"You bastard, if you don't learn how to lead a bad brother, come in with me and see how I deal with you today!"

Gu Mingyue pinched Ji Tianlin's ears and left. After walking far away, she still heard Ji Tianlin's screams: "Hey...Hey, Aunt Mingyue, please be gentle. I don't dare to do it anymore. I don't dare to do it anymore." Already..."

The Ji Tianlin brothers were rescued. This was great news, but after everyone was happy, they were still worried. These two little bastards were rescued, but Lu Shuangshuang and others were still in the hands of the Nine-Headed Insect. This was still the Nine-Headed Insect. The insect threatens an important bargaining chip for Ji Wufeng.

These are people close to Ji Wufeng, and he will never give up easily.

The red wall was originally a very strict place, but now it has suddenly become lively. Not only the leaders have not left their homes for almost a month, but even Yu Wen Zhengming, Sir, Hong Feng and other super bosses are here.

These people are all high-ranking and powerful people. They are die-hard supporters of the leader. They must be the targets that Gu Yunfei wants to eradicate. Now they can only stay here to take refuge.

The news that the Nine-Headed Insect had broken up with the two Holy Lands had reached here, and everyone's eyes lit up. This was the perfect opportunity for them to fight back.

Just when everyone had reached an agreement and was ready to take action, the leader said with difficulty: "Just wait a little longer!"

"How long do we have to wait? Are we just going to let this opportunity pass?"

Since Gu Yunfei has been able to maintain an alliance with the two Holy Lands for such a long time, he must have the means to resolve the current conflict. Neither the Pope of the Holy Court nor the Sakura God of the Sakura Temple are idiots. I believe they will see it soon. There are clues that it will be a situation where the three parties will join forces.

"Of course I know this is an excellent opportunity, but we still have hostages in their hands. Can we ignore their lives?" the leader said.

"They are indeed innocent, but the overall situation is more important. The sacrifice of a few people in exchange for the interests of the many people is worth it!"

"You fart!"

The leader almost shouted in a low voice and said: "I think everyone here is very clear about what the Nie family and the Longwei family have done. Aren't their sacrifices enough? Nie Changkong's life and death are unknown, and Ji Hongtu doesn't know either. Life or death, now it’s Ji Wufeng’s turn again?”

"Thousands of years of selfless dedication and more than a dozen generations of sacrifices are enough. I don't want to see the Nie family repeat the tragedy of countless family deaths in order to complete their so-called glorious mission!"

This is the leader's voice, or perhaps his selfishness. As a superior, it is understandable to make some sacrifices for the sake of the overall situation. To be a competent superior, temporary ruthlessness is also necessary.

But he really couldn't bear it. He had witnessed with his own eyes everything that the three generations of the Nie family had done. Nie Changkong was his elder, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Ji Hongtu was his brother, but his wife and children were separated, and he was probably dead now.

Now it's Ji Wufeng again. Do you want him to lose so many people he cares about and suffer a lifetime of pain?

As a leader, he can be ruthless, but as Ji Wufeng's elder, he can't do that no matter what!

Among this group of people, Mr. is the most respected and is also considered Ji Wufeng’s elder. He sighed and said, “I can completely understand your mood, but I can’t blame anyone for this. He is the heir of the Longwei family. Some sacrifices were made by him

It has to be paid for. "

"Bullshit Longwei family!"

The leader completely lost his usual demeanor, jumped up and cursed: "I have never seen the Longwei family. Who knows if you are the one who fooled me? If you have the guts, take out the Longwei order, otherwise I will not recognize it." !”

At the same time, a young man came closer cursing and said: "Old man, what nonsense is the Dragon Guard Order? I have to send a piece of broken iron all the way here myself!"


The Nine-Headed Insect is now in a mess with the two Holy Lands. Ji Wufeng believes that Gu Yunfei's methods can calm it down, but it will definitely take some time, and that period of time is his chance to breathe...

With Lin Tianqi's rebellion, Gu Yunfei must be on guard. It is impossible to control other powerful people in the holy realm. Even Qianye Xiao and Charles will be found out sooner or later. Yingshen and Sheng The Holy Lord of the court can reach the top of the cliff, and it is not a simple feat. He cannot hide it from them for too long.

So now is a great opportunity to launch a counterattack, and we must not miss it easily. But what should Lu Shuangshuang and others do?

No matter it was Lu Shuangshuang or anyone else, none of them could be easily let go by Ji Wufeng.

No matter what happens to anyone, he will definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life and will be unable to let go!

However, if he does not do this, once Gu Yunfei reintegrates the three forces, and then waits for Yunjia Yunrong to take action, it will be like a crushing attack, and everyone will be doomed.

This is the conflict between personal feelings and righteousness. Taking personal feelings into consideration will lead to a huge disaster, but preserving righteousness will lead to sending your loved ones to death with your own hands!

Ji Wufeng was in great pain and heartbroken!

When Tiexin died, his hair turned gray overnight. Perhaps due to the magic of a cultivator's physique, his hair turned black again, but at this time, his temples turned gray again, and it spread instantly.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's head full of white hair, everyone's hearts trembled. They wanted to say something, but the words reached their lips and they couldn't. What choice would they have made if it were them?

One side is one's closest relatives, and the other side is the overall situation concerning everyone's life and death. No matter what choice is made, the final result will be like falling into an abyss of pain and it is difficult to extricate oneself.

Ye Linglong saw the pain on Ji Wufeng's face and said, "As long as you give me one more day, I promise to find out their whereabouts!"


Ji Wufeng flatly refused: "Your plan is related to the outcome of the entire overall situation. You must not act rashly in advance."

"But are you just going to watch them die like this?" Ye Linglong said tremblingly.

She loves Ji Wufeng. All of Ji Wufeng's women are her rivals in love. Moreover, she, Ye Linglong, is independent and has not completely integrated with Lu Shuangshuang and the others. But she really can't bear to see Ji Wufeng suffer like this. torture.

"This is my decision, and it is also their choice!" Ji Wufeng said softly, but his attitude was extremely firm.

Everyone trembled. They knew Ji Wufeng's decision. If they chose Ji Wufeng, they should do everything that Ji Wufeng's women should bear.

This is a kind of sacrifice, but the ones who are sacrificed are not the most painful. The most painful is the person who made the decision to sacrifice them. "You bastard, if you don't learn how to lead a bad brother, come in with me and see how I deal with you today!"

Gu Mingyue pinched Ji Tianlin's ears and left. After walking far away, she still heard Ji Tianlin's screams: "Hey...Hey, Aunt Mingyue, please be gentle. I don't dare to do it anymore. I don't dare to do it anymore." Already..."

The Ji Tianlin brothers were rescued. This was great news, but after everyone was happy, they were still worried. These two little bastards were rescued, but Lu Shuangshuang and others were still in the hands of the Nine-Headed Insect. This was still the Nine-Headed Insect. The insect threatens an important bargaining chip for Ji Wufeng.

These are people close to Ji Wufeng, and he will never give up easily.

The red wall was originally a very strict place, but now it has suddenly become lively. Not only the leaders have not left their homes for almost a month, but even Yu Wen Zhengming, Sir, Hong Feng and other super bosses are here.

These people are all high-ranking and powerful people. They are die-hard supporters of the leader. They must be the targets that Gu Yunfei wants to eradicate. Now they can only stay here to take refuge.

The news that the Nine-Headed Insect had broken up with the two Holy Lands had reached here, and everyone's eyes lit up. This was the perfect opportunity for them to fight back.

Just when everyone had reached an agreement and was ready to take action, the leader said with difficulty: "Just wait a little longer!"

"How long do we have to wait? Are we just going to let this opportunity pass?"

Since Gu Yunfei has been able to maintain an alliance with the two Holy Lands for such a long time, he must have the means to resolve the current conflict. Neither the Pope of the Holy Court nor the Sakura God of the Sakura Temple are idiots. I believe they will see it soon. There are clues that it will be a situation where the three parties will join forces.

"Of course I know this is an excellent opportunity, but we still have hostages in their hands. Can we ignore their lives?" the leader said.

"They are indeed innocent, but the overall situation is more important. The sacrifice of a few people in exchange for the interests of the many people is worth it!"

"You fart!"

The leader almost shouted in a low voice and said: "I think everyone here is very clear about what the Nie family and the Longwei family have done. Aren't their sacrifices enough? Nie Changkong's life and death are unknown, and Ji Hongtu doesn't know either. Life or death, now it’s Ji Wufeng’s turn again?”

"Thousands of years of selfless dedication and more than a dozen generations of sacrifices are enough. I don't want to see the Nie family repeat the tragedy of countless family deaths in order to complete their so-called glorious mission!"

This is the leader's voice, or perhaps his selfishness. As a superior, it is understandable to make some sacrifices for the sake of the overall situation. To be a competent superior, temporary ruthlessness is also necessary.

But he really couldn't bear it. He had witnessed with his own eyes everything that the three generations of the Nie family had done. Nie Changkong was his elder, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Ji Hongtu was his brother, but his wife and children were separated, and he was probably dead now.

Now it's Ji Wufeng again. Do you want him to lose so many people he cares about and suffer a lifetime of pain?

As a leader, he can be ruthless, but as Ji Wufeng's elder, he can't do that no matter what!

Among this group of people, Mr. is the most respected and is also considered Ji Wufeng’s elder. He sighed and said, “I can completely understand your mood, but I can’t blame anyone for this. He is the heir of the Longwei family. Some sacrifices were made by him

It has to be paid for. "

"Bullshit Longwei family!"

The leader completely lost his usual demeanor, jumped up and cursed: "I have never seen the Longwei family. Who knows if you are the one who fooled me? If you have the guts, take out the Longwei order, otherwise I will not recognize it." !”

At the same time, a young man came closer cursing and said: "Old man, what nonsense is the Dragon Guard Order? I have to send a piece of broken iron all the way here myself!"


The Nine-Headed Insect is now in a mess with the two Holy Lands. Ji Wufeng believes that Gu Yunfei's methods can calm it down, but it will definitely take some time, and that period of time is his chance to breathe...

With Lin Tianqi's rebellion, Gu Yunfei must be on guard. It is impossible to control other powerful people in the holy realm. Even Qianye Xiao and Charles will be found out sooner or later. Yingshen and Sheng The Holy Lord of the court can reach the top of the cliff, and it is not a simple feat. He cannot hide it from them for too long.

So now is a great opportunity to launch a counterattack, and we must not miss it easily. But what should Lu Shuangshuang and others do?

No matter it was Lu Shuangshuang or anyone else, none of them could be easily let go by Ji Wufeng.

No matter what happens to anyone, he will definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life and will be unable to let go!

However, if he does not do this, once Gu Yunfei reintegrates the three forces, and then waits for Yunjia Yunrong to take action, it will be like a crushing attack, and everyone will be doomed.

This is the conflict between personal feelings and righteousness. Taking personal feelings into consideration will lead to a huge disaster, but preserving righteousness will lead to sending your loved ones to death with your own hands!

Ji Wufeng was in great pain and heartbroken!

When Tiexin died, his hair turned gray overnight. Perhaps due to the magic of a cultivator's physique, his hair turned black again, but at this time, his temples turned gray again, and it spread instantly.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's head full of white hair, everyone's hearts trembled. They wanted to say something, but the words reached their lips and they couldn't. What choice would they have made if it were them?

One side is one's closest relatives, and the other side is the overall situation concerning everyone's life and death. No matter what choice is made, the final result will be like falling into an abyss of pain and it is difficult to extricate oneself.

Ye Linglong saw the pain on Ji Wufeng's face and said, "As long as you give me one more day, I promise to find out their whereabouts!"


Ji Wufeng flatly refused: "Your plan is related to the outcome of the entire overall situation. You must not act rashly in advance."

"But are you just going to watch them die like this?" Ye Linglong said tremblingly.

She loves Ji Wufeng. All of Ji Wufeng's women are her rivals in love. Moreover, she, Ye Linglong, is independent and has not completely integrated with Lu Shuangshuang and the others. But she really can't bear to see Ji Wufeng suffer like this. torture.

"This is my decision, and it is also their choice!" Ji Wufeng said softly, but his attitude was extremely firm.

Everyone trembled. They knew Ji Wufeng's decision. If they chose Ji Wufeng, they should do everything that Ji Wufeng's women should bear.

This is a kind of sacrifice, but the ones who are sacrificed are not the most painful. The most painful is the person who made the decision to sacrifice them.

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