"Ah..." Yun Shang's whistle pierced the cracked gold stone, and the dagger in her hand became sharper, slashing towards Ji Wufeng.


Ji Wufeng raised his sword to meet him, but he could not resist Yun Shang's power. His body was hit hard to the ground, and the ground cracked suddenly, stirring up complete sand and dust. Ji Wufeng roared again and again, his body suddenly bowed, and he rushed forward like an arrow from a string. Soar into the air.

However, Yun Shang in the air moved faster. She held the sword in both hands and flew towards Ji Wufeng like a shocking rainbow. At this moment, her body and sword merged into one, and the sharpness covered the sky, just like the peerless sword god descending from the mortal world.

I saw her traversing the sky, her body and sword perfectly combined, exuding a brilliance that was impossible to look directly at. The sword energy soaring to the sky was so powerful that it completely suppressed the arrogant Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng's heart was trembling. This little girl looks so slim, why is she fighting so crazy?

At this moment, Yun Shang was so dazzling, looking down at the world's unparalleled heroes that everyone couldn't help but feel awe in their hearts!


Yun Shang turned into a bright rainbow, leaving a trail of light, forcing Ji Wufeng to the ground, and kept waving the short sword, suppressing him to the ground.

Roar! .??.

Ji Wufeng roared angrily. If it weren't for the cultivator's strong physique, he might have been injured at this time. Even so, he was almost vomited blood by Yun Shang's bombardment.

Yun Shang seemed to be in a violent state, which made him more and more strenuous. He was about to be unable to resist, and he felt angry in his heart!

Ji Wufeng roared loudly, and the phantom of the dragon on his body suddenly rose into the air, making a thundering roar and pounced out. Yun Shang's expression changed, and he was forced to retreat.

Yun Shang stood firm and said with a cold face: "Ji Wufeng, if you only have this little strength, you are really disappointing me. You are not worthy of being my opponent at all!"

Not worthy of being her opponent? Moreover, when a woman said such words, she was undoubtedly slapping Ji Wufeng in the face. He felt

Feeling that his face was burning, he said: "Yun Shang, you don't need to provoke me. You really want to have a real fight with me. I will help you today!"

boom! boom! boom!

Ji Wufeng raised his sword to the sky and stamped the ground with one foot. The ground immediately began to tremble, and a tyrannical fighting spirit that dominated the world rose into the sky as the sword was swung out!

While the ground was shaking, huge cracks spread from Ji Wufeng's feet into the distance.

"Yun Shang, you and I have an agreement for this battle today. The Holy Son Token of the Heavenly Palace is here. Where is your Supreme Demon Token?" Ji Wufeng was not in a hurry to take action immediately, but took out the Holy Son Token.

He concluded that after the battle between the two of them was over, they would definitely be ambushed. If the Supreme Demonic Token was not seen by then, the matter would probably go wrong. He couldn't risk his life just for a broken token, right?

Yun Shang took out a black sign and said: "The Supreme Demonic Order is here. I know what you are thinking now. Don't worry, it will definitely belong to the winner today!"

"Okay, since you know what will happen after the battle between you and me, let's make a gentleman's agreement first!"

The Holy Son Token in Ji Wufeng's hand flew out and inserted into the mountain wall not far away with a bang, saying: "Only the winner can get close to the mountain wall!"

"no problem!"

Yun Shang did not hesitate at all. The Supreme Demon Token in his hand was inserted on the mountain wall, side by side with the Holy Son. The winner was finally qualified to take away both tokens at the same time.

"Let's fight!"

Yun Shang couldn't wait to rush towards Ji Wufeng. She was born a girl by mistake. She was even crazier than a man now. Her beautiful eyebrows stood upright and her long hair was flying like a divine light. She was crisscrossing the sky and the earth, constantly harmonizing. discipline

Wu Feng directly hit hard.

The battlefield between the two of them was also constantly expanding, with dozens of kilometers in radius being affected. In this vast battlefield, Ji Wufeng was sometimes bombarded by the swooping Yunshang and retreated several miles away, and sometimes he was waving his sword and sword. Yun Shang faced each other and advanced several miles.

Wherever the two went, the ground cracked, and the originally flat ground turned into a land of huge ravines, and no trace of undamaged flat land could be found.

Not far away, a head quietly poked out. Seeing this scene, the young man was dumbfounded and said: "Damn it, this little bitch fights too hard. No matter how slim she is, she can't be soaked. What if her life becomes a bit messy in the future?" If you are disharmonious, you will be beaten at every turn!"

The battlefield between Ji Wufeng and Yun Shang moved further and further away. The young man rushed to the mountain wall silently, quickly stuffed the two tokens into his pocket, and said angrily: "Nima, I'm so beautiful, why don't you let me come here?" If you give away iron blocks, let me steal the iron blocks, and you will be famous for a lifetime!"

Although Ji Wufeng had distanced himself from the mountain wall, he was always paying attention to this side. He was instantly dumbfounded. Damn it, someone was stealing the token. If it was really stolen, what the hell?

But when he saw clearly who the person who stole the token was, he was stunned. Why was it this bastard?

Nie Wufeng, that guy who was full of mystery and had some kind of involvement with him.

Regarding this guy, Ye Linglong once said that when he was transforming in the eastern region, some masters came to attack him. It was Nie Wufeng who showed up and frightened away the strong enemy. He still used the same mysterious skills as him. This made Ji Wufeng unable to Calm down.

The Qianlong Ascension Technique was obtained by him in the world of cultivation. It was originally impossible to appear on earth, but Lin Tianqi once said that it was the Nie family's ancestral secret skill.

Ji Wufeng didn't believe such a weird thing, but now he had to believe it. Otherwise, how could he explain what happened to Nie Wufeng?


His first guess was that Nie Wufeng was the old man's illegitimate child. After all, Ji Hongtu was also a passionate person. There had been so many women, and it was not too unusual to have one or two illegitimate children.

Coupled with the Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique, this conjecture is basically confirmed.

This is the third meeting between Ji Wufeng and Nie Wufeng. Now that Ji Wufeng has reached the half-step Saint Realm and has combat power comparable to that of a strong Saint Realm man, he suddenly realizes that Nie Wufeng has extraordinary powers, and his strength is comparable to that of the six people present in the battle. , actually not weak at all!

Ji Wufeng felt that it was too fucked up. After doing this for a long time, this bastard turned out to be a great master!

Nie Wufeng got two tokens, grinned at Ji Wufeng and Yun Shang, and said: "Hey, you can fight slowly, no matter how you fight, it doesn't matter if the goblins fight, just let me go, I won't peek. .”

After saying that, he turned around and ran away, but how could Ji Wufeng let him go? If the token was gone, it would be in vain. He said angrily: "What the hell, leave the token for me!"

Although Nie Wufeng has always been kind to him, who knows who he is. He carries the Nie family's big secret. If he doesn't have a deep connection with the Nie family, he is the Nie family's most secret enemy.

It must be one of the two, how could Ji Wufeng be sure?


Yun Shang struck Ji Wufeng's divine sword with his sword, blocking his pursuit, and said: "The battle between you and me is not over yet, you can't leave yet!"

Ji Wufeng got angry and said, "Are you blind? The bets have been stolen, so why don't we beat him up!"

This is like two people playing cards, and the bets on the table are suddenly taken away. No matter how big the cards they hold are meaningless.

But Yunshang didn't think so and said: "The token has no meaning to me at all, you are my target!"

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