"I didn't say that I wanted to be the best in the world. If you want it, just take it. Being the best in the world is very tiring. I just want to be the carefree and handsome man in the world. Damn it. ...You unexpectedly attacked me, do you still have martial virtue!"

Before Ji Wufeng finished speaking, Yun Shang struck with his sword, and a mountain peak was flattened by the sword.

"You talk too much nonsense!"

"Damn it, little girl, do you think I can't beat you?"

Ji Wufeng was annoyed, and with a wave of his hand, a sword flashed with cold light and flew towards him. He held it in his hand and looked towards the sky. A tyrannical aura came out of his body!


Yun Shang ignored Ji Wufeng's sharp edge, and the sword blade soared into the sky. Ji Wufeng waved his arm, and the sword light shot up from the ground. The sword energy and the sword light collided hard together, and the entire Tongtian Peak was shortened by a length. Destroyed by horrific destructive power.

Yun Shang's fighting spirit was high, and he swung his sharp sword. The sword energy flashed out with cold light all over the sky, surrounding Ji Wufeng and slashing continuously. The cold light shone in the air, and the sword blades were everywhere.

Clang, clang, clang, clang...

In the air, like a blacksmith striking iron, there were sounds of violent collisions of metals. Every sword energy was almost substantial, and its sharpness reached the sky. They all struck the sword in Ji Wufeng's hand!

After two rounds, the fighting spirit in Yun Shang boiled. He pointed his dagger at Ji Wufeng and said solemnly: "Ji Wufeng, you are so cowardly. If you continue, you will definitely lose today!"

Ji Wufeng smiled disdainfully and said, "Yun Shang, don't you think it's impossible to win with force?"

The arrival of Qianye Yu and Lucas disrupted Ji Wufeng's plan. It is estimated that the three holy land masters have arrived at this time, and will immediately launch an ambush once the decisive battle between him and Yun Shang is over.

If Ji Wufeng still fights Yun Shang with all his strength at this time, even if he wins, his energy will be almost exhausted. How will he be able to escape by then?

"Humph, I know what you are worried about, but let me tell you the truth, once this battle between you and me is over, someone will indeed ambush you, but let me tell you again, you don't need to worry at all, because there is no need for them to take action. If you If you can’t fight with all your strength, you will die in my hands first!”

Cold words came from Yun Shang's mouth. She stood high in the sky. Although she was a female, her clothes were fluttering in the wind, but she exuded a domineering attitude that looked down on the world!

Ji Wufeng realized that this woman was too strong. If he continued to deal with her like this, he would have died in Yun Shang's hands without the help of experts from the three holy places.


The sword energy rose up from the ground again, drew a strange line, and slashed fiercely towards Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng's eyes condensed, and he waved the sword in his hand to meet him.


A huge roar of metal collision erupted in the air, and the billowing sound waves traveled at least dozens of miles.

The swords collided fiercely, and the battlefield between the two was quickly transferred. Tongtian Peak could no longer stay because more than half of it had been destroyed by the two.



The sword light and sword energy continued to hit the ground, as easily as cutting on tofu with a sharp blade. Huge rocks were knocked up. These stones weighed at least a thousand kilograms. As soon as they flew into the air, they were struck by the sword energy and sword light. It was smashed to pieces by the force of the force, turning into sand and gravel, flying in the wind, covering the sky with sand and dust, and the entire ground was supported by the whipping.

Broken apart.


Ji Wufeng roared angrily, no longer perfunctory. If he wanted to escape from the ambush in the three holy places, he had to survive Yun Shang's hands first. His whole body's skills were running crazily, and the golden light was shining, and he was fighting fiercely with Yun Shang.

The mighty energy surged, and the ground below had been destroyed by the two men. These were simply two super destructive maniacs!

The more Ji Wufeng fought, the more frightened he became. He didn't feel anything special about Yun Shang. Her skills and sword skills were almost the same as Yun Shuixian, but the power she produced was more than a little stronger!

The same skills and swordsmanship have completely different powers in the hands of different people. In Ji Wufeng's view, Yun Shuixian is already a genius girl, but she is still a little behind Yun Shang.

Is this a heaven-defying talent?

Yun Shang is not a cultivator and does not have any power of chaos, but he can make Ji Wufeng feel the pressure. If he is not absolutely sure of winning, then Yun Shang's talent is too terrifying!

As the battle situation continues to escalate, the aura on Yunshang's body is also constantly changing. At this time, this militant female madman seems to be going crazy fighting! With flying long hair and a domineering side, the unparalleled female prodigy looks more like a female murderer at this time.

"Ah..." Yun Shang kept shouting. This stunning woman with a beautiful country and a fragrant country, at this moment, showed a domineering and domineering attitude that looked down on the world.

Ji Wufeng noticed that the skill in Yun Shang's body was condensing, and thousands of rays of light bloomed from the dagger. The bright light made people unable to look at it, like an indestructible sword of divine punishment.

Yun Shang held the sword with both hands and stared at Ji Wufeng coldly. Two cold rays of light shot out from his eyes, and then suddenly rose into the sky, like a bolt of lightning, and came to the sky above Ji Wufeng's head. Then, holding the sword with both hands, he slashed Huashan Mountain across the sky. Slash towards Ji Wufeng!

Ji Wufeng glanced sideways slightly, and suddenly he seemed to feel something. The reason why Yun Shang was strong was not due to her physique or mystical skills, but because of her invincibility and supreme self-confidence!

As long as Yun Shang's fighting spirit does not retreat, no one can stop him!


The divine sword in Yun Shang's hand radiated cold light, and the sword energy suddenly stretched ten meters, and it was so cold that it was so cold.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, knowing that if he didn't try his best, it would be difficult to win. Even if he won, he would pay a heavy price!


The blood power in the whole body boiled, and the Xuan Gong was running, as if it had turned into a real dragon, letting out a roar that shook the sky. The golden light on the sword turned into the shadow of the divine dragon, which continued to swallow, and went up against the sky to meet Yun Shang.


There was a sharp and harsh metal collision, the sword and the dagger collided together, and the sound waves generated raged in all directions. Countless trees were directly cut in half, and countless birds and beasts suddenly bled to death from their orifices while fleeing in panic. What happened? Become a dead body.

A huge phantom of a divine dragon appeared on Ji Wufeng's body, dancing wildly and dominating the world!

Compared with the huge dragon body on Ji Wufeng's body, Yun Shang's figure undoubtedly looks very weak, but at this moment, she exudes a terrifying fighting spirit, giving people a crazy attitude like the world is at my feet.

Yun Shang's hair stood upside down, and the sharpness in her eyes became sharper and sharper. She held the sword with both hands, and the dagger burst out with a sword light of dozens of meters. The phantom of the dragon on Ji Wufeng's body was actually trembling, and he was about to be cut off. . "I didn't say that I wanted to be the best in the world. If you want it, just take it. Being the best in the world is very tiring. I just want to be the carefree and handsome man in the world. Damn it. ...You unexpectedly attacked me, do you still have martial virtue!"

Before Ji Wufeng finished speaking, Yun Shang struck with his sword, and a mountain peak was flattened by the sword.

"You talk too much nonsense!"

"Damn it, little girl, do you think I can't beat you?"

Ji Wufeng was annoyed, and with a wave of his hand, a sword flashed with cold light and flew towards him. He held it in his hand and looked towards the sky. A tyrannical aura came out of his body!

boom! .??.

Yun Shang ignored Ji Wufeng's sharp edge, and the sword blade soared into the sky. Ji Wufeng waved his arm, and the sword light shot up from the ground. The sword energy and the sword light collided hard together, and the entire Tongtian Peak was shortened by a length. Destroyed by horrific destructive power.

Yun Shang's fighting spirit was high, and he swung his sharp sword. The sword energy flashed out with cold light all over the sky, surrounding Ji Wufeng and slashing continuously. The cold light shone in the air, and the sword blades were everywhere.

Clang, clang, clang, clang...

In the air, like a blacksmith striking iron, there were sounds of violent collisions of metals. Every sword energy was almost substantial, and its sharpness reached the sky. They all struck the sword in Ji Wufeng's hand!

After two rounds, the fighting spirit in Yun Shang boiled. He pointed his dagger at Ji Wufeng and said solemnly: "Ji Wufeng, you are so cowardly. If you continue, you will definitely lose today!"

Ji Wufeng smiled disdainfully and said, "Yun Shang, don't you think it's impossible to win with force?"

The arrival of Qianye Yu and Lucas disrupted Ji Wufeng's plan. It is estimated that the three holy land masters have arrived at this time, and will immediately launch an ambush once the decisive battle between him and Yun Shang is over.

If Ji Wufeng still fights Yun Shang with all his strength at this time, even if he wins, his energy will be almost exhausted. How will he be able to escape by then?

"Humph, I know what you are worried about, but let me tell you the truth, once this battle between you and me is over, someone will indeed ambush you, but let me tell you again, you don't need to worry at all, because there is no need for them to take action. If you If you can’t fight with all your strength, you will die in my hands first!”

Cold words came from Yun Shang's mouth. She stood high in the sky. Although she was a female, her clothes were fluttering in the wind, but she exuded a domineering attitude that looked down on the world!

Ji Wufeng realized that this woman was too strong. If he continued to deal with her like this, he would have died in Yun Shang's hands without the help of experts from the three holy places.


The sword energy rose up from the ground again, drew a strange line, and slashed fiercely towards Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng's eyes condensed, and he waved the sword in his hand to meet him.

boom! .??.

A huge roar of metal collision erupted in the air, and the billowing sound waves traveled at least dozens of miles.

The swords collided fiercely, and the battlefield between the two was quickly transferred. Tongtian Peak could no longer stay because more than half of it had been destroyed by the two.



The sword light and sword energy continued to hit the ground, as easily as cutting on tofu with a sharp blade. Huge rocks were knocked up. These stones weighed at least a thousand kilograms. As soon as they flew into the air, they were struck by the sword energy and sword light. It was smashed to pieces by the force of the force, turning into sand and gravel, flying in the wind, covering the sky with sand and dust, and the entire ground was supported by the whipping.

Broken apart.


Ji Wufeng roared angrily, no longer perfunctory. If he wanted to escape from the ambush in the Three Holy Lands, he had to survive Yun Shang's hands first. His whole body's skills were running crazily, and the golden light was shining, and he was fighting fiercely with Yun Shang.

The mighty energy surged, and the ground below had been destroyed by the two men. These were simply two super destructive maniacs!

The more Ji Wufeng fought, the more frightened he became. He didn't feel anything special about Yun Shang. Her skills and sword skills were almost the same as Yun Shuixian, but the power she produced was more than a little stronger!

The same skills and swordsmanship have completely different powers in the hands of different people. In Ji Wufeng's view, Yun Shuixian is already a genius girl, but she is still a little behind Yun Shang.

Is this a heaven-defying talent?

Yun Shang is not a cultivator and does not have any power of chaos, but he can make Ji Wufeng feel the pressure. If he is not absolutely sure of winning, then Yun Shang's talent is too terrifying!

As the battle situation continues to escalate, the aura on Yunshang's body is also constantly changing. At this time, this militant female madman seems to be going crazy fighting! With flying long hair and a domineering side, the unparalleled female prodigy looks more like a female murderer at this time.

"Ah..." Yun Shang kept shouting. This stunning woman with a beautiful country and a fragrant country, at this moment, showed a domineering and domineering attitude that looked down on the world.

Ji Wufeng noticed that the skill in Yun Shang's body was condensing, and thousands of rays of light bloomed from the dagger. The bright light made people unable to look at it, like an indestructible sword of divine punishment.

Yun Shang held the sword with both hands and stared at Ji Wufeng coldly. Two cold rays shot out from his eyes, and then suddenly rose into the sky, like a bolt of lightning, and came to the sky above Ji Wufeng's head. Then, holding the sword with both hands, he slashed Huashan Mountain across the sky. Slash towards Ji Wufeng!

Ji Wufeng glanced sideways slightly, and suddenly he seemed to feel something. The reason why Yun Shang was strong was not due to her physique or mystical skills, but because of her invincibility and supreme self-confidence!

As long as Yun Shang's fighting spirit does not retreat, no one can stop him!


The divine sword in Yun Shang's hand radiated cold light, and the sword energy suddenly stretched ten meters, and it was so cold that it was so cold.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, knowing that if he didn't try his best, it would be difficult to win. Even if he won, he would pay a heavy price!


The blood power in the whole body boiled, and the Xuan Gong was running, as if it had turned into a real dragon, letting out a roar that shook the sky. The golden light on the sword turned into the shadow of the divine dragon, which continued to swallow, and went up against the sky to meet Yun Shang.


There was a sharp and harsh metal collision, the sword and the dagger collided together, and the sound waves generated raged in all directions. Countless trees were directly cut in half, and countless birds and beasts suddenly bled to death from their orifices while fleeing in panic. What changed? Into a dead body.

A huge phantom of a divine dragon appeared on Ji Wufeng's body, dancing wildly and dominating the world!

Compared with the huge dragon body on Ji Wufeng's body, Yun Shang's figure undoubtedly looks very weak, but at this moment, she exudes a terrifying fighting spirit, giving people a crazy attitude like the world is at my feet.

Yun Shang's hair stood upside down, and the sharpness in her eyes became sharper and sharper. She held the sword with both hands, and the dagger burst out with dozens of meters of sword light. The phantom of the dragon on Ji Wufeng's body was actually trembling, and he was about to be cut off. .

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