Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1763 Bloodbath in the Holy Realm

An old man, as tall as an iron tower, came from the air. He had long silver hair that reached his waist, and he had a wild and domineering aura that shocked people's hearts!

In every era, there will be countless outstanding and unparalleled strong men. However, there will always be a few people who are invincible and outstanding among their peers. They stand on the top and dominate the entire era!

Twenty years ago, there were many outstanding people, but only five outstanding ones are remembered by future generations!

But now, there are also many experts, but there are only seven people including Ji Wufeng!

However, dating back fifty or sixty years ago, there was also a group of people who were invincible in the world and were named the Four Heavenly Kings!

The Four Heavenly Kings refer to the four most invincible and powerful men, namely Yun Zhen, the Holy Lord of Tiangong, Ji Tianqiong, the invincible war king of the Ji family, and Shen Ao, the demon lord of the Demon Sect. The last one refers to Dragon Lord Nie Changkong!

Seeing the old man's appearance, except for Boss Li, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, everyone else was filled with excitement. They were all Saint Realm powerhouses, over a hundred years old, but at this time, all of them were trembling with excitement. , just like seeing an idol you worship, it is difficult to control your emotions.

"Old Loach, you didn't die before us!" The always talkative Kuangdao's lips trembled, unable to control his emotions.

Although the others were also excited, Qin Ye didn't say too much. Although nearly sixty years have passed, they have experienced too much together. Now that they are at this age, many of the words they want to say are no longer needed. Words come to express it.

"Old Loach, is Shen Ao really still alive?" Zou Yan asked urgently.

The old man pondered for a while and said: "Not only is he still alive, but he is also jumping around."

Everyone suddenly felt chills in their hearts. Back then, the Demon Lord was so arrogant that he ruled the world and dominated the demonic path. He was extremely ambitious. For such a radical person to survive and lie dormant for decades, his purpose must be shocking!

"Whether he is really alive or not, he will be blocked by soldiers and covered by water and soil. The most important thing is to stabilize the current situation!"

Boss Li was so powerful that he shouted in a cold voice: "The martial arts world in China has been in chaos for a long time. It's time to calm down."

In an instant, everyone present had a domineering aura all over their bodies, and their heads emitted endless killing intent!

No one knew what these people were talking about. Soon after, the Nine-Headed Insect disappeared, and it disappeared completely. It was as if those mighty masters had never appeared before.

Occasionally, some remnants of the Nine-Headed Insect appear, but they are just shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and are easily wiped out by the dragon group.

After a month-long cleanup, all traces of the nine-headed worm have completely disappeared!

After that, the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court also left China one after another. Without the Nine-Headed Insect, the two holy places would not be able to cause any big trouble in China!

There is no other way, just retreat. After all, this is someone else's territory. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. If the two holy places can't stand alone, they won't achieve much!

Just when the two holy places were preparing to retreat, eight mysterious people appeared out of thin air.

"Who is he?" A strong man from the Holy Realm shouted.

"Have we old guys been silent for too long? Even you little bastards dare to come to China to show off your power. Do you really think that we old guys are dead?" A voice full of murderous intent sounded.

When the strong man from the Holy Realm saw clearly the appearance of the visitor,

, his face was immediately full of fear, and he exclaimed: "It's you..."

"Kill me!"

The cold words in his mouth were spat out, and the cold slaughter began. An old man with a body like an iron tower rose into the air and punched the chest of a powerful man from the Holy Realm of Sakura Temple.


The Saint Realm master's body was as steely as iron, but he couldn't block the punch. He was blown away, his chest collapsed, and blood spurted out from his mouth. He couldn't get up for a long time after landing on the ground, and he was already half dead!

The sword energy is as sharp as the sky, the blade is unparalleled, and the punch is as strong as breaking a bamboo...

This time, the two Holy Lands are preparing to cooperate with the Nine-Headed Insect to take down the Chinese Martial Arts World in one fell swoop. They are almost coming out in full force. A total of twelve Holy Realm experts are coming, including countless Half-Step Holy Realm and Kingly Warriors!

But in just an instant, except for the powerful saints led by the two holy places who fell to the ground and were seriously injured, the others all turned into cold corpses.

A domineering old man stared at the two leading holy masters who were seriously injured and said solemnly: "Go back and tell those two old guys, Moon God and Holy Emperor, if you want Shenzhou, let them come here in person. You guys, I will kill as many as you come, get out of here!"

The two Saint Realm experts didn't hesitate at all. They got up from the ground and ran away. These eight people were so strong that they couldn't even muster the courage to resist. The only thing they could feel was death!

Bastard Gu Yunfei, no wonder you ran away, it turns out these old monsters are still alive!

Although this matter was secret enough, it spread anyway, and the whole world was shocked in an instant!

Twelve Saint Realm powerhouses. There were hundreds of half-step Holy Realm and Kingly Warriors, but only two Holy Realm powerhouses escaped from China. The rest were all killed, and no one survived!

Oh my god, those were a dozen invincible Saint Realm experts, and they were all killed like this?

Who is the god who killed these people?

No one knows the identities of these eight mysterious people, but they have excited the entire Chinese martial arts world. Some time ago, they were suppressed by the Nine-Headed Insect and the two Holy Lands. Many people even thought that the Chinese martial arts world would end like this. .

But these eight people gave everyone hope. It’s not that there are no masters in our Chinese martial arts world, it’s just that we don’t take action easily. But once we take action, we will definitely kill all your chickens and dogs!

Of course, no one knew that the two powerful saints who escaped were also deliberately let go in order to shock the two holy places!

At this point, the already precarious Shenzhou Wulin has resolved the crisis in this way. This massive catastrophe came and went as quickly as it came.

Tiangong was captured by Nie Qingcheng and others. Yun Rong and other rebellious masters were severely punished. Their martial arts were abolished and placed under house arrest. Yun Zhen regained control of Tiangong. However, soon, Yun Zhen announced his retirement, and Nie Qingcheng succeeded him as the Holy Lord. However, a month later Before the time was up, Nie Qingcheng passed the throne to Yun Shang again.

Although Yun Shang was the granddaughter of the sinner Yun Rong, she was extremely talented and did not join in the evil deeds with Yun Rong. Nie Qingcheng passed the throne to her and no objection was heard.

Yun Shang, who had become the Holy Master, looked extremely complicated. She looked at what Nie Qingcheng wanted to say, but she didn't know how to say it.

"You can call me aunt." Nie Qingcheng smiled.

Although there is no blood relationship, Yun Shang should indeed call her aunt based on seniority.

"Gu...Gu!" Yun Shang shouted with difficulty. An old man, as tall as an iron tower, came from the air. He had long silver hair that reached his waist, and he had a wild and domineering aura that shocked people's hearts!

In every era, there will be countless outstanding and unparalleled strong men. However, there will always be a few people who are invincible and outstanding among their peers. They stand on the top and dominate the entire era!

Twenty years ago, there were many outstanding people, but only five outstanding ones are remembered by future generations!

But now, there are also many experts, but there are only seven people including Ji Wufeng!

However, dating back fifty or sixty years ago, there was also a group of people who were invincible in the world and were named the Four Heavenly Kings!

The Four Heavenly Kings refer to the four most invincible and powerful men, namely Yun Zhen, the Holy Lord of Tiangong, Ji Tianqiong, the invincible war king of the Ji family, and Shen Ao, the demon lord of the Demon Sect. The last one refers to Dragon Lord Nie Changkong!

Seeing the old man's appearance, except for Boss Li, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, everyone else was filled with excitement. They were all Saint Realm powerhouses, over a hundred years old, but at this time, all of them were trembling with excitement. , just like seeing an idol you worship, it is difficult to control your emotions.

"Old Loach, you didn't die before us!" The always talkative Kuangdao's lips trembled, unable to control his emotions. ??

Although the others were also excited, Qin Ye didn't say too much. Although nearly sixty years have passed, they have experienced too much together. Now that they are at this age, many of the words they want to say are no longer needed. Words come to express it.

"Old Loach, is Shen Ao really still alive?" Zou Yan asked urgently.

The old man pondered for a while and said: "Not only is he still alive, but he is also jumping around."

Everyone suddenly felt chills in their hearts. Back then, the Demon Lord was so arrogant that he ruled the world and dominated the demonic path. He was extremely ambitious. For such a radical person to survive and lie dormant for decades, his purpose must be shocking!

"Whether he is really alive or not, he will be blocked by soldiers and covered by water and soil. The most important thing is to stabilize the current situation!"

Boss Li was so powerful that he shouted in a cold voice: "The martial arts world in China has been in chaos for a long time. It's time to calm down."

In an instant, everyone present had a domineering aura all over their bodies, and their heads emitted endless killing intent!

No one knew what these people were talking about. Soon after, the Nine-Headed Insect disappeared, and it disappeared completely. It was as if those mighty masters had never appeared before.

Occasionally, some remnants of the Nine-Headed Insect appear, but they are just shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and are easily wiped out by the dragon group.

After a month-long cleanup, all traces of the nine-headed worm have completely disappeared!

After that, the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court also left China one after another. Without the Nine-Headed Insect, the two holy places would not be able to cause any big trouble in China!

There is no other way, just retreat. After all, this is someone else's territory. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. If the two holy places can't stand alone, they won't achieve much!

Just when the two holy places were preparing to retreat, eight mysterious people appeared out of thin air.

"Who is he?" A strong man from the Holy Realm shouted.

"Have we old guys been silent for too long? Even you little bastards dare to come to China to show off your power. Do you really think that we old guys are dead?" A voice full of murderous intent sounded.

When the strong man from the Holy Realm saw clearly the appearance of the visitor,

, his face was immediately full of fear, and he exclaimed: "It's you..."

"Kill me!"

The cold words in his mouth were spat out, and the cold slaughter began. An old man with a body like an iron tower rose into the air and punched the chest of a powerful man from the Holy Realm of Sakura Temple.


The Saint Realm master's body was as steely as iron, but he couldn't block the punch. He was blown away, his chest collapsed, and blood spurted out from his mouth. He couldn't get up for a long time after landing on the ground, and he was already half dead!

The sword energy is as sharp as the sky, the blade is unparalleled, and the punch is as strong as breaking a bamboo...

This time, the two Holy Lands are preparing to cooperate with the Nine-Headed Insect to take down the Chinese Martial Arts World in one fell swoop. They are almost coming out in full force. A total of twelve Holy Realm experts are coming, including countless Half-Step Holy Realm and Kingly Warriors!

But in just an instant, except for the powerful saints led by the two holy places who fell to the ground and were seriously injured, the others all turned into cold corpses.

A domineering old man stared at the two leading holy masters who were seriously injured and said solemnly: "Go back and tell those two old guys, Moon God and Holy Emperor, if you want Shenzhou, let them come here in person. You guys, I will kill as many as you come, get out of here!"

The two Saint Realm experts didn't hesitate at all. They got up from the ground and ran away. These eight people were so strong that they couldn't even muster the courage to resist. The only thing they could feel was death!

Bastard Gu Yunfei, no wonder you ran away, it turns out these old monsters are still alive!

Although this matter was secret enough, it spread anyway, and the whole world was shocked in an instant!

Twelve Saint Realm powerhouses. There were hundreds of half-step Holy Realm and Kingly Warriors, but only two Holy Realm powerhouses escaped from China. The rest were all killed, and no one survived!

Oh my god, those were a dozen invincible Saint Realm experts, and they were all killed like this?

Who is the god who killed these people?

No one knows the identities of these eight mysterious people, but they have excited the entire Chinese martial arts world. Some time ago, they were suppressed by the Nine-Headed Insect and the two Holy Lands. Many people even thought that the Chinese martial arts world would end like this. .

But these eight people gave everyone hope. It’s not that there are no masters in our Chinese martial arts world, it’s just that we don’t take action easily. But once we take action, we will definitely kill all your chickens and dogs!

Of course, no one knew that the two powerful saints who escaped were also deliberately let go in order to shock the two holy places!

At this point, the already precarious Shenzhou Wulin has resolved the crisis in this way. This massive catastrophe came and went as quickly as it came.

Tiangong was captured by Nie Qingcheng and others. Yun Rong and other rebellious masters were severely punished. Their martial arts were abolished and placed under house arrest. Yun Zhen regained control of Tiangong. However, soon, Yun Zhen announced his retirement, and Nie Qingcheng succeeded him as the Holy Lord. However, a month later Before the time was up, Nie Qingcheng passed the throne to Yun Shang again.

Although Yun Shang was the granddaughter of the sinner Yun Rong, she was extremely talented and did not join in the evil deeds with Yun Rong. Nie Qingcheng passed the throne to her and no objection was heard.

Yun Shang, who had become the Holy Master, looked extremely complicated. She looked at what Nie Qingcheng wanted to say, but she didn't know how to say it.

"You can call me aunt." Nie Qingcheng smiled.

Although there is no blood relationship, Yun Shang should indeed call her aunt based on seniority.

"Gu...Gu!" Yun Shang shouted with difficulty.

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