Ji Wufeng frowned, wondering if Gu Tianyang, that bastard, did this on purpose, right? Yun Shang has already arrived, and it is estimated that the masters from Tiangong have also secretly ambushed him. Now they have attracted Qianye Yu and Lucas. If there are masters from the holy realm coming to the holy land, he will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

On the other hand, Yun Shang, a female war madman, was full of excitement and said: "This is the best, there is no need to waste time to challenge them one by one!"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. This little girl just regarded him as her first battle. After that, she would challenge all the young and powerful men in the world!

At this moment, Yun Shang's elegant and dusty state was gone, her beautiful face was full of fanaticism, and her fiery eyes were patrolling back and forth on the five people. She was really a warlike woman, with a violent fighting spirit surging in her body.

Her fighting spirit instantly aroused the resonance of the other five people. Qianye Yu's face was filled with a cold smile, like a poisonous snake that bites people. His eyes looked at Ji Wufeng with a fierce and fierce light. His originally beautiful face It looked a bit ferocious.

Ji Wufeng's evil treatment of him turned Qianye Yu into a laughing stock. If anyone wanted to kill Ji Wufeng the most, no one here could compare with him!

The golden light on Lucas's body was dazzling, his long golden hair was dancing wildly, and he was filled with a violent aura that was approaching Gu Tianyang. Until now, he thought that the holy sword was taken away from him because Gu Tianyang was causing trouble behind his back. This shame and humiliation must be avoided today. Want snow!

At the same time, Tian Wuxin's body was full of demonic energy, like a demon god coming to the world. Gu Tianyang's expression was solemn, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming, like the god of war coming to the world!

"Ji Wufeng, I will kill you today!" Qianye Yu stared at Ji Wufeng and said.

Yun Shang's eyes were sharp and she said, "He is mine today!" ??

Tian Wuxin looked at Qianye Yu and said with a sinister smile: "You have a good life, dwarf, your opponent today is me!"

Yun Shang and Ji Wu Feng have an appointment for a decisive battle. It seems that Lucas came here today to deliberately target Gu Tianyang, so Tian Wuxin can only fight Qianye Yu.

It was getting lively now. It was originally just a decisive battle between Ji Wufeng and Yun Shang, but now it has turned into a battle for the top of the six young people!

The Youth Martial Arts Conference was over, but the battle between the six had enough weight to make up for it, because the Six represented the strongest combat power of the young generation of martial arts in the world!

"Today Ji Wufeng must die in my hands!" Qianye Yu's aura exuded a fierce aura full of strong blood smell.

"Hmph, you dare to interrupt my wife's decisive battle?"

Tian Wuxin snorted coldly, raised his hand and punched it. A jet-black Gang Qi surged away. Intangible but qualitative, the demonic Gang Qi was as terrifying as a huge roaring wave. Everywhere, the vegetation and hard rocks on the ground were smashed to pieces, leaving no trace behind.

Qianye Yu sneered and struck out with a palm. The strange Gang Qi surged out and violently collided with the black Qi in front.


With a loud noise, the ground around the two people burst open with huge cracks, spreading in all directions, and the entire mountain peak was almost split into two.

This is the hidden force of the collision between Tian Wuxin and Qianye Yu. The terrifying power of the two did not shatter the earth, but was transmitted to the ground, forming a terrifying dark force.

Tian Wuxin sneered with contempt: "The number one person in the Sakura Temple is just ordinary in my eyes!"

"You bottom of the well

Zhiwa, is it possible that a remnant of the Demon Sect like you can clearly understand the details of the Sakura Temple? "A cruel and evil smile flashed across Qianye Yu's face.

"You are really looking for death!"

Tian Wuxin was furious, because of what Qianye Yu said, the Sakura Temple was now in full swing, but the Demon Sect was almost destroyed, and the four major sects had long since fallen apart.

A black force of energy shot forward again, like a stormy sea, and the entire space began to tremble.

Qianye Yu took action at the same time. Driven by the Gang Qi in front of him, he pounced forward violently again, but it was much more powerful than the previous attack.


There was another loud noise, and Qianye Yu's protective energy was dispersed, while Tian Wuxin's demonic energy rolled back like water waves, rolled in front of him, and suddenly rushed towards Qianye Yu again. This time This one was more violent than the previous two, surging away like a sloping river.

The melee between the six people to compete for the top spot in the world began. Lucas couldn't wait and shouted: "Gu Tianyang suffers death!"

The whole body was shining with golden light, and the blazing Gang Qi was like burning flames, overwhelmingly pressing towards Gu Tianyang.

Feeling the majestic power, Gu Tianyang stamped his foot on the ground, and the ground began to shake. This shows how terrifying Gu Tianyang's stamp was.

But Lucas's Gang Qi was too domineering, as if the sky fire was going to burn everything. Gu Tianyang's protective Gang Qi was difficult to resist, and was dispersed bit by bit, and the impact became more and more fierce.


Gu Tianyang suddenly roared, his body suddenly rose into the air, he raised his palm and struck out. The golden palm, which was also shining with golden light, struck hard on the terrifying golden air wave that was rushing like a furious wave.


The golden air wave gradually dissipated, and the golden palm disappeared. The ground was shaking violently, and the gravel on the mountain peak was violently impacted high into the sky. They hit each other hard and turned into stone powder.

The earth is cracking, and the battle between the four has begun. The ground will no longer be able to support it and will collapse. By then, the entire Tongtian Peak will be destroyed!

However, all four of them felt that a small Tongtian Peak could not satisfy their fighting space. Gu Tianyang rushed into the sky like lightning, and Lucas quickly caught up with him. There was a tremor in the mountains!

Tian Wuxin and Qianye Yu also changed the battlefield. The mountains around Tongtian Peak trembled, and countless birds and beasts fled in fear, making bursts of mournful sounds, as if they were encountering the end of the world!

Yun Shang looked at Ji Wufeng with lightning eyes and said, "It's our turn!"

Ji Wufeng was still wondering in his mind how many masters had secretly come this time. It would be terrible if he couldn't escape by then.

"Haha, sister, how about we discuss something?" Ji Wufeng suddenly said with a smile.

"Say it!" Yun Shang's fighting spirit continued unabated.

"I swear not to compete for the position of the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Palace. If you give me the Supreme Heavenly Demon Order, I will admit defeat and you will win. As for this fight, I don't think we need to fight, right?" Ji Wufeng said.

He always felt that something was not quite right, and he had a sense of crisis in his heart.


The pocket dagger in Yun Shang's hand was unsheathed, and the terrifying sword intent that seemed to pierce the sky was approaching Ji Wufeng, and he said indifferently: "Since we want to be number one in the world, we must fight!" Ji Wufeng frowned and thought to Gu Tianyang Could this bastard be doing this on purpose? Yun Shang has already arrived, and it is estimated that the masters from Tiangong have also secretly ambushed him. Now they have attracted Qianye Yu and Lucas. If there are masters from the holy realm coming to the holy land, he will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

On the other hand, Yun Shang, a female war madman, was full of excitement and said: "This is the best, there is no need to waste time to challenge them one by one!"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. This little girl just regarded him as her first battle. After that, she would challenge all the young and powerful men in the world!

At this moment, Yun Shang's elegant and dusty state was gone, her beautiful face was full of fanaticism, and her fiery eyes were patrolling back and forth on the five people. She was really a warlike woman, with a violent fighting spirit surging in her body. ??

Her fighting spirit instantly aroused the resonance of the other five people. Qianye Yu's face was filled with a cold smile, like a poisonous snake that bites people. His eyes looked at Ji Wufeng with a fierce and fierce light. His originally beautiful face It looked a bit ferocious.

Ji Wufeng's evil treatment of him turned Qianye Yu into a laughing stock. If anyone wanted to kill Ji Wufeng the most, no one here could compare with him!

The golden light on Lucas's body was dazzling, his long golden hair was dancing wildly, and he was filled with a violent aura that was approaching Gu Tianyang. Until now, he thought that the holy sword was taken away from him because Gu Tianyang was causing trouble behind his back. This shame and humiliation must be avoided today. Want snow!

At the same time, Tian Wuxin's body was full of demonic energy, like a demon god coming to the world. Gu Tianyang's expression was solemn, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming, like the god of war coming to the world!

"Ji Wufeng, I will kill you today!" Qianye Yu stared at Ji Wufeng and said.

Yun Shang's eyes were sharp and she said, "He is mine today!"

Tian Wuxin looked at Qianye Yu and said with a sinister smile: "You have a good life, dwarf, your opponent today is me!"

Yun Shang and Ji Wu Feng have an appointment for a decisive battle. It seems that Lucas came here today to deliberately target Gu Tianyang, so Tian Wuxin can only fight Qianye Yu.

It was getting lively now. It was originally just a decisive battle between Ji Wufeng and Yun Shang, but now it has turned into a battle for the top of the six young people!

The Youth Martial Arts Conference was over, but the battle between the six had enough weight to make up for it, because the Six represented the strongest combat power of the young generation of martial arts in the world!

"Today Ji Wufeng must die in my hands!" Qianye Yu's aura exuded a fierce aura full of strong blood smell.

"Hmph, you dare to interrupt my wife's decisive battle?"

Tian Wuxin snorted coldly, raised his hand and punched it. A jet-black Gang Qi surged away. Intangible but qualitative, the demonic Gang Qi was as terrifying as a huge roaring wave. Everywhere, the vegetation and hard rocks on the ground were smashed to pieces, leaving no trace behind.

Qianye Yu sneered and struck out with a palm. The strange Gang Qi surged out and violently collided with the black Qi in front.


With a loud noise, the ground around the two people burst open with huge cracks, spreading in all directions, and the entire mountain peak was almost split into two.

This is the hidden force of the collision between Tian Wuxin and Qianye Yu. The terrifying power of the two did not shatter the earth, but was transmitted to the ground, forming a terrifying dark force.

Tian Wuxin sneered with contempt: "The number one person in the Sakura Temple is just ordinary in my eyes!"

"You bottom of the well

Zhiwa, is it possible that a remnant of the Demon Sect like you can clearly understand the details of the Sakura Temple? "A cruel and evil smile flashed across Qianye Yu's face.

"You are really looking for death!"

Tian Wuxin was furious, because of what Qianye Yu said, the Sakura Temple was now in full swing, but the Demon Sect was almost destroyed, and the four major sects had long since fallen apart.

A black force of energy shot forward again, like a stormy sea, and the entire space began to tremble.

Qianye Yu took action at the same time. Driven by the Gang Qi in front of him, he pounced forward violently again, but it was much more powerful than the previous attack.


There was another loud noise, and Qianye Yu's protective energy was dispersed, while Tian Wuxin's demonic energy rolled back like water waves, rolled in front of him, and suddenly rushed towards Qianye Yu again. This time This one was more violent than the previous two, surging away like a sloping river.

The melee between the six people to compete for the top spot in the world began. Lucas couldn't wait and shouted: "Gu Tianyang suffers death!"

The whole body was shining with golden light, and the blazing Gang Qi was like burning flames, overwhelmingly pressing towards Gu Tianyang.

Feeling the majestic power, Gu Tianyang stamped his foot on the ground, and the ground began to shake. This shows how terrifying Gu Tianyang's stamp was.

But Lucas's Gang Qi was too domineering, as if the sky fire was going to burn everything. Gu Tianyang's protective Gang Qi was difficult to resist, and was dispersed bit by bit, and the impact became more and more fierce.


Gu Tianyang suddenly roared, his body suddenly rose into the air, he raised his palm and struck out. The golden palm, which was also shining with golden light, struck hard on the terrifying golden air wave that was rushing like a furious wave.


The golden air wave gradually dissipated, and the golden palm disappeared. The ground was shaking violently, and the gravel on the mountain peak was violently impacted high into the sky. They hit each other hard and turned into stone powder.

The earth is cracking, and the battle between the four has begun. The ground will no longer be able to support it and will collapse. By then, the entire Tongtian Peak will be destroyed!

However, all four of them felt that a small Tongtian Peak could not satisfy their fighting space. Gu Tianyang rushed into the sky like lightning, and Lucas quickly caught up with him. There was a tremor in the mountains!

Tian Wuxin and Qianye Yu also changed the battlefield. The mountains around Tongtian Peak trembled, and countless birds and beasts fled in fear, making bursts of mournful sounds, as if they were encountering the end of the world!

Yun Shang looked at Ji Wufeng with lightning eyes and said, "It's our turn!"

Ji Wufeng was still wondering in his mind how many masters had secretly come this time. It would be terrible if he couldn't escape by then.

"Haha, sister, how about we discuss something?" Ji Wufeng suddenly said with a smile.

"Say it!" Yun Shang's fighting spirit continued unabated.

"I swear not to compete for the position of the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Palace. If you give me the Supreme Heavenly Demon Order, I will admit defeat and you will win. As for this fight, I don't think we need to fight, right?" Ji Wufeng said.

He always felt that something was not quite right, and he had a sense of crisis in his heart.


The pocket dagger in Yun Shang's hand was unsheathed, and the terrifying sword intent that seemed to pierce the sky was approaching Ji Wufeng, and said indifferently: "Since we want to be number one in the world, we must fight!"

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