Yun Shang's eyes flashed, and he slashed out with his backhand sword. The bright sword light was swung out, and they collided again. The energy in the sky was overwhelming, and the space was distorted. The collision of the two people's power seemed to have transcended the space.

Ji Wufeng, who had just jumped up, was struck to the ground by the sword. Just as he landed on the ground, Yun Shang was already chasing after him. Ji Wufeng slashed out with his sword without even thinking.


The ground trembled and the mountain collapsed. The fierce battle between the two became more intense, from high altitude to the ground, and from the ground to the top of the mountain.

Nie Wufeng did not intervene, but sat on a big rock, took out a bag of melon seeds, and nodded in praise while cracking them: "It's wonderful, it's much better than watching Hollywood action movies."

Not far away, the young man said: "Uncle, this boy has taken away the Supreme Demon Token, why not take advantage of the opportunity and capture him first?"

The old man said: "Don't be too hasty. Although his origin is still unclear, he can't run away yet. Now is not the best time for us to show up. He is just a little minion. The real big fish hasn't taken the bait yet?"

"Are there any big fish?" the young man asked with confusion on his face. ??

"Of course Ji Wufeng is going to die, but there is one person who cannot be left behind!"


"Nie Qingcheng!"

Hearing the name Nie Qingcheng, a group of elderly people were all filled with fear. Because of Ji Hongtu, Nie Qingcheng often appeared in Tiangong. His evil talent made people feel powerless. Favored by senior masters.

At the same time, reports of Nie Qingcheng's recent deeds of killing everyone like an unparalleled sword god have already been reported back to the Heavenly Palace, and his amazing achievements are heart-stopping.

"You are too young, and you may not understand that Yun Feiyang is a genius, but the older generation of Tiangong people all know very well that the most talented person back then was not Yun Feiyang, Ji Hongtu and others, but Nie Qingcheng! "

"So what? She has been seriously injured for many years. Even if her talent is still there, her strength after all these years cannot be compared with her peers."

"Having said that, if we kill Ji Wufeng, Nie Qingcheng will definitely go crazy. This woman is extremely scary. You don't know the Nie family, so you don't know what kind of horrible things they will do once they become crazy."

This old man is an elder of Tiangong, an elder-level figure, but when he mentioned Nie Qingcheng, there was actually a trace of fear on his face.

A group of young people instantly understood what the old man meant. How terrifying would a person who was afraid of the elders be when he went crazy? The consequences of that will be immeasurable.

Yun Shang brings the Supreme Demonic Order to the decisive battle. Anyone who is not an idiot knows that there must be some conspiracy behind this. Will Tiangong allow the Supreme Demonic Order to leak out?

Of course it's impossible. The Supreme Demonic Order is just a bait to trap and kill Ji Wufeng.

Since he clearly knew that this was a trap related to the safety of his relatives, Nie Qingcheng was determined not to sit idly by and ignore it. Maybe he was already watching from the dark. If Ji Wufeng was in danger, he would jump out immediately.

Therefore, Ji Wufeng is just a bait to trap and kill Nie Qingcheng!

This time, the masters of Tiangong not only wanted to get rid of Ji Wufeng, but also Nie Qingcheng, killing the aunt and nephew at the same time.

Just because Nie Qingcheng's identity was too sensitive, the plan to trap her was never leaked, but at this time there was no need to deliberately hide it.

A trace of murderous intent slows down

Slowly spreading out, Nie Wufeng, who was watching a blockbuster, suddenly trembled all over and said: "Sir, how many old monsters have come this time? Old man, you'd better show up in time. If this young master takes me here, even if I will never stop being a ghost with you!"

The sword in Yun Shang's hand was indestructible, but Ji Wu Feng's sword was domineering and fierce. With one strike, Yun Shang flew out. Ji Wu Feng shouted loudly and pounced forward!

Although Yun Shang was slashed away, he saw Ji Wufeng's movements clearly and did not panic. He struck with a sword straight forward.


The two young supremes exchanged fierce blows, and the divine sword in Yun Shang's hand burst out with bursts of bright light, and was slashed horizontally again, flying dozens of meters away before he stabilized his body.

A series of fierce attacks gave Ji Wufeng the upper hand. Without any pause, he rushed forward with the sword in his hand and slashed Huashan with all his strength!

There is no doubt that due to the physique of a cultivator, Yun Shang is definitely not Ji Wufeng's opponent in a head-to-head fight, but with Yun Shang's talent, it is impossible for him to be so blind.

The figure did not flash, a group of phantoms appeared in front of Ji Wufeng's eyes, each one was Yun Shang, but Ji Wufeng knew that Yun Shang did not want to use these phantoms to confuse him. This was not a phantom, but the residue left behind by going too fast. film!

Yun Shang's speed reached the extreme. All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed. Once a sword cultivator's speed reaches the extreme, he will be the most terrifying god of death!


Ji Wufeng slashed the air with his sword, but Yun Shang's sword had already reached him. The speed was so fast that Ji Wufeng was unprepared and couldn't dodge. He was directly slashed and flew away.


Her body hit the mountain wall hard, and the mountain wall collapsed directly. Yun Shang took advantage of the victory to pursue and slashed at the mountain wall with her sword. She wanted to split the entire mountain wall and Ji Wufeng in half!

Yun Shang's speed was so fast that Ji Wufeng had no time to dodge. Another sword strike was coming, but he didn't even move. He raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar. The shadow of the dragon surrounding him jumped out and hit the sword. Above!


The phantom of the divine dragon collided fiercely with its swords, and instantly shattered. Golden light burst out, dazzling, and a figure rushed towards Yun Shang like lightning. It was Ji Wufeng!

Ji Wufeng was just as fast, so fast that Yun Shang couldn't dodge, so he could only raise his sword to block. In his haste, he didn't use all his strength, and Yun Shang was slashed away by the sword. Although he wasn't as embarrassed as Ji Wufeng, his hair was still messy!

Ji Wufeng took advantage of the victory and pursued him, slashing out the sword in his hand repeatedly. Yun Shang, who had not yet regained his footing, flew out again.

But before Yun Shang landed, the figure disappeared. Ji Wufeng didn't even have time to think. He stepped forward and a sword edge fell from the sky, striking the place where he was standing before.

If he had taken half a step too late, he would have been hit by this sword!

Yun Shang also took advantage of the victory to pursue her, but Ji Wufeng didn't even have a chance to prepare for a counterattack. Her second sword had already struck.

Compared with the sword held by Ji Wufeng, the sword in Yun Shang's hand seems to be more domineering. The sword itself is mainly about dexterity, but Yun Shang's sword is open and closed, unparalleled domineering!

He dodged one sword, but couldn't avoid the second. He was in such a desperate situation, but if he didn't resist the first sword, there would be no chance to counterattack!

The speed of the two of them was getting faster and faster, and in an instant, the two sides had already started dozens of rounds of collision. Yun Shang's eyes flashed, and he slashed out with his backhand sword. The bright sword light was swung out, and they collided again. The energy in the sky was overwhelming, and the space was distorted. The collision of the two people's power seemed to have transcended the space.

Ji Wufeng, who had just jumped up, was struck to the ground by the sword. Just as he landed on the ground, Yun Shang was already chasing after him. Ji Wufeng slashed out with his sword without even thinking.


The ground trembled and the mountain collapsed. The fierce battle between the two became more intense, from high altitude to the ground, and from the ground to the top of the mountain.

Nie Wufeng did not intervene, but sat on a big rock, took out a bag of melon seeds, and nodded in praise while cracking them: "It's wonderful, it's much better than watching Hollywood action movies."

Not far away, the young man said: "Uncle, this boy has taken away the Supreme Demon Token, why not take advantage of the opportunity and capture him first?"

The old man said: "Don't be too hasty. Although his origin is still unclear, he can't run away yet. Now is not the best time for us to show up. He is just a little minion. The real big fish hasn't taken the bait yet?"

"Are there any big fish?" the young man asked with confusion on his face.

"Although Ji Wufeng is going to die, there is one person who cannot be left behind!" .??.??


"Nie Qingcheng!"

Hearing the name Nie Qingcheng, a group of elderly people were all filled with fear. Because of Ji Hongtu, Nie Qingcheng often appeared in Tiangong. His evil talent made people feel powerless. Favored by senior masters.

At the same time, reports of Nie Qingcheng's recent deeds of killing everyone like an unparalleled sword god have already been reported back to the Heavenly Palace, and his amazing achievements are heart-stopping.

"You are too young, and you may not understand that Yun Feiyang is a genius, but the older generation of Tiangong people all know very well that the most talented person back then was not Yun Feiyang, Ji Hongtu and others, but Nie Qingcheng! "

"So what? She has been seriously injured for many years. Even if her talent is still there, her strength after all these years cannot be compared with her peers."

"Having said that, if we kill Ji Wufeng, Nie Qingcheng will definitely go crazy. This woman is extremely scary. You don't know the Nie family, so you don't know what kind of horrible things they will do once they become crazy."

This old man is an elder of Tiangong, an elder-level figure, but when he mentioned Nie Qingcheng, there was actually a trace of fear on his face.

A group of young people instantly understood what the old man meant. How terrifying would a person who was afraid of the elders be when he went crazy? The consequences of that will be immeasurable.

Yun Shang brings the Supreme Demonic Order to the decisive battle. Anyone who is not an idiot knows that there must be some conspiracy behind this. Will Tiangong allow the Supreme Demonic Order to leak out?

Of course it's impossible. The Supreme Demonic Order is just a bait to trap and kill Ji Wufeng.

Since he clearly knew that this was a trap related to the safety of his relatives, Nie Qingcheng was sure that he would not sit idly by and ignore it. Maybe he was already watching from the dark. If Ji Wufeng was in danger, he would jump out immediately.

Therefore, Ji Wufeng is just a bait to trap and kill Nie Qingcheng!

This time, the masters of Tiangong not only wanted to get rid of Ji Wufeng, but also Nie Qingcheng, killing the aunt and nephew at the same time.

Just because Nie Qingcheng's identity was too sensitive, the plan to trap her was never leaked, but at this time there was no need to deliberately hide it.

A trace of murderous intent slows down

Slowly spreading out, Nie Wufeng, who was watching a blockbuster, suddenly trembled all over and said: "Sir, how many old monsters have come this time? Old man, you'd better show up in time. If this young master takes me here, even if I will never stop being a ghost with you!"

The sword in Yun Shang's hand was indestructible, but Ji Wu Feng's sword was domineering and fierce. With one strike, Yun Shang flew out. Ji Wu Feng shouted and pounced forward!

Although Yun Shang was slashed away, he saw Ji Wufeng's movements clearly and did not panic. He struck with a sword straight forward.


The two young supremes exchanged fierce blows, and the divine sword in Yun Shang's hand burst out with bursts of bright light. He was slashed horizontally again and flew dozens of meters away before he stabilized his body.

A series of fierce attacks gave Ji Wufeng the upper hand. Without any pause, he rushed forward with the sword in his hand and slashed Huashan with all his strength!

There is no doubt that due to the physique of a cultivator, Yun Shang is definitely not Ji Wufeng's opponent in a head-to-head fight, but with Yun Shang's talent, it is impossible for him to be so blind.

The figure did not flash, a group of phantoms appeared in front of Ji Wufeng's eyes, each one was Yun Shang, but Ji Wufeng knew that Yun Shang did not want to use these phantoms to confuse him. This was not a phantom, but the residue left behind by going too fast. film!

Yun Shang's speed reached the extreme. All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed. Once a sword cultivator's speed reaches the extreme, he will be the most terrifying god of death!


Ji Wufeng slashed the air with his sword, but Yun Shang's sword had already reached him. The speed was so fast that Ji Wufeng was unprepared and couldn't dodge. He was directly slashed and flew away.


Her body hit the mountain wall hard, and the mountain wall collapsed directly. Yun Shang took advantage of the victory to pursue and slashed at the mountain wall with her sword. She wanted to split the entire mountain wall and Ji Wufeng in half!

Yun Shang's speed was so fast that Ji Wufeng had no time to dodge. Another sword strike was coming, but he didn't even move. He raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar. The shadow of the dragon surrounding him jumped out and hit the sword. Above!


The phantom of the divine dragon collided fiercely with its swords, and instantly shattered. Golden light burst out, dazzling, and a figure rushed towards Yun Shang like lightning. It was Ji Wufeng!

Ji Wufeng was just as fast, so fast that Yun Shang couldn't dodge, so he could only raise his sword to block. In his haste, he didn't use all his strength, and Yun Shang was slashed away by the sword. Although he wasn't as embarrassed as Ji Wufeng, his hair was still messy!

Ji Wufeng took advantage of the victory and pursued him, slashing out the sword in his hand repeatedly. Yun Shang, who had not yet regained his footing, flew out again.

But before Yun Shang landed, the figure disappeared. Ji Wufeng didn't even have time to think. He stepped forward and a sword edge fell from the sky, striking the place where he was standing before.

If he had taken half a step too late, he would have been hit by this sword!

Yun Shang also took advantage of the victory to pursue her, but Ji Wufeng didn't even have a chance to prepare for a counterattack. Her second sword had already struck.

Compared with the sword held by Ji Wufeng, the sword in Yun Shang's hand seems to be more domineering. The sword itself is mainly about dexterity, but Yun Shang's sword is open and closed, unparalleled domineering!

He dodged one sword, but couldn't avoid the second. He was in such a desperate situation, but if he didn't resist the first sword, there would be no chance to counterattack!

The speed of the two of them was getting faster and faster, and in an instant, the two sides had already started dozens of rounds of collision.

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