"Grandson, when did I ask you to say this?" Ji Wufeng glared.

"Why didn't you give in? Tell me, Yun Shang, this little girl, even though she is a good fighter, behaves like a goddess and a saint. In fact, she owes the man to take care of her. As long as he takes care of her, she will be honest immediately, crying and shouting I’m looking for a man, have you forgotten these words?”

Crying and shouting to find a man?

Yun Shang was so angry that she was shaking all over, and she could barely hold the sword in her hand. How could she endure such humiliation?

"Hey, little girl, don't listen to this bastard's nonsense. There's no such thing. Damn it..."

Just as Ji Wufeng was about to explain, Yun Shang slashed at him with his sword and said angrily: "You two are not good people, you both deserve to die!"

Yun Shang soared into the sky, and the sword light in her hand separated into two branches, striking at the two of them respectively. This madwoman actually wanted to deal with Ji Wufeng and Nie Wufeng at the same time!

Not far away in the darkness, a young man stood aside and said, "Uncle, will something happen if Yun Shang fights alone with the two of them?"

"Yun Shang has an invincible mind. Even if she is defeated at the hands of two people, it will not affect her state of mind."

The young man frowned and said, "Then what's the point of doing this? The Supreme Demonic Order has already been taken away. It's better to take Ji Wufeng directly."

The old man shook his head and said: "Although Tiangong is now under the control of your fourth uncle, he was injured by Yunzhen. Some old guys can no longer hold it in anymore. After all, strength is king. Although those old guys haven't jumped out yet, it's because Having taken a fancy to Yunshang's potential, any family sect attaches great importance to an unparalleled successor."

This is true. Why has the family sect always been so prosperous? In addition to the profound foundation accumulated over the years, it is an endless stream of strong people. Cultivating outstanding new blood is a top priority at any time.

Yun Feiyang is a genius in the sky, but unfortunately his life and death are uncertain now, and there is a high probability that he will never come back. No one in the second generation can take up such a big responsibility, and although there are many outstanding people in the third generation, Yun Feiyang Shang is undoubtedly the strongest among them.

Many elders of Tiangong usually do not care about world affairs, but they attach great importance to the inheritance of Tiangong. Without Yun Feiyang, Yun Shang is the best successor. For the strongest inheritance of Tiangong, they will naturally not fall out with Yun Rong and force Yun Shang to rebel.

Therefore, the stronger Yun Shang appears, the weaker the opposition voice of Tiangong will be, and they will only choose to support Yun Rong, supporting Yun Shang in disguise.

Mother is more valuable than her son, Yun Rong is more valuable than her granddaughter!

This time the battle between Yun Shang and Ji Wu Feng was closely watched by many elders in Tiangong. Most of them supported Yun Sang, but there was also a small group of Yun Zhen's lineage who valued Ji Wu Feng.

After the young man understood the whole story, he said: "Then it would be better to simply kill Ji Wufeng directly to avoid future troubles!"

Although Yun Shang's performance is very important, if Ji Wufeng dies, no matter what the problem is, the few people who support Ji Wufeng can only choose to support Yun Shang.

The old man shook his head again and said: "Of course Ji Wufeng is going to die, but not now. He is Yun Shang's best whetstone and the most important cornerstone of her invincible heart. Today is the decisive battle between the two of them. If Before the competition can be determined, her opponent is attacked and killed, which will have a very bad impact on her invincibility, and may even leave her inner demons behind!"

For a person who is extremely proud, he only allows his opponents to be defeated in his own hands.

In the middle of the fight, his opponent was suddenly attacked and killed, which made Yun Shang feel like he was invincible.

The influence of this feeling can be great or small, but once it becomes serious, it will cause cracks in the heart of invincibility. Because Ji Wufeng was killed before the winner was determined, Yun Shang will always have the illusion that Ji Wufeng is his most powerful person. A powerful opponent, but she could not defeat this opponent.

If his strongest opponent could not be defeated by him, how could he be invincible? What about invincibility?

Yun Shang struck with a sword, and the sky and the earth turned pale. Ji Wufeng stepped on the Sky Step and jumped away. Nie Wufeng followed suit, and the Sky Step was no worse than Ji Wufeng's, and he avoided it smoothly.

"I'm telling you, little girl, it's enough for you to hit one person, and now you have to fight two against one. How do you feel about this?" Nie Wufeng shouted.

"Hmph, who are you? My sword never kills unknown people!" Yun Shang asked with a cold snort.

She finally realized that although this bastard was annoying, he was undoubtedly a powerful opponent who could pose a threat to her.

Not only Yun Shang wants to know Nie Wufeng's identity, Ji Wufeng even wants to know who this bastard is. He actually knows his own unique skills. He is really evil.

But Ji Wufeng also knew that it was impossible to ask him why, so he simply ignored it for now, turned to Yun Shang and said: "Little girl, you can't beat the two of us, be careful when the time comes. It’s an ugly loss.”

"Hmph, if I can defeat you two at the same time, my invincibility will definitely be even more perfect!" Yun Shang said coldly.

Damn it, this little girl seems to be really crazy. She treats both of them as a whetstone to sharpen herself. She's so crazy!

Ji Wufeng suddenly turned to Nie Wufeng, his eyes were sharp, and he said, "Are you worthy of my trust?"

Nie Wufeng was stunned, scratched his head and said: "We are brothers. If I am not worthy of your trust, who else in the world can make you trust me?"

"Yun Shang, it seems that there will be a showdown between you and me today. If you don't want to regret it for the rest of your life, just use all your strength!" Ji Wufeng pointed at Yun Shang with the sharp edge of the sword in his hand.

Yun Shang felt that the aura on Ji Wufeng's body had changed in an instant, her eyes were filled with brilliance, and she shouted: "I've been waiting for your words for a long time!"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Shang rose into the sky again, sharp sword light rising from the sky, and swooping towards Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning.


Ji Wufeng roared loudly, and golden light shot out all over his body. The phantom of the divine dragon shot out like thunder, letting out a thundering roar. The Gang Qi on his body surged, and the golden light on the sword flourished. It was like the Pangu God's ax that created the world, and it shot straight upward. He slashed at Yunshang.

boom! boom! boom!

The sword energy and the sword light collided fiercely, as if there was thunder, and the banging sound continued.

Yun Shang was invincible, rushing through Ji Wufeng's endless protective energy, and struck down a sharp sword like a peerless swordsman, and violently collided with the sword in Ji Wufeng's hand.


The sword struck and the sound was extremely penetrating, as if the nearby rocks had been flattened by a sharp blade!

Ji Wufeng stepped on the ground without moving. Yun Shang was struck high into the air by a knife. His body quickly reversed. Ji Wufeng stomped on the ground with one foot. His body was like a cannonball flying up into the air, and he was struck with a knife. "Grandson, when did I ask you to say this?" Ji Wufeng glared.

"Why didn't you give in? Tell me, Yun Shang, this little girl, even though she is a good fighter, behaves like a goddess and a saint. In fact, she owes the man to take care of her. As long as he takes care of her, she will be honest immediately, crying and shouting I’m looking for a man, have you forgotten these words?”

Crying and shouting to find a man?

Yun Shang was so angry that she was shaking all over, and she could barely hold the sword in her hand. How could she endure such humiliation?

"Hey, little girl, please don't listen to this bastard's nonsense. There's no such thing. Damn it..." ??

Just as Ji Wufeng was about to explain, Yun Shang slashed at him with his sword and said angrily: "You two are not good people, you both deserve to die!"

Yun Shang soared into the sky, and the sword light in her hand separated into two branches, striking at the two of them respectively. This madwoman actually wanted to deal with Ji Wufeng and Nie Wufeng at the same time!

Not far away in the darkness, a young man stood aside and said, "Uncle, will something happen if Yun Shang fights alone with the two of them?"

"Yun Shang has an invincible mind. Even if she is defeated at the hands of two people, it will not affect her state of mind."

The young man frowned and said, "Then what's the point of doing this? The Supreme Demonic Order has already been taken away. It's better to take Ji Wufeng directly."

The old man shook his head and said: "Although Tiangong is now under the control of your fourth uncle, he was injured by Yunzhen. Some old guys can no longer hold it in anymore. After all, strength is king. Although those old guys haven't jumped out yet, it's because Having taken a fancy to Yunshang's potential, any family sect attaches great importance to an unparalleled successor."

This is true. Why has the family sect always been so prosperous? In addition to the profound foundation accumulated over the years, it is an endless stream of strong people. Cultivating outstanding new blood is a top priority at any time.

Yun Feiyang is a genius in the sky, but unfortunately his life and death are uncertain now, and there is a high probability that he will never come back. No one in the second generation can take up such a big responsibility, and although there are many outstanding people in the third generation, Yun Feiyang Shang is undoubtedly the strongest among them.

Many elders of Tiangong usually do not care about world affairs, but they attach great importance to the inheritance of Tiangong. Without Yun Feiyang, Yun Shang is the best successor. For the strongest inheritance of Tiangong, they will naturally not fall out with Yun Rong and force Yun Shang to rebel.

Therefore, the stronger Yun Shang appears, the weaker the opposition voice of Tiangong will be, and they will only choose to support Yun Rong, supporting Yun Shang in disguise.

Mother is more valuable than her son, Yun Rong is more valuable than her granddaughter!

This time the battle between Yun Shang and Ji Wu Feng was closely watched by many elders in Tiangong. Most of them supported Yun Sang, but there was also a small group of Yun Zhen's lineage who valued Ji Wu Feng.

After the young man understood the whole story, he said: "Then it would be better to simply kill Ji Wufeng directly to avoid future troubles!"

Although Yun Shang's performance is very important, if Ji Wufeng dies, no matter what the problem is, the few people who support Ji Wufeng can only choose to support Yun Shang.

The old man shook his head again and said: "Of course Ji Wufeng is going to die, but not now. He is Yun Shang's best whetstone and the most important cornerstone of her invincible heart. Today is the decisive battle between the two of them. If Before the competition can be determined, her opponent is attacked and killed, which will have a very bad impact on her invincibility, and may even leave her inner demons behind!"

For a person who is extremely proud, he only allows his opponents to be defeated in his own hands.

In the middle of the fight, his opponent was suddenly attacked and killed, which made Yun Shang feel like he was invincible.

The influence of this feeling can be great or small, but once it becomes serious, it will cause cracks in the heart of invincibility. Because Ji Wufeng was killed before the winner was determined, Yun Shang will always have the illusion that Ji Wufeng is his most powerful person. A powerful opponent, but she could not defeat this opponent.

If his strongest opponent could not be defeated by him, how could he be invincible? What about invincibility?

Yun Shang struck with a sword, and the sky and the earth turned pale. Ji Wufeng stepped on the Sky Step and jumped away. Nie Wufeng followed suit, and the Sky Step was no worse than Ji Wufeng's, and he avoided it smoothly.

"I'm telling you, little girl, it's enough for you to hit one person, and now you have to fight two against one. How do you feel about this?" Nie Wufeng shouted.

"Hmph, who are you? My sword never kills unknown people!" Yun Shang asked with a cold snort.

She finally realized that although this bastard was annoying, he was undoubtedly a powerful opponent who could pose a threat to her.

Not only Yun Shang wants to know Nie Wufeng's identity, Ji Wufeng even wants to know who this bastard is. He actually knows his own unique skills. He is really evil.

But Ji Wufeng also knew that it was impossible to ask him why, so he simply ignored it for now, turned to Yun Shang and said: "Little girl, you can't beat the two of us, be careful when the time comes. It’s an ugly loss.”

"Hmph, if I can defeat you two at the same time, my invincibility will definitely be even more perfect!" Yun Shang said coldly.

Damn it, this little girl seems to be really crazy. She treats both of them as a whetstone to sharpen herself. She's so crazy!

Ji Wufeng suddenly turned to Nie Wufeng, his eyes were sharp, and he said, "Are you worthy of my trust?"

Nie Wufeng was stunned, scratched his head and said: "We are brothers. If I am not worthy of your trust, who else in the world can make you trust me?"

"Yun Shang, it seems that there will be a showdown between you and me today. If you don't want to regret it for the rest of your life, just use all your strength!" Ji Wufeng pointed at Yun Shang with the sharp edge of the sword in his hand.

Yun Shang felt that the aura on Ji Wufeng's body had changed in an instant, her eyes were filled with brilliance, and she shouted: "I've been waiting for your words for a long time!"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Shang rose into the sky again, sharp sword light rising from the sky, and swooping towards Ji Wufeng as fast as lightning.


Ji Wufeng roared loudly, and golden light shot out all over his body. The phantom of the divine dragon shot out like thunder, letting out a thundering roar. The Gang Qi on his body surged, and the golden light on the sword flourished. It was like the Pangu God's ax that created the world, and it shot straight upward. He slashed at Yunshang.

boom! boom! boom!

The sword energy and the sword light collided fiercely, as if there was thunder, and the banging sound continued.

Yun Shang was invincible, rushing through Ji Wufeng's endless protective energy, and struck down a sharp sword like a peerless swordsman, and violently collided with the sword in Ji Wufeng's hand.


The sword struck and the sound was extremely penetrating, as if the nearby rocks had been flattened by a sharp blade!

Ji Wufeng stepped on the ground without moving. Yun Shang was struck high into the air by a knife. His body quickly reversed. Ji Wufeng stomped on the ground with one foot. His body was like a cannonball flying up into the air, and he was struck with a knife.

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