In five years, his long hair reached to his waist, dancing wildly and exuding a trace of black evil aura.


The young man let out a terrifying roar, like the Nine Nether Demon God descending into the world!

I saw that the blood in his body was extracted by the tube on his body, and flowed through the tube into countless other containers. Although the blood was red, through the tube, I could see traces of black breath coming from it.

The eyes of the young man in white were full of splendor, and he said: "The bloodline of the Nie family after becoming crazy is too powerful. This is the secret of the Nie family!"

After the crazy blood was injected into the bodies of the young men and women in those containers, their closed eyes suddenly opened, and their pupils changed rapidly. The black pupils disappeared bit by bit, turning into patches of white. Eyeballs covered with bloodshot eyes.

A hint of black breath came out from the skin. ??


These young men and women screamed at the same time, and the entire base was shaking. The young man in white said: "Tell me the result."

The man in the white coat said excitedly: "Their strength is increasing at a geometric rate, and there is no rejection in the body. The experiment is successful!"

"Open the training ground!"

A huge training ground was opened, and ten dull-looking men in black walked in. They were the undead warriors from before.

Another glass container was opened, and a young girl was put into it. The young man in white pointed at the girl and said to the ten immortal warriors: "Kill her!"

The ten undead warriors immediately roared and rushed over, slaughtering the girl mercilessly. The girl's eyes turned slightly, and there was a trace of black energy in the terrifying eyes, and she raised her hand to grab an undead warrior!


In the past five years, these undead warriors have been constantly evolving. Even ordinary firearms cannot cause much damage to them. However, their heads are like paper in front of the girl, and they are smashed by a slender hand. Caught to a pulp.

Not only that, the headless corpse was twisted in the girl's hands. After a violent shaking, it seemed as if the body's moisture had been instantly drained, turning into debris on the ground.

At the same time, I also felt that the evil spirit on the girl was even more terrifying.

The girl's movements were too fast. After killing an undead warrior, the other nine people had just rushed in front of them. The girl's eyes rolled over, a cold smile that sent chills down the spine appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she actually fought back.


She punched an undead warrior, and her chest was pierced directly by her palm. She took out a heart and pinched it in her hand. She grabbed it again with her backhand, and the head of another undead warrior was connected to the spine, just like pulling weeds. Generally, it is extracted directly from the body.

In less than a minute, all ten undead warriors were turned into corpses on the ground. This scene was like a slaughterhouse in hell!


There was a sound of crazy vomiting. Although those in white coats were used to seeing corpses, they still couldn't accept this extremely bloody scene.

The girl neatly eliminated ten undead warriors. Her terrifying eyes scanned the surroundings, and when they came into contact with her eyes, those people felt as if they were looking into the eyes of the God of Death. Just one look made them feel the taste of death.


The girl faces the young man in white

Xiang Xiang knelt down and said in a voice without any emotion: "I have met the master!"

The young man in white asked a man in a white coat: "What's her IQ?"

"Back to Young Master, this experiment was perfect. There was no rejection phenomenon, so the brains of the experimental subjects were not affected in any way. In other words, their current IQs are no different from normal people!"

The young man in white suddenly had bright eyes, and said: "I have been waiting for five years, and finally I have waited for this day!"

"Hehe... after five years, you finally succeeded."

A man covered in black robes appeared out of thin air. He looked at the girl in front of him and said with excitement in his eyes: "I believe the Lord will be very satisfied with your results!"

The young man in white said calmly: "Blood Demon, I have accomplished everything I promised you, and it is time for you to fulfill your promise."

The man in black robe stiffened suddenly and said, "Are you really going to do this? I have to warn you, be careful not to play with fire and burn yourself!"

"Are you afraid of Gu Yunfei?" the young man in white said with disdain in his eyes.

The man in black robe hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to have made some important decision, saying: "Jie Jie, I am afraid of Gu Yunfei, but aren't you afraid? But you still want to do this, and in this case, there is nothing wrong with me. It’s too scrupulous.”

The mountain wall began to shake, and a stone door appeared out of thin air. No one thought that there was a stone chamber hidden behind such a conspicuous mountain wall!

The young man in white followed the man in black robe into the dark stone chamber. The space inside was not very large, and there was only an ice coffin. There was a man lying in the ice coffin. No, it should be only half a man.

Only half of his head was left, his chest was collapsed, and the internal organs inside had probably been shattered. Only one arm was left, and the entire lower half of his body was gone.

But even though only the remains of his body were left, he could still feel the power of this man.

What's even more unbelievable is that the young man in white actually felt a breath of life from this mutilated body. He was alive, and this man was not dead yet. A person whose body was so mutilated could still survive tenaciously.

A person's vitality can be so tenacious, which is even more terrifying than a person having strong power!

There are also some instruments placed next to the ice coffin, in which unknown liquid is continuously transported into the ice coffin. It is the nutrient solution that maintains the vitality of the people in the coffin.

"Are you really going to do this? The current experiment is almost perfect. There may be hope of resurrecting him, but I have to clearly warn you to carefully consider the consequences once he is resurrected!"

The man in black robe looked at the man in the coffin, with obvious fear in his eyes, and his voice even trembled. It was a fear coming from the deepest part of his heart.

The young man in white had never seen such an expression from the man in black, not even when facing Gu Yunfei.

"My decision will never be changed!"

The young man in white strode towards the ice coffin and opened it directly. He felt it instantly.

There was a faint aura of terror about the broken body. Even though his cultivation level had reached his level, he still felt trembling in his heart. It was obviously just a broken body, but it actually contained a terrifying power of destruction. !

But what is different from the man in black robe is that although the eyes of the young man in white are filled with fear, they are more excited! In five years, his long hair reached to his waist, dancing wildly and exuding a trace of black evil aura.


The young man let out a terrifying roar, like the Nine Nether Demon God descending into the world!

I saw that the blood in his body was extracted by the tube on his body, and flowed through the tube into countless other containers. Although the blood was red, through the tube, I could see traces of black breath coming from it.

The eyes of the young man in white were full of splendor, and he said: "The bloodline of the Nie family after becoming crazy is too powerful. This is the secret of the Nie family!"

After the crazy blood was injected into the bodies of the young men and women in those containers, their closed eyes suddenly opened, and their pupils changed rapidly. The black pupils disappeared bit by bit, turning into patches of white. Eyeballs covered with bloodshot eyes.

A hint of black breath came out from the skin.


These young men and women screamed at the same time, and the entire base was shaking. The young man in white said: "Tell me the result."

The man in the white coat said excitedly: "Their strength is increasing at a geometric rate, and there is no rejection in the body. The experiment is successful!"

"Open the training ground!"

A huge training ground was opened, and ten dull-looking men in black walked in. They were the undead warriors from before.

Another glass container was opened, and a young girl was put into it. The young man in white pointed at the girl and said to the ten immortal warriors: "Kill her!"

The ten undead warriors immediately roared and rushed over, slaughtering the girl mercilessly. The girl's eyes turned slightly, and there was a trace of black energy in the terrifying eyes, and she raised her hand to grab an undead warrior!


In the past five years, these undead warriors have been constantly evolving. Even ordinary firearms cannot cause much damage to them. However, their heads are like paper in front of the girl, and they are smashed by a slender hand. Caught to a pulp.

Not only that, the headless corpse was twisted in the girl's hands. After a violent shaking, it seemed as if the body's moisture had been instantly drained, turning into debris on the ground.

At the same time, I also felt that the evil spirit on the girl was even more terrifying.

The girl's movements were too fast. After killing an undead warrior, the other nine people had just rushed in front of them. The girl's eyes rolled over, a cold smile that sent chills down the spine appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she actually fought back.


She punched an undead warrior, and her chest was pierced directly by her palm. She took out a heart and pinched it in her hand. She grabbed it again with her backhand, and the head of another undead warrior was connected to the spine, just like pulling weeds. Generally, it is extracted directly from the body.

In less than a minute, all ten undead warriors were turned into corpses on the ground. This scene was like a slaughterhouse in hell!


There was a sound of crazy vomiting. Although those in white coats were used to seeing corpses, they still couldn't accept this extremely bloody scene.

The girl neatly eliminated ten undead warriors. Her terrifying eyes scanned the surroundings, and when they came into contact with her eyes, those people felt as if they were staring into the eyes of the God of Death. Just one look made them feel the taste of death.


The girl faces the young man in white

Xiang Xiang knelt down and said in a voice without any emotion: "I have met the master!"

The young man in white asked a man in a white coat: "What's her IQ?"

"Back to Young Master, this experiment was perfect. There was no rejection phenomenon, so the brains of the experimental subjects were not affected in any way. This means that their current IQs are no different from normal people!"

The young man in white suddenly had bright eyes, and said: "I have been waiting for five years, and finally I have waited for this day!"

"Hehe... after five years, you finally succeeded."

A man covered in black robes appeared out of thin air. He looked at the girl in front of him and said with excitement in his eyes: "I believe the Lord will be very satisfied with your results!"

The young man in white said calmly: "Blood Demon, I have accomplished everything I promised you, and it is time for you to fulfill your promise."

The man in black robe stiffened suddenly and said, "Are you really going to do this? I have to warn you, be careful not to play with fire and burn yourself!"

"Are you afraid of Gu Yunfei?" the young man in white said with disdain in his eyes.

The man in black robe hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to have made some important decision, saying: "Jie Jie, I am afraid of Gu Yunfei, but aren't you afraid? But you still want to do this, and in this case, there is nothing wrong with me. It’s too scrupulous.”

The mountain wall began to shake, and a stone door appeared out of thin air. No one thought that there was a stone chamber hidden behind such a conspicuous mountain wall!

The young man in white followed the man in black robe into the dark stone chamber. The space inside was not very large, and there was only an ice coffin. There was a man lying in the ice coffin. No, it should be only half a man.

Only half of his head was left, his chest was collapsed, and the internal organs inside had probably been shattered. Only one arm was left, and the entire lower half of his body was gone.

But even though only the remains of his body were left, he could still feel the power of this man.

What's even more unbelievable is that the young man in white actually felt a breath of life from this mutilated body. He was alive, and this man was not dead yet. A person whose body was so mutilated could still survive tenaciously.

A person's vitality can be so tenacious, which is even more terrifying than a person having strong power!

There are also some instruments placed next to the ice coffin, in which unknown liquid is continuously transported into the ice coffin. It is the nutrient solution that maintains the vitality of the people in the coffin.

"Are you really going to do this? The current experiment is almost perfect. There may be hope of resurrecting him, but I have to clearly warn you to carefully consider the consequences once he is resurrected!"

The man in black robe looked at the man in the coffin, with obvious fear in his eyes, and his voice even trembled. It was a fear coming from the deepest part of his heart.

The young man in white had never seen such an expression from the man in black, not even when facing Gu Yunfei.

"My decision will never be changed!"

The young man in white strode towards the ice coffin and opened it directly. He felt it instantly.

There was a faint aura of terror about the broken body. Even though his cultivation level had reached his level, he still felt trembling in his heart. It was obviously just a broken body, but it actually contained a terrifying power of destruction. !

But what is different from the man in black robe is that although the eyes of the young man in white are filled with fear, they are more excited!

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