Nearly three months have passed since Ji Wufeng fell into coma. At first, Ye Linglong discovered that Ji Wufeng's self-healing ability had been working, and his body returned to full strength in a very short period of time, but she didn't know why. I just couldn't wake up, as if I had turned into a vegetative state.

Originally, Ye Linglong wasn't too worried, but it's been three months, and no matter how confident she is, she still feels uneasy.

The Western countries and China have rushed to the eastern region to confront each other. No one will doubt the determination of the Western countries to regain the resources in the Eastern region. If time goes by, the conflicts will inevitably escalate, and large-scale conflicts will occur. .

The Holy Court has even started to move. Before the war started, the warriors were the vanguard. Kongtang had already wiped out several groups of masters sent by the Holy Court.

If nothing goes wrong, the Nine-Headed Insect and the Sakura Temple will not be content with peace. A large number of experts will enter by then. If Ji Wufeng doesn't show up, there will be a big problem.

Recently, Ye Linglong has been tossing around Ji Wufeng a lot, and has tested various possibilities, but Ji Wufeng is like a soulless body, like a walking corpse.

But what went wrong? Ji Wufeng has a special physique and is fused with Nirvana blood, so this should not happen.

Just when Ye Linglong was anxiously following the ants on the hot pot, Xue Shangguanyao, who was responsible for taking care of Ji Wufeng, suddenly screamed. Ye Linglong turned around and her expression suddenly changed.

Ji Wufeng's originally healthy skin was seen to have changed. It was as if the moisture had been taken away in an instant, and it shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Shangguan Yao gently touched Ji Wufeng's hair with his hand, and a large piece of his hair immediately fell out. It is also shedding rapidly in large quantities.

"How did it become like this?"

Shangguan Yao was completely panicked, grabbed Ye Linglong's arm, and said urgently: "Save him quickly!"

Ye Linglong discovered that Ji Wufeng's body functions were increasing rapidly.

The loss was like a balloon deflating, and the body was shrinking rapidly. Not only was Shangguan Yao panicked, but Ye Linglong was also at a loss.

She didn't understand why Ji Wufeng was in such a situation. His body was aging rapidly at this time. In the blink of an eye, Ji Wufeng's body had aged like an eighty-year-old body.

Now Ji Wufeng's whole body is covered with wrinkles, all his hair has fallen out, and his teeth are falling out one by one. He is like an old man who is about to die. At the same time, the powerful power in his body has also been lost rapidly.

"Inject nutrient solution!" Ye Linglong shouted loudly.

Yu Guoliang immediately rushed over with people and injected a large amount of nutrient solution into Ji Wufeng's body through the instrument, but it didn't work at all. Ji Wufeng's body was too weakened and the nutrient solution could not be absorbed at all.

After receiving the news, the second team of the Xuanzi Group and the Dragon Group also rushed over. They were shocked to see Ji Wufeng like this.

"Hurry up and save people!" Everyone shouted at Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong said with a pale face: "It's useless, all my methods have no effect on him."

Before everyone arrived, Ye Linglong had tried all his methods, but none of them had any effect on Ji Wufeng. Apart from retaining a trace of Qi, Ji Wufeng's body was not much different from your corpse. Any energy could Cannot be replenished.

Shangguan Yao collapsed on the ground and said, "Then what will happen to him in the end?"

Ye Linglong said with difficulty: "At the current speed, he will... die of old age tonight!"

Ji Wufeng's vitality is draining away. When it is completely drained, his death will come.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. No one in Ji Wufeng was beaten to death, but he had to die of old age?

"If I'm not wrong, although Gu Mingxiu's blow failed to kill him completely, it has cut off his life source. No matter how powerful his body is, it must be stimulated by the life source. That's fine, but his life source has been damaged and is close to being completely exhausted, and he can no longer activate his body."

Ye Linglong expressed her conjecture that Gu Mingxiu's blow had broken up Ji Wufeng's life source. During this period, he was surviving on the last remaining life source. But unfortunately, life The source has been exhausted. Ji Wufeng is only physically alive now, but he is actually dead.

Everyone's faces were ashen in an instant, and Shangguan Yao almost fainted. Is Ji Wufeng really dead?

"Impossible, this is impossible, he can't die. He has been able to come back to life so many times, and it will definitely be the same this time!" Shangguan Yao said firmly.

It's true that Ji Wufeng was hit hard countless times. Everyone thought he was dead, but in the end it didn't take long for him to be alive and kicking again. It can be said that Ji Wufeng created miracles again and again.

But will a miracle happen to him this time?

But the final fact was cruel. The next day, Ji Wufeng completely lost his vital signs. His body was cold, and all the instruments showed that he had lost all signs of life.

Ji Wufeng is really dead!

"It's impossible. He's not dead. He will definitely come back to life. You go away, all go away..."

Shangguan Yao held Ji Wufeng's stiff body and didn't let go for three days in a row. She didn't allow anyone to get close to her. Once anyone came close, she would go crazy and it was heartbreaking.

No one thought that Shangguan Yao would have such deep feelings for Ji Wufeng

However, Ji Wufeng freed her from the control of Snake Cave and allowed the Shangguan family, which had been reduced to a killer group, to return to the right path. This was a huge kindness.

However, as she came into contact with Ji Wufeng, she fell in love with this big boy. When Ji Wufeng lost his memory, that time in a remote town was the happiest time in her life.

Although Ji Wufeng never promised her anything, that time was the time that truly belonged to her, and Ji Wufeng was there during that time!

If she could return to being a normal person and have the happiness of a normal person, then Ji Wufeng would be her only happiness.

Almost everyone can tell that Shangguan Yao has a special feeling for Ji Wufeng, but she never shows it easily, she just waits silently by Ji Wufeng's side.

Someone once asked her, since she loves him, why not be his woman?

Shangguan Yao's answer was: I shouldn't be her woman, I should be a sword in his hand!

This is a woman who never shows it, but is obsessed with Ji Wufeng to the point of obsession!

"Since you are tired, just take a rest. I will always be with you!"

Shangguan Yao hugged Ji Wufeng like this and murmured as if she was dreaming: "It's all my fault. If we hadn't come out in the town, what happened today wouldn't have happened. You don't know we were there at that time." I was really happy together, and Fei Ling, that was the only happy day in my life..."

Shangguan Yao was almost dementia, but Ye Linglong was almost crazy. Although she was not like Shangguan Yao, she locked herself in a laboratory alone and ordered that no one except Yu Guoliang could enter.

Three days and three nights passed. Ye Linglong looked haggard and extremely thin, but she was still swinging the instrument in front of her, as if she was tirelessly memorizing one set of data after another.

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