Oh my god, even a half-step Saint Realm powerhouse can't stop her. Everyone looked at Ye Linglong as if they saw a ghost. They used to think Ye Linglong was a witch, but now they think she's a devil. They can't do it in the future. Instead of calling her Miss Linglong, she should be called Demon King Linglong.

Suddenly, Ye Linglong's expression changed drastically and she shouted sharply: "Who is he?"

This was Ji Wufeng's temporary base camp. A stranger broke in. Everyone was shocked. A group of dragon warriors rushed out and stood in front of Ye Linglong.

Taking heavy but unassuming steps, a middle-aged man dressed in white with a delicate appearance walked in. This man was unfamiliar to everyone, and no one had seen him before, including Ye Linglong, but But she immediately knew the identity of the visitor.

The light and windy aura on his body is so familiar. Although his appearance is slightly different, the charm between his eyebrows is almost the same!

"Gu Yunfei?" Ye Linglong's eyes narrowed.

What? Is he Gu Yunfei? Everyone suddenly trembled!

He is Gu Tianyang's father, the master of the nine-headed worm, one of the Five Heroes of Zhongzhou back then, and the Gu Yunfei who is stirring up trouble now?

It was Gu Yunfei who came, and Mingzhe immediately shouted: "Come together and kill him!"

Under normal circumstances, if there is an invasion from a foreign enemy, these dragon warriors will immediately step forward and cut the people into pieces. However, these dragon warriors stood there one by one, like wooden stakes, standing motionless. Their eyes were originally full of sluggishness. His eyes were filled with fear.

Perhaps Lin Tianqi and others are strong men in the Holy Realm, and they cannot completely control either their will or their character, but these dragon warriors are different. Ye Linglong has completely controlled their will. They have only one belief in their hearts, and they are loyal to Ye Linglong to the death. , not afraid of life and death, but at this time they are actually afraid and frightened.

How can this be!

That's right, come

It was Gu Yunfei. Seeing Ye Linglong's dull face, he said with a smile: "No need to be surprised, the strong are respected at all times. As long as you are still alive, as long as you still have a trace of consciousness, you will be able to resist the irresistible force." Strength creates an innate fear.”

Ye Linglong understood that the reason why these dragon warriors did not take action was not because they betrayed her, but because it was a subconscious instinctive reaction. Because Gu Yunfei was too powerful, so powerful that they could not control their subconscious mind. fear.

"I don't believe in this evil yet, come on brothers!" Xiao Feng shouted with a look of disbelief.

A group of people immediately stepped forward and wanted to take action against Gu Yunfei, but Gu Yunfei just smiled slightly, raised one foot slightly and stamped it on the ground. A violent aura fell from the sky, and everyone instantly felt as if there was a big mountain pressing down on him. It was on them, unable to move at all.

What made them even more horrified was that they actually had an inexplicable fear of Gu Yunfei, as if the person standing in front of them was not a person, but a god who only allowed them to look up and never allowed any disrespect.

It's so scary. This kind of psychological oppression far exceeds the pressure caused by tyrannical power.

They knew that Gu Yunfei was their enemy, but at this time they were unable to muster the strength to resist. They only had one thought in their hearts: they could not take action. Once they did, they would surely die!

Compared with everyone else, Ye Linglong's body was trembling slightly, but her face was full of stubbornness, and her eyes were filled with a cold chill, full of endless murderous intent.

Gu Yunfei felt very surprised and said: "I did not misjudge you. Even in front of me, you still dare to show murderous intentions, and you are still the youngest one."

Perhaps if Ji Wufeng and Tian Wuxin were here, they would also dare to kill Gu Yunfei, but Ye Linglong seemed to be underage, indeed the youngest one.

"You are very strong, but I believe that as long as you give me enough time, one day I will surpass you!" Ye Linglong said solemnly.

Gu Yunfei nodded and said: "Very good, this is your belief. Only those with such belief will persevere in their own path and reach the top!"

Yes, everyone has their own beliefs, but they have different degrees of firmness in their beliefs. Although people like Mingzhe also have their own beliefs and believe that they will one day become unparalleled powerhouses, they will measure it, just like comparing Ji Wufeng, Gu Tianyang and others thought that they would eventually become stronger, but they were never as good as Ji Wufeng and the others.

They don't have the determination to be invincible, so they will naturally be afraid and retreat when encountering a strong person.

But Ye Linglong is different. Although she is currently not as good as Ji Wufeng and the others, she is on her own path with great determination and believes that she will not lose to anyone.

A person's talent is important, but a person's belief is even more important. This is the necessary condition for becoming an unparalleled powerhouse.

"You came here today just to praise me, right?" Ye Linglong sneered.

Gu Yunfei was very strong, so strong that people couldn't find the courage to resist, but Ye Linglong felt that this man was even more terrifying. He was so powerful that he would actually frame his own brothers and endure his death for so many years.

A master is scary, but a master who is extremely insidious is even more terrifying.

No matter how strong he is, as long as his means are bright, there will always be a way to deal with him, but a person who is extremely powerful in his own right is obsessed with scheming people behind their backs and engaging in conspiracies all day long, making it difficult for people to guard against him. Such a person

How else to deal with it?

"I came here for one person today." Gu Tianyang chuckled. He was really similar to Gu Tianyang. He was always calm and calm at all times, with a smile like the spring breeze on his face.

Ye Linglong's expression turned cold and she said, "You want to find Ji Wufeng? I'm sorry, he's not here now. Maybe you will be disappointed."

Although Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang are gone, Ji Wufeng's return has caused great losses to Gu Yunfei. Ji Wufeng has now become Gu Yunfei's biggest threat. He finally couldn't help but take action and wanted to kill him personally. Ji Wufeng?

Before, Ye Linglong felt that she had great confidence in Ji Wufeng, but after facing Gu Yunfei, she immediately knew that even ten Ji Wufeng combined would not be Gu Yunfei's opponent.

Now she could only pray that Ji Wufeng would never come back at this time, otherwise, everything would be lost.

Gu Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "You misunderstood. Although Ji Wufeng is my target, it is not my primary target. I am not here for him today."

"Who are you here for?" Ye Linglong asked in surprise.


Gu Yunfei looked at Ye Linglong, his eyes full of brilliance and said: "Although I admit that Ji Wufeng is indeed amazing and can be called an enemy among his peers, it is still too difficult to cause too much trouble to me. Everything that happened recently, if If it weren’t for that, he would never have such great energy.”

This is indeed the case. Ji Wufeng's strength is comparable to that of a strong man in the Holy Realm. Take Lin Tianqi as an example. He is no worse than Lin Tianqi. He took down Lin Tianqi by surprise, but can he still take down Qianye Xiao and Charles? This is impossible!

But in the end, he not only captured three people, but also made them turn against each other, causing great trouble to the two Holy Lands and the Nine-Headed Insect. In terms of credit, Ye Linglong was indispensable.

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