In an instant, almost hundreds of undead warriors turned around and rushed towards Nie Qingcheng. Nie Qingcheng's eyes were sharp and he slashed out with a sword. Several more undead warriors were crushed to pieces. However, there were too many enemies. No matter how strong Nie Qingcheng was, he wanted to It would also take a long time to kill them all.

At this time, I heard a sudden scream coming from the backyard. It was the voice of Luoluo and others.

Nie Qingcheng immediately understood that the so-called top priority target among these people should not be her, but the brothers Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi.


Nie Qingcheng was angry. No matter how kind-hearted she was, if anyone dared to touch her blood relatives, she would instantly turn into a female murderer!

With one strike of the sword, at least twenty undead warriors were directly thrown away and turned into a ball of flesh before they hit the ground.

Everyone else also discovered that something happened in the backyard. Wu Chang and others rushed towards the backyard desperately. They saw a few undead warriors carrying Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi and fleeing into the distance. Ji Tianlin chased after them and shouted sternly. : "Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

Ji Tianlin was only ten years old, but he was unusually tall and tall, almost like a teenager. He seemed to have reached the pinnacle of Tianbu. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with an undead warrior and punched him hard.

But what was shocking was that, facing a half-grown child, the faces of those undead warriors were full of fear.


Ji Tianlin's fist struck the back of an undead warrior. The undead warrior immediately let out a scream and fell to the ground. Boom, his whole body was ablaze with flames.

In an instant, the undead warrior was burned to ashes by the fierce fire, leaving no bones.

Everyone was stunned, including Nie Qingcheng, what is going on? Even a master like Wu Chang had to put in a lot of effort to kill an undead warrior, but he was killed with a casual punch from Ji Tianlin.

And it burned with a bang. What happened?

The face of the girl in white who had been standing there suddenly changed, and she shouted sternly: "Kill them immediately!"

The undead warrior who caught Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi had a fierce look in his eyes, and stretched out his palm to grab the heads of Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi. Everyone was instantly shocked. With the terrifying strength of the undead warrior, if this really caught If you go down, the two little guys will be killed on the spot!

"No..." Lu Shuangshuang made a tragic voice and rushed over crazily.

The others also rushed forward desperately, and Nie Qingcheng was even more furious. He slashed out with a sword in the air, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The undead warriors were strangled into a bloody mist!

But they were too late to rescue them and could only watch Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi die on the spot!

In the Cave of Ten Thousand Ghosts, in the huge glass container, a naked young man seemed to sense something. His eyes that had been closed suddenly opened, and his eyes were full of frightening horror..."

At the same time, the aura of Ji Tianqi, who was grabbed by the neck, suddenly changed.

It was a terrifying aura of madness and murderous intent. Ji Tianqi's young face turned cold, and a pair of big, clear eyes were blood red, exuding a frightening demonic aura!

Click - click!

The moment the immortal warrior's fist fell towards Ji Tianqi's head, it was caught by one of his chubby little hands, and he twisted it casually.

With a crisp sound, the undead warrior's arm was torn off by him.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked by this scene. What is going on?

The characteristics of the undead warrior are extremely terrifying, and it would not be a big deal if an arm was torn off. However, the undead warrior let out an extremely tragic howl, and the wound on his broken arm actually caught fire with a roar, making a scorching and dazzling sound. of flame.

The undead warrior screamed crazily in the flames, and was finally burned to a pile of ashes!

Everyone was dumbfounded. Ji Tianlin's attack just now could set the undead warrior on fire, and the same was true for Ji Tianqi. Although everyone knew that these two brats were monsters, this was too weird.


A weird laugh suddenly burst out from Ji Tianqi's mouth. The moment he raised his head, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They saw that the originally childish face was actually filled with a cold smile, which made people's spine shiver. , two eyes were blood red, and there was a trace of black air.

He was obviously just a child, but everyone present felt a chill from the soles of their feet to the sky. Oh my god, why did this kid become so scary? It's like a little devil!

"Tianqi..." Lu Shuangshuang screamed.

Nie Qingcheng and others were also shocked. Ji Tianqi's current appearance was too weird, but this was not the first time everyone had seen him like this. Ji Wufeng went berserk and crazy before, just like a madman, which was exactly the same as Ji Tianqi's current state.

How could it be like this? This father and son actually have the same characteristics!

At this time, Ji Tianlin had already rushed over, looked at Ji Tianqi and said, "Ji Laoer, what's wrong with you?"


Ji Tianqi rolled his scarlet eyes and looked at Ji Tianlin. Ji Tianlin suddenly trembled. When he touched Ji Tianqi's eyes, he actually felt the threat of death.

But this threat soon disappeared. Ji Tianqi turned to look at the undead warrior who was still holding Luo Luo.

The immortal warrior was stared at by Ji Tianqi, and his body began to tremble. There was fear in his eyes, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing. He couldn't help but step back step by step, and said in a trembling voice: "You... don't come here... you don't come here. ah!"


Ji Tianqi stamped his foot on the ground, transformed his body and rushed over. Before the undead warrior could react, Ji Tianqi had already rushed to him.

A cruel scene appeared. Ji Tianqi stretched out his two small hands and grabbed the arms of the undead warrior, and tore them apart with force. With a hiss, a living person was torn in half by him.

Many people have fought against undead warriors, and they all know that the bodies of undead warriors are very hard, and ordinary innate strong men may not be able to chop them open even with a sword, but now Ji Tianqi easily tore them in half.

This strength is simply too terrifying.

The undead warrior was torn in half, but there was no bloody scene. The corpse burst into flames, and there was only a pile of ashes left in front of him!

In an instant, all the immortal warriors and the girl in white had expressions of fear on their faces, but what was puzzling was that their fear did not seem to be because of Ji Tianqi's power, but a natural fear that came from instinct. .

Just like a mouse, even if its body is taller than a dog, it will still be scared when it encounters a kitten! In an instant, almost hundreds of undead warriors turned around and rushed towards Nie Qingcheng. Nie Qingcheng's eyes were sharp and he slashed out with a sword. Several more undead warriors were crushed to pieces. However, there were too many enemies. No matter how strong Nie Qingcheng was, he wanted to It would also take a long time to kill them all.

At this time, I heard a sudden scream coming from the backyard. It was the voice of Luoluo and others.

Nie Qingcheng immediately understood that the so-called top priority target among these people should not be her, but the brothers Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi.


Nie Qingcheng was angry. No matter how kind-hearted she was, if anyone dared to touch her blood relatives, she would instantly turn into a female murderer!

With one strike of the sword, at least twenty undead warriors were directly thrown away and turned into a ball of flesh before they hit the ground.

Everyone else also discovered that something happened in the backyard. Wu Chang and others rushed towards the backyard desperately. They saw a few undead warriors carrying Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi and fleeing into the distance. Ji Tianlin chased after them and shouted sternly. : "Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

Ji Tianlin was only ten years old, but he was unusually tall and tall, almost like a teenager. He seemed to have reached the pinnacle of Tianbu. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with an undead warrior and punched him hard.

But what was shocking was that, facing a half-grown child, the faces of those undead warriors were full of fear.


Ji Tianlin's fist struck the back of an undead warrior. The undead warrior immediately let out a scream and fell to the ground. Boom, his whole body was ablaze with flames.

In an instant, the undead warrior was burned to ashes by the fierce fire, leaving no bones.

Everyone was stunned, including Nie Qingcheng, what is going on? Even a master like Wu Chang had to put in a lot of effort to kill an undead warrior, but he was killed with a casual punch from Ji Tianlin.

And it burned with a bang. What happened?

The face of the girl in white who had been standing there suddenly changed, and she shouted sternly: "Kill them immediately!"

The undead warrior who caught Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi had a fierce look in his eyes, and stretched out his palm to grab the heads of Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi. Everyone was instantly shocked. With the terrifying strength of the undead warrior, if this really caught If you go down, the two little guys will be killed on the spot!

"No..." Lu Shuangshuang made a tragic voice and rushed over crazily.

The others also rushed forward desperately, and Nie Qingcheng was even more furious. He slashed out with a sword in the air, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The undead warriors were strangled into a bloody mist!

But they were too late to rescue them and could only watch Luo Luo and Ji Tianqi die on the spot!

In the Cave of Ten Thousand Ghosts, in the huge glass container, a naked young man seemed to sense something. His eyes that had been closed suddenly opened, and his eyes were full of frightening horror..."

At the same time, the aura of Ji Tianqi, who was grabbed by the neck, suddenly changed.

It was a terrifying aura of madness and murderous intent. Ji Tianqi's young face turned cold, and a pair of big, clear eyes were blood red, exuding a frightening demonic aura!

Click - click!

The moment the immortal warrior's fist fell towards Ji Tianqi's head, it was caught by one of his chubby little hands, and he twisted it casually.

With a crisp sound, the undead warrior's arm was torn off by him.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked by this scene. What is going on?

The characteristics of the undead warrior are extremely terrifying, and it would not be a big deal if an arm was torn off. However, the undead warrior let out an extremely tragic howl, and the wound on his broken arm actually caught fire with a roar, making a scorching and dazzling sound. of flame.

The undead warrior screamed crazily in the flames, and was finally burned to a pile of ashes!

Everyone was dumbfounded. Ji Tianlin's attack just now could set the undead warrior on fire, and the same was true for Ji Tianqi. Although everyone knew that these two brats were monsters, this was too weird.


A weird laugh suddenly burst out from Ji Tianqi's mouth. The moment he raised his head, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They saw that the originally childish face was actually filled with a cold smile, which made people's spine shiver. , two eyes were blood red, and there was a trace of black air.

He was obviously just a child, but everyone present felt a chill from the soles of their feet to the sky. Oh my god, why did this kid become so scary? It's like a little devil!

"Tianqi..." Lu Shuangshuang screamed.

Nie Qingcheng and others were also shocked. Ji Tianqi's current appearance was too weird, but this was not the first time everyone had seen him like this. Ji Wufeng went berserk and crazy before, just like a madman, which was exactly the same as Ji Tianqi's current state.

How could it be like this? This father and son actually have the same characteristics!

At this time, Ji Tianlin had already rushed over, looked at Ji Tianqi and said, "Ji Laoer, what's wrong with you?"


Ji Tianqi rolled his scarlet eyes and looked at Ji Tianlin. Ji Tianlin suddenly trembled. When he touched Ji Tianqi's eyes, he actually felt the threat of death.

But this threat soon disappeared. Ji Tianqi turned to look at the undead warrior who was still holding Luo Luo.

The immortal warrior was stared at by Ji Tianqi, and his body began to tremble. There was fear in his eyes, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing. He couldn't help but step back step by step, and said in a trembling voice: "You... don't come here... you don't come here. ah!"


Ji Tianqi stamped his foot on the ground, transformed his body and rushed over. Before the undead warrior could react, Ji Tianqi had already rushed to him.

A cruel scene appeared. Ji Tianqi stretched out his two small hands and grabbed the arms of the undead warrior, and tore them apart with force. With a hiss, a living person was torn in half by him.

Many people have fought against undead warriors, and they all know that the bodies of undead warriors are very hard, and ordinary innate strong men may not be able to chop them open even with swords, but now Ji Tianqi easily tore them in half.

This strength is simply too terrifying.

The undead warrior was torn in half, but there was no bloody scene. The corpse burst into flames, and there was only a pile of ashes left in front of him!

In an instant, all the immortal warriors and the girl in white had expressions of fear on their faces, but what was puzzling was that their fear did not seem to be because of Ji Tianqi's power, but a natural fear that came from instinct. .

Just like a mouse, even if its body is taller than a dog, it will still be scared when it encounters a kitten!

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