The three girls left arrogantly. Ji Tianlin said angrily: "Three dominatrixes, please wait for me. Tonight, second child, you go and steal all their clothes for me."

Ji Tianqi felt extremely aggrieved at this time and glared: "Go away, why don't you steal it yourself? I haven't even settled the debt with you for betraying me!"

"Damn it, you idiot, you and I are the only two young men in the Ji family now. These women are here to run the family. If we are crushed to death by them, how will we be able to join society in the future?" Ji Tianlin said.

When Ji Tianqi heard this, he felt that this made sense. He was the second young master of the Ji family. How could he be suppressed by a group of women? This is absolutely not okay!

"Okay, I have to steal all their clothes tonight. hurts. I'm so cruel. Even my jaw hurts when I talk...just wait!"

The two brothers got up and limped away, and the farce ended.

The two of them were originally covered in bruises, but it was amazing that all the bruises on their bodies had disappeared as soon as they walked into the room for such a short distance. .??.??

The two of them were so noisy outside, but they immediately calmed down as soon as they entered the house. Ji Tianqi held his chin with both hands and asked: "Boss, didn't you tell me that when my aunt gets married, dad will definitely come back? Why now?" Haven’t come back yet?”

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back." Ji Tianlin's eyes were bright and his expression was surprisingly calm, showing an incommensurate maturity and stability. It was hard to imagine that he was just a twelve-year-old boy now.

In the palace, a five- or six-year-old little girl swooped out, and a beautiful woman chased her from behind, shouting angrily: "Chenghuan, stop!"

"No, you're going to spank me as soon as I stop!"

The little girl ran wildly, so fast that the woman behind her couldn't catch up for a while. At this time, a middle-aged woman came over, and the little girl threw herself into her arms and shouted: "Mother-in-law, Mother-in-law, mother lost her temper again and wants to spank me, please hurry up and help me spank her!"

Qingyue smiled bitterly and said, "Why did your mother spank you? You must have gotten into trouble again, right?"

Little Chenghuan pouted and said, "No, I'm so cute and cute, how could I get into trouble? Even if I get into trouble, as a beautiful woman, I should be forgiven."

Wuchen's face suddenly turned dark and he said, "You little liar, you still have so many excuses for doing wrong things!"

Xiao Chenghuan became angry and said: "This is not an excuse, it is just like this. I will be the most beautiful woman in the world who will be popular among thousands of boys. It would be embarrassing if others knew that this beautiful woman was spanked every day. Damage my magnificent image!"

Qingyue also felt dizzy. Little Chenghuan had a special physique, not to mention talent in martial arts, and as she said, she was a real little beauty.

But her personality is too weird. She is obviously a beautiful little girl, but she behaves like a monkey every day. She only knows how to be naughty and mischievous.

Just now, she secretly ate the elixir that an elder had just refined, and stuffed a snake into the medicine bottle. Naturally, a snake could not hurt a strong man in the holy realm, but it frightened the old lady very much. , I almost had a heart attack, and I haven't even recovered yet.

Things like this happen almost every day

Everyone was very angry, but no one was willing to teach her a lesson, so they had no choice but to let Wuchen, the mother, discipline her.

Wuchen was trembling with anger and said: "Master, have you heard that you already have so many evil thoughts at such a young age, and you will still have them when you grow up? Why don't you go to heaven?"

"'m going to heaven. You can't catch me anyway, so I'll go find Grandma Taishi!" Xiao Chenghuan made a face, and then scurried out.

"Ghost girl, get back here!" Wuchen chased her out.

Qingyue was speechless. Although little Chenghuan was young, she did have too many evil thoughts. Could it be that what kind of tree really bears what kind of fruit?

Even though she is a girl, there are too many shadows of that person in Xiao Chenghuan. The two have never lived together or even met, but they have so many common characteristics. It seems that they are inseparable from the blood connection. ah!

Little Chenghuan nestled in Yingyue's arms, but she was surprisingly well-behaved and said: "Grandma Taishizu, why do other children have fathers but not me? I asked my mother and she said I was hers. I don’t believe that a person is born without a father. If he doesn’t have a father, wouldn’t he become a monster?”

Yingyue was stunned by this question. She really didn't know how to answer it. She could only say with a wry smile: "Nizi, you are still young now. When you grow up, you will know everything." .”

"Then I have to grow up quickly. I know that the Seventh Elder has made another potion of medicine. It is very fragrant. I will go and eat it secretly tonight. After eating it, maybe I will grow up tomorrow. In this way, I You can go find dad!"

Cave of Ten Thousand Ghosts!

The miasma rises here all the year round. Except for some poisonous insects and poisonous weeds, no living things can survive here. There are few people in the area for hundreds of miles.


A terrifying scream came from the depths of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave, as if a terrifying monster was about to emerge from its cage.

But no one would have thought that there is an extremely modern building in the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave. There are countless transparent glass containers inside, and groups of people in white coats are busy. It is a huge place. biochemical experimental base.

There is a young man and woman in each glass container. Their eyes are closed, and they are naked. Their skin is frighteningly pale and has a faint dark green color. Although they don't make any sound, they still give people a chill and hair on their backs. An upright feeling of fear.

A calm young man in white clothes walked towards the center of the base. There was the largest glass container there, and inside there was also a young man with tubes inserted all over his body. He had a tall and straight figure, his eyes were closed, and his facial features were delicate, but there was a trace of blood between his eyebrows. There is a terrible evil spirit.

It gives the impression that he is a sleeping demon!

"After five years, your secret has finally been cracked. But unfortunately, a fair fight between you and me may never be possible."

The young man's eyes were filled with excitement and endless regret as he said, "Let's start the final stage of the experiment!"

"As you command!"

A man in a white coat walked towards the instrument and pressed a red button. The young man in the container suddenly opened his eyes. They turned out to be a pair of eyes that were not human at all. There were no normal pupils, only pale white and cloth. Full of dense bloodshot eyes. The three girls left arrogantly. Ji Tianlin said angrily: "Three dominatrixes, please wait for me. Tonight, second child, you go and steal all their clothes for me."

Ji Tianqi felt extremely aggrieved at this time and glared: "Go away, why don't you steal it yourself? I haven't even settled the debt with you for betraying me!"

"Damn it, you idiot, you and I are the only two young men in the Ji family now. These women are here to run the family. If we are crushed to death by them, how will we be able to join society in the future?" Ji Tianlin said.

When Ji Tianqi heard this, he felt that this made sense. He was the second young master of the Ji family. How could he be suppressed by a group of women? This is absolutely not okay!

"Okay, I have to steal all their clothes tonight. hurts. I'm so cruel. Even my jaw hurts when I talk...just wait!"

The two brothers got up and limped away, and the farce ended.

The two of them were originally covered in bruises, but it was amazing that all the bruises on their bodies had disappeared as soon as they walked into the room for such a short distance.

The two of them were so noisy outside, but they immediately calmed down as soon as they entered the house. Ji Tianqi held his chin with both hands and asked: "Boss, didn't you tell me that when my aunt gets married, dad will definitely come back? Why now?" Haven’t come back yet?”

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back." Ji Tianlin's eyes were bright and his expression was surprisingly calm, showing an incommensurate maturity and stability. It was hard to imagine that he was just a twelve-year-old boy now.

In the palace, a five- or six-year-old little girl swooped out, and a beautiful woman chased her from behind, shouting angrily: "Chenghuan, stop!"

"No, you're going to spank me as soon as I stop!"

The little girl ran wildly, so fast that the woman behind her couldn't catch up for a while. At this time, a middle-aged woman came over, and the little girl threw herself into her arms and shouted: "Mother-in-law, Mother-in-law, mother lost her temper again and wants to spank me, please hurry up and help me spank her!"

Qingyue smiled bitterly and said, "Why did your mother spank you? You must have gotten into trouble again, right?"

Little Chenghuan pouted and said, "No, I'm so cute and cute, how could I get into trouble? Even if I get into trouble, as a beautiful woman, I should be forgiven."

Wuchen's face suddenly turned dark and he said, "You little liar, you still have so many excuses for doing wrong things!"

Xiao Chenghuan became angry and said: "This is not an excuse, it is just like this. I will be the most beautiful woman in the world who will be popular among thousands of boys. It would be embarrassing if others knew that this beautiful woman was spanked every day. Damage my magnificent image!"

Qingyue also felt dizzy. Little Chenghuan had a special physique, not to mention talent in martial arts, and as she said, she was a real little beauty.

But her personality is too weird. She is obviously a beautiful little girl, but she behaves like a monkey every day. She only knows how to be naughty and mischievous.

Just now, she secretly ate the elixir that an elder had just refined, and stuffed a snake into the medicine bottle. Naturally, a snake could not hurt a strong man in the holy realm, but it frightened the old lady very much. , I almost had a heart attack, and I haven't even recovered yet.

Things like this happen almost every day

Everyone was very angry, but no one was willing to teach her a lesson, so they had no choice but to let Wuchen, the mother, discipline her.

Wuchen was trembling with anger and said: "Master, have you heard that you already have so many evil thoughts at such a young age, and you will still have them when you grow up? Why don't you go to heaven?"

"'m going to heaven. You can't catch me anyway, so I'll go find Grandma Taishi!" Xiao Chenghuan made a face, and then scurried out.

"Ghost girl, get back here!" Wuchen chased her out.

Qingyue was speechless. Although little Chenghuan was young, she did have too many evil thoughts. Could it be that what kind of tree really bears what kind of fruit?

Even though she is a girl, there are too many shadows of that person in Xiao Chenghuan. The two have never lived together or even met, but they have so many common characteristics. It seems that they are inseparable from the blood connection. ah!

Little Chenghuan nestled in Yingyue's arms, but she was surprisingly well-behaved and said: "Grandma Taishizu, why do other children have fathers but not me? I asked my mother and she said I was hers. I don’t believe that a person is born without a father. If he doesn’t have a father, wouldn’t he become a monster?”

Yingyue was stunned by this question. She really didn't know how to answer it. She could only say with a wry smile: "Nizi, you are still young now. When you grow up, you will know everything." .”

"Then I have to grow up quickly. I know that the Seventh Elder has made another potion of medicine. It is very fragrant. I will go and eat it secretly tonight. After eating it, maybe I will grow up tomorrow. In this way, I You can go find dad!"

Cave of Ten Thousand Ghosts!

The miasma rises here all the year round. Except for some poisonous insects and poisonous weeds, no living things can survive here. There are few people in the area for hundreds of miles.


A terrifying scream came from the depths of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave, as if a terrifying monster was about to emerge from its cage.

But no one would have thought that there is an extremely modern building in the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave. There are countless transparent glass containers inside, and groups of people in white coats are busy. It is a huge place. biochemical experimental base.

There is a young man and woman in each glass container. Their eyes are closed, and they are naked. Their skin is frighteningly pale and has a faint dark green color. Although they don't make any sound, they still give people a chill and hair on their backs. An upright feeling of fear.

A calm young man in white clothes walked towards the center of the base. There was the largest glass container there, and inside there was also a young man with tubes inserted all over his body. He had a tall and straight figure, his eyes were closed, and his facial features were delicate, but there was a trace of blood between his eyebrows. There is a terrible evil spirit.

It gives the impression that he is a sleeping demon!

"After five years, your secret has finally been cracked. But unfortunately, a fair fight between you and me may never be possible."

The young man's eyes were filled with excitement and endless regret as he said, "Let's start the final stage of the experiment!"

"As you command!"

A man in a white coat walked towards the instrument and pressed a red button. The young man in the container suddenly opened his eyes. They turned out to be a pair of eyes that were not human at all. There were no normal pupils, only pale white and cloth. Full of dense bloodshot eyes.

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