The melee continued, and each of them suffered some minor injuries, but it was difficult to tell the difference. Ji Wufeng once again proved that the strength of the two of them was not inferior to his. If they did not start a real life and death fight, in a short time they would be It's impossible to tell the winner.

It was almost dawn, and there was no complete mountain peak in sight, nor any flat ground. This melee lasted for several hours, but the three of them did not show any signs of fatigue. On the contrary, they were full of fighting spirit. Getting higher and higher!

"It seems that the only way to tell the difference is a life-or-death battle." Tian Wuxin said while stilling his figure.

"But you don't want to tell the difference today, do you?"

"Then there's no need for a life-and-death battle." .??.??

"Then what else is there to say? Let's break up!"

The three of them had nothing to say, so they turned around and left in three different directions!

The three of them could not tell the difference in this battle, and there were no witnesses, but as they said, it is not the time to decide the winner yet, they only need one battle.

After Ji Wufeng returned, Murong Wuji and others had brought them back. Ji Wufeng knelt directly in front of Lin Weiguo and his wife, lowered his head and said guiltily: "Grandpa, grandma, it's me who has caused you to suffer."

If something really happened to someone else, Ji Wufeng would feel guilty for the rest of his life, no matter what the overall situation or righteousness was for.

"Silly boy, what are you doing? Get up quickly!" Grandma Zhou Lan quickly pulled Ji Wufeng up from the ground.

Lin Weiguo also said: "We are a family, how can we not be implicated?"

They were implicated because of Ji Wufeng's family. Since they are a family, is there anything wrong with being implicated?

Gu Tianyang did not let them suffer, but they were inevitably frightened. After arranging for the two of them to go down to rest, he turned back to face Lin Yuantu and others.

"Xiao Feng, you must save Nima and Shuang Shuang!" Lin Yuantu's face was full of anxiety. They were out of danger, but Qin Yi and Lu Shuang Shuang were still in Gu Tianyang's hands.

Ji Wufeng already knew about this and was filled with resentment in his heart, but he was not too surprised. Since the two were enemies, could he expect Gu Tianyang to be so kind?

Gu Tianyang's move was clever enough. He let Lin Weiguo and the others go, expressed his sincerity, and reached a cooperation agreement with Tian Wuxin. However, he kept Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang, which was equivalent to forming an alliance with Tian Wuxin at the same time. He took Ji Wufeng's lifeline.

"Uncle, you don't have to worry, they will be fine." Ji Wufeng comforted them.

Although he was extremely anxious in his heart, he also knew that since Gu Tianyang regarded Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang as bargaining chips, he would never let anything happen to them when the chips were used.

From this, Ji Wufeng can be sure that Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang are at least safe at the moment. Even if they don't think so, there is nothing they can do. No one knows where Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang have been transferred. It is too difficult to save them.

In a secret courtyard, Gu Tianyang said with a smile: "I'm sorry to leave you two alone. Maybe it's impossible for me and you to reach an agreement."

Lu Shuangshuang once said that she would rather give up on herself and just ask for a fair fight between Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng. However, Gu Tianyang now keeps her and Qin Yi. This is obviously because he wants to use them as bargaining chips to make Ji Wufeng throw a tantrum.

Lu Shuangshuang and Qin Yi looked at each other and smiled, but said nothing.

, Gu Tianyang asked: "Can you tell me why you are laughing? You should know very well why I want to keep you. This is not a very optimistic thing for Ji Wufeng."

It is indeed very pessimistic. After arresting Ji Wufeng's mother and wife, Ji Wufeng will never be able to act without any worries if he goes against Gu Tianyang.

Lu Shuangshuang shook his head and said, "I hope you have a fair fight with Xiao Feng, but this result is what I would rather see."

"Oh? Can you explain it?" Gu Tianyang looked curious.

They were clearly in danger and lost the chance to escape, but this was the result they were more willing to see, which puzzled Gu Tianyang.

"You left us here just because you wanted to blackmail Xiao Feng, but why did you do this?"

Qin Yi smiled and said calmly: "That's because you think you are not as good as my son. You want to defeat him, but you are not completely sure. You left us here just in the hope that you can defeat him with one more thing in your hand." You are not confident about his weapons!"

Gu Tianyang's eyes were confused. What Qin Yi said was very harsh. For a person who was so proud to the core, it was even worse than scolding him. But Gu Tianyang couldn't be angry because Qin Yi Tell the truth.

If he had absolute confidence that he could defeat Ji Wufeng, there would be no need to use deceitful means to threaten the opponent.

"Being able to effectively defeat your opponent is a reflection of your strength!"

Gu Tianyang wanted to walk away, but he, who had always been extremely confident, was a little reluctant to face Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang. These two women were so terrifying. In front of them, Gu Tianyang actually felt like that of humbleness.

After walking out of the door, a beautiful figure appeared in Gu Tianyang's sight. He immediately paused and said with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect you to find this place."

"Brother, why are you doing this?" Gu Mingyue bit her lip.

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said: "You know everything now, you are just a tool in my hand!"

"Whether you use me as a tool or not, you will always be my big brother in my heart, and I will never change this!" Gu Mingyue said firmly.

"The relationship between you and me as brother and sister is over. You can leave." Gu Tianyang said decisively.

Gu Mingyue shook her head and said: "Since the friendship between brother and sister is over, why do you appear here? You hid my Aunt Qin and Sister Shuangshuang here because you think this is the most hidden place for you, but you know , besides you, only I know this place, why do you still think that the most secret place is a place that belongs to the two of us alone?"

This is an abandoned garden of the Gu family. It has been abandoned by the Gu family for more than ten years. When Gu Mingyue was bullied in the Gu family when she was very young, Gu Tianyang would bring her here. This is the property of their brother and sister. Exclusive space.

Gu Tianyang once said: If you are not happy in the Gu family, come here. No one will bully her here.

Gu Tianyang has been smart since he was a child and has been favored by Gu Mingtang. In addition, his biological parents are not around, and he is regarded as his darling by Gu Mingtang. This will inevitably make Gu Tianyang jealous and even hateful.

With Gu Mingtang's protection, no one can bully him, but it is impossible to find true brotherhood and sisterhood. This is also an important reason why he cares so much for Gu Mingyue. Only in front of Gu Mingyue can he find that kind of command. The warm brother-sister relationship. The melee continued, and each of them suffered some minor injuries, but it was difficult to tell the difference. Ji Wufeng once again proved that the strength of the two of them was not inferior to his. If they did not start a real life and death fight, in a short time they would be It's impossible to tell the winner.

It was almost dawn, and there was no complete mountain peak in sight, nor any flat ground. This melee lasted for several hours, but the three of them did not show any signs of fatigue. On the contrary, they were full of fighting spirit. Getting higher and higher!

"It seems that the only way to tell the difference is a life-or-death battle." Tian Wuxin said while stilling his figure.

"But you don't want to tell the difference today, do you?"

"Then there's no need to fight to the death."

"Then what else is there to say? Let's break up!"

The three of them had nothing to say, so they turned around and left in three different directions!

The three of them could not tell the difference in this battle, and there were no witnesses, but as they said, it is not the time to decide the winner yet, they only need one battle.

After Ji Wufeng returned, Murong Wuji and others had brought the people back. Ji Wufeng knelt directly in front of Lin Weiguo and his wife, lowered his head and said guiltily: "Grandpa, grandma, I have caused you to suffer." .?? .??

If something really happened to someone else, Ji Wufeng would feel guilty for the rest of his life, no matter what the overall situation or righteousness was for.

"Silly boy, what are you doing? Get up quickly!" Grandma Zhou Lan quickly pulled Ji Wufeng up from the ground.

Lin Weiguo also said: "We are a family, how can we not be implicated?"

They were implicated because of Ji Wufeng's family. Since they are a family, is there anything wrong with being implicated?

Gu Tianyang did not let them suffer, but they were inevitably frightened. After arranging for the two of them to go down to rest, he turned back to face Lin Yuantu and others.

"Xiao Feng, you must save Nima and Shuang Shuang!" Lin Yuantu's face was full of anxiety. They were out of danger, but Qin Yi and Lu Shuang Shuang were still in Gu Tianyang's hands.

Ji Wufeng already knew about this and was filled with resentment in his heart, but he was not too surprised. Since the two were enemies, could he expect Gu Tianyang to be so kind?

Gu Tianyang's move was clever enough. He let Lin Weiguo and the others go, expressed his sincerity, and reached a cooperation agreement with Tian Wuxin. However, he kept Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang, which was equivalent to forming an alliance with Tian Wuxin at the same time. He took Ji Wufeng's lifeline.

"Uncle, you don't have to worry, they will be fine." Ji Wufeng comforted them.

Although he was extremely anxious in his heart, he also knew that since Gu Tianyang regarded Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang as bargaining chips, he would never let anything happen to them when the chips were used.

From this, Ji Wufeng can be sure that Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang are at least safe at the moment. Even if they don't think so, there is nothing they can do. No one knows where Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang have been transferred. It is too difficult to save them.

In a secret courtyard, Gu Tianyang said with a smile: "I'm sorry to leave you two alone. Maybe it's impossible for me and you to reach an agreement."

Lu Shuangshuang once said that she would rather give up on herself and just ask for a fair fight between Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng. However, Gu Tianyang now keeps her and Qin Yi. This is obviously because he wants to use them as bargaining chips to make Ji Wufeng throw a tantrum.

Lu Shuangshuang and Qin Yi looked at each other and smiled, but said nothing.

, Gu Tianyang asked: "Can you tell me why you are laughing? You should know very well why I want to keep you. This is not a very optimistic thing for Ji Wufeng."

It is indeed very pessimistic. After arresting Ji Wufeng's mother and wife, Ji Wufeng will never be able to act without any worries if he goes against Gu Tianyang.

Lu Shuangshuang shook his head and said, "I hope you have a fair fight with Xiao Feng, but this result is what I would rather see."

"Oh? Can you explain it?" Gu Tianyang looked curious.

They were clearly in danger and lost the chance to escape, but this was the result they were more willing to see, which puzzled Gu Tianyang.

"You left us here just because you wanted to blackmail Xiao Feng, but why did you do this?"

Qin Yi smiled and said calmly: "That's because you think you are not as good as my son. You want to defeat him, but you are not completely sure. You left us here just in the hope that you can defeat him with one more thing in your hand." You are not confident about his weapons!"

Gu Tianyang's eyes were confused. What Qin Yi said was very harsh. For a person who was so proud to the core, it was even worse than scolding him. But Gu Tianyang couldn't be angry because Qin Yi Tell the truth.

If he had absolute confidence that he could defeat Ji Wufeng, there would be no need to use deceitful means to threaten the opponent.

"Being able to effectively defeat your opponent is a reflection of your strength!"

Gu Tianyang wanted to walk away, but he, who had always been extremely confident, was a little reluctant to face Qin Yi and Lu Shuangshuang. These two women were so terrifying. In front of them, Gu Tianyang actually felt like that of humbleness.

After walking out of the door, a beautiful figure appeared in Gu Tianyang's sight. He immediately paused and said with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect you to find this place."

"Brother, why are you doing this?" Gu Mingyue bit her lip.

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said: "You know everything now, you are just a tool in my hand!"

"Whether you use me as a tool or not, you will always be my big brother in my heart, and I will never change this!" Gu Mingyue said firmly.

"The relationship between you and me as brother and sister is over. You can leave." Gu Tianyang said decisively.

Gu Mingyue shook her head and said: "Since the friendship between brother and sister is over, why do you appear here? You hid my Aunt Qin and Sister Shuangshuang here because you think this is the most hidden place for you, but you know , besides you, only I know this place, why do you still think that the most secret place is a place that belongs to the two of us alone?"

This is an abandoned garden of the Gu family. It has been abandoned by the Gu family for more than ten years. When Gu Mingyue was bullied in the Gu family when she was very young, Gu Tianyang would bring her here. This is the property of their brother and sister. Exclusive space.

Gu Tianyang once said: If you are not happy in the Gu family, come here. No one will bully her here.

Gu Tianyang has been smart since he was a child and has been favored by Gu Mingtang. In addition, his biological parents are not around, and he is regarded as his darling by Gu Mingtang. This will inevitably make Gu Tianyang jealous and even hateful.

With Gu Mingtang's protection, no one can bully him, but it is impossible to find true brotherhood and sisterhood. This is also an important reason why he cares so much for Gu Mingyue. Only in front of Gu Mingyue can he find that kind of command. The warm brother-sister relationship.

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