This abandoned garden can be said to be the place he and Gu Mingyue jointly created to lick their wounds. In their minds, the Gu family is not their home, but this is it.

"Do you know? The last thing I want to see is you coming, but I know you will definitely come." Gu Tianyang said sadly.

"Brother, please listen to me and stop fighting. Xiaofeng is not a bad person, but I know you are also a good person. Why can't you two live in peace?" Gu Mingyue said with red eyes.

"It will never be possible for me and him to coexist peacefully. If we ask him to stop now, do you think he will?" Gu Tianyang asked.

Gu Mingyue was stunned. Of course, that was impossible. Although he didn't understand it very well, the Nie family and the Gu family had a sworn hatred. Now Gu Yunfei has gone crazy and wants to cause a catastrophe. Both parties have been fighting to the death. situation.

"It's different. Gu Yunfei is Gu Yunfei, but you are yourself!"

"Why is it different? Back then, the Gu family wanted to deal with Ji Hongtu, but disaster befell Ji Wufeng. Why? Because Ji Hongtu was his father! And I am Gu Yunfei's son. Those people wanted to deal with Gu Yunfei, Do you think they’ll let me go?”

Gu Mingyue was speechless. In any case, Gu Tianyang has been labeled as Gu Yunfei, and he is the son of the big devil Gu Yunfei. If no one is willing to believe him and let him give up resistance, this will undoubtedly be Let him die.

"Brother, please look back. As long as you are willing, Xiaofeng will definitely believe you." Although she knew that the hope was slim, Gu Mingyue still wanted to try. So what if there was no blood relationship? Their brother-sister relationship is real, and she can't let it go easily.

"I believe Ji Wufeng will definitely believe me." Gu Tianyang said.

With a look of surprise on her face, Gu Mingyue stepped forward and took his arm, saying: "Brother, come with me to find Xiao Feng!"

But Gu Tianyang didn't move at all, the smile on his face was full of bitterness, and he said: "I'm sorry, I can't go with you."

"Brother, why?"

"Because the two of us are natural rivals. Even if there is no grudge from the previous generation, he and I are old enemies. We can never live in peace. There is only victory or defeat between me and him!"

Gu Mingyue's tears couldn't stop flowing down. She cried and shook her head: "Why are you doing this? You two are my dearest people, why do you have to kill each other!"

"Fate dictates that no one can escape it. Now I just want to know, if one day I have to share life and death with him, whose side will you stand on?"

Gu Tianyang's expression was indifferent, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm!

"Brother, I..."

Gu Mingyue didn't know how to answer, whose side was he on? Can she choose?

From the beginning to the end, she did not understand the involvement between herself and Ji Wufeng, but she made sure that Ji Wufeng was the most important and dearest person in her life.

But Gu Tianyang was once her piece of heaven. When she felt that she had lost the whole world, he was the only person who stood by her side and shielded her from the wind and rain.

No matter who it is, that kind of ease cannot be given up easily.

She didn't know how to choose, but she knew that no matter what choice she made, the final result would be the loss of a close relative and regrets for the rest of her life!

"If I had to choose, I would choose the side of justice!"

Gu Tianyangxiao

, but the smile was very sad. When this man who was proud to the core laughed, crystal tears actually dropped from the corners of his eyes.


Gu Yunfei is a big devil, the Gu family is rebellious, and the Nie family, the Longwei family, represents justice. Gu Mingyue's choice is already very obvious.

Gently wiping the tears on his cheeks, Gu Tianyang murmured: "I have forgotten what tears taste like. I didn't expect them to be salty and so bitter, but this will be the last tear of my life, Gu Tianyang!"

The moment Gu Mingyue noticed that Gu Tianyang was wiping away the tears on his face, his whole aura immediately changed. It was a kind of cruel indifference and emptiness, a kind of coldness that made people want to tremble all over.

The Gu Tianyang in front of her was no longer her doting brother, but a cold-blooded stranger. This feeling made Gu Mingyue feel a sense of fear deep in her heart.

Gu Tianyang raised his head and said: "It is said that emotions are invisible shackles that trap a person. Now I, Gu Tianyang, will cut off the shackles myself. Who else in the world can stop me?"

"Brother, you..." Gu Mingyue looked horrified.

The corner of Gu Tianyang's mouth curled up with a cold arc, and he said: "Mingyue, you have a lot of things in your mind recently. It's time to clean it up."

Extremely dangerous!

Such words popped into Gu Mingyue's heart. She actually felt extreme danger from Gu Tianyang. Could he hurt her?

"I thought I would never do this to you, but it's a pity that fate dictates that there is nothing I can do about it!"

After Gu Tianyang finished speaking, he opened his big hand and slapped Gu Mingyue on the head. Gu Mingyue's face was suddenly full of pain. She didn't feel any pain in her body, but she felt like something was being pulled out of her brain. And this This kind of pain is far more unbearable than physical pain.

Blurred, many things began to blur. Some people and things were like sand sculptures bit by bit, gradually dissipated by the wind. They could not see clearly and could not remember them.

Gu Mingyue's painful eyes gradually disappeared, and her eyes were full of confusion and doubt. When Gu Tianyang let go of his palm, Gu Mingyue rubbed his eyes and looked around, saying: "Brother, why are we here?" ah?"

Gu Tianyang's eyes softened, he touched Gu Mingyue's head and said, "Brother hid here when he met a bad guy and was no match for him."

"Hmph, you dare to bully my elder brother and tell me who he is? See how I can help you teach him a lesson!" Gu Mingyue said angrily.

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "His name is Ji Wufeng, he is a big devil who has done all kinds of bad things, but you are not his opponent yet, let's talk about it in the future!"

"What kind of devil is Ji Wufeng? Just wait for me and I will blow his head off sooner or later!" Gu Mingyue said indignantly, waving her little fist.

"Okay, we can't go home recently. I have asked people to clean up here. You can go to your room and have a look." Gu Tianyang said.

"Then I'll go first. I don't know what happened recently. My head is always dizzy. It seems that something happened, but I can't remember it. It's really strange!" Gu Mingyue left in a daze.

After Gu Mingyue left, a man in black robe came out and said with a sinister smile: "Seduction, I didn't expect you to be more skillful than me in using it, and the target is my former sister, you can do this, You are more like a member of the Demon Sect than me!" This abandoned garden can be said to be the place he and Gu Mingyue jointly created to lick their wounds. In the minds of the two of them, the Gu family is not home, but this is.

"Do you know? The last thing I want to see is you coming, but I know you will definitely come." Gu Tianyang said sadly.

"Brother, please listen to me and stop fighting. Xiaofeng is not a bad person, but I know you are also a good person. Why can't you two live in peace?" Gu Mingyue said with red eyes.

"It will never be possible for me and him to coexist peacefully. If we ask him to stop now, do you think he will?" Gu Tianyang asked.

Gu Mingyue was stunned. Of course, that was impossible. Although he didn't understand it very well, the Nie family and the Gu family had a sworn hatred. Now Gu Yunfei has gone crazy and wants to cause a catastrophe. Both parties have been fighting to the death. situation.

"It's different. Gu Yunfei is Gu Yunfei, but you are yourself!"

"Why is it different? Back then, the Gu family wanted to deal with Ji Hongtu, but disaster befell Ji Wufeng. Why? Because Ji Hongtu was his father! And I am Gu Yunfei's son. Those people wanted to deal with Gu Yunfei, Do you think they’ll let me go?”

Gu Mingyue was speechless. In any case, Gu Tianyang has been labeled as Gu Yunfei, and he is the son of the big devil Gu Yunfei. If no one is willing to believe him and let him give up resistance, this will undoubtedly be Let him die.

"Brother, please look back. As long as you are willing, Xiaofeng will definitely believe you." Although she knew that the hope was slim, Gu Mingyue still wanted to try. So what if there was no blood relationship? Their brother-sister relationship is real, and she can't let it go easily.

"I believe Ji Wufeng will definitely believe me." Gu Tianyang said.

With a look of surprise on her face, Gu Mingyue stepped forward and took his arm, saying: "Brother, come with me to find Xiao Feng!"

But Gu Tianyang didn't move at all, the smile on his face was full of bitterness, and he said: "I'm sorry, I can't go with you."

"Brother, why?"

"Because the two of us are natural rivals. Even if there is no grudge from the previous generation, he and I are old enemies. We can never live in peace. There is only victory or defeat between me and him!"

Gu Mingyue's tears couldn't stop flowing down. She cried and shook her head: "Why are you doing this? You two are my dearest people, why do you have to kill each other!"

"Fate dictates that no one can escape it. Now I just want to know, if one day I have to share life and death with him, whose side will you stand on?"

Gu Tianyang's expression was indifferent, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm!

"Brother, I..."

Gu Mingyue didn't know how to answer, whose side was he on? Can she choose?

From the beginning to the end, she did not understand the involvement between herself and Ji Wufeng, but she made sure that Ji Wufeng was the most important and dearest person in her life.

But Gu Tianyang used to be her piece of the sky. When she felt that she had lost the whole world, he was the only person who stood by her side and shielded her from the wind and rain.

No matter who it is, that kind of ease cannot be given up easily.

She didn't know how to choose, but she knew that no matter what choice she made, the final result would be the loss of a close relative and regrets for the rest of her life!

"If I had to choose, I would choose the side of justice!"

Gu Tianyangxiao

, but the smile was very sad. When this man who was proud to the core laughed, crystal tears actually dropped from the corners of his eyes.


Gu Yunfei is a big devil, the Gu family is rebellious, and the Nie family, the Longwei family, represents justice. Gu Mingyue's choice is already very obvious.

Gently wiping the tears on his cheeks, Gu Tianyang murmured: "I have forgotten what tears taste like. I didn't expect them to be salty and so bitter, but this will be the last tear of my life, Gu Tianyang!"

The moment Gu Mingyue noticed that Gu Tianyang was wiping away the tears on his face, his whole aura immediately changed. It was a kind of cruel indifference and emptiness, a kind of coldness that made people want to tremble all over.

The Gu Tianyang in front of her was no longer her doting brother, but a cold-blooded stranger. This feeling made Gu Mingyue feel a sense of fear deep in her heart.

Gu Tianyang raised his head and said: "It is said that emotions are invisible shackles that trap a person. Now I, Gu Tianyang, will cut off the shackles myself. Who else in the world can stop me?"

"Brother, you..." Gu Mingyue looked horrified.

The corner of Gu Tianyang's mouth curled up with a cold arc, and he said: "Mingyue, you have a lot of things in your mind recently. It's time to clean it up."

Extremely dangerous!

Such words popped into Gu Mingyue's heart. She actually felt extreme danger from Gu Tianyang. Could he hurt her?

"I thought I would never do this to you, but it's a pity that fate dictates that there is nothing I can do about it!"

After Gu Tianyang finished speaking, he opened his big hand and slapped Gu Mingyue on the head. Gu Mingyue's face was suddenly full of pain. She didn't feel any pain in her body, but she felt like something was being pulled out of her brain. And this This kind of pain is far more unbearable than physical pain.

Blurred, many things began to blur. Some people and things were like sand sculptures bit by bit, gradually dissipated by the wind. They could not see clearly and could not remember them.

Gu Mingyue's painful eyes gradually disappeared, and her eyes were full of confusion and doubt. When Gu Tianyang let go of his palm, Gu Mingyue rubbed his eyes and looked around, saying: "Brother, why are we here?" ah?"

Gu Tianyang's eyes softened, he touched Gu Mingyue's head and said, "Brother hid here when he met a bad guy and was no match for him."

"Hmph, you dare to bully my elder brother and tell me who he is? See how I can help you teach him a lesson!" Gu Mingyue said angrily.

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "His name is Ji Wufeng, he is a big devil who has done all kinds of bad things, but you are not his opponent yet, let's talk about it in the future!"

"What kind of devil is Ji Wufeng? Just wait for me and I will blow his head off sooner or later!" Gu Mingyue said indignantly, waving her little fist.

"Okay, we can't go home recently. I have asked people to clean up here. You can go to your room and have a look." Gu Tianyang said.

"Then I'll go first. I don't know what happened recently. My head is always dizzy. It seems that something happened, but I can't remember it. It's really strange!" Gu Mingyue left in a daze.

After Gu Mingyue left, a man in black robe came out and said with a sinister smile: "Seduction, I didn't expect you to be more skillful than me in using it, and the target is my former sister, you can do this, You are more like a member of the Demon Sect than me!"

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