At the same time, in the same dark secret room, a young man with two iron chains pierced his chest, wearing ragged clothes, holding a roast leg of lamb in his arms, and then curled his lips dissatisfiedly and said: "There is no leg of lamb today. Wei'er, go tell Gu, this chef is not very good at his skills, kill him and replace him."

A girl in red stood nearby and said, "It's been five years, aren't you afraid?"

The young man twisted the wine bottle and took a sip into his mouth. He chuckled and said, "Why are you afraid? You also said that you haven't killed me in five years. I guess I won't die in a while. Besides, I have good wine and meat every day." I'm waiting for you, what can I be afraid of? The only drawback is that I don't have a beautiful girl to accompany me. It would be great if I could get two more beautiful girls to sleep with me."

This bastard has been imprisoned for five years, but he is still so wretched. While others in prison were as skinny as skinny, this kid is white and fat, and his skin is getting smoother and smoother.

"The experiment was successful," the girl said.

In five years, the girl was no longer that girl, but became a mature woman.

The young man was stunned, and put down the leg of lamb and the wine bottle in his hands. The obscene expression on his face disappeared instantly, and he jumped up and cursed angrily: "Damn it, they actually succeeded, Old Ghost Nie, What kind of plane are you doing? You made me spend five years in prison in vain. Do I owe you the Nie family in my last life?"

"You should go." The girl said again.

"Leave? I want to leave too, but how? My martial arts skills are useless, and I am still tied up with a dog chain... uh... little girl, no, Ye Linglong, what are you going to do? I'm warning you, it's best not to mess around. Come on, even if you are Ji Wufeng’s wife, I will beat you up...ah!"

Regardless of the young man's desperate struggle, the girl took out a syringe filled with bright red liquid and stabbed it into the young man's leg.

Throwing away the syringe in her hand, the girl said, "You really should go!"

The young man suddenly felt something was wrong, and his whole body twitched suddenly. He was obviously suffering from extreme stress.

There was great pain, but a strange scene happened. All the meridians in the young man's body suddenly burst out, and a violent aura burst out.

boom! boom!

With two loud noises, the two iron chains that penetrated the young man's chest were directly broken, and the wounds that were pierced were also recovering quickly.

The young man was stunned. His skills were restored. What was even weirder was that there was a magical power running in his body. He had been imprisoned for five years, just like being imprisoned. And in this dark, humid and harsh environment, his body The creation left many hidden diseases, but they were all repaired by this magical power.

"Is this Ji Wufeng's blood?" The young man's face was filled with astonishment. Besides the Nie family's blood, what else could have such a miraculous effect?


The girl shook her head and said: "His blood is not so powerful yet. This is my latest development result!"

The latest development results?

The young man's injuries recovered quickly, but the power in his body was still restless, and his skill was soaring rapidly. He was about to break through, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

This newly developed drug actually eliminates all the shortcomings of the previous undead warriors. It has a sudden increase in strength and super self-healing power, but has no side effects.

The young man was instantly shocked, jumped up and said, "You actually helped them research such a terrible thing? Do you know what you are doing?"

Why did the Nine-Headed Insect escape before? In addition to temporarily avoiding the edge, there is also the fact that Ji Wufeng and Ye Linglong were obtained at the same time. Once the immortal warrior's perfect plan succeeds, he will inevitably make a comeback.

With this new drug, countless terrifying undead warriors can be created, tens of millions of them. Even the strong ones in the Holy Realm face such

Thousands of troops may be overwhelmed in an instant.

Seeing the panic on the young man's face and the anger in his eyes, the girl said calmly: "This is not my idea, I am just an executor. If you want to know the truth, go back and ask Nie."

"Whose surname is Nie?"

Ji Wufeng is now put in a bottle and used as a guinea pig. Ji Hongtu has not shown up yet and is probably dead. The only person who can be asked is Nie.

"Old bastard, it turns out this was a trap set by you, and I was tricked by you. Do I owe you the Nie family? There will be no end!" The young man jumped to his feet and cursed angrily.

"The experiment was successful. Now is the time when their defenses are lax, and it is also the perfect time for you to leave!" the girl said.

"Aren't you going to come with me?" the young man said. .??.

The girl shook her head and said: "Gu Yunfei still needs me. I can't leave. On the contrary, you are of little use to him and will not pursue him relentlessly."

Damn, the young man felt despised, but what the girl said was the truth.

Gu Yunfei paid too much attention to her. If she escaped, he would do his best to hunt her down. If he took action personally, no one would be able to escape.

However, the young man was not of much use to Gu Yunfei. He could just run away and not take action himself. As long as Gu Yunfei didn't take action, the young man would be confident of leaving.

Without further ado, the young man punched a big hole in the wall behind him. He paused slightly and said without looking back, "Wait for me, nothing will happen to you."

A big hole was punched in the wall, and such a big movement immediately attracted attention.

Suddenly there was a noise and shouts of killing outside: "Quick, someone is trying to escape!"

In an instant, all the masters outside came out, gunfire broke out, but it soon became quiet, and a cold voice said solemnly: "Follow me, the secret here is absolutely

Don't let it out! "

At this time, a young man in white came in and said lightly: "It has been five years, and you have finally waited for this day. I have to admire your patience!"

The girl snorted coldly: "In terms of patience, I can't compare to you Gu Tianyang, right?"


"Gu Tianyang, what exactly do you want to do?" Ye Linglong asked.

"I just want to cooperate with you, and it's with me, not Gu Yunfei!" Gu Tianyang's tone was very serious, especially the last sentence.

Ye Linglong smiled and said with disdain on her face: "Cooperate with you? If I can only choose to cooperate with you, why should I choose you? It should be Gu Yunfei anyway!"

"Yes, if you must choose to cooperate, you should indeed choose the strongest one."

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "But when choosing a partner to cooperate with, you will only choose the collaborator who is most beneficial to you at any time!"

"The most beneficial one? What can you give me?" Ye Linglong asked.

"You and Ji Wufeng have a chance of survival!"

The wedding of Lin Xiaomeng and Xiao Feng is finally going to take place. There is no church, no white wedding dress, only the red robe with phoenix crown and harem. It is an absolute classic Chinese wedding.

Xiao Feng is an orphan, and Qin Yi adopts him as his adopted son. The wedding will naturally be held at Ji Gongguan. At the same time, Lin Xiaomeng is also Qin Yi's niece. Therefore, this wedding is equivalent to a happy event held by Ji Gongguan.

Although Ji Wufeng has disappeared in the past five years, and his subordinates have rarely shown up, and Ji Gongguan has vigorously developed business, no one can ignore Ji Gongguan's strength.

Five years ago, Ji Wufeng fought against the Nine-Headed Insect and the Three Holy Lands, and his contribution was remembered by the entire Chinese martial arts. Even if only orphans and widows were left in Ji Gongguan, no one could block Ji Gongguan's prestige in China!

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