Ying Yue made a quick decision and shouted loudly: "Let's attack together, we must stop them, otherwise both mother and son will die!"

This is too terrifying. Both Wuchen and Xiao Chenghuan are peerless geniuses that can only be found in the Jialuo Temple. Today, they may both die here, one being stretched to death, and the other being sucked to death.

They could not wait any longer. At this time, all the elders were thinking was to save the mother and son at all costs, even if it meant risking their lives.

However, at the critical moment, a voice sounded like a bell: "Don't move!"

Everyone was suddenly frightened, and then a burly body came through the air and landed in the Samsara Pond. It was an old man who was over sixty years old. His long silver hair was flowing with the wind, and his wild aura showed his domineering power. His posture forced him to push back the combined attacks of the elders.

Seeing the appearance of the person clearly, Ying Yue's brows jumped up, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Is it you who is immortal?"

The old man didn't even care about Ying Yue's shock, but stared at Xiao Chenghuan with bright eyes and laughed loudly: "Haha... the legendary physique is indeed not simple, but we can't just waste it like this!"

At this time, everything outside the Jialuo Temple was in chaos. A group of people were looking for Xiao Chenghuan, but before they could find anyone, an old man and a young man broke in. They must have kidnapped their saint.

But the old one disappeared in a flash, leaving only the younger one. The young man looked at a group of experts from the Jialuo Temple who were eyeing him, and said with a smile: "Fairies of the temple, don't be angry yet, I am yours." Friends, I’m not here to fight with you!”

"Stop talking nonsense, take him down first, and wait for the palace master to be punished!"

A group of experts from the Jia Luo Temple swarmed up, and the young man jumped up and down, crying in his mouth: "You old guy, take me with you if you run away... Don't be angry, I am a good person, it hurts... Fairy, you really have the heart to attack... Oh... stop fighting, can I surrender..."

at this moment

Ji Wufeng was digesting what he had learned from the battle with Hong Yanling. His heart suddenly jumped, and he felt that something closely related to him had happened. It was a strong sense of crisis, but it was irrelevant, because it was nothing more. It's the feeling in my heart.

Could it be that something happened to one of my close relatives? Ji Wufeng immediately went to Yuwen Tiancheng, and Ji Tianqi and Ji Tianlin stayed well in the red wall, with Mingyue taking care of them. They had a great time, and not a hair was lost.

Could it be the parents?

Just when he was panicking, the sense of crisis suddenly disappeared, but the blood in his body suddenly became restless again, and it was also unreasonable, as if a trace of traction appeared out of thin air, and he had sex with some people. Thousands of sensations.

This sensing distance is very far away, and it is not in the direction of Ji Tianqi, but who could it be?

This feeling was very inexplicable. He didn't understand it clearly, but he felt that that person was the person closest to him in the world. He had only felt this feeling with Ji Tianqi.

Ji Wufeng's heart was restless. At this moment, Lin Tianzhao walked in, holding a post in his hand. Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. It turned out to be a battle post, a challenge issued by people in the martial arts when they challenge masters!

Someone wants to challenge him at this time?

Just after the battle with Hong Yanling, Ji Wufeng had to digest too much. Every digested point needed to be verified by real combat. It would be great if someone challenged him now, and he already knew who the challenger was. Sent!

At the same time, he also received the message that Gu Yunxin's sincerity should be fulfilled.

On the top of the mountain, Ji Wufeng rushed straight up like a thunderstorm. A majestic and tall young man in black sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, with a ball in front of him.

Jar of wine.

"I heard that you are going to have a decisive battle with my wife. You should pass my test first and then talk about it." Tian Wuxin said with a sideways look.

Ji Wufeng sat down on the ground, his face full of contempt and said: "Your wife? Do you know? You are too shameless!"

"If you don't have a thick skin, can you pick up the best girls?" Tian Wuxin chuckled and took out three big bowls.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that you don't just want to compete with me today, right?"

"Yes, the three youth supremes are really domineering names, but I think three are too many, and leaving one is just right."

Tian Wuxin's fighting spirit burst out, and he sounded so arrogant. He wanted to trample the other two under his feet and monopolize the title of Youth Supreme!

"Haha... good wine and opponents, there is nothing more difficult to ask for in the world!"

A majestic and tall body flew through the air and landed in front of the two of them. He sat directly on the ground next to Ji Wufeng, opened the wine jar, filled three large bowls, and said with a smile: "I'm late, just I’ll punish myself with three bowls!”

After speaking, he picked up the wine and drank heavily. Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Are you as shameless as you? You are late and you want to drink more?"

"I've already said it, we have wine and opponents, how can we not get drunk?" Gu Tianyang laughed.

The three youth supremes, the three strongest among the young generation, have finally reunited. Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang have completely turned against each other, and Tian Wuxin is working on the Demon Sect's plan. No one knows the exact thoughts in his heart, but at least for now They won't be real friends.

But the strange thing is that the three of them sitting together, holding wine bowls, look like three close friends.

Life is a wonderful and weird chess game. Everyone is a pawn on the chessboard. You never know what your future trajectory will be. Many people think that their path has been determined, but often things happen. of

The variables caught people off guard, and they took a completely different path than they expected.

The three of them are the strongest among the young generation of Chinese martial arts. No one can compete with them. Their talent and strength can only be looked up to. They cherish each other, like meeting opponents in chess and meeting good talents. However, unfortunately, in this life, The strange chess game put them in a position of confrontation.

I felt sorry in my heart, but there was nothing I could do about it.

After a few bowls of wine, Tian Wuxin smashed the bowl into pieces, picked up the wine jar and drank from it, then threw it to Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng looked constipated and said, "Damn it, is this an indirect kiss with you?"

Tian Wuxin was stunned, glared and said angrily: "Damn it, my future Demon Lord of the Demon Sect doesn't even think you have a bad mouth, but you dislike me first."

"Why do I dislike you? You're not a pretty girl. If it were Yun Shang, I definitely wouldn't dislike her!"

"Nima, do you dare to take advantage of my wife?"

"I just beat you. What can you do? With your coward look, can people like you? Damn it...how dare you kick me..."

"What's wrong with kicking you? I still want to kill you!"

"I'll kill you first!"

Ji Wufeng pounced on Tian Wuxin with a sudden movement, and the two fell to the ground and struggled with each other.

"Haha... these two are big idiots!"

Gu Tianyang was holding the wine jar, pointing at the two of them and laughing.

"This bastard calls us idiots, am I an idiot?"

"You are indeed an idiot, but this kid even scolded me. He deserves a beating!"

"Then beat him into a fool first!"

The two of them rushed over and threw Gu Tianyang to the ground. They were stunned for a while. Before Gu Tianyang could react, the handsome man received several old punches on his face and his buttocks were kicked several times.

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