Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1782 The Battle of Ji Mansion

In an instant, a boundless, monstrous cold evil aura spread from the surroundings, shrouding the entire Ji Mansion. Some people turned their heads to look, and were so frightened that they almost collapsed on the ground.

Everything you look around is dark. Ji Mansion is surrounded by densely packed undead warriors. There are at least a thousand of them. One such monster is enough to scare people to death, and now there are so many of them popping up in one go. , is this hell coming?

The girl in white clothes smiled confidently: "Since I have known for a long time that Senior Nie has become a saint, how could I not be fully prepared? Coming here rashly is just a matter of death!"

Everyone was shocked. Even Nie Qingcheng frowned slightly. She did not expect so many people to come. It seemed that Gu Yunfei was determined to capture her, even if she was unparalleled. , the fearless immortal warrior, but what about the others?

Even if she is safe and sound, I am afraid that no one who comes to Ji Mansion today will survive.

Many people fell into despair. In their view, today was a doomed day and there was no hope of survival. A well-dressed young man suddenly rushed out from the crowd and knelt down in front of the girl in white with a thud.

"Please let me go. I'm still young and don't want to die. As long as you don't kill me, I can do whatever you ask me to do. Didn't you say you want us to submit to you? I submit now!" The young man kowtowed. He cried and begged.

This young man is also a figure. He is a rich man with hundreds of millions of assets. He is usually personable, but he did not expect to be so weak at this time.

But this is understandable. He is about to die. Is the so-called integrity more important than life?

"Me too, and I will submit, as long as you don't kill me!"

Seeing that some people surrendered at first, other timid people immediately reacted and ran out and knelt in front of the girl in white, begging for mercy!

Although this kind of behavior is shameful, in a desperate life and death situation, there is no need for survival instinct.

People can be qualified to verbally scold.

Under normal circumstances, as long as someone is willing to surrender, most of the enemies will gladly accept the surrender. However, the next scene left everyone stunned.

The girl in white glanced at the young man and slapped him on the head with a palm. The young man screamed and said: "Why do you still want to kill me? I have already surrendered..."

The girl in white said indifferently: "A waste like you is not even qualified to be my experimental subject, so what's the use of keeping you?"


The young man's head was crushed by her, and the brains spurted out. With a wave of her backhand, the heads of the other surrenderers who were kneeling on the ground flew up, and the blood sprayed from the broken neck several meters high!


There was a sound of gasping for air. This scene was too bloody and cruel. With a wave of the hand, heads fell to the ground, which sent shivers down everyone's spine!

Originally, some people were planning to surrender, but such a scene made them stop immediately, because surrendering might lead to death faster!

However, someone moved at this time, it was Wan Jinglei and Zhuo Zhengping. They saw two groups of people striding away, but no one stopped them.

Some people wanted to follow him, but they only heard someone scream and fall in a pool of blood.

how so? Why can they leave?

When Wan Jinglei passed by Duan Qingxun, he said: "Qingxun, some people are not even qualified to kneel down and be a dog, but now I am willing to give you a chance."

Everyone immediately understood that the girl in white would not take action against Wan Jinglei and Zhuo Zhengping. Only those present could leave alive if they received their protection.

Duan Qingxun's expression suddenly changed

After a moment of silence, he looked at everyone in Ji Mansion and silently walked to Wan Jinglei's side.

So what if Ji Wufeng was very kind to the Duan family? At the critical moment of life and death, the only thing she can do is to protect herself wisely.

Seeing that Wan Jing Lei could protect them, some people immediately wanted to walk over, but as soon as they took a step, a cold light flashed through, and their heads rolled to the ground.

Wan Jinglei smiled and said, "I'm sorry, not everyone has such an opportunity."

Then he strode away with Zhuo Zhengping and his group. He only had to protect Duan Qingxun. As for the others, their life and death had nothing to do with him.

Everyone present suddenly fell into despair again. They were originally here to have a wedding banquet today, but unexpectedly they ended up risking their own lives.

"Is Gu Yunfei already unscrupulous?" Nie Qingcheng asked coldly.

A qualified conspirator would never do such a cold-blooded killing of surrenderers, unless he believed that his strength had reached the point of being unscrupulous!

With such a group of undead warriors in front of him, Gu Yunfei would only focus on elite masters such as Wu Chang and Kong Ming. Except for the top combat power, the rest of the weak forces were just ants in his eyes.

"The Lord said that he will rule the world!" The eyes of the girl in white were full of hot light.

"If Gu Yunfei wants to rule the world, I'm afraid he has to pass me first!"

Nie Qingcheng shouted softly, waved his palm, and a delicate dagger that had been broken into half flew through the air, and cold murderous intent burst out from his eyes!

The extremely sharp sword energy rose from the ground and slashed down across the sky. A dozen undead warriors were immediately sent flying. Before their bodies even hit the ground, they were already twisted into flesh by the extremely sharp sword energy. Mud, a cloud of blood mist exploded in the air!

Everyone was shocked. They had been frightened by the undead warrior, but they did not expect Nie Qingcheng to be so powerful.

He killed more than a dozen people, and they suddenly saw hope again, and their frightened eyes ignited with light!

Impermanence said in a deep voice: "Remember, you can't kill them by just hitting their vital points. You have to completely destroy their bodies to kill them completely!"

Immediately, Wu Chang rushed out, with the same technique as Nie Qingcheng. He chopped several undead warriors away with one sword, and then cut his body into pieces with the sharp sword energy.

In the past five years, Wuchang has been taught by Nie Qingcheng frequently. He has been influenced by Nie Qingcheng in the way of swordsmanship, and has even understood some of the essence.

Seeing that these undead warriors were not truly unkillable, everyone immediately rushed over to kill them. These people were all the elites of the younger generation in the martial arts world, with extraordinary combat power. After finding the correct method to kill the undead warriors, the results soon came to fruition.

A large number of undead warriors were instantly dismembered and unable to survive, but they themselves also suffered heavy losses, killing a thousand enemies and damaging themselves eight hundred!

The girl in white had been standing still, watching everything with cold eyes, and said with a cold smile: "Is this the elite of the Chinese martial arts world? They are so weak that they are not even as good as the defective products that have been eliminated from the base. It is so disappointing!"

Others did not hear the words of the girl in white, but Nie Qingcheng heard clearly that these undead warriors were just defective products facing elimination? Wouldn't qualified immortal warriors be more powerful?

But no matter what, although many undead warriors were killed, Nie Qingcheng was sure that these people were all cannon fodder. The girl in white didn't care at all, but her own side suffered heavy casualties!

If this continues, except for real masters like Wu Chang, no one will be able to survive. After all, there are too many undead warriors.

Must evacuate immediately!

The most important thing is of course the children. We must not let anything happen to them. Nie Qingcheng turned around and wanted to rush to the backyard to take Ji Tianlin and the others away. The girl in white sneered and said, "Go and stop her!"

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