"Senior, who are you..." Wuchen was too curious about the old man's identity.

The old man chuckled and said, "If you call me grandpa, I will tell you my identity."

"Senior, I..."

Wuchen was stunned. Since the old man and his mother-in-law were of the same generation, it would be okay to call him grandpa, but she thought that even if she didn't call him grandpa, she had already guessed the identity of this mysterious old man.

With such an astonishing method, Wuchen had basically guessed something. The most important thing was the old man's smile just now, which always made her feel familiar and cheap. The identity of the old man was already confirmed.

Wuchen was stunned immediately. She never thought that she would see this person.

The old man was dumbfounded when he saw Wuchen, and said, "Okay, you can just scream whenever you want. It'll be a matter of time anyway."

Wuchen couldn't care less about calling him grandpa now, but said eagerly: "Ji Wufeng has been taken away now, senior, are you..."

She concluded that this man had a deep connection with Ji Wufeng, and he should be able to save Ji Wufeng with his methods.

The old man shook his head and said: "Don't worry, that brat is destined to have such a calamity. He won't die for the time being. His journey has been too smooth. Jade cannot be used unless it is polished. It needs to be sharpened. It is not a bad thing for him. .”


Wuchen wanted to say something else, but the old man interrupted her directly and said: "You have to be careful. Now I will teach you a method. I believe you can use it!"

Wuchen couldn't hear it in her ears, but the old man's voice came in her mind. It was an extremely mysterious determination, but it was of no use to her at all, because in order to activate this mental method, she had to Open your own bloodline treasure house and tap into the endless potential hidden in your bloodline.

She instantly understood what this technique was, and it was not given to her. The old man wanted to give it to someone else!

While Wuchen was still confused, the old man's figure had disappeared.


The most famous mountain in China, you can see it from the top of the mountain at a glance. From ancient times to the present, countless generations of kings have chosen to enshrine themselves here. It is said that yin and yang can be separated here, and spirits can be communicated here!

However, these are all legends and may not be taken seriously!

Nowadays, there are no emperors anymore. On the top of the mountain, an old man is sitting on the edge of the stone chessboard, leisurely sipping the tea in the cup, shaking his head and saying: "In this True Dragon chess game, not a single piece has been moved in sixty years. It can be fickle!”

"You are blind at chess, and you still learn from other people's texts to study the True Dragon chess game?" A voice full of ridicule said unceremoniously.

"Old guy, do you want to fight?" Boss Li glared.

Zou Yan, who was holding a dry pipe in his mouth, walked over slowly, squinted his eyes and sneered: "Just do it, I've been holding it in for fifty or sixty years, I've really wanted to beat you up!"

Three figures came through the air. After landing, they chuckled and said, "Want to fight? Okay, our brothers haven't had enough of it yet!"

Zou Yan shouted arrogantly: "Come on, do you all come together or one by one? Your Grandpa Zou will take all of you."

"Old Ghost Zou, you are too crazy. Why do you want us three brothers to do it together? I can cut off your lower half with one knife!" Kuang Dao said, glaring.

"You alone are not enough. Believe it or not, if I hit you with a pipe of tobacco, you would have to curl up your hair?"

"Nima, let's see the truth behind our hands!"

The two were about to start fighting when a white figure landed on the top of the mountain and glared: "Are you annoyed? Get out of here. Those who want to fight will be far away!"

Zou Yan arrogantly lit his tobacco pipe and said, "I'll show you your face today and I'll beat you again someday!"

"No need to pick a day, today

It's an auspicious day. Whoever dares to take action will be his grandson! "

Another figure swept up Juedian. Zou Yan and Kuang Dao both shrunk their necks and ran to Boss Li and whispered: "Old Li, your horse is here. Hurry up and say hello first."

When Boss Li saw Ying Yue coming, he instinctively hid behind him. But after being told by the two old bastards, he couldn't hide even if he wanted to, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "Yue Yue, you..."

"Get away!"

There was only one word in Yingyue's mouth, and Boss Li suddenly became weak, while the others burst into laughter.

Everyone in this group of people is nearly a hundred years old. Every one of them was once a super strong person who was unparalleled in the world, but now they are acting like a group of big children, and all their usual majesty is gone.

This is the so-called era. Today is the era of Ji Wufeng and others, twenty years ago was the era of the Five Heroes, and fifty or sixty years ago was the era of this group of people.

It's just that their time has passed, because they are old, and everything in the past is too far away from them. Perhaps only in this way can they feel that they are still alive and remember the vitality that they radiated many years ago.

After making a joke, Yun Jianxin finally asked Boss Li: "What is the purpose of calling us here this time?"

Except for Yun Zhen, almost all the powerful men of the older generation were present. If it were not an important matter, Boss Li would never have gathered so many people.

Boss Li's eyes narrowed and he said, "You must already know that the Blood Demon is still alive."

This is no longer a secret. Ji Wufeng was taken away by the Blood Demon, and they have already received the news.

Boxing Fighter said with a gloomy face: "This remnant is actually still alive, and now he's starting to make trouble again!"

Zou Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you suspect that the Demon Lord is not dead?"

Everyone's expressions instantly became serious.

, the Demon Lord was so powerful that he was invincible in the world. If he is not dead and has been dormant for so many years, his plans must be very big.

"This shouldn't be possible. We saw him die with our own eyes back then, can he really come back to life?" Ao Jian said in disbelief.

Li Laodao: "This is just a guess on my part. If the Blood Demon can survive, let alone him? After all, although we saw him dead, we haven't found his body yet."

Indeed, the Demon Lord is far more powerful than the Blood Demon. If the Blood Demon can survive, it is naturally possible for him. Although they saw the Demon Lord die, they never saw the body. Where did the body go?

Now that Gu Yunfei has appeared, it has already given everyone a headache. If another demon lord appears, it will be a big deal!

Although the chance is very slim, it cannot be ignored!

Ying Yue obviously didn't have a good look on Boss Li, and snorted coldly: "Since it's just your guess, then why did you bring us all here? Are you full and have nothing to do, are you free? Or are you waiting until you confirm it? Find me again!"

Boss Li smiled bitterly and said: "If it were just my guess, I would naturally not call everyone here rashly. It was not me who called everyone here today, but someone else!"

"who is it?"

Currently, only Boss Li and Yun Zhen are qualified to summon these people. If it's not Boss Li, could it be Yun Zhen?

At this moment, a voice rang in everyone's ears, saying: "Sister Yingyue, why are you still so angry? Did Xiao Lizi make you angry again? It doesn't matter. If you are bullied, tell me. Brother, help me." You kick his ass!”

In an instant, everyone was shocked, as if struck by lightning. There are only two people in the world who dare to call Sister Ying Yue, and also dare to call Mr. Li and Mr. Li Zi. One of them is Yun Zhen, but this The voice was obviously not Yunzhen's.

Could it be...that he is really back?

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