Ye Linglong immediately understood what Gu Yunfei meant. From this point of view, to Gu Yunfei, she was much more valuable than Ji Wufeng.

What's more important is that Gu Yunfei has seen that Ye Linglong's experiment is successful, so whether it is Ji Wufeng, Ji Tianqi or Ji Tianlin is no longer so important. As long as he gets Ye Linglong, he has got everything. Ye Linglong His mind holds everything he wants.

"Do you think I will obey your orders?" Ye Linglong knew what Gu Yunfei had in mind, but there was no way she would compromise.

Gu Yunfei's strength is too terrifying. If Ye Linglong is added to the mix, it will be difficult for anyone in the world to resist him. By then, a large number of masters will be copied, not to mention Ji Wufeng, even Ji Hongtu, Yun Feiyang, Yun Zhen... Have to stay away.

No matter how strong a person is, he can kill one person, ten people, or even hundreds of people, but can he kill thousands of people? I'm afraid it can tire someone to death!

"Why don't you want to serve me? You must understand that with your wisdom and my strength, it will be too easy to take down China."

Gu Yunfei said with excitement: "Besides, China is just my initial goal. With our ability, the whole world will be ours. At that time, besides me, you will be the god who is above me and can control everything. Could it be that Doesn’t this make you excited?"

Everyone trembled in their hearts. It was such a huge ambition. He actually wanted to rule the world, but if he really followed what Gu Yunfei said, it would indeed be possible.

"These words sound so familiar to me. Xiao Mingyu seems to have said the same words to me, but now he is dead miserably." Ye Linglong sneered.

"Xiao Mingyu is just a chess piece of mine, but I am the controller of the entire chess game. How can it be the same?"

Gu Yunfei shook his head and said: "But I will give you time to think about it, and it is enough time to think about it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his big hand and grabbed Ye Linglong. Everyone was shocked and wanted to rush over, but found that they could not move at all and their bodies were completely out of control.

Ye Linglong had a cold look on her face, gritting her teeth and struggling to take action. However, unfortunately, her strength was far different from that of Gu Yunfei. Under Gu Yunfei's pressure, she could not even raise her palms. No power at all.

Being grabbed by Gu Yunfei's shoulder, Ye Linglong felt as if she was controlled by an invisible net, unable to move at all.

Gu Yunfei did not leave in a hurry, but turned his head and said with a smile: "This should be our second meeting."

What Ji Wufeng didn't know was that when Ji Wufeng was born, Gu Yunfei met him when he was secretly monitoring Ji Hongtu.

This time was indeed the second meeting.

Ji Wufeng strode in with sharp eyes, looked at Gu Yunfei and bowed slightly: "My nephew has met the second uncle!"

Judging from Ji Hongtu's seniority, Gu Yunfei was indeed Ji Wufeng's second uncle, and this had to be admitted.

Gu Yunfei looked at Ji Wufeng and sighed slightly: "There are really not many young people who can be your opponent. It's a pity."

Pity? Is Gu Yunfei going to kill Ji Wufeng here?

"Idiot, what are you doing here? Are you going to die?" Ye Linglong said anxiously.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "If the second uncle really wants to kill me,

I'm afraid I can't even think about coming back, right? "

He did not take action immediately because he felt how powerful Gu Yunfei was. Even though he did not have the courage to take action like others, he also knew that the difference between himself and Gu Yunfei was that of an ant and a giant. The most it can do is bite the giant, but the price is no bones left.

A scene that surprised Gu Yunfei happened. Xiao Feng and others, who had been suppressed by him before and could not move, actually stood in front of Ji Wufeng one by one, with wild fighting and killing intent bursting out from their whole bodies.

Gu Yunfei could tell that if he took action at this time, these people would attack him.

And there is only one reason why they still have the courage to take action even though they know they will die. That is, what they want to do is more important than taking their lives. In the eyes of these people, Ji Wufeng's safety is indeed more important than their lives.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this." Gu Yunfei couldn't help but marvel.

Nine-Headed Worm has many masters under his command. As long as he says a word, thousands of people will die for him, but that is because of his tyrannical strength. If one day he becomes useless, these people will immediately turn around. Cut him into pieces.

But Ji Wufeng is different. These people regard Ji Wufeng as a life and death brother. It is estimated that even if Ji Wufeng becomes a useless person, they will swear allegiance to him to the death.

It was originally rumored that Ji Wufeng survived a narrow escape and was even dead. However, these people never defected, but fought tooth and nail to protect him, which proved this.

This phenomenon is too scary, because Ji Wufeng already has a natural cohesion, which is not only a kind of leadership ability, but also a power of faith. No matter whether Ji Wufeng is a strong man or a useless person, these people are irreplaceable. spiritual pillar.

There was a cold murderous intent in Gu Yunfei's eyes. He had never thought of killing Ji Wufeng before, but at this moment he really felt the threat from Ji Wufeng, and it would definitely become a big problem in the future!

Gu Yunfei's murderous intention was not concealed at all. Everyone could feel it, and their faces were full of panic. Ye Linglong said coldly: "He is alive, I will go with you!"

Ji Wufeng's expression changed. Ye Linglong was trading with himself, using her in exchange for the chance of his own life.

"I disagree!"

Ji Wufeng flatly refused. His relatives were already in the hands of the enemy, and he would never allow Ye Linglong to fall into Gu Yunfei's hands for him again.

Gu Yunfei smiled and said: "Your opinions are not important to me at all. If I want to take someone away, no one can stop me."

That's right, Gu Yunfei wants to take away Ye Linglong, and Ji Wufeng can't stop him at all. Does he still need to care about Ye Linglong's so-called deal?

"Indeed, he can't stop you. You can easily take me away, but I can guarantee that you won't get anything. You should understand that your methods are of no use to me!" Ye Linglong looked cold. Chill, sharp eyes.

What she said was very clear. If you want to take me away, no one can stop you, but if you want me to serve you, it is impossible. You may have ways to control others, but you can control it. Am I Ye Linglong?

The worst case scenario is that I will kill myself. Once I die, you will never get what you want!

Gu Yunfei thought for a moment and said, "I can promise you!"

This little girl Ye Linglong is really too weird, and Gu Yunfei really has no absolute confidence in controlling her. Ye Linglong immediately understood what Gu Yunfei meant. From this point of view, to Gu Yunfei, she was much more valuable than Ji Wufeng.

What's more important is that Gu Yunfei has seen that Ye Linglong's experiment is successful, so whether it is Ji Wufeng, Ji Tianqi or Ji Tianlin is no longer so important. As long as he gets Ye Linglong, he has got everything. Ye Linglong His mind holds everything he wants.

"Do you think I will obey your orders?" Ye Linglong knew what Gu Yunfei had in mind, but there was no way she would compromise.

Gu Yunfei's strength is too terrifying. If Ye Linglong is added to the mix, it will be difficult for anyone in the world to resist him. By then, a large number of masters will be copied, not to mention Ji Wufeng, even Ji Hongtu, Yun Feiyang, Yun Zhen... Have to stay away.

No matter how strong a person is, he can kill one person, ten people, or even hundreds of people, but can he kill thousands of people? I'm afraid it can tire someone to death!

"Why don't you want to serve me? You must understand that with your wisdom and my strength, it will be too easy to take down China."

Gu Yunfei said with excitement: "Besides, China is just my initial goal. With our ability, the whole world will be ours. At that time, besides me, you will be the god who is above me and can control everything. Could it be that Doesn’t this make you excited?"

Everyone trembled in their hearts. It was such a huge ambition. He actually wanted to rule the world, but if he really followed what Gu Yunfei said, it would indeed be possible.

"These words sound so familiar to me. Xiao Mingyu seems to have said the same words to me, but now he is dead miserably." Ye Linglong sneered.

"Xiao Mingyu is just a chess piece of mine, but I am the controller of the entire chess game. How can it be the same?"

Gu Yunfei shook his head and said: "But I will give you time to think about it, and it is enough time to think about it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his big hand and grabbed Ye Linglong. Everyone was shocked and wanted to rush over, but found that they could not move at all and their bodies were completely out of control.

Ye Linglong had a cold look on her face, gritting her teeth and struggling to take action. However, unfortunately, her strength was far different from that of Gu Yunfei. Under Gu Yunfei's pressure, she could not even raise her palms. No power at all.

Being grabbed by Gu Yunfei's shoulder, Ye Linglong felt as if she was controlled by an invisible net, unable to move at all.

Gu Yunfei did not leave in a hurry, but turned his head and said with a smile: "This should be our second meeting."

What Ji Wufeng didn't know was that when Ji Wufeng was born, Gu Yunfei met him when he was secretly monitoring Ji Hongtu.

This time was indeed the second meeting.

Ji Wufeng strode in with sharp eyes, looked at Gu Yunfei and bowed slightly: "My nephew has met the second uncle!"

Judging from Ji Hongtu's seniority, Gu Yunfei was indeed Ji Wufeng's second uncle, and this had to be admitted.

Gu Yunfei looked at Ji Wufeng and sighed slightly: "There are really not many young people who can be your opponent. It's a pity."

Pity? Is Gu Yunfei going to kill Ji Wufeng here?

"Idiot, what are you doing here? Are you going to die?" Ye Linglong said anxiously.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "If the second uncle really wants to kill me,

I'm afraid I can't even think about coming back, right? "

He did not take action immediately because he felt how powerful Gu Yunfei was. Even though he did not have the courage to take action like others, he also knew that the difference between himself and Gu Yunfei was that of an ant and a giant. The most it can do is bite the giant, but the price is no bones left.

A scene that surprised Gu Yunfei happened. Xiao Feng and others, who had been suppressed by him before and could not move, actually stood in front of Ji Wufeng one by one, with wild fighting and killing intent bursting out from their whole bodies.

Gu Yunfei could tell that if he took action at this time, these people would attack him.

And there is only one reason why they still have the courage to take action even though they know they will die. That is, what they want to do is more important than taking their lives. In the eyes of these people, Ji Wufeng's safety is indeed more important than their lives.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this." Gu Yunfei couldn't help but marvel.

Nine-Headed Worm has many masters under his command. As long as he says a word, thousands of people will die for him, but that is because of his tyrannical strength. If one day he becomes useless, these people will immediately turn around. Cut him into pieces.

But Ji Wufeng is different. These people regard Ji Wufeng as a life and death brother. It is estimated that even if Ji Wufeng becomes a useless person, they will swear allegiance to him to the death.

It was originally rumored that Ji Wufeng survived a narrow escape and was even dead. However, these people never defected, but fought tooth and nail to protect him, which proved this.

This phenomenon is too scary, because Ji Wufeng already has a natural cohesion, which is not only a kind of leadership ability, but also a power of faith. No matter whether Ji Wufeng is a strong man or a useless person, these people are irreplaceable. spiritual pillar.

There was a cold murderous intent in Gu Yunfei's eyes. He had never thought of killing Ji Wufeng before, but at this moment he really felt the threat from Ji Wufeng, and it would definitely become a big problem in the future!

Gu Yunfei's murderous intention was not concealed at all. Everyone could feel it, and their faces were full of panic. Ye Linglong said coldly: "He is alive, I will go with you!"

Ji Wufeng's expression changed. Ye Linglong was trading with himself, using her in exchange for the chance of his own life.

"I disagree!"

Ji Wufeng flatly refused. His relatives were already in the hands of the enemy, and he would never allow Ye Linglong to fall into Gu Yunfei's hands for him again.

Gu Yunfei smiled and said: "Your opinions are not important to me at all. If I want to take someone away, no one can stop me."

That's right, Gu Yunfei wants to take away Ye Linglong, and Ji Wufeng can't stop him at all. Does he still need to care about Ye Linglong's so-called deal?

"Indeed, he can't stop you. You can easily take me away, but I can guarantee that you won't get anything. You should understand that your methods are of no use to me!" Ye Linglong looked cold. Chill, sharp eyes.

What she said was very clear. If you want to take me away, no one can stop you, but if you want me to serve you, it is impossible. You may have ways to control others, but you can control it. Am I Ye Linglong?

The worst case scenario is that I will kill myself. Once I die, you will never get what you want!

Gu Yunfei thought for a moment and said, "I can promise you!"

This little girl Ye Linglong is really too weird, and Gu Yunfei really has no absolute confidence in controlling her.

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