When Yu Guoliang saw a girl who looked like a little fairy being tortured like this, he couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Miss Linglong, there is no resurrection after death, so what can you do even if you are a genius? You are not a fairy after all!"

He knew that Ye Linglong had been conducting experiments for three days and nights in a row, trying to find a way to bring a person back to life, but Yu Guoliang was right. She was just a genius, but not a fairy. No mortal had the ability to bring a person back to life. The dead are brought back to life.

Ye Linglong didn't seem to hear what he said at all. She handed over a list and said, "Here are the things I want. Find them for me right away!"

"Miss Linglong, he is dead and cannot be saved. Do you want to die with him..."

Yu Guoliang shouted loudly that he really couldn't bear Ye Linglong to fall into madness. If he continued like this, big problems would occur sooner or later.


Yu Guoliang was thrown away by a strong force, and Ye Linglong's cold and hoarse voice came: "He's not dead yet, get out!"

In the end, both Shangguan Yao and Ye Linglong fell into coma due to not eating or drinking for a long time. Xiao Feng and others were not fools. They knew that the news of Ji Wufeng's death must not be spread at this critical moment, so they used an ice coffin to kill Ji Wufeng. The body is preserved first.

Near Tiangong Yun's house, a white-haired old man in a hut in the mountains suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy and said: "This little bastard is dead. I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

A pretty girl with short hair walked in and asked strangely: "Master, who died? Why are you so looking forward to his death?"

"Tie Xin, that little brat is not a good thing, he deserves to die."

The old man laughed dryly, deliberately changed the topic, and asked: "Master is hungry, what should we eat today?"

The short-haired woman curled her lips and said, "Why do you only know how to eat? You said you would take me out to play, but you always break your promise. Liar, I won't get you something delicious."

The old man hurriedly said: "Tie Xin, master, this is something urgent. Master promises you that he will definitely take you out to play. Go quickly. Master is really hungry."

The short-haired woman left angrily, and the old man suddenly said with a proud face: "Nie Changkong, you damn old ghost, forget it if you are really dead, but if you are not dead yet, I will let you see the hidden world." How awesome is the Dragon Ascension Technique plus the immortal Phoenix Nirvana Blood, haha..."

After eating and drinking, the short-haired girl sat in front of the door, propped up her chin with both hands, and said, "Master, who is Ji Wufeng?"

The old man was stunned, grabbed the short-haired girl's hand, and asked excitedly: "Do you remember?"

The short-haired girl shook her head, and the old man asked, "Then how do you know Ji Wufeng?"

"I don't know, anyway, I know the name Ji Wufeng." said the short-haired girl.

When the old man heard this, his face was filled with disappointment.

"Master, who is Ji Wufeng?" the short-haired girl asked.

The old man sighed, touched the short-haired girl's head, and said with a smile: "He is a very important person to you. Don't worry, master will let you remember him one day."

"Well, then Master, I'm going to wash the dishes."

After the short-haired girl left, the old man had a headache and said: "Damn it, why haven't you remembered it yet?"

Woolen cloth? Could it be that the damn boy is in the same situation and has amnesia? "

At this moment, a thunderous shout suddenly sounded in the air: "Yun Zhen, get out of here you damn old ghost!"

The old man's eyebrows suddenly raised, and his eyes were full of joy. He strode out with a straight face, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Old Ghost Li, where is your uncle here? You old bastard, how are you hiding in the red wall?" After ten years, are you finally willing to show your evil head today?"

I saw an old man with white eyebrows, peeling peanut shells in his hands and walking over. He was the peerless master who once sat within the red wall, the hardcore strongman Boss Li.

He snorted coldly: "How can you be more powerful than me? What's wrong? You were beaten like a dog in the water, why did you go to such a ghostly place and cower?"

"Fuck your uncle!"

Yun Zhen glared and said angrily: "Who said I'm shrinking? I'm retreating in order to advance, it's a strategy. You know how to use a hammer. Fighting depends on your brain, you idiot without a brain!"

"Old turtle, how dare you scold me?" Boss Li's eyebrows rose.

"What's wrong with scolding you? You really pissed me off, and I'm still beating you. I wonder if you, old guy, haven't been beaten by me in decades, are your skin itchy?" Yun Zhen said with squinting eyes.

"Beat me? I want to see who is beating whom!" Boss Li glared and pulled away, as if he was going to fight with Yun Zhen.

At this moment, the short-haired girl came over with clean dishes and chopsticks and asked curiously: "Master, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, just this old dog's itchy skin, I plan to help him scratch it myself!" Yun Zhen said.

When Boss Li looked at the short-haired girl, he was dumbfounded and said excitedly: "Old Ghost Yun, are you really successful?"

Yun Zhen's anger also subsided, and his face was full of pride as he said: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Is there such a thing as failure if I take action?"

"Then Old Ghost Nie..." Boss Li became even more excited, his whole body trembling with excitement.

Yun Zhen's expression immediately became lonely and he said: "I'm not sure. Although this girl Tie Xin woke up, she didn't remember anything. Maybe Old Ghost Nie is the same, forgetting everything, or maybe it's really... …already dead."

Boss Li's expression also became gloomy. Although there were two possibilities, the most likely possibility was that he was dead. Otherwise, even if he lost his memory, there would be no clues that could not be found after so many years.

The appearance of Tie Xin caused the two old men to lose the atmosphere of fighting. They sat cross-legged on the ground with a bottle of wine in front of them. Boss Li sighed: "We used to have so many brothers, but now there are only a few of us left."

"Time is like a butcher's knife. How many heroes have fallen to the ground? It's only the number of days. Everyone has their end, but there is never a shortage of heroes in the world." Yun Zhen said lightly.

Mr. Li laughed and said: "That's right, the old one is replaced by the new one. It's just a matter of time. I am not as open-minded as you!"

"Have you figured it out?" Yun Zhen said with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Already figured it out."

Boss Li nodded and said: "A hero in his lifetime should drink and sing, and enjoy grudges and grudges. I am already at this age. If I can't figure it out anymore, I'm afraid I will never have a chance again!" Yu Guoliang saw a girl who looked like a little fairy. After being tortured like this, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Miss Linglong, there is no resurrection after death, so what can you do even if you are a genius? You are not a god after all!"

He knew that Ye Linglong had been conducting experiments for three days and nights in a row, trying to find a way to bring a person back to life, but Yu Guoliang was right. She was just a genius, but not a fairy. No mortal had the ability to bring a person back to life. The dead are brought back to life.

Ye Linglong didn't seem to hear what he said at all. She handed over a list and said, "Here are the things I want. Find them for me right away!"

"Miss Linglong, he is dead and cannot be saved. Do you want to die with him..."

Yu Guoliang shouted loudly that he really couldn't bear Ye Linglong to fall into madness. If he continued like this, big problems would occur sooner or later.


Yu Guoliang was thrown away by a strong force, and Ye Linglong's cold and hoarse voice came: "He's not dead yet, get out!"

In the end, both Shangguan Yao and Ye Linglong fell into coma due to not eating or drinking for a long time. Xiao Feng and others were not fools. They knew that the news of Ji Wufeng's death must not be spread at this critical moment, so they used an ice coffin to kill Ji Wufeng. The body is preserved first.

Near Tiangong Yun's house, a white-haired old man in a hut in the mountains suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy and said: "This little bastard is dead. I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

A pretty girl with short hair walked in and asked strangely: "Master, who died? Why are you so looking forward to his death?"

"Tie Xin, that little brat is not a good thing, he deserves to die."

The old man laughed dryly, deliberately changed the topic, and asked: "Master is hungry, what should we eat today?"

The short-haired woman curled her lips and said, "Why do you only know how to eat? You said you would take me out to play, but you always break your promise. Liar, I won't get you something delicious."

The old man hurriedly said: "Tie Xin, master, this is something urgent. Master promises you that he will definitely take you out to play. Go quickly. Master is really hungry."

The short-haired woman left angrily, and the old man suddenly said with a proud face: "Nie Changkong, you damn old ghost, forget it if you are really dead, but if you are not dead yet, I will let you see the hidden world." How awesome is the Dragon Ascension Technique plus the immortal Phoenix Nirvana Blood, haha..."

After eating and drinking, the short-haired girl sat in front of the door, propped up her chin with both hands, and said, "Master, who is Ji Wufeng?"

The old man was stunned, grabbed the short-haired girl's hand, and asked excitedly: "Do you remember?"

The short-haired girl shook her head, and the old man asked, "Then how do you know Ji Wufeng?"

"I don't know, anyway, I know the name Ji Wufeng." said the short-haired girl.

When the old man heard this, his face was filled with disappointment.

"Master, who is Ji Wufeng?" the short-haired girl asked.

The old man sighed, touched the short-haired girl's head, and said with a smile: "He is a very important person to you. Don't worry, master will let you remember him one day."

"Well, then Master, I'm going to wash the dishes."

After the short-haired girl left, the old man had a headache and said: "Damn it, why haven't you remembered it yet?"

Woolen cloth? Could it be that the damn boy is in the same situation and has amnesia? "

At this moment, a thunderous shout suddenly sounded in the air: "Yun Zhen, get out of here you damn old ghost!"

The old man's eyebrows suddenly raised, and his eyes were full of joy. He strode out with a straight face, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Old Ghost Li, where is your uncle here? You old bastard, how are you hiding in the red wall?" After ten years, are you finally willing to show your evil head today?"

I saw an old man with white eyebrows, peeling peanut shells in his hands and walking over. He was the peerless master who once sat within the red wall, the hardcore strongman Boss Li.

He snorted coldly: "How can you be more powerful than me? What's wrong? You were beaten like a dog in the water, why did you go to such a ghostly place and cower?"

"Fuck your uncle!"

Yun Zhen glared and said angrily: "Who said I'm shrinking? I'm retreating in order to advance, it's a strategy. You know how to use a hammer. Fighting depends on your brain, you idiot without a brain!"

"Old turtle, how dare you scold me?" Boss Li's eyebrows rose.

"What's wrong with scolding you? You really pissed me off, and I'm still beating you. I wonder if you, old guy, haven't been beaten by me in decades, are your skin itchy?" Yun Zhen said with squinting eyes.

"Beat me? I want to see who is beating whom!" Boss Li glared and pulled away, as if he was going to fight with Yun Zhen.

At this moment, the short-haired girl came over with clean dishes and chopsticks and asked curiously: "Master, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, just this old dog's itchy skin, I plan to help him scratch it myself!" Yun Zhen said.

When Boss Li looked at the short-haired girl, he was dumbfounded and said excitedly: "Old Ghost Yun, are you really successful?"

Yun Zhen's anger also subsided, and his face was full of pride as he said: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Is there such a thing as failure if I take action?"

"Then Old Ghost Nie..." Boss Li became even more excited, his whole body trembling with excitement.

Yun Zhen's expression immediately became lonely and he said: "I'm not sure. Although this girl Tie Xin woke up, she didn't remember anything. Maybe Old Ghost Nie is the same, forgetting everything, or maybe it's really... …already dead."

Boss Li's expression also became gloomy. Although there were two possibilities, the most likely possibility was that he was dead. Otherwise, even if he lost his memory, there would be no clues that could not be found after so many years.

The appearance of Tie Xin caused the two old men to lose the atmosphere of fighting. They sat cross-legged on the ground with a bottle of wine in front of them. Boss Li sighed: "We used to have so many brothers, but now there are only a few of us left."

"Time is like a butcher's knife. How many heroes have fallen to the ground? It's only the number of days. Everyone has their end, but there is never a shortage of heroes in the world." Yun Zhen said lightly.

Mr. Li laughed and said: "That's right, the old one is replaced by the new one. It's just a matter of time. I am not as open-minded as you!"

"Have you figured it out?" Yun Zhen said with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Already figured it out."

Boss Li nodded and said: "A hero in his lifetime should drink and sing, and enjoy grudges and grudges. I'm already at this age. If I don't figure it out anymore, I'm afraid I won't have another chance!"

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