Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1725 The Demon Sect Back then

There is a saying that is very true, the people who suffer the most are the living, and Ji Wufeng is the one who personally sent his relatives to hell.

"Master, it's not possible, why, why what? Master's wife is still so young, she shouldn't die!" Mingzhe cried.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Let's go rescue people now. If anyone is not afraid of death and doesn't want to be a coward, just come with me!" Li Tianqi clenched his fists and walked out.

Everyone stood up without hesitation, their faces full of determination.

Now, all the secrets of that year have been revealed. When the Five Heroes fought against the Sakura Temple, Ji Hongtu was an unparalleled hero, but because of the accidental killing of his brothers, he ended up with his wife and children separated, and his life and death unknown.

Now it's Ji Wufeng's turn, and he has to bury his closest relatives with his own hands. This kind of sacrifice is too heavy. The Nie family has paid too much. They have the same thoughts as the leader. The Nie family's sacrifices are Too much, enough is enough!

If there is still blood and sacrifice, then let them do it!

"Everyone, stop!"

Ji Wufeng roared, his eyes red and shouted sternly: "You are going to save people? Why do you want to save them? Just rely on your three-legged cat skills? Do you know who you are facing? They are strong men at the holy level. , just one of you can kill you all, what qualifications do you have to save people?"

If Ji Wufeng didn't attack them, let alone whether he could find out where Lu Shuangshuang and the others were hidden, what would happen even if they were found? That was an important bargaining chip to check and balance Ji Wufeng, and it must be guarded by strong men at the Holy Realm level. If you go there rashly, not only will you not be able to save people, but I am afraid that all the people who go to save people will have to join in.

"Are we just going to watch my sister-in-law die like this? I can't do it. If I must die, I would rather die in front of them!" Xiao Feng said with a stern expression.

"Brothers, let's go and kill these sons of bitches!" Baofeng shouted with a wave of his hand.

But Ji Wufeng couldn't let them go no matter what. Just when he was about to use force, a graceful black figure appeared outside the door, with a black gauze covering her face, but Ji Wufeng could still guess her identity at a glance.

Looking at the masked woman in black in the room, Ji Wufeng had a complicated look on his face, shook his head and smiled: "I don't know what to call you? Miss Gu? Mrs. Xiao? Fourth Aunt?"

Gu Yunxin was the eldest lady of the Gu family, the sister of his biggest enemy, and she had also done evil things to him. Ji Wufeng should be full of hostility towards her, but at this time, he felt that there was no reason to hate her.

Because she is also the wife of Xiao Pojun, the fourth uncle who was a hero but was wronged and died. If you calculate it this way, in terms of seniority, Gu Yunxin is his serious fourth aunt.

Moreover, Ji Wufeng couldn't bear to feel sorry for a poor woman whose husband was wrongly killed and whose son was taken advantage of and lost his life. On the contrary, he was full of sympathy.

"Are you still willing to recognize me as your fourth aunt?" Gu Yunxin still covered his face, but the look in his eyes was bitter.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "You were once unfavorable to me, and Xiao Pojun even regarded me as an enemy, but the fourth uncle...the old man is also responsible. Our Nie family owes the Xiao family, enough!"

Ji Hongtu also had a certain responsibility for Xiao Pojun's death that year, not to mention that Xiao Pojun's life was

He was upright and made great contributions to China. No matter what mistakes his wife and children committed, they should be forgiven as long as they did not lead to irreparable serious consequences.

This is not Ji Wufeng's kindness, but as he said, this is what the Nie family owes to the Xiao family, and it is also his respect for Xiao Pojun.

"Now I finally understand why Mingyu is not as good as you. Even if he is alive now, he will never be your opponent. You and he are both talented, and he can only be a hero, and you can become a real A hero!"

This is not that Gu Yun is complimenting Ji Wufeng in his heart, but this is the fact. Ji Wufeng's mind is not comparable to Xiao Mingyu's. If he can temporarily put aside his hatred and care about the friendship of the previous generation, and is broad-minded enough, with Xiao Mingyu's His wisdom and talent will never be lost to anyone, let alone end up like his current tragic death.

"I wonder if Fourth Aunt has anything to do with me?"

Ji Wufeng felt that there was no need to be on guard against Gu Yunxin. Maybe Gu Yunxin would have dealt with him before, but not now, because he had become a father. If someone killed Ji Tianqi, he would not be able to do it even if he went to heaven or earth. Let the enemy go, no matter who the enemy is, even if he is his brother.

"I think you should know some of the secrets of the Demon Sect." Gu Yun thought to himself.

"I do know some secrets about the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect is dominated by the Heavenly Demon Sect, and there are other three major Demon Sects..."

Ji Wufeng said: "Back then, the Demon Sect was extremely prosperous. Under the leadership of the Demon Lord, it could be said to be as powerful as the Yun Family of Tiangong. But unfortunately, the Demon Lord's demonic skills were greatly accomplished, and his ambitions also expanded. With the support of several major Demon Sects, He wanted to dominate the world, but in the end he aroused public anger and was annihilated by the Chinese martial arts!"

This incident was so sensational at the time that even after so many years, it was still widely circulated, and young disciples from all sects knew about it.

"However, you don't know that except for the Heavenly Demon Sect, the other major Demon Sects have not been completely destroyed, and all have complete inheritances passed down."

"What did you say?"

Ji Wufeng was shocked. He already knew that Lin Tianqi was from the Demon Sect, and he had also doubted whether the Demon Sect had a complete inheritance. He hoped that it was just a master like Lin Tianqi who escaped the disaster by luck. Immortal, but only a very small number, it is difficult to become a big trend.

But if not a handful of people escaped back then, but the completed inheritance had been preserved, then things would have been a big deal.

At that time, the Demon Sect was trying its best to expand, and its main combat power was the Blood Demon Sect and the Anti-Demon Sect. The Heavenly Demon Sect and the Hidden Demon Sect did not have much participation. This is why these two demon sects were let go. However, at that time, it was only the Blood Demon Sect. The Demon Sect and the Anti-Demon Sect caused a bloody storm, which shows how powerful they are.

However, after so many years, they may have regained their strength. If the two demon sects join forces, they will not be too far apart from the Holy Land. Coupled with the masters Gu Yunfei has recruited over the years, the overall strength is slightly better than that of the Holy Land.

After confirming his guess, Ji Wufeng broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't take action rashly, otherwise something big would have happened. At the same time, he was extremely upset that he didn't ask Lin Tianqi clearly about the Demon Sect.

"I wonder what the fourth aunt's purpose is in telling me these things?" Ji Wufeng asked. He felt that since Gu Yunxin told him these things, she must have her intentions. There is a saying that is very true, the people who suffer the most are the living, and Ji Wufeng is the one who personally sent his relatives to hell.

"Master, it's not possible, why, why what? Master's wife is still so young, she shouldn't die!" Mingzhe cried.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Let's go rescue people now. If anyone is not afraid of death and doesn't want to be a coward, just come with me!" Li Tianqi clenched his fists and walked out.

Everyone stood up without hesitation, their faces full of determination.

Now, all the secrets of that year have been revealed. When the Five Heroes fought against the Sakura Temple, Ji Hongtu was an unparalleled hero, but because of the accidental killing of his brothers, he ended up with his wife and children separated, and his life and death unknown.

Now it's Ji Wufeng's turn, and he has to bury his closest relatives with his own hands. This kind of sacrifice is too heavy. The Nie family has paid too much. They have the same thoughts as the leader. The Nie family's sacrifices are Too much, enough is enough!

If there is still blood and sacrifice, then let them do it!

"Everyone, stop!"

Ji Wufeng roared, his eyes red and shouted sternly: "You are going to save people? Why do you want to save them? Just rely on your three-legged cat skills? Do you know who you are facing? They are strong men at the holy level. , just one of you can kill you all, what qualifications do you have to save people?"

If Ji Wufeng didn't attack them, let alone whether he could find out where Lu Shuangshuang and the others were hidden, what would happen even if they were found? That was an important bargaining chip to check and balance Ji Wufeng, and it must be guarded by strong men at the Holy Realm level. If you go there rashly, not only will you not be able to save people, but I am afraid that all the people who go to save people will have to join in.

"Are we just going to watch my sister-in-law die like this? I can't do it. If I must die, I would rather die in front of them!" Xiao Feng said with a stern expression.

"Brothers, let's go and kill these sons of bitches!" Baofeng shouted with a wave of his hand.

But Ji Wufeng couldn't let them go no matter what. Just when he was about to use force, a graceful black figure appeared outside the door, with a black gauze covering her face, but Ji Wufeng could still guess her identity at a glance.

Looking at the masked woman in black in the room, Ji Wufeng had a complicated look on his face, shook his head and smiled: "I don't know what to call you? Miss Gu? Mrs. Xiao? Fourth Aunt?"

Gu Yunxin was the eldest lady of the Gu family, the sister of his biggest enemy, and she had also done evil things to him. Ji Wufeng should be full of hostility towards her, but at this time, he felt that there was no reason to hate her.

Because she is also the wife of Xiao Pojun, the fourth uncle who was a hero but was wronged and died. If you calculate it this way, in terms of seniority, Gu Yunxin is his serious fourth aunt.

Moreover, Ji Wufeng couldn't bear to feel sorry for a poor woman whose husband was wrongly killed and whose son was taken advantage of and lost his life. On the contrary, he was full of sympathy.

"Are you still willing to recognize me as your fourth aunt?" Gu Yunxin still covered his face, but the look in his eyes was bitter.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "You were once unfavorable to me, and Xiao Pojun even regarded me as an enemy, but the fourth uncle...the old man is also responsible. Our Nie family owes the Xiao family, enough!"

Ji Hongtu also had a certain responsibility for Xiao Pojun's death that year, not to mention that Xiao Pojun's life was

He was upright and made great contributions to China. No matter what mistakes his wife and children committed, they should be forgiven as long as they did not lead to irreparable serious consequences.

This is not Ji Wufeng's kindness, but as he said, this is what the Nie family owes to the Xiao family, and it is also his respect for Xiao Pojun.

"Now I finally understand why Mingyu is not as good as you. Even if he is alive now, he will never be your opponent. You and he are both talented, and he can only be a hero, and you can become a real A hero!"

This is not that Gu Yun is complimenting Ji Wufeng in his heart, but this is the fact. Ji Wufeng's mind is not comparable to Xiao Mingyu's. If he can temporarily put aside his hatred and care about the friendship of the previous generation, and is broad-minded enough, with Xiao Mingyu's His wisdom and talent will never be lost to anyone, let alone end up like his current tragic death.

"I wonder if Fourth Aunt has anything to do with me?"

Ji Wufeng felt that there was no need to be on guard against Gu Yunxin. Maybe Gu Yunxin would have dealt with him before, but not now, because he had become a father. If someone killed Ji Tianqi, he would not be able to do it even if he went to heaven or earth. Let the enemy go, no matter who the enemy is, even if he is his brother.

"I think you should know some of the secrets of the Demon Sect." Gu Yun thought to himself.

"I do know some secrets about the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect is dominated by the Heavenly Demon Sect, and there are other three major Demon Sects..."

Ji Wufeng said: "Back then, the Demon Sect was extremely prosperous. Under the leadership of the Demon Lord, it could be said to be as powerful as the Yun Family of Tiangong. But unfortunately, the Demon Lord's demonic skills were greatly accomplished, and his ambitions also expanded. With the support of several major Demon Sects, He wanted to dominate the world, but in the end he aroused public anger and was annihilated by the Chinese martial arts!"

This incident was so sensational at the time that even after so many years, it was still widely circulated, and young disciples from all sects knew about it.

"However, you don't know that except for the Heavenly Demon Sect, the other major Demon Sects have not been completely destroyed, and all have complete inheritances passed down."

"What did you say?"

Ji Wufeng was shocked. He already knew that Lin Tianqi was from the Demon Sect, and he had also doubted whether the Demon Sect had a complete inheritance. He hoped that it was just a master like Lin Tianqi who escaped the disaster by luck. Immortal, but only a very small number, it is difficult to become a big trend.

But if not a handful of people escaped back then, but the completed inheritance had been preserved, then things would have been a big deal.

At that time, the Demon Sect was trying its best to expand, and its main combat power was the Blood Demon Sect and the Anti-Demon Sect. The Heavenly Demon Sect and the Hidden Demon Sect did not have much participation. This is why these two demon sects were let go. However, at that time, it was only the Blood Demon Sect. The Demon Sect and the Anti-Demon Sect caused a bloody storm, which shows how powerful they are.

However, after so many years, they may have regained their strength. If the two demon sects join forces, they will not be too far apart from the Holy Land. Coupled with the masters Gu Yunfei has recruited over the years, the overall strength is slightly better than that of the Holy Land.

After confirming his guess, Ji Wufeng broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't take action rashly, otherwise something big would have happened. At the same time, he was extremely upset that he didn't ask Lin Tianqi clearly about the Demon Sect.

"I wonder what the fourth aunt's purpose is in telling me this?" Ji Wufeng asked. He felt that since Gu Yunxin told him these things, she must have her intention.

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