"You bastard, you don't want to slap someone in the face!"

Gu Tianyang also got angry and fought back angrily, and the three of them immediately started a melee, but the way they attacked was a bit despicable, and they looked more like hooligans than gangsters.

The three of them are the strongest men of the younger generation, and are the idols that all young warriors crazily worship. If the scene of them fighting each other like ruffians was spread, it would shock the jaws of countless people.

Finally, the three of them stopped and lay on the ground, breathing heavily. However, their appearance was not very good. Their hair was all scrunched up, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. They also had two big panda eyes, and their clothes It was torn to pieces, and the flesh inside was bruised and bruised...

"Ha ha……"

The three of them looked at each other and laughed at the same time. After the wine jar was passed around in the hands of the three of them, the bottom of the wine jar was exposed. Tian Wuxin threw the wine jar to the ground ruthlessly.

"Okay, I want to see today, why do you two rank with me as the top three youth supremes!"

Tian Wuxin chuckled, his demonic aura soared into the sky, his tyrannical aura burst out, and a huge terrifying demonic shadow appeared in the sky behind him.

Ji Wufeng was shocked. He found that Tian Wuxin had successfully broken through and also entered the half-step holy realm.

Although he was a little surprised, Ji Wufeng would soon be relieved. Back then, the Demon Sect was unparalleled and its strength was definitely not weaker than a holy land. Since the Demon Lord has retained the inheritance of the Demon Sect, it would not be possible to build Tian Wuxin into a half-step holy realm. What a difficult thing.


The same violent aura soared into the sky. Gu Tianyang was light and gentle, but the aura on his body was so sharp that it actually broke through. Gu Tianyang had the same strength.

Ji Wufeng felt as if he had seen a ghost. He felt that his progress had been astonishing and he should be able to suppress the two of them, but now he found that this did not seem to be the case.

But then I thought about it, how much knowledge did Gu Yunfei accumulate after running the Nine-Headed Insect for so many years before he dared to unleash his wild words to dominate the world? The Nine-Headed Insect must have been no longer as powerful as the Holy Land, right?

In any case, Gu Tianyang is Gu Yunfei's only son. Once given the opportunity, he will definitely make Gu Tianyang into an unparalleled powerhouse.

People are stronger than others, and mountains are higher than mountains. Ji Wufeng thinks that he is a genius and has the qualifications to be confident, but he must not be conceited. Since ancient times, he has never been the best in literature or the second in martial arts.

The three young supremes are the strongest among their peers, but no one can guarantee that a bastard will suddenly pop up from nowhere and be more perverted than them!

"Haha... I've been waiting for this day for a long time, let's compete today!" Tian Wuxin laughed wildly, and the demon shadow behind him suddenly opened his big hand and slapped it down, and slapped the two of them hard at the same time. It was so arrogant. He actually wanted to fight one against two!


The aura on Gu Tianyang suddenly became sharper, like an indestructible javelin, the aura that was so sharp that it wanted to pierce the sky.

Not to be outdone, Ji Wufeng's whole body flashed with golden light, his roar shook the sky, and his body rose from the ground!

boom! boom! boom!

This is not the first time that the three youth supremes have gathered together. They have joined forces before and drank and talked together, but this is the first time for them to fight, and it is still a big melee between three people!

There is no one-on-one duel. Everyone's opponent is two others. The void is tearing, the earth is shaking, and the mountain peaks collapse...

In Gu Tianyang's independent courtyard, a Wang Daowu

The reporter suddenly shouted: "Who!"


A sharp edge flashing with cold light struck, and the royal warrior was startled. Just as he was about to dodge, a stream of light struck across the sky, and his head rolled to the ground.

A kingly warrior who would normally be invincible if he hadn't been born as a master from several major holy places, at this time, he couldn't even make a second sound and had his head chopped off.

There were many masters in the manor. They rushed out when they heard the movement. They saw two figures like two gods of murder. Their sharp blades pierced the air. They killed several masters in an instant and opened a crack in the encirclement. The two of them were as powerful as a bamboo!

Before the masters of the Gu family could react, a large number of men in black rushed in. They were the Dragon Warriors from the Dragon Hall. The flying knives tore through the space and shot directly into the head of a royal warrior.

"Kill me and leave no chickens or dogs behind!"

With a cold-blooded voice, a large number of dragon warriors started a bloody massacre. Murong Wuji and Rong Tianhe rushed in, and a woman came out of the air and said: "I have gathered everyone together, but Aunt Qin and the others are nowhere to be seen. "

Murong Wuji and Rong Tianhe's eyes suddenly showed sternness, and they immediately understood that one was Ji Wufeng's biological mother, and the other was Ji Wufeng's wife and the mother of their son, in the eyes of outsiders.

"Keep looking!" Rong Tianhe said.

The woman said: "No need, I know Gu Tianyang's character very well. If he wants to keep the two of them, he will definitely not be able to find them for a while. Evacuate immediately. The Nine-Headed Insect people will be here soon."

"Dammit, let's go!"

This courtyard is Gu Tianyang's territory. It may be that Gu Tianyang has some resistance to the Nine-Headed Insect. There are only experts from the Gu family here, but a group of people were not hindered and they left easily.

This is a mutually beneficial transaction, and there is no friendship. It is understandable that Gu Tianyang deliberately kept a hand, because everyone knows that regardless of the success or failure of the Nine-Headed Insect, Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang will not become friends.

After Murong Wuji and others left, the woman slashed her chest with a sword. Before she could bandage the wound, a group of people rushed in. A middle-aged man with cold eyes strode in and said: "what happened?"

"The people have been rescued, I can't stop them!" the woman said calmly.

"Hmph, you loser!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and huge pressure was pressed against the woman. The woman kept retreating with a pale face. She didn't even have the ability to resist in front of the strong man in the holy realm.

"Remember, I belong to the eldest young master!" the woman said with a cold face.

"Young Master?"

The middle-aged man sneered: "Under the command of the Lord, there are only right-hand assistants and losers, there is no such thing as a young master!"

The Nine-Headed Insect people have left. Now that the people have been rescued, there is no value here.


Tian Wuxin was knocked away by Ji Wufeng's punch, and his body hit the mountain peak hard. The mountain collapsed instantly, but before he could deliver the second blow, Ji Wuxin was slapped away by Gu Tianyang's palm, and his body also hit the mountain wall. Fall right into it.

Tian Wuxin soared into the sky, and his huge devil's palm slapped Gu Tianyang's body. His body flew out, and after landing, a deep hole was made in the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

The three of them completely entered the melee. There was no absolute opponent, but they were all opponents. For a while, the sky became dark and the ground was covered with sand and dust! "You bastard, you don't want to slap someone in the face!"

Gu Tianyang also got angry and fought back angrily, and the three of them immediately started a melee, but the way they attacked was a bit despicable, and they looked more like hooligans than gangsters.

The three of them are the strongest men of the younger generation, and are the idols that all young warriors crazily worship. If the scene of them fighting each other like ruffians was spread, it would shock the jaws of countless people.

Finally, the three of them stopped and lay on the ground, breathing heavily. However, their appearance was not very good. Their hair was all scrunched up, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. They also had two big panda eyes, and their clothes It was torn to pieces, and the flesh inside was bruised and bruised...

"Ha ha……"

The three of them looked at each other and laughed at the same time. After the wine jar was passed around in the hands of the three of them, the bottom of the wine jar was exposed. Tian Wuxin threw the wine jar to the ground ruthlessly.

"Okay, I want to see today, why do you two rank with me as the top three youth supremes!"

Tian Wuxin chuckled, his demonic aura soared into the sky, his tyrannical aura burst out, and a huge terrifying demonic shadow appeared in the sky behind him. ??

Ji Wufeng was shocked. He found that Tian Wuxin had successfully broken through and also entered the half-step holy realm.

Although he was a little surprised, Ji Wufeng would soon be relieved. Back then, the Demon Sect was unparalleled and its strength was definitely not weaker than a holy land. Since the Demon Lord has retained the inheritance of the Demon Sect, it would not be possible to build Tian Wuxin into a half-step holy realm. What a difficult thing.


The same violent aura soared into the sky. Gu Tianyang was light and gentle, but the aura on his body was so sharp that it actually broke through. Gu Tianyang had the same strength.

Ji Wufeng felt as if he had seen a ghost. He felt that his progress had been astonishing and he should be able to suppress the two of them, but now he found that this did not seem to be the case.

But then I thought about it, how much knowledge did Gu Yunfei accumulate after running the Nine-Headed Insect for so many years before he dared to unleash his wild words to dominate the world? The Nine-Headed Insect must have been no longer as powerful as the Holy Land, right?

In any case, Gu Tianyang is Gu Yunfei's only son. Once given the opportunity, he will definitely make Gu Tianyang into an unparalleled powerhouse.

People are stronger than others, and mountains are higher than mountains. Ji Wufeng thinks that he is a genius and has the qualifications to be confident, but he must not be conceited. Since ancient times, he has never been the best in literature or the second in martial arts.

The three young supremes are the strongest among their peers, but no one can guarantee that a bastard will suddenly pop up from nowhere and be more perverted than them!

"Haha... I've been waiting for this day for a long time, let's compete today!" Tian Wuxin laughed wildly, and the demon shadow behind him suddenly opened his big hand and slapped it down, and slapped the two of them hard at the same time. It was so arrogant. He actually wanted to fight one against two!


The aura on Gu Tianyang suddenly became sharper, like an indestructible javelin, the aura that was so sharp that it wanted to pierce the sky.

Not to be outdone, Ji Wufeng's whole body flashed with golden light, his roar shook the sky, and his body rose from the ground!

boom! boom! boom!

This is not the first time that the three youth supremes have gathered together. They have joined forces before and drank and talked together, but this is the first time for them to fight, and it is still a big melee between three people!

There is no one-on-one duel. Everyone's opponent is two others. The void is tearing, the earth is shaking, and the mountain peaks collapse...

In Gu Tianyang's independent courtyard, a Wang Daowu

The reporter suddenly shouted: "Who!"


A sharp edge flashing with cold light struck, and the royal warrior was startled. Just as he was about to dodge, a stream of light struck across the sky, and his head rolled to the ground.

A kingly warrior who would normally be invincible if he hadn't been born as a master from several major holy places, at this time, he couldn't even make a second sound and had his head chopped off.

There were many masters in the manor. They rushed out when they heard the movement. They saw two figures like two gods of murder. Their sharp blades pierced the air. They killed several masters in an instant and opened a crack in the encirclement. The two of them were as powerful as a bamboo!

Before the masters of the Gu family could react, a large number of men in black rushed in. They were the Dragon Warriors from the Dragon Hall. The flying knives tore through the space and shot directly into the head of a royal warrior.

"Kill me and leave no chickens or dogs behind!"

With a cold-blooded voice, a large number of dragon warriors started a bloody massacre. Murong Wuji and Rong Tianhe rushed in, and a woman came out of the air and said: "I have gathered everyone together, but Aunt Qin and the others are nowhere to be seen. "

Murong Wuji and Rong Tianhe's eyes suddenly showed sternness, and they immediately understood that one was Ji Wufeng's biological mother, and the other was Ji Wufeng's wife and the mother of their son, in the eyes of outsiders.

"Keep looking!" Rong Tianhe said.

The woman said: "No need, I know Gu Tianyang's character very well. If he wants to keep the two of them, he will definitely not be able to find them for a while. Evacuate immediately. The Nine-Headed Insect people will be here soon."

"Dammit, let's go!"

This courtyard is Gu Tianyang's territory. It may be that Gu Tianyang has some resistance to the Nine-Headed Insect. There are only experts from the Gu family here, but a group of people were not hindered and they left easily.

This is a mutually beneficial transaction, and there is no friendship. It is understandable that Gu Tianyang deliberately kept a hand, because everyone knows that regardless of the success or failure of the Nine-Headed Insect, Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang will not become friends.

After Murong Wuji and others left, the woman slashed her chest with a sword. Before she could bandage the wound, a group of people rushed in. A middle-aged man with cold eyes strode in and said: "what happened?"

"The people have been rescued, I can't stop them!" the woman said calmly.

"Hmph, you loser!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and huge pressure was pressed against the woman. The woman kept retreating with a pale face. She didn't even have the ability to resist in front of the strong man in the holy realm.

"Remember, I belong to the eldest young master!" the woman said with a cold face.

"Young Master?"

The middle-aged man sneered: "Under the command of the Lord, there are only right-hand assistants and losers, there is no such thing as a young master!"

The Nine-Headed Insect people have left. Now that the people have been rescued, there is no value here.


Tian Wuxin was knocked away by Ji Wufeng's punch, and his body hit the mountain peak hard. The mountain collapsed instantly, but before he could deliver the second blow, Ji Wuxin was slapped away by Gu Tianyang's palm, and his body also hit the mountain wall. Fall right into it.

Tian Wuxin soared into the sky, and his huge devil's palm slapped Gu Tianyang's body. His body flew out, and after landing, a deep hole was made in the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

The three of them completely entered the melee. There was no absolute opponent, but they were all opponents. For a while, the sky became dark and the ground was covered with sand and dust!

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