeing that the situation of Yuanzheng International was over, immediately turned against each other. They abandoned Yuanzheng International at the expense of paying sky-high liquidated damages and defected to Tianfeng Group.

In just a few days, Expedition International almost completely collapsed. Without the slightest power to counterattack, they could only choose to survive and preserve a glimmer of hope!

However, at this juncture, a piece of news appeared again in the eastern region. Due to the war in the eastern region, Western countries dispatched peacekeeping military forces to intervene to help the people in the eastern region maintain peace.

Mr. Peace, aren't you just looking for an excuse to enter the eastern region, attack Longtang, and regain control of the energy in the eastern region? This is something that everyone knows tacitly. Who can let people have thick skin but strong fists? That is shameless capital.

But then another piece of news came that China was infected by the good deeds of Western countries and decided to follow their example and dispatch peacekeeping forces to provide peacekeeping support to the people in the eastern region who were caught in the war.

Now it’s time to play Dafa. Western countries have gone, and China has also gone. Don’t you want to go there?

Peacekeeping? We also go to maintain peace, and we still use you as an example.

In fact, everyone knows what the Western countries are up to, and China has the same idea. Ji Wufeng's identity in the Dragon Group is not a big secret, so China must support Longtang.

Therefore, if the Western countries want to continue to run wild and take action against Longtang, they must first ask whether China's fist will agree.

At this point, it was certain that Yuanzheng International no longer had the power to rebound. It was suppressed by the Tianfeng Group. It was even harder to turn around than to reach the sky, and it was directly reduced to a third-rate enterprise.

The era of Tianfeng Group has come. With the massive energy support from the eastern region, it is simply unstoppable. It has become a world-class energy giant in one fell swoop. No one dares to compete with it. A huge Tianfeng Empire has risen.

Jiang Ruoshui, the controller of Tianfeng Group, is radiant and is considered to be the most valuable woman in the world. At the same time, the most charming woman, the wisest woman... all kinds of gorgeous auras come one after another, like being high above, sacred. Inviolable Queen!

While Jiang Ruoshui was surrounded by a halo, only the members of the second team of the Dragon Group and the members of the Xuanzi Group in the eastern region knew that it was not Ji Wufeng who was secretly in charge of all this, but a seventeen-year-old girl, Tian Feng. Ye Linglong also contributed a lot to the rise of the empire, and her energy was definitely no longer inferior to Jiang Ruoshui's.

If Jiang Ruoshui is the queen who is noticed by the world, then Ye Linglong is the unknown underground queen!

With the intervention of China, the Western countries can't play any tricks in the eastern region, and no one can shake Longtang's position in the eastern region.

Ye Linglong looked at Ji Wufeng, who was still in a coma, and said angrily: "You bastard, I am working hard to help you win the country, but you are sleeping hard!"

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