Once the Nine-Headed Insect's plan succeeds, Gu Yunfei will definitely not stop moving forward. It is absolutely impossible for the Jialuo Temple to be alone!

Now it is no longer a matter of the Nie family, nor of the Shenzhou Wulin, but of the entire Wulin righteousness.

"Okay, Wuchen, get ready and enter the reincarnation pool tonight!" Ying Yue said.

Wuchen was stunned and said: "Mother-in-law, only the next Holy Master is qualified to enter the Samsara Pond, I can't..."

Yingyue waved her hand and said: "No need to say any more. Now that the catastrophe has come, how can there be so many strict sect rules? You are currently the most talented disciple among your peers, and only you have this qualification. The next one My choice for Holy Master is Cheng Huan, but it will take several years before she can enter the pool of reincarnation."

"Master, will the other elders have any objections to this?" Qingyue asked with some worry.

Based on Wuchen's current situation, he is no longer qualified to inherit the position of Holy Lord. If he wants to enter the Reincarnation Pool, he will definitely encounter opposition from the elders.

"Don't worry, this result was unanimously approved after I discussed it with all the elders."

Since a catastrophe is coming, the entire Jialuo Temple will definitely make a decision to allow Wuchen to enter the Samsara Pool. Although some elders objected, when Yingyue carried Xiao Chenghuan out, all the objections disappeared immediately. .

I have sent you a demon disciple who is the best in the world, and sooner or later he will be the Holy Master of the Jialuo Temple. Can't such a peerless treasure not be exchanged for entering the Reincarnation Pool once?

Furthermore, at present, it is true that only Wuchen is qualified to enter the Reincarnation Pool. The physique of the elderly has deteriorated, and the effect of entering is not great. The improvement in strength is very limited, and the cultivation level of the young is not enough. Even the gate of the Holy Realm I haven't encountered any of them. Even if I go in, it will be a waste and the potential will not be developed at all.

Moreover, Wuchen's increased strength also helps Jialuo Temple to resist foreign enemies. Even if she gets married in the future, her daughter will still be in Jialuo Temple. In this way,

She has been a member of the Jia Luo Temple all her life.

In this way, naturally no one has any reason to object.

The Samsara Pool is ready. It is a smoky pool that exudes fragrance. It is soaked in elixirs collected by the Jia Luo Temple for nearly a thousand years, which can maximize a person's potential and strengthen their physique.

The six old ladies are already in place under the leadership of Ying Yue. Together with Qing Yue, a total of eight Saint Realm experts will use their skills to infuse Wu Chen's body at the best time.

Wuchen walked into the Samsara Pond naked, stimulating the true energy in his body. The Samsara Pond boiled instantly, and clouds of mist rose up around Wuchen. These mists are where the essence of the elixir is contained. No dust absorption.

"Let's start!" Ying Yue shouted coldly.

The eight powerful men of the Holy Realm took action at the same time, and eight powerful and abnormal skills were poured into Wuchen's body at the same time. Wuchen suddenly trembled violently. These skills followed the endless spiritual energy and traveled around her limbs. She noticed that she The power is increasing rapidly!

At the same time, little Chenghuan was being cared for outside. Suddenly he seemed to feel something, and disappeared with a whoosh. The disciple in charge of the care suddenly panicked and screamed: "It's not good. Unfortunately, the saint is missing..."

What? The saint is missing?

It's over now. The Saint is the darling of the old Holy Lord and a group of elders and ancestors. If she disappears, even if they cut off their heads, they can't afford to suffer!

The entire Jialuo Temple was immediately in a state of panic, desperately trying to find where Xiao Chenghuan had gone.

In the reincarnation pool, Wuchen's skill was skyrocketing, but pain appeared on his face

She looked like her body was about to burst. If she continued, she would explode!

An elder realized something was wrong and shouted: "Oh no, something happened to Wuchen."

Everyone was shocked, how could this happen?

Ying Yue's face immediately changed and she said: "Wuchen has lost the Nirvana blood in her body, and with her current physique, she simply cannot withstand the pool of reincarnation!" .??.

To enter the pool of reincarnation, one must possess the blood of Nirvana, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the numerous elixirs and overbearing skills. However, Wuchen gave birth to little Chenghuan, and the blood of Nirvana in his body disappeared.

What should I do now?

Everyone quickly withdrew their skills, but those skills that still remained in Wuchen's body did not stop, and Wuchen's body was about to explode.

An elder gritted his teeth and said, "Get ready to evacuate from here!"

Wuchen now has the power of eight holy realm experts in his body. Once it explodes, the entire Jialuo Temple will be destroyed.

Qingyue and Yingyue were both so anxious that they almost cried. Could they just watch Wuchen die like this? But if they don't evacuate immediately, more people will die in the Nagara Temple.


"Er... ah... eh... ah..."

Suddenly, a little thing rushed in quickly. When everyone saw it, they were so scared that they broke out in cold sweat. My little Tai Sui, why did you come in at such a time?

The person who ran in turned out to be Xiao Chenghuan. Although this little girl was small, she did not drink milk at all. She was always fed with elixirs. Anyway, there were many elixirs in Jialuo Temple, so there would be no problem in raising her for a lifetime.

Therefore, little Chenghuan is very sensitive to the smell of elixirs. With so many elixirs in the Samsara Pool, she must have smelled them and sneaked in.

But Wuchen was about to explode, but she ran in at this time. What if something happened to him?

An elder stretched out his hand to grab little Chenghuan and take her away, but little Chenghuan disappeared with a whoosh and ran directly into the Samsara Pond, lying on Wuchen's body.

Everyone's legs were frightened and they wanted to rush over, but a strange scene happened. The spiritual energy in the reincarnation pool actually rotated and turned into a whirlpool. Chenghuan opened his small mouth and swallowed the whirlpool in one gulp. .

Yingyue's eyes widened, "Oh my god, if I eat so much in one go, will my stomach explode?"

But it wasn't over yet. I saw that the uncontrolled power in Wuchen's body was draining away quickly and pouring into Chenghuan's body crazily. Now everyone's scalp was numb. Chenghuan is still so young. If this continues Something big must happen.

But Cheng Huan was devouring spiritual energy in her mouth, and her body was still absorbing Wu Chen's power. Wu Chen was almost exploded just now, and after being sucked away most of his power, she finally got relief. But when she had time to be happy, a new problem arose. .

Cheng Huan quickly absorbed all Wu Chen's energy, and the Wu Chen Qi he had absorbed was almost exhausted. If he continued like this, he would be sucked to death.

Ying Yue finally understood that Cheng Huan was devouring the spiritual energy, but was unable to resolve it on her own, so she kept absorbing Wuchen's power to help resolve it. She would not stop until the spiritual energy was completely dissipated.

How about this? Xiao Chenghuan might be strangled to death, and Wu Chen might be sucked to death. If both of them died, there would be no need to hang out in the Najia Luo Temple. The most talented disciples of the two generations were gone, so it would be better to just remove them.

An elder almost collapsed, stamping his feet and almost crying, and cursed: "What the hell is this Nie family? How come all the children born are monsters? Can't we give birth to a slightly normal child?"

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