Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1735 Wuchen Descends the Mountain

"Is she... okay?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"She is better than you. She asked me to bring you a message. Now focus on the overall situation. One day the family will be reunited!"

Put the overall situation first, and then reunite the family!

The former is a very heavy target, while the latter is all the motivation to bear the pressure of the former.

"You can give it a go and fight. You have to understand the real power possessed by a true Saint Realm powerhouse." Hong Yanling's aura burst out, and Ji Wufeng immediately felt like a small boat swaying in the wind.

This was not the first time that he had faced a strong man from the Holy Realm, but it was not a real head-on challenge. Although Lin Tianqi, Qianye Xiao and Charles were captured by him, in fact they were all caused by his sneak attacks.

This time, a large number of masters from the Heavenly Palace came, and it was impossible to repeat the old tricks. The only real battle was a head-on battle. Ji Wufeng still knew too little about the powerful men in the Holy Realm of Earth, so a battle with Hong Yanling was very necessary.

The two men rose into the air and flew towards the wilderness. A battle broke out. There were repeated explosions, the earth shook, sand and rocks flew, and the battle was extremely fierce!

In the end, Hong Yanling walked away, and Ji Wufeng was lying in a huge sinkhole. He was seriously injured, but it was not fatal. His strong cultivation physique was healing quickly.

Ji Wufeng was defeated miserably. He did not use any tricks in the battle with Hong Yanling, which also allowed him to see how powerful the Saint Realm expert is. He defeated Lin Tianqi and three people in a row, which made him overconfident and even a little inflated. , thinking that even a strong man in the holy realm is nothing more than this. If he still has this mentality to fight against a strong man in the holy realm of Tiangong, he will suffer a big loss by then!

Hong Yanling's arrival this time was of great significance to Ji Wufeng. It disintegrated Gu Yunfei's conspiracy to attack Ji Wufeng's invincibility, corrected the danger of Ji Wufeng going astray, and at the same time made Ji Wufeng realize the strength of a true Saint Realm powerhouse. No longer will we not know the depth and make big mistakes.

Ji Wufeng took a long time to climb out of the pit, complaining all over. This future mother-in-law was a little too violent, couldn't she be gentler?

In Jialuo Temple, little Chenghuan is growing up day by day. Her face is pink and she looks like a painted porcelain doll. Within a few months after she was born, she started babbling, learning to speak, and crawling all over the floor. .

Such an elf can be said to be the darling of the old guy in the entire Jia Luo Temple. He no longer lives in seclusion. He hangs around Xiao Nizi all day long, and he feels uncomfortable when he can't see her for a day.

Seeing little Chenghuan growing up healthily, Wuchen felt extremely satisfied, and at the same time felt guilty. He had thought about not letting her go. If she had really done that, she might never forgive herself in this life.

Chenghuan is very cute, Wuchen is very satisfied and happy, but at the same time, she is also worried. If Chenghuan grows up one day, will she want to know who her father is?

If she knew in the future that her mother stood by while her biological father was in danger, how should she treat her mother?

"Master, mother-in-law!" Wuchen knelt in front of Qingyue and Yingyue.

Qingyue sighed and said nothing, while Yingyue narrowed her eyes and said, "Do you want to go down the mountain?"

Wuchen looked at little Chenghuan with a loving look on his face, and pleading on his face: "Mother-in-law, I really don't know how I will explain to Chenghuan when she grows up."

Yingyue let out a long sigh and said, "Oh, you can go if you want!"

Wuchen was immediately stunned, and Qingyue also had a face full of astonishment. They all knew Yingyue's character very well. Once a decision was made, it was absolutely impossible to change it, but now they agreed so easily.

"Do you really think that my old lady is an unreasonable old fool? I just don't want to see you go through the same pain as me. Love is a sharp blade that hurts people too deeply. I thought I could protect you. , but how can feelings be something that outsiders can interfere with?"

Yingyue had asked Qingyue to reject the relationship between men and women since she was a child. Qingyue complied and was not even willing to go down the mountain. However, Ji Hongtu went up the mountain and the two finally met.

Qingyue was injured, so she taught Wuchen not to touch the word love, but Wuchen finally met Ji Wufeng.

Could it be said that Qingyue and Wuchen violated their master's orders? Of course, it doesn't count. They have repeatedly rejected it, but how can they reject love? That is something out of control at all, everything is destined by God!

The saints of the Jialuo Temple must ensure their sanctity. However, before, the Jialuo Temple did not strictly prohibit the saints from touching the love between men and women, but they had to give up the opportunity to become the holy master. The Jialuo Temple also needed to re-select the saints.

Ying Yue was deeply injured that year, so she re-established such a sect rule. The Saint of Jia Luo Temple must remain emotionless and holy throughout her life. That is because she is afraid and does not want her disciples and descendants to suffer the same fate as herself. harm.

But so many years have passed, and although she has no interest in worldly affairs, she still sees everything. Qingyue has become the Holy Master, but she is very unhappy. Wuchen is now in the Jialuo Temple, and has distanced herself from the Nie family. He had reached the limit, but if something happened to Ji Wufeng, Wuchen might be in pain for the rest of his life.

Moreover, the truth of what happened back then is now gradually becoming clearer. Although Boss Li failed her, he had no choice but to do so, and the hatred in his heart has also faded away.

The most important thing is little Chenghuan, who is Yingyue's sweetheart. When she grows up, and asks her where her biological father is, I'm afraid she won't know how to answer.

"Mother-in-law, do you really allow me to go down the mountain?" Wuchen was still a little unbelievable.

Yingyue nodded and said: "Not only will you come down the mountain, but your master will also come down. If necessary, I don't mind letting the entire Jialuo Temple come out!"

Qingyue was immediately shocked. Master actually said such words. It seemed that it was not just because of a moment of weakness. She frowned and said, "Master, has the matter become so serious?"

At this time, disputes were raging, and something big was about to happen. Qingyue chose not to pay attention to it during this period, because she did not want to hear any news about Ji Hongtu, but the Jialuo Temple had many eyes and ears, and all the news outside was still there. Under control.

Ying Yue hesitated for a moment and said to Qing Yue: "As far as I know, Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang were attacked in Dongyang. Their lives are uncertain. The possibility of survival is probably less than 10%!"

Qingyue was suddenly shocked, her whole body trembled, and her feet staggered!

She didn't pay attention because she wanted to completely draw a clear line with Ji Hongtu, but when she heard the bad news about Ji Hongtu, she still felt a huge blow.

The disappearance of Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang has completely broken the previous balance. The war will break out in an all-round way. The ambition of the Nine-Headed Insect will be revealed. The Bi Tan Conference will set off a huge catastrophe, which will sweep the world by then, and the Jialuo Temple will also be destroyed. Not immune. "Is she... okay?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"She is better than you. She asked me to bring you a message. Now focus on the overall situation. One day the family will be reunited!"

Put the overall situation first, and then reunite the family!

The former is a very heavy target, while the latter is all the motivation to bear the pressure of the former.

"You can give it a go and fight. You have to understand the real power possessed by a true Saint Realm powerhouse." Hong Yanling's aura burst out, and Ji Wufeng immediately felt like a small boat swaying in the wind.

This was not the first time that he had faced a strong man from the Holy Realm, but it was not a real head-on challenge. Although Lin Tianqi, Qianye Xiao and Charles were captured by him, in fact they were all caused by his sneak attacks.

This time, a large number of masters from the Heavenly Palace came, and it was impossible to repeat the old tricks. The only real battle was a head-on battle. Ji Wufeng still knew too little about the powerful men in the Holy Realm of Earth, so a battle with Hong Yanling was very necessary.

The two men rose into the air and flew towards the wilderness. A battle broke out. There were repeated explosions, the earth shook, sand and rocks flew, and the battle was extremely fierce!

In the end, Hong Yanling walked away, and Ji Wufeng was lying in a huge sinkhole. He was seriously injured, but it was not fatal. His strong cultivation physique was healing quickly.

Ji Wufeng was defeated miserably. He did not use any tricks when fighting Hong Yanling, which also allowed him to see how powerful the Saint Realm expert is. He defeated Lin Tianqi and three people in a row, which made him overconfident and even a little inflated. , thinking that even a strong man in the holy realm is nothing more than this. If he still has this mentality to fight against a strong man in the holy realm of Tiangong, he will suffer a big loss by then! .??.

Hong Yanling's arrival this time was of great significance to Ji Wufeng. It disintegrated Gu Yunfei's conspiracy to attack Ji Wufeng's invincibility, corrected the danger of Ji Wufeng going astray, and at the same time made Ji Wufeng realize the strength of a true Saint Realm powerhouse. No longer will we not know the depth and make big mistakes.

Ji Wufeng took a long time to climb out of the pit, complaining all over. This future mother-in-law was a little too violent, couldn't she be gentler?

In Jialuo Temple, little Chenghuan is growing up day by day. Her face is pink and she looks like a painted porcelain doll. Within a few months after she was born, she started babbling, learning to speak, and crawling all over the floor. .

Such an elf can be said to be the darling of the old guy in the entire Jia Luo Temple. He no longer lives in seclusion. He hangs around Xiao Nizi all day long, and he feels uncomfortable when he can't see her for a day.

Seeing little Chenghuan growing up healthily, Wuchen felt extremely satisfied, and at the same time felt guilty. He had actually thought about not letting her go. If she had really done that, she might never forgive herself in this life.

Chenghuan is very cute, Wuchen is very satisfied and happy, but at the same time, she is also worried. If Chenghuan grows up one day, will she want to know who her father is?

If she knew in the future that her mother stood by while her biological father was in danger, how should she treat her mother?

"Master, mother-in-law!" Wuchen knelt in front of Qingyue and Yingyue.

Qingyue sighed and said nothing, while Yingyue narrowed her eyes and said, "Do you want to go down the mountain?"

Wuchen looked at little Chenghuan with a loving look on his face, and pleading on his face: "Mother-in-law, I really don't know how I will explain to Chenghuan when she grows up."

Yingyue let out a long sigh and said, "Oh, you can go if you want!"

Wuchen was immediately stunned, and Qingyue also had a face full of astonishment. They all knew Yingyue's character very well. Once a decision was made, it was absolutely impossible to change it, but now they agreed so easily.

"Do you really think that my old lady is an unreasonable old fool? I just don't want to see you go through the same pain as me. Love is a sharp blade that hurts people too deeply. I thought I could protect you. , but how can feelings be something that outsiders can interfere with?"

Yingyue had asked Qingyue to reject the relationship between men and women since she was a child. Qingyue complied and was not even willing to go down the mountain. However, Ji Hongtu went up the mountain and the two finally met.

Qingyue was injured, so she taught Wuchen not to touch the word love, but Wuchen finally met Ji Wufeng.

Could it be said that Qingyue and Wuchen violated their master's orders? Of course, it doesn't count. They have repeatedly rejected it, but how can they reject love? That is something out of control at all, everything is destined by God!

It is true that the saints of the Jialuo Temple must ensure their sanctity. However, in the past, the Jialuo Temple did not strictly prohibit the saints from touching the love between men and women, but they had to give up the opportunity to become the holy master. The Jialuo Temple also needed to re-select the saints.

Ying Yue was deeply injured that year, so she re-established such a sect rule. The Saint of Jia Luo Temple must remain emotionless and holy throughout her life. That is because she is afraid and does not want her disciples and descendants to suffer the same fate as herself. harm.

But so many years have passed, and although she has long ceased to care about worldly affairs, she still sees everything. Qingyue has become the Holy Master, but she is very unhappy. Wuchen is now in the Jialuo Temple, and has distanced herself from the Nie family. He had reached the limit, but if something happened to Ji Wufeng, Wuchen might be in pain for the rest of his life.

Moreover, the truth of what happened back then is now gradually becoming clearer. Although Boss Li failed her, he had no choice but to do so, and the hatred in his heart has also faded away.

The most important thing is little Chenghuan, who is Yingyue's sweetheart. When she grows up, and asks her where her biological father is, I'm afraid she won't know how to answer.

"Mother-in-law, do you really allow me to go down the mountain?" Wuchen was still a little unbelievable.

Yingyue nodded and said: "Not only will you come down the mountain, but your master will also come down. If necessary, I don't mind letting the entire Jialuo Temple come out!"

Qingyue was immediately shocked. Master actually said such words. It seemed that it was not just because of a moment of weakness. She frowned and said, "Master, has the matter become so serious?"

At this time, disputes were raging, and something big was about to happen. Qingyue chose not to pay attention to it during this period, because she did not want to hear any news about Ji Hongtu, but the Jialuo Temple had many eyes and ears, and all the news outside was still there. Under control.

Ying Yue hesitated for a moment and said to Qing Yue: "As far as I know, Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang were attacked in Dongyang. Their lives are uncertain. The possibility of survival is probably less than 10%!"

Qingyue was suddenly shocked, her whole body trembled, and her feet staggered!

She didn't pay attention because she wanted to completely draw a clear line with Ji Hongtu, but when she heard the bad news about Ji Hongtu, she still felt a huge blow.

The disappearance of Ji Hongtu and Yun Feiyang has completely broken the previous balance. The war will break out in an all-round way. The ambition of the Nine-Headed Insect will be revealed. The Bi Tan Conference will set off a huge catastrophe, which will sweep the world by then, and the Jialuo Temple will also be destroyed. Not immune.

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